Video article 3:03
The Niyodo River in Shikoku Is Famous for Having the Clearest Waters of All Rivers in Japan! Enjoy the Mystical World of the Crystal Clear Waters Coined "Niyodo Blue"!
Nature- 194 plays
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Niyodo River: The Best Water Quality in Japan! This video, titled "[4K] 仁淀ブルー:奇跡の清流 仁淀川(高知県 仁淀川水系)Niyodo River,the best water quality river in Japan.," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." When asked about famous rivers in the Shikoku region, most people picture the Shimanto River (四万十川, shimantogawa), but did you know there is an even prettier river in the area? I'm of course referring to the Niyodo River. As the third largest river in Shikoku, after the Shimanto River and Yoshino River (吉野川, yoshinogawa), it ranks number one year after year as the river with the best water quality in Japan. As you can see in the video, the crystal clear water of the Niyodo River is absolutely stunning and has been given the name "Niyodo Blue" after its mystical blue color. In the video, you can enjoy viewing the river from both above and below the surface of the water! Serpent Sanctuaries and Instagrammable Spots Near the Niyodo River Photo:Niko Deep, Kochi Prefecture Mt. Ishizuchi's (石鎚山, ishizuchisan) Omogo River in Ehime Prefecture (愛媛県, ehimeken) is the main water source for the Niyodo River and the streams that run through the valleys of Kochi Prefecture (高知県, kouchiken). Niyodo River is 124 kilometers long and has a surface area of 1,560 square kilometers. The river runs through mainly mountainous regions and the combination of both the beautiful natural surroundings and stunning blue color of the river makes the area very picturesque. From 1:50 in the video, you can see the basin of "Nikobuchi" (にこ淵), which is thought to be the home of the legendary eight-headed serpent Yamata no Orochi. On a sunny day during the hours of 11 am and 3 pm, the light shines directly into the pool and the blue color of the river is even more prominent. We highly recommend visiting Nakatsu Gorge (中津渓谷, nakatsukeikoku) and Yasui Gorge (安居渓谷, yasuikeikoku) during the fall to see the beautiful scenery. There are many beautiful spots along Nakatsu Gorge, such as Uryu Falls (雨竜の滝, uryuunotaki), Momiji Falls (もみじだき) and Ryugubuchi (竜宮淵). The special rocks called "Ishibashira" (石柱) are another great sightseeing spot. The pool of water known as "Suishobuchi" (水晶淵) along Yasui Gorge changes color from blue to green depending on the season and time of day. The contrasting colors of the fall foliage and the river attracts many visitors and the area has become a very popular tourist destination. In the second half of the video, from 2:09, you can see some of the low-water crossings found along Niyodo River. A distinguishing feature of these types of bridges is that they have no sides or guard rails, which allows them to blend easily into the surrounding nature creating a beautiful landscape. The Niyodo River Is Popular Among Both Locals and Tourists! Photo:Niyodo River, Kochi Prefecture In recent years the number of tourists visiting the Niyodo River has increased dramatically, but the river is still just as popular among the locals. The Niyodo River area has a population of approximately 110,000. In the middle reaches of the river, there's the multi-purpose Odo Dam (大渡ダム) and facilities for flood control and power supply development, which support the lives of people living in harmony with the Niyodo River. There are also several campsites in the area for those who'd like to spend the night in the beautiful outdoors. There are many fun activities to take part in, such as canoeing and rafting or you can simply go for a swim. There is also a stone skipping competition held here each year. The locals can often be seen playing in the river. In 2002, the Niyodo River was the most visited river in Japan. Not only is it the most beautiful river in Japan, it's also the most loved river by its locals. Summary of the Niyodo River Photo:The Niyodo River and a low-water crossing, Kochi Prefecture The mystical blue water of the Niyodo River captivates all who look upon it. The majority of the river is surrounded by mountains making it fairly difficult to access via public transportation. We recommend renting a car or taking a trip to the river by bike! There is a roadside station near the river with hot spring facilities where you can also spend the night, a perfect place to relax after a long day of sightseeing. For those who don't have a valid driver's license in Japan but still wish to visit the Niyodo River, please check out the Niyodo River Tourist Association (仁淀川観光協会, niyodogawa kankou kyoukai) website for more information on how to access the river via public transport (※Unfortunately the website is only in Japanese). Some of the roads from the car park to the spots introduced in the video can be slippery so please be careful when walking. If you still haven't yet, be sure to enjoy the mystical world of the beautiful, blue Niyodo River in the video. 【Tripadvisor】Niyodo River https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298233-d10383500-Reviews-Niyodo_River-Kochi_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 3:34
Spend a Blissful Time in Atera Valley in Nagano Prefecture's Kiso District, a Place of Fresh, Greenery! The Murmuring of the River, Full of Negative Ions, Will Soothe Your Soul!
Nature- 139 plays
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長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「新緑とエメラルドグリーンの阿寺渓谷・4K」です。 長野県木曽郡大桑村には現代日本で失われつつある雄大な景色・自然が楽しめる地があります。 こちらの動画で紹介する阿寺渓谷です。 こちらの記事では阿寺渓谷の魅力からその周辺情報に至るまでチェックしておくべき情報をまとめました。 長野県木曽郡大桑村の阿寺渓谷とは 阿寺渓谷は厳密に言うと、長野県と岐阜県にまたがっている阿寺山地を源流とし それを皮切りに支流の阿寺川は長野県が誇る一級河川の木曽川に流れ着くまでのほぼ全域を指します。 源流から木曽川に流れ着く過程で吉報の滝や犬帰りの淵などの名所・絶景スポットが点在しています。 またこの流域には学術面から文化的な一面を覗かせており、日本でもココ一帯だけにしか存在しないような希少種の生物や植物があるのです。 全長約20kmの阿寺渓谷のうち管理区間が約2/3となっています。 管理区間のうち阿寺渓谷入口からキャンプ場までをウォーキングで景色を見ながら散策することが一般的となっています。 さらに釣りの名所として阿寺渓谷は知られています。 阿寺渓谷へのアクセスおよび周辺情報 マイカーで向かう場合は阿寺渓谷入口付近に駐車場があります。 阿寺渓谷入口からすでにヒノキや岩などが見え、そこからでも雄大な自然を感じ取ることができます。 特に夏季は観光客が増加するシーズンですので、交通規制がかかってしまい不便な思いをしてしまうかもしれません。 鉄道を利用する人はJR野尻駅で降りて、そこからシャトルバスを利用しましょう。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」の楽しみ方 阿寺渓谷と言えばやっぱりエメラルドグリーンの清流とその周りにある新緑のヒノキ美林でしょう。 川のせせらぎと水しぶきがマイナスイオンを与え、癒されますね。 さすが長野県の信州が誇る人気スポット! さらに上流へ行くと『美顔水』という湧き水が流れていてそこで顔を洗うと色白美人になると噂されているので、それを求めてやってくる人もいます。 また自然を満喫する目的と合わせハイキングにもなります。 気候が変わる秋に訪れるとエメラルドグリーンの清流はそのままに周りの美林が紅葉へ姿を変えているので、夏とは違う景色が楽しめます。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介まとめ 長野県が全国に誇る新緑とエメラルドグリーンが特徴的な阿寺渓谷について紹介しました。 長野県に訪れるなら阿寺渓谷は外せません! 美しい絶景を写真に収めてあなたの歴史の1ページに! -
Video article 2:07
Why is Kakita River Spring Water, a Mysterious Clear Stream in Sunto-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Blue! Watch a video of the Kakita River, fed by melted snow from Mt! Also, the highlights of Kakita River Park with its power spots!
