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Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park

This video, titled "Peace Memorial Park," created by "Hiroshima Regional Sightseeing Information Website Hirotabi: Make a Trip to Hiroshima!," introduces "Peace Memorial Park" (平和記念公園) in Nakajima Town (中島町, Nakajimacho), Naka Ward (中区, Nakaku), Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture (広島県, Hiroshimaken) in the Chugoku Region (中国地方, Chugokuchiho) of Japan.

Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Prefecture was made near the hypocenter of the atomic bomb explosion to console the spirits of those who died in the bombing and to pray for eternal world peace.
Many visitors, not just from Japan, but from all over the world, come to visit Peace Memorial Park, whose construction finished in 1955 (Showa 30), 10 years after the atomic bomb was dropped.
It has become a place to remind ourselves of the terror of the atomic bomb and the importance of peace.

This article will introduce information about recommended spots to visit within Peace Memorial Park, as well as famous sites near Peace Memorial Park, tourist information about those nearby sites, and how to best enjoy your trip.
The video shows the entire view of Peace Memorial Park, the Atomic Bomb Dome (原爆ドーム, Genbakudomu), and the monument.
Seeing people silently praying, is enough to compel you to grieve for those lost in the tragedy and pray for world peace.

A Look at Peace Memorial Park

Image of Peace Memorial Park
Photo:Peace Memorial Park

Peace Memorial Park is a city park located on the delta where the two rivers of Hiroshima city diverge.
It is 122,100 square meters in size and was completed in August 1955.
It has no entrance fee, is open year round, and is truly a park that represents Japan.
You can see the entire view of the Peace Memorial Park from 0:06 in the video.

The park is home to 35 cenotaphs and memorials, as well as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (広島平和記念資料館, Hiroshimakinenshiryokan), the Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims (国立広島原爆死没者追悼平和祈念館, Kokuritsuhiroshimagenbakushibotsushatsuitoheiwakinenkan) and the International Conference Center Hiroshima (広島国際会議場, Hiroshimakokusaikaigijo).
You can access the Peace Memorial Park by taking a 20-minute train ride from JR Hiroshima Station (JR広島駅, JR Hiroshimaeki) to Atomic Bomb Dome Station (原爆ドーム前駅,Genbakudomumaeeki) on the Hiroshima Electric Railway (Streetcar).
There is no parking lot at the park, so we recommend using public transport such as a train or bus when you visit.

The Peace Memorial

Image of Atomic Bomb Dome
Photo:Atomic Bomb Dome

Peace Memorial Park is one of Japan’s most famous tourist destinations, chosen as one of the "Top 100 City Parks in Japan" and the "Top 100 Historical Parks in Japan."
The Atomic Bomb Dome, which conveys the terror of the atomic bomb, was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

The Atomic Bomb Dome used to be the Hiroshima Prefectural Products Exhibition Hall (広島県物産陳列館, Hiroshimakenbussanchinretukan) built in 1915, but was destroyed by the atomic bomb in World War 2.
The blast came from right above the building, and so the walls were left standing, and still remain to this day.
The Atomic Bomb Dome that can be viewed from the cenotaph for the atomic bomb victims, is a sight that you won't forget.
You can view the Atomic Bomb Dome at 0:15 in the video.

The Children’s Peace Monument (原爆の子の像,Genbakunokonozo), a bronze statue of a little girl lifting up an origami crane, consoles the spirits of those who lost their lives in the atomic bomb, and calls for peace.
There are origami crane booths around the statue, where strings of a thousand origami cranes from all over Japan are laid.
You can observe the Statue of Prayer (祈りの像, Inorinozo), a monument built on the 15th anniversary of the end of the war, and the Phoenix Trees Exposed to the Atomic Bomb (被ばくしたアオギリ,Hibakushitaaogiri), which sprouted the following year despite half of its trunk being burned by the atomic bomb from 0:47 in the video.

The sound of the Peace Bell (平和の鐘,Heiwanokane), which is rung as a prayer for peace, has been chosen as one of the "100 Soundscapes of Japan."
Also, if you can have the tourism volunteer guide show you around the model course inside the park, you can learn in depth about the history and famous areas of the park, making it a popular choice for tourists.

You can also take part in the Lantern Float (とうろう流し, Toronagashi) held on the river next to the Atomic Bomb Dome on August 6th.
You can feel the emotions of countless people come together as one, as the prayers for peace are reflected on the river.
The Lantern Float can be observed from 2:17 in the video.

Tourist Spots and Delicious Food Around Peace Memorial Park

Image of Ikushima walk dyed in ancient vermilion
©Michio_Matsuoka Modifying

A recommended tourist spot near Peace Memorial Park is Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社, Itsukushimajinja), a World Heritage Site and also one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Hiroshima and Japan.
The shinden-zukuri style building (a style of architecture used for nobles’ residences during the Heian period) on the sea is popular as a beautiful, instagrammable tourist attraction.

After visiting some tourist attractions, enjoy some local Hiroshima dishes!
There are many Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki restaurants near Peace Memorial Park.

Summary of Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima City

This video, Peace Memorial Park, gives a view of Peace Memorial Park and people praying for peace and for the souls of those who lost their lives in the bombing.
You may have seen Peace Memorial Park on television, but it looks completely different once you’re actually standing there.

Visiting Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, which was renovated in April 2019, to look at the exhibits of atomic-bomb-related materials and artifacts, and remembering the people who were lost on that day, is a life-changing experience.
We hope this article and video inspired you to visit Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Prefecture.

◆Hiroshima City Peace Memorial Park◆
【Address】〒730-0811 1-1 Nakajima Town, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
【Access】About 20 minutes by bus from JR Hiroshima Station.
【Admission fee】None
【Hours】All day (24 hours)
【Telephone No】082-504-2390

【Official Homepage】Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

【Tripadvisor】Hiroshima City Peace Memorial Park

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 16, 2020
I'm a writer who likes to eat good food wherever I go
Peace Memorial Park: A Place Where People From All Over the World Come to Pray for Peace in Hiroshima. The Tragedy of the Atomic Bomb, Which Must Never Be Repeated Again, Will Be Passed on to Future Generations Through This Memorial
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