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This video, titled "[Tare Sauce] The Recipe for My Secret Chashu Tare [Ramen] [PetitLucky] Vol.2. #Stayhome #WithMe #TogetherAtHome" (【タレ】某有名店秘伝のチャーシューダレのレシピを教えちゃいます【ラーメン】【プチラッキー】Vol.2 #StayHome #WithMe #家で一緒にやってみよう), was released by "COCOCOROチャンネル."

In this video, a chef from a beer bar in Chofu, Tokyo, shares his recipe for an excellent chashu tare.
The recipe in the video is for a commercial amount, so it uses 3.6 liters of soy sauce, but you can make it at home by adjusting the ratio to be the same.
The beauty of this recipe is that almost doesn't use any knives, just get the ingredients together and leave it to simmer.
You can make delicious sauce just by letting it sit overnight.

The sauce introduced in the video can be used for more than just chashu, so you can enjoy arranging it to suit your own needs!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Enjoy Delicious Pork Chashu Sauce Just Like What You'd Find in a Restaurant! The Chef of a Beer Bar in Chofu Shares His Secret Chashu Sauce Recipe!
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