Nature Travel- 212 plays
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Video Introduction to the Kakita River, a Mysterious Clear Stream Rare in Japan, Located in Sunto-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture This video, titled "Explore the Enchanting Crystal Waters of Kakita River with 8KVR!!!" (『静岡県清水町』が制作の『神秘の清流 柿田川 〜8KVRで体験!空中散歩と絶景癒しスポット〜) was uploaded by "Shimizu, Shizuoka" (静岡県清水町). The Kakita River is Japan's shortest Class 1 river, one of the three clearest rivers in Japan along with the Nagara River and the Shimanto River, and is fed by spring water from Mt. Fuji. In 1985, the Kakita River was selected as one of the "100 Famous Bodies of Waters" by the Kakita River Spring Group because of the purity of its water. Be sure to take a look at the beautiful 8K VR video of the clear stream created by the spring water from Mt. Fuji. The Kakita River, a Clear Stream Filled With Spring Water From Mt. Fuji! Photo:Spring water at Kakita River Park The Kakita River is a Class 1 river in the Kano River system located in Shimizu, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai Region. It boasts the largest volume of spring water in Japan, and most of the water in the Kakita River is spring water from melting snow and rainwater from Mt. Fuji that seeps into the Mishima lava flow. It is one of the most unique rivers in Japan. It is one of the three clearest rivers in Japan and is also designated as a Natural Monument by the government of Japan in the category of geological minerals. The Kakita River stays at a cool 15°C throughout the year, with a constant volume, allowing the Mishima Baikamo, an underwater plant unique to rivers, to grow in abundance, nurturing a rich natural environment that provides comfort to the local people. At one time, factories moved into the area to exploit the abundant spring water, and the deteriorating quality of the water made it uninhabitable for fish. However, thanks to the efforts of the local people to improve the water quality and protect the habitat for kingfishers and various fish, the Kakita River continues to flow as a clear and transparent stream. What Gives the Kakita River Its Blue Color? Photo:Spring water at Kakita River Park Kakita River Park is located upstream of the Kakita River. Originally the ruins of Izumigashira Castle built by Hojo Ujiyasu, a daimyo known as "The Lion of Sagami," this historic place is home to one of the most photogenic spots on the Kakita River. The "Wakima," is one of the sources of the Kakita River and can be seen from the observation deck of Kakita River Park. This place was originally used as a well by a nearby factory. The blue-colored source seen from the second observation deck is a mysterious beauty and has become quite popular on Japanese social media. The Kakita River spring water appears blue because of the water's ability to absorb red light. The deeper the water gets, the bluer it becomes. The color of the spring water changes slightly depending on the season, weather, and time of day, but the deepest and most beautiful blue can be seen in the mornings during the summer. Highlights of Kakita River Park Photo:Kifune Shrine at Kakita River Park, Shizuoka In addition to the Wakima, you can also enjoy a picnic at Kakita River Park! You can rent a picnic set at the Shimizu Town Tourist Information Center "Wakura Kakita River" and have a picnic without having to bring your own equipment. You can also rent equipment for activities such as badminton, dodgeball, and Othello/Reversi. Kakita River Park is located in the town of Shimizu in Sunto Ward, not Shimizu Ward, so be sure not to mix them up if you plan on visiting! Kifune Shrine, famous for boosting one's luck in love, is located in Kakita River Park. This shrine is a branch of Kibune Shrine in Kyoto and is dedicated to the god of water, but it has become known as a shrine for praying for love. On the approach to the shrine, there is a stone monument, and touching the stone shaped like a rice ball is said to bring good luck. There is also a mizu-mikuji (water fortune) that when placed in water makes the characters appear, making it a popular power spot for couples and those seeking love. Restaurants Near the Kakita River Photo:Tofu cuisine at Kitchen Kawasemi There are a variety of restaurants and cafes near the Kakita River. At the roadside stop Yusui no Michi (湧水の道), adjacent to Kakita River Park, you can find Kitchen Kawasemi (キッチンかわせみ) and Shokuji-dokoro Kawasemi Honkan (食事処かわせみ本館) where you can enjoy tofu dishes using fresh spring water from the Kakita River. At Kitchen Kawasemi, you can enjoy cold tofu and yuba (tofu skin) the freshest wasabi. Coffee brewed with spring water from the Kakita River is also available. Shokuji-dokoro Kawasemi Honkan offers a kominka (traditional Japanese home) experience, with reservations given priority. Here, the serve bento boxed lunches with a choice of either hot tofu or cold tofu made the famous spring water from the area. Also nearby is a store where you can purchase tofu ice cream, firm or soft tofu made spring water, green rice crackers, and coffee beans called Kakitagawa Yusui Blend (柿田川湧水ブレンド). Stop by after a stroll in Kakita River Park! A Brief Overview of Shimizu, Shizuoka Shizuoka Prefecture is the 10th largest prefecture in Japan based on population (3.5 million), and is located 1 hour from Tokyo and Nagoya via shinkansen (bullet train). Shimizu is a small town located in northeastern Shizuoka with a population of just 32,000. It's close to both the sea and mountains and even hot springs. Summary of the Mysteriously Clear Kakita River The Kakita River is one of the smallest rivers in Japan, at approximately 1.2 km long. However, it's so transparent that it is one of the three clearest rivers in Japan. The blue spring water gushing up from the earth, which can be seen from the second observatory in Kakita River Park, is a popular, photogenic spot. Kakita River Park is also a sightseeing spot where families can enjoy picnics and outdoor activities during the spring and fall. Nearby is Sun to Moon Kakitagawa, a large commercial facility that includes a movie theater and a shopping mall. When sightseeing in Shizuoka Prefecture, be sure to stop by Shimizu! 【TripAdvisor】Kakita River Park -
Video article 0:40
Mysterious giant salamander appears in the Kamo River in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture! The ecology of this “living fossil” designated as a special natural monument is introduced!
Living Things- 4.43K plays
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Video Introduction of “Giant Salamander” Appeared in Kamogawa River, Kyoto, Japan This is a video of the Giant Salamander, a protected species, that appeared in Kyoto's Kamo River. The giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian. The characteristics of giant salamanders is their large body, which is approximately 150cm (~5 ft.) long. Giant salamanders have not changed in form since ancient times, and as such, they are referred to as "living fossils." What Are Giant Salamanders? Photo:Giant salamander Japanese Giant Salamanders belong to the animalia kingdom, chordata phylum, and amphibia class. They are also referred to as "Hanzaki" in Japanese. It is an endemic species living in the south western part of Japan. The mucus giant salamanders secrete on their skin smells like Japanese pepper (Sansho), so they are called "Sansho Uo" in Japanese. Chinese giant salamanders are very similar to Japanese giant salamanders. There's not much difference between Japanese giant salamanders and Chinese giant salamanders, and it is difficult to identify them based on appearance. In China, there is a theory that earthquakes occurs when giant salamanders appear. Are There Many Giant Salamanders Living in Kyoto's Kamo River? Photo:Kyoto As you can see in the video, giant salamanders are often seen in Kyoto's Kamo River basin. However, according to genetic research in the Kyoto area, the native species are extinct and the ones currently living in the city are likely to be non-native, hybrids, or a new species. In Kyoto, heavy rains and typhoons often cause the Kamo River to flood. After it rains, you can find salamanders that were washed downstream from Kumogahata village. The video begins with a giant salamander, over 1 meter in length, walking slowly along the path. It stops moving after 0:07, but you can see it slowly raising its head a couple of times. Giant Salamanders at the Kyoto Aquarium! Photo:Giant salamander At Kyoto Aquarium, there is a special display area of giant salamanders, and if you're lucky, you may even hear their low guttural call. You can also buy stuffed giant salamanders at the aquarium's souvenir shop. At the aquarium, more research is being done on giant salamanders. According to studies, the average life expectancy of a Giant Salamander is 80 years, but some live more than 200 years. Summary of the Giant Salamander at Kamo River Source :YouTube screenshot Many of you may have been surprised by the sheer size of the salamander in the video. There are many reports of salamander sightings along the Kamo River, so it's a good place to stop by when sightseeing in Kyoto. You can also visit the Kyoto Aquarium to learn more about the biology of the Japanese giant salamander. 【Official Website】Kyoto Aquarium- A short walk from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Station https://www.kyoto-aquarium.com/ -
Video article 7:40
Ezo Brown Bears Catching Lunch in the Outdoors of Hokkaido! See the 2-Meter-Tall Bears Snatching Fish From a River Right Before Your Eyes!
Living Things- 887 plays
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Introducing the Wild Brown Bears of Hokkaido This video, titled “Encountering Wild Brown Bears that are Catching Salmon @ Shiretoko Hokkaido 20131010(野生のヒグマと遭遇 サケを捕食@北海道 知床 20131010)” films two wild brown bears catching salmon that were swimming in the river. A brown bear is terrestrial mammal of the Ursidae family and their size is about the same as polar bears. Sub-species of foreign brown bears include Kodiak bears, Grizzly bears and Himalayan bears. The main sub-spices of brown bears which inhabit Hokkaido are called Ezo brown bears. This video is of wild Ezo brown bears catching salmon at the river, and it is a very rare sight. We hope you enjoy their fishing skills! What Kind of Animal Is the Ezo Brown Bear? Photo:Ezo brown bear One of the most well-known bears in Japan is the Asian black bear. These black bears actually inhabit the main island of japan. Ezo brown bears, on the other hand, inhabit forests in Hokkaido where the climate is generally colder. Ussuri brown bears are another bear that is a subspecies of brown bears. The Ussuri brown bear is also known as the Ezo brown bear. The size differs depending on the gender, with male bears being about 1.9 to 2.3 meters tall and weighing 120 kg to 250 kg. Female bears are about 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall, and are actually heavier than than males, weighing between 150 to 160 kg. Some of them are gigantic, weighing in at 450 kg. The Ezo brown bears inhabiting Japan are the largest kind of terrestrial animal in Japan. The number of Ezo brown bears is around 2,244 to 6,476 (as of 2013). The bears are known as omnivorous, and they like to eat fish, meat, and plants as well. The life span of a wild Ezo brown bear is about 30 years. They tend to live longer than different mammals. Highlights of Ezo Brown Bears Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows the viewers two Ezo brown bears hunting salmon at a river. It was filmed in October when the bears were getting ready for hibernation. From 4:21 in the video, we can see bears using both of their paws to catch salmon. At 0:18, one bear carries a salmon to the side of the river. At 4:54, the bears bring salmon ashore and comfortably enjoy their meals in peace. You'll be surprised by what happens at the end. Be sure to watch the full video so you don't miss out! The bears were so focused on their hunting that they didn't show any fear of the people filming them. Its incredibly rare that we see footage of Hokkaido's wild brown bears hunting. Be Aware of Wild Bears When Traveling to Hokkaido! Photo: Beware of Bears In Hokkaido, A study has been conducted to work on how to handle wild Ezo brown bears and ways of coexisting with them. There are several cases of humans being attacked by wild bears in Hokkaido. If you visit Hokkaido, please be aware that there are wild bears and research the areas in advance. Before your travels, please make sure that there are no wild bear alerts in the area you are traveling to. In order to keep bears away, have bells or turn on a radio to show them that humans are around. If you do encounter a wild bear, just think that bears are also afraid of humans. Screaming makes the bear scared, and it will enter into a defensive mode, and might try to attack you. Avoid running away from bears because bears tend to chase what’s running away from them. They can run up to 60km/h so the chance that they will catch you is extremely high . Instead of running away or screaming, try standing up on top of a rock or a log to make you look bigger and be intimidating. The most effective way to keep the bears away is to use a bear spray. Some people think bears are cute animals, and while this may be true, they are also dangerous as well. Please keep this in mind. Summary of Hokkaido's Wild Brown Bears If you are interested in learning more about brown bears, please visit a zoo, such as the Noboribetsu bear park, or the Showa Shinzan bear ranch. “Higuma Doughnuts” is a cafe in Meguro, Tokyo which uses selected ingredients from Hokkaido where brown bears live. If you visit Hokkaido, please visit a gift store to purchase some Hokkaido souvenirs. Be sure to check out the Ezo brown bears, the video is too adorable to miss! -
Video article 2:23
Enjoy a Powerful Rafting Trip on Tokushima Prefecture's Yoshino River in Central Shikoku! Experience an Exhilarating Whitewater Adventure in This Video!
Things to Do- 60 plays
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四国ライオンアドベンチャーの吉野川ラフティング紹介動画について こちらの動画は「アウトドア撮影隊 GOAT」が公開した「【吉野川ラフティング】 「四国ライオンアドベンチャー」公式movie (2016.07.22公開)」です。 迫力満点の川下り!時には岩の上から水面へジャンプ! 日本観光にでは綺麗な清流でラフティングを楽しんでみませんか? 四国のど真ん中を流れる吉野川では吉野川ラフティングが人気のアクティビティです。 今回紹介する動画は近年、訪日外国人にも人気の吉野川ラフティングをピックアップ! 四国ライオンアドベンチャーで「吉野川ラフティング」を楽しもう! 四国の徳島県小歩危(こぼけ)で吉野川ラフティングを体験できるのが四国ライオンアドベンチャー。 吉野川は激流として有名ですが、経験豊富なインストラクターが付き添い、安全に吉野川ラフティングを楽しむことができます。 四国ライオンアドベンチャー「吉野川ラフティング」の1日コースの見所 まず、受付が済んだら、移動中のバスで安全講習。 その後、川に着いたらボートに移りスリル満点の吉野川ラフティングの旅へ出発! 最初の難関が鉄橋の下の瀬。 動画に出てくる激流をこれから超える吉野川ラフティングの開幕です。 鉄橋の下の瀬を越えると森囲いの瀬で「小歩危」最大の難関。 別名でモーニング グローリーとの名を持ちます。 次にくる大滝の瀬は多くのボートが転覆するポイント。 ここを超えたら美味しいランチが待っています。 ランチを食べた後も「吉野川ラフティング」を堪能! 午後は曲がり戸の瀬。 小歩危最大の格差に挑戦です。 ここを越えたら後はゴールを目指すだけ。 ゴールに着いたら吉野川ラフティングをまた体験したいと思うはずです。 今日1日で吉野川の美しさや自然に満足したことでしょう。 四国ライオンアドベンチャー「吉野川ラフティング」をおすすめする理由 四国ライオンアドベンチャーは四国でも一番綺麗な小歩危(こぼけ)渓谷でラフティングを楽しめます。 また、粗谷渓谷(いやだにけいこく)にも近く、宿泊場所も多数あります。 疲れたら一泊してゆっくりされてみてはいかがですか? 四国ライオンアドベンチャー「吉野川ラフティング」紹介まとめ 四国ライオンアドベンチャーのコースの特徴は1日・半日コース(要予約)を選べます。 体力に少し自信がない方は半日コース。 吉野川ラフティングを満喫したい人は存分に1日体験。 みなさんも四国ライオンアドベンチャーで吉野川ラフティングを満喫してみてはどうでしょうか。 -
Video article 4:59
Komatsu's Crawler Dumpster CD110R Near the Uji River
Transportation- 22 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "River construction by Komatsu Heavy Industries, CD110R" (コマツ重機による河川工事 駆け巡るCD110R), was released by "OKはん." It shows the Uji River construction in December 2017. There are several heavy machines being used, but what is particularly eye-catching is the crawler dump truck running around in all directions without worry about the poor traction. Crawler dumpers can turn 360 degrees without having to change direction, so their movement is very smooth. The crawler dumper improves the efficiency of transporting on uneven or soft ground. This video shows how a crawler dump truck carries sand and soil scooped by an excavator out of a muddy area and onto land. -
Video article 12:08
Kyoto's Summer Attractions Introduced in Beautiful 4K! Cool River Terraces, Obon, the Goryo Festival, and More... Check Out Some of the Best Ways To Enjoy Summer in Kyoto!
Travel- 165 plays
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Tons of Fun To Be Had During a Summer Trip To Kyoto! This video, titled "[4K]Kyoto summer JAPAN 京都の夏 観光 旅行 五山 送り火 灯篭流し 清水寺 鴨川 納涼床 風物詩 川床 Festival August Trip Visiting Guide," was published by Discover Nippon. Kyoto is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan and is an ancient capital that has been around for more than 1,000 years. Kyoto, being a basin, gets very hot during summer! However, it's exactly because of Kyoto's harsh summers that there are many summer poems and cool spots that you can enjoy in the ancient capital. In this article, we'll introduce some of Kyoto’s summer traditions alongside a high-resolution video! Cool off Along Kyoto's Kamo River on the Way To Arashiyama Photo:Pontocho, Kyoto On days when it's so hot you start sweating just lying about, taking a stroll along the Kamo River to Arashiyama (嵐山, Arashiyama) is a great way to cool off and is a popular sightseeing route. There are many restaurants along the riverbank that offer platforms to cool off over the Kamo River, and we recommend enjoying a delicious lunch while soaking up the negative ions. This can be seen from 5:48 in the video. After that, consider checking out Arashiyama, one of the most popular tourist spots in Kyoto, and enjoy Togetsukyo Bridge (渡月橋, Togetsukyo) and other popular tourist spots in Kyoto? Gozan Okuribi - One of the Main Attractions of Kyoto During Summer Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto When it comes to summer in Japan, Obon is one of the most celebrated festivals. Gozan Okuribi has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan by the city of Kyoto as an important Bon event to send off ancestors to Buddhist paradise. The festival is nicknamed "Daimonji-yaki" (大文字焼き) because on August 16, during the sending off of ancestors during the Bon Festival, the character "大" meaning "big" (pronounced “dai”) is lit on Higashiyama after the sun goes down. Following Higashiyama, the characters "妙" and "法" (wondrous dharma, referring to Buddhism) are lit on Matsugasaki, a fire resembling a boat is lit on Nishigamo, and another "大" is lit on Kita Daisen. Lanterns then float down the river, illuminating the beautiful summer nightscape of Kyoto. This can be seen from 8:15 in the video. If You’re Visiting Kyoto in Early Spring, We Recommend the Goryo Festival Source :YouTube screenshot Shown at 3:33 in the video is the Goryo Festival (御陵祭り). This festival is held at Goryo Shrine, which is said to be the birthplace of the Goryo faith practiced in various parts of Japan. Since 2009, the parade of portable shrines through the city has been revived, making early summer sightseeing in Kyoto even more exciting! The Gion Festival - The Most Popular Event in Kyoto During the Hot Summer Months Photo:The Gion Festival, Kyoto The Gion Festival (祇園祭, Gion Matsuri), one of the three major festivals of Japan, is an event that heralds the arrival of summer in Kyoto. It's no exaggeration to say that Kyoto is consumed by the Gion Festival in July. The Gion Festival is a traditional festival held at Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto. The climax of the festival is Yamaboko Junko, a parade of floats through the city, held on July 17 and 24. On this day, many tourists dress up in kimono or yukata and enjoy the beautiful and majestic Yamaboko floats as they parade through the city. On the day of Yamaboko Junko, many travel agencies offer special tatami room dinner plans for tourists. When It Comes To Kyoto, the Temples and Shrines Are a Must-See! Photo:Ryozen Gokoku Shrine, Kyoto Touring shrines and temples is an essential part of sightseeing in the ancient capital of Kyoto, a place where one can feel the history in the air. Here we'll introduce a tour of temples and shrines in Kyoto that you can visit at night during the hot summer, as seen in the video. ・Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine (京都霊山護国神社, Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Jinja) (video 3:35-) Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine is a shrine dedicated to the spirits of the dead, and during the Mitama Festival, the shrine is lit up with many lanterns to welcome the spirits of the dead. ・Kiyomizudera Temple (清水寺, Kiyomizudera) (video 4:45-) In the summer, Kiyomizudera Temple hosts "Sennichi-mairi," a thousand-day pilgrimage where you can accumulate the virtue of a thousand days by visiting the temple for just one. On this day, there is also a special "Yoi-mairi" event that allows visitors to visit Kiyomizudera Temple at night making the temple bustling with visitors all day long. Gourmet Food in Kyoto You Don't Want To Miss When Sightseeing! Photo:Japanese sweets Kyoto is a city where you can enjoy a variety of gourmet foods from all over the country, but this time I want to recommend some gourmet spots between Nijo Dori and Gojo Dori. The area is lined with popular Kyoto kaiseki restaurants, international cuisine, and famous Japanese confectionery shops. Summary of Summer Sightseeing in Kyoto Photo:Kaju-ji Temple, Kyoto Kyoto is a popular tourist destination with many sightseeing spots, such as temples, shrines, and rich natural scenery that attract tourists all year round. The beautiful green maple leaves at Kifune Shrine (貴船神社, Kifune Jinja), "Kyo no Tanabata" at Nijo Castle, and the lotus blossoms at Kaju-ji Temple (勧修寺, Kajuji), a place famous for its cherry blossoms, are all places that you won't want to miss during your summer sightseeing adventure in Kyoto. In Kyoto, the roads are laid out in a grid formation, a remnant of Heian-kyo (平安京, Heian-Kyo), and the entire city is seemingly one massive tourist destination. During the harsh summer months, it's popular to take a one-day tour of Kyoto's sightseeing spots on a rickshaw with a sunshade, as you can see at 1:37 in the video. -
Video article 3:45
Kushiro Marsh: A Second Amazon River! Enjoy an Amazing 360-Degree View Nature! Sightseeing, Nature, Delicious Food, and Relaxation in Hokkaido's Kushiro City! 110% Fun!
Local PR Travel Nature- 375 plays
- YouTube
Kushiro City, Hokkaido This video “KUSHIRO Hokkaido Japan in 8K HDR - 釧路 [summer ver.]" (KUSHIRO Hokkaido Japan in 8K HDR - 釧路 [summer ver.]), produced by “KUSHIRO Hokkaido Japan,” is a promotional video of Hokkaido's "Kushiro city," located in the eastern area of Hokkaido. You can see sightseeing destinations and specialties of Kushiro City in high, 8k quality footage. Kushiro city, a city facing the Pacific Ocean, is located on the eastern side of Hokkaido. Here, you can enjoy the abundant nature of Kushiro city, and the wildlife unique to the area. Access to Hokkaido Kushiro city is best done by plane, using the Kushiro Airport. There are flights from Haneda Airport (Tokyo International Airport) and Itami Airport (Osaka International Airport) to Kushiro Airport. This video captures the charm of Kushiro City, Hokkaido, in under 4 minutes. It looks like summer, with the large green expanse spreading out to the horizon. We hope you enjoy the video clip of Kushiro city, Hokkaido, the largest wetland in Japan. The Most Famous Sightseeing Spot in Kushiro- Kushiro Marsh Photo:Kushiro Marsh, red crowned cranes “Kushiro Marsh” is the largest marsh in Japan, spanning 4 cities and towns in Hokkaido, including Kushiro city. This marsh is designated as natural wildlife reserve, and wildlife, such as “red crowned cranes” and “white tailed sea eagles,” that can be found no where else, live here. Also, it has been registered under the Ramsar Convention since 1980, to protect the important marsh through international cooperation. “Kushiro Marsh Observatory” is a popular spot among Kushiro city’s many sightseeing spots. From this observatory you can see a 360 degree view of Kushiro Marsh's scenery.Experience a spectacular view reminiscent of the Amazon. Also, this is one of the best spots in Hokkaido perfect for taking beautiful Instagram photos. The observatory hall displays a replica of precious flora and fauna from “Kushiro Marsh.” There are also Kushiro Marsh satellite observatories along the loop trail, which is 100% barrier-free, so be sure to check it out! Hosooka Observatory, near the Kushiro Marsh Station on Senmo Line, which runs through Kushiro Marsh, is another place we recommend. Enjoy the Great Outdoors From Kushiro Marsh's Hiking Course Photo:Kushiro Marsh, Hiking To those who want to experience the untamed lands of Kushiro Marsh directly, we recommend Onnenai wooden walkway and Tsurui track course at the "Onnenai Visitor Center." The Onnenai wooden walkway is a roughly 2 km course at Kushiro Marsh, and it takes you along a hiking course where you can breathe in the refreshing air of the Kushiro wetlands. Quite different from sightseeing in the city. The hiking course also has a 100% barrier-free route, so it's great for those using wheelchairs, or families with strollers. The Panoramic View From Kushiro Marsh's "Norokko Train" Photo:Kushiro Marsh Norokko Train Train fans don't want to miss the Kushiro Marsh Norokko Train. Norokko Train is a train that runs between Kushiro and Toro, and it is quite popular among the many trains of Hokkaido. The 36-degree view of Kushiro Marsh from the window makes you feel as if you have come to another world. If you're lucky, you might be able to see some of the wildlife in Kushiro Marsh. Enjoy Canoeing Down the Great Kushiro River Photo:Kushiro Marsh If you're a fan of the outdoors and want to move your body, we recommend Kushiro River’s canoe tour. In this river tour, you slowly sail through the calm waters of Kushiro River by canoe, and enjoy the nature of Kushiro. You can enjoy another view of “Kushiro Marsh” from the river, which is a vastly different take from the view at the observatory. The canoe tour has many plans: the 90 minute tour, 1 day tour, and the secret location tour. Choose the one that best fits your schedule, or even schedule around which plan you want to enjoy. Sightseeing in Kushiro City, Hokkaido Kushiro Marsh and Kushiro River are not the only sightseeing spots near Hokkaido's Kushiro City. At the foot of Oakandake, there is Lake Akan (Akanko) where spherical moss live, as well as the Akanko Hotspring village. Challenging hiking the Meakandake near the Oakandake is also nice. The mysterious lake “Onneto” is one of the 3 major secret lakes in Hokkaido, and changes its color by time and the angle you view it from. This is introduced from 1:03 in the video. There are many sightseeing spots where you can enjoy beautiful, scenic views, for example, Shakubetsu Hill which is popular among train enthusiasts as the best location for the Nemuro Line as it runs through fields. There 's also the popular fishing spot Onbetsu Shore, the 24 hour operated international Kushiro Harbor, the European style Musamai Bridge that spans the Kushiro River, and the Musamai Rotary, as well as the Takimi Bridge which is a great place to view the beautiful autumn leaves, and the Ainu Kotan village where only about 120 people live. Dining in Kushiro, Hokkaido Photo:Seafood rice bowl This video introduces not only Kushiro's great nature and places of interest, but also many of the city's popular local delicacies. At Kushiro Washo Market, there are many kinds of seafood on display, and Katte Don (a type of seafood bowl in which you pick your own choice of seafood) is a very popular dish. We highly recommend this seafood market, for both delicious seafood and sightseeing, when visiting Kushiro. The fishing industry is quite popular in Kushiro City, with the largest amount of saury landings in Japan. This is seen at 2:02 in the video. There are many other attractive dishes to try in Kushiro, for example, Kushiro soba and Kushiro ramen, soba sushi, Ganpeki Robata located in Kushiro Fisherman’s Warf, MOO, and Kushiro Robata’s robatayaki. By the way, did you know that the soul food of Hokkaido, zangi, originated in Kushiro? You can see these popular Kushiro delicacies from 1:15 in the video. Summary of Kushiro, Hokkaido Please watch this video to learn more about the wonders of Kushiro, which this article can't even begin to describe. There's a lot more to see in the video, and we highly recommend you watch it to see the Ainu’s traditional historical event "Iomante’s Fire Festival," from 3:27. If this video has you interested in Kushiro city, consider booking a trip there the next time you come to Japan! Hokkaido is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, and there is a good selection of buses, car rental services, and hotels, so you won't have any trouble getting around. You'll be amazed at the charm, spectacular scenery, beauty, culture and history of Kushiro city, Hokkaido. 【Official Website】Hokkaido Kushiro City’s City Hall Website (English site) https://www.city.kushiro.lg.jp/machi/foreign%20languages/page2001.html 【Official Website】Kushiro/Akanko Travel Guide Official Website, SUPER FANTASTIC Kushiro Lake Akan (English site) https://en.kushiro-lakeakan.com/ -
Video article 6:19
Truly Breathtaking! Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate and Hinokinai River Are Two of the Most Famous Cherry Blossom Sites in the World! Enjoy the Sight of This Historical Village in Akita Prefecture Dyed Pink by Cherry Blossoms!
Travel- 647 plays
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Akita - One of the Most Famous Cherry Blossom Sites in the World This video, titled "KAKUNODATE|A Famous Cherry Blossom Spot in Tohoku|Bukeyashiki Street and Hinokinai River Bank, Akita|4K UHD Cherry Blossoms, Akita Tohoku Japan" (KAKUNODATE 東北の桜名所 秋田・角館武家屋敷通りと桧木内川堤の桜並木 4K UHD Cherry Blossoms, Akita Tohoku Japan), was uploaded by "Japan Videography." Cherry blossoms are now a popular flower all over the world, but many of them were selectively bred in Japan and have been designated as protected species. The Yoshino Cherry, which came to be in the Edo period (1603 to 1868) is exported the most around the world and many people enjoy viewing it during the blooming season because of its beauty. Japan is said to be a mecca for cherry blossom fans around the world, which means that Japan's cherry blossom viewing spots are some of the best in the world. This is a 4K video showing Yoshino Cherry trees along Kakunodate's Bukeyashiki (武家屋敷, Samurai Residence) Street and the Hinokinai River in Akita Prefecture, which are said to have the most beautiful rows of weeping cherry trees in Japan. Enjoy the beautiful footage of the entire area dyed pink. The History of Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:39 in the video, Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate is a sightseeing destination in Semboku, Akita. The samurai residences of the Edo Period stand side by side in a 2 km radius, and in the spring, beautiful weeping cherries on the stylish black fences, decorate the street. Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate is called "the Little Kyoto of Michinoku" and every year during the cherry blossom season, many tourists from both Japan and abroad come to enjoy the contrast between the gorgeous weeping cherries and solemn samurai residences. Kakunodate is a historical castle town that has thrived since the Edo period. Akita was ruled by the Satake clan, and the Kakunodate of today is the domain of Satake Yoshichika who was the first deputy of the Satake Clan of Kakunodate, and his birthplace still retains its former appearance. The history of Kakunodate as a cherry blossom site began when the feudal lord of the Satake domain who loved cherry blossoms brought in a weeping cherry from Kyoto and planted in his garden. Now, there are approximately 400 cherry blossoms stretching from Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate to Hinokinai River. It has also been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan. You can see weeping cherries filling Bukeyashiki Street from 1:26 in the video. The Yoshino Cherries Along Akita's Hinokinai Riverbank Source :YouTube screenshot The Hinokinai Riverbank, shown from 3:04 in the video, is a bank built along the Hinokinai River, that runs behind Bukeyashiki Street. Unlike the weeping cherries on Bukeyashiki Street, the ones planted here are Yoshino Cherries. The Yoshino Cherries on the banks of Hinokinai River were first planted in 1934 to commemorate the birth of the Emperor. Why not visit to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms and experience the history of Japan? When are the "Kakunodate Cherry Blossom Festival" and "Someiyoshino cherry trees on the Hinokinai River bank" at their best? Photo:Cherry blossom tunnel, Akita Prefecture Both Kakunodate Takeya Residence Street and Hinoki Uchikawa Tsutsumi Somayoshino will be at their best in late April and late May. The Kakudate Cherry Blossom Festival is held at its best, and not only cherry blossom viewing during the day, but also illuminated night cherry blossom viewing, stalls and stages are also held, making it crowded with many people.2024 will be held from April 15th to May 5th. "If you are visiting during this time of year, you can enjoy gourmet food such as sweetfish fishing, oyakodon of Akita's local specialty "Oyakodon," "Inaniwa Udon," and beautiful Japanese sweets, and experience visiting the birch museum." There is also a shop nearby that rents a set of kimonos, so taking a walk while riding a rickshaw along a row of cherry trees in Japanese clothing is also a stylish way to enjoy it. Summary of Kakunodate Source :YouTube screenshot The cherry blossoms along Bukeyashiki Street in Kakunodate and Hinokinai River in Akita have been designated a National Site of Scenic Beauty. Akita is located in the northwestern part of Honshu, so the cherry blossoms bloom later than the Kanto region. There is a live camera on Bukeyashiki Street, so you can check out what the bloom is like on the website. Bukeyashiki Street is about a 20-minute walk from JR Kakunodate Station. Check the website for information on nearby sightseeing spots and parking. 【Official Website】Live Camera https://www.city.semboku.akita.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hinokinai River https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022324-d15296391-Reviews-Hinokinai_Kawa_Tustusmi-Semboku_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:20
Soak up the Beautiful Scenery Around the Oi River and Enjoy the Fascinating Historical Sites in Shimada, Shizuoka! Don’t Miss the Steam Locomotive Running Through Town, Either!
Local PR- 184 plays
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Shimada, Shizuoka "Shimada, Japan in 8K HDR – Shimada Together with Oi River" (島田市 大井川と生きるまち) is a video created by "Shimada JAPAN," which introduces the charms of Shimada in Shizuoka Prefecture. Shimada is a tourist destination replete with attractions such as the beautiful Oi River flowing through the city, historical sites, and local specialties like green tea. It's a place rich with nature and abundant with photogenic spots perfect for your Instagram. It's a well-recommended destination for anyone seeking to enjoy the scenery and different food cultures of Japan. In this article, you'll find some of the most famous tourist attractions and hidden areas in Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture. The Attractions of the Famous Tourist Destination Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, in the Tokai Region (東海地方, Tokai-chiho) is a place of various attractions such as culture and history, centered on scenic spots with beautiful nature. The Oi River that cuts through Shimada is the symbol of the town and there are many popular sightseeing spots in the vicinity. Particularly popular is the Oigawa Main Line (大井川本線, Oi-gawa Honsen) operated by Oigawa Railway Company (大井川鐵道株式会社, Oi-gawa Tetsudo Kabushiki-gaisha) which is full of opportunities to take nice photos with its rare steam locomotives and beautiful scenery. Thomas from Thomas & Friends is here as well. There are many highlights, such as the nostalgic, wooden Ieyama Station, the historic railway bridge, the sight of a steam locomotive running through town, and the cherry blossoms in the spring. We recommend visiting Kawane Onsen Fureai Spring (川根温泉ふれあいの泉, Kawane Onsen Fureai-no-Izumi) and Roadside Station Kawane Onsen (道の駅川根温泉, Michi-no-eki Kawane Onsen) to relax and wind down after a day of sightseeing. In the video, you can see Kawane Onsen Sasamado Station from 1:11 and the steam locomotive from 2:24. In front of Shin-Kanaya Station, which is the base of the Oigawa Railway, there is an SL express ticket sales counter, a souvenir shop, a coffee shop, and the SL Museum at Plaza Loco. Shimada is famous as "the most green tea-loving city on earth" and produces delicious tea leaves. This is shown at 0:11 in the video. You can also see how the artisans make green tea. The production of other seasonings such as miso and soy sauce, which can be seen at 1:46 is also popular. Shimada is also characterized by its mild climate, which is pleasant all year round. Enjoy touring around Shimada on a beautiful sunny day! Historical Sites in Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, is full of tourist sites where you can learn about Japan's history. Chimanji Temple (智満寺, Chiman-ji), which can be seen at 1:03 in the video, is a temple with a long history and is said to have been revered by warlords, such as the Tokugawa Shogun. The main deity, the Senju Kannon, has been designated an Important Cultural Property, and its imposing form is a sobering sight. Suwahara Castle Ruins (諏訪原城跡, Suwahara-joseki) is the ruins of a historic castle from the Warring States Period (戦国時代, Sengoku-jidai) and where Suwa-daimyojin (諏訪大明神, Suwa-daimyojin) was enshrined. The ruins are surrounded by tea fields creating a unique landscape. There are also many other historical sites, such as the Shimada-shuku Oi River Kawagoshi Ruins (島田宿大井川川越遺跡, Shimada-shuku Oi-gawa Kawagoshi-iseki), Oi Shrine (大井神社, Oi-jinja), the Fujinokuni Tea Museum (ふじのくに茶の都ミュージアム, Fuji-no-kuni Cha-no-miyako Museum), Shimada Museum (島田市博物館, Shimada-shi Hakubutsukan), and more. Scenic Areas in Shimada, Shizuoka Shimada, Shizuoka has many places where you can enjoy the natural scenery as well. Makinohara Park (牧之原公園, Makinohara-koen), is a signature scenic spot in Shimada with Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fuji-san) in front of it, Suruga Bay to the right, and the Minami-Alps (南アルプス, Minami-Alps) to the left. From here, you can observe the Oi River and the tea fields, capturing every the beautiful natural scenery of Shimada. Other places we recommend are Horai Bridge (蓬莱橋, Horai-bashi), shown from 2:09 in the video, Shimada Rose Hill Park (島田市ばらの丘公園, Shimada-shi Bara-no-oka Koen), and Makinohara Highland (牧之原台地, Makinohara-daichi). You can see a spring view with blooming cheery blossoms at 2:45 in the video as well. You can also enjoy festivals and events such as the Kawane Sakura Festival (かわね桜まつり, Kawane Sakura-matsuri), where thousands of Somei Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom. Summary of Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot "Shimada, Japan in 8K HDR – Shimada Together with Oi River," created by "Shimada JAPAN," is a video introducing the nature and culture of Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture. One day is probably not enough to look around the city with all of the appealing tourist attractions it has to offer, but there are many hotels in the area, so you can also stay overnight. Shimada in Shizuoka Prefecture is a great place to visit for those looking to relax in the tranquil landscape of Japan. Consider visiting Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, on vacation to rid yourselves of all the stress and exhaustion of everyday life. 【Official Website】Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture City Hall Homepage https://www.city.shimada.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 6:11
The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival Is One of the Five Major Festivals in Tagawa, Fukuoka, With 2 Portable Shrines and 11 Colorful Nobori Yamakasa Floats Crossing the River!
Festivals & Events Travel History- 234 plays
- Vimeo
The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival "#02 KAWAWATARI JINKOSAI" (#02 風治八幡宮 川渡り神幸祭) is a video created by "Higashikara." It introduces Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival (Fuji Hachimangu Kawawatari Jinkosai) in Tagawa, Fukuoka. The "Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival" is one of the five major festivals of Fukuoka and the largest in the Chikuho region. The five major festivals in Fukuoka include “Oniyo (Kurume),” “Hakata Gion Yamakasa” (Hakata, Fukuoka), “Kokura Gion Daiko” (Kokurakita, Kitakyushu), and “Tobata Gion Yamakasa” (Tobata, Kitakyushu). This article introduces the history and highlights of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival, which is listed an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Fukuoka. The video shows the powerful river crossing and colorful floats of the festival. What is the "Fuji Hachimangu Shrine Kawawatari Shinko Matsuri"? What is the schedule? Source :YouTube screenshot The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival, one of the five major festivals of Fukuoka, is held on the third Saturday and Sunday in May. 100,000 people visit to see the festival; twice the population of Tagawa. Eleven Nobori Yamakasa of the Uji clan, cross the Hikosan River (彦山川, Hikosangawa) accompanied by grand mikoshi (portable shrine) of Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine and the mikoshi of Shirotori Shrine (白鳥神社, Shirotorijinja). Nobori Yamakasa are portable shrines and floats with colorful flags. They can be seen throughout the video from 0:17, 3:01, and 4:45. Nobori yamakasa are decorated with five colored flags, which represent the image of rice plants and wish for bountiful harvests and good health. The highlight of the festival is “Gaburi,” in which the yamakasa is swung back and forth in the Hikosan River to splash one another. This is shown from 4:55 in the video. The Origin and History of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival has a long history, dating back 450 years (1558 to 1569). The origin of the festival is said to be the outbreak of an epidemic disease in Itamachi. The villagers prayed to Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine, the village's guardian deity, for an end to the epidemic and offered a nobori yamakasa as a sign of their gratitude. In 1970, it was listed as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Fukuoka. Highlights of the Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is held in the Hikoyama River area between the Uomachi, Banda and Kawabata districts of Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The main event of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is the river crossing between the Shinbashi and Banda bridges of the Hikoyama River. The festival is only about 30 minutes by car from Kyushu Expressway's Yahata Interchange, and is a short walk from the nearest station, Tagawa Ita Station on the JR and Heisei Chikuho Railway. Free parking is available during the festival, but it can get very crowded, so we recommend using public transportation. The festival has a story where the god of Fuji Hachimangu gets on a float and goes on a trip to Otabisho across the river and stays for 1 night and 2 days. The first day of the festival is called “Okudari” and the second day is called “Onobori.” The course on the second day is the opposite of the first day and returns to Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine. On the first day, “Fujihachimangu Jinkosai Shigyo” takes place. The shintai is transferred to a Mikoshi and prepares for departure. The shintai must not be seen by the public, and the body of the deity is hidden behind a white curtain and moved into the portable shrine. This can be seen at 0:47 in the video. After that, the parade is carried out through the town and is filled with sounds of whistles and drums. “Odachi no Shishimai” is also performed to pray for the safety of the festival. This can be seen at 4:00 in the video. There are food stalls and night stalls lining the streets as well. Finally, the main event of the festival- the river crossing. This is shown at 4:18 in the video. First, a mikoshi with a shintai goes enters the river, accompanied by a brightly colored nobori yamakasa. Water is poured on the pullers and the bearers and the mikoshi is swung up and down, splashing water all about. This is called “Gaburi.” The powerful splashing of the mikoshi is incredible. It can be seen at 5:45 in the video. Summary of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival Did you enjoy learning about the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival? You can enjoy the powerful festival and beautiful nobori yamakasa by watching the video. Fukuoka is famous for Hakata Gion Yamakasa, but the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is also amazing. If you can, we recommend lining up your visit to Fukuoka with the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival! -
Video article 4:02
A Myriad of Tourist Attractions Await You in Hidaka Village, Kochi Prefecture! Enjoy a Relaxing Vacation in the Village Alongside the Niyodo River, the Cleanest Stream in Japan!
Local PR Travel- 526 plays
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Hidaka's Promotional Video This video, titled "Hidaka, Kochi Prefecture Promotional Video," introduces Hidaka in Takaoka County (高岡郡, Takaokagun), a little-known tourist site with beautiful scenery. Hidaka carries out a number of tourism promotions under "Ryoma Challenge" to reinvigorate the community. The village is home to hundreds of artistic landscapes and fascinating tourist spots. Hidaka stands around 16 km away from Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, and is about 30 minutes away by car. This 4-minute clip encapsulates the vast wonders of Hidaka. Yes, such an attractive village exists in Kochi Prefecture! Please, enjoy the video. Recommended Tourist Sites Source :YouTube screenshot The Nagoya Sinking Bridge (名越屋沈下橋, Nagoya Chinkabashi), the tasteful bridge introduced at the beginning of the video, abridges the Niyodo River captured at 3:29 in the video. You'll get to enjoy photogenic scenery by getting a ride on a Yakatabune in the miraculous Niyodo River; the river with the cleanest water in Japan. The Niyodo River Cycling Course, Kusaka River Retention Basin (日下川調整池, Kusakagawa Choseichi) and the nature around Mt. Otaki (大滝山, Otakisan) are some of the most recommended tourist sites. The vast Hidaka is also abound with golf courses such as Green Feel Golf Club and Mt. Nishiki (錦山, Nishikiyama) Country Club. Hidaka hosts Cosmos Festival and a fireworks festival, so we recommend scheduling your vacation around the events. The Historical Sightseeing Spots of Hidaka Photo:Saruta Cave Tosaninomiya Omura Shrine (土佐二宮小村神社, Tosaninomiya Omurajinja), introduced from 0:35 in the video, stores Wooden Bosatsu Masks (木造菩薩面, Mokuzo Bosatsu Men), designated as an Important Cultural Property by the government, and Kondosokantachigoshirae・Tachimi (an ancient sword), a National Treasure. Botan Cedar (牡丹杉, Botansugi), planted in the shrine property, is said to have torched itself when there was something unusual in the village. Hidaka Washi Factory (ひだか和紙工場, Hidaka Washi Kojo), which produces a traditional local specialty of Hidaka, ‘Yakimonozukuri Mohei Kiln (茂平窯, Moheigama)’ in Mohei’s Village (茂平の里, Moheinosato), Ono Kuwa Factory (大野くわ製造処, Onokuwaseizoudokoro) and Hidaka Sake Brewer Hall (日高酒造ホール, Hidakashuzohoru) are places to visit! Exploring the Saruta Cave (猿田洞, Sarutado) introduced from 3:12 in the video is definitely an unforgettable experience as well! Dining in Hidaka Photo:Tea Plantation Introduced from 1:05 in the video, is Tosa Tea (土佐茶, Tosacha) of Kiriyama Tea Field (霧山茶園, Kiriyamachaen). Hojicha, made from tea leaves cultivated in a warm climate, is unbelievably delicious! The sweets using sugar tomatoes, Imokenpi, and Imo Chips, both a product of Imoya Kinjiro Hidaka Honten, are popular in Hidaka. In addition, Hidaka is famous for Omurice (Omelette rice). If you are visiting Omurice Street (オムライス街道, Omurice Kaido), be sure to enjoy the special Omurice lunch at "Mura Café Hidaka," a restaurant located inside Village Station Hidaka, Summary of Hidaka Hidaka is popular for its calm climate. Currently, its population is just below 5,000, but migrants have increased as of late. Many Onsen Ryokan (hot spring inns) and hotels are located in Hidaka, so you can enjoy luxurious tourist routes over the course of a few days. If you are interested in the tasteful scenery shown in the video, be sure to give Hidaka a visit! 【Tripadvisor】Hidaka https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121460-Hidaka_mura_Takaoka_gun_Kochi_Prefecture_Shikoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 14:19
Tatsuno, Hyogo - From the Beautiful Natural Scenery of the Ibo River to the Historical Tatsuno Castle and Classic Summer Food Ibonoito Somen, There's Almost Too Much Sightseeing To Be Done Here!
Local PR Travel- 202 plays
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Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture This video, titled "Tatsuno City Tourism PR Video (Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture)" (たつの市観光PR動画(兵庫県たつの市)), was released by "Tatsuno City Kouhou." The city of Tatsuno, located in the southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture, is also called the "Little Kyoto of Harima" and retains its unique Japanese atmosphere. So, what kind of tourist spots is Tatsuno, Harima home to? Tatsuno Castle, a landmark in Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Uzumi-mon Gate, Tatsuno Castle Tatsuno Castle, a landmark of Tatsuno, Hyogo, which can be seen from 3:07 in the video, is a historic castle standing on the hills of Tatsuno, Hyogo. Tatsuno Castle, built by Akamatsu Murahide about 500 years ago, is small in size but has a powerful presence. After sightseeing at Tatsuno Castle, take a walk through the castle town of Tatsuno, which can be seen from 4:27 in the video. At the ruins of the Tatsuno Clan Head, Wakizaka's former residence, there is a historic tea room and garden called Shuentei. Be sure to check out the Samurai House Museum, where you can get a glimpse of the lifestyle of the samurai at that time. Around the area, you'll find the birthplace of Rofu Miki, the lyricist of the famous children's song "Akatombo." It's a very popular place among tourists. Local Specialties of Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Ibonoito Somen The Ibo River, known for its rich clear water, flows through the center of Tatsuno, Hyogo. Rich wheat, high-quality soybeans, and Ako salt, which has been produced since the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), are famous in the Harima Plain of Hyogo Prefecture. Because of this, Tatsuno, Hyogo's hand-pulled Somen noodles, called "Ibonoito Somen," and soy sauce, thrive in the area. Called "Tatsuno, the birthplace of light soy sauce, it's also home to the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum, which can be seen from 0:47 in the video. As a souvenir for sightseeing, be sure to buy some Ibonoito Somen and soy sauce steamed buns. Tatsuno, Hyogo is also known as the city of leather because of its tanned leather made using the beautiful water from its rivers. This can be seen from 2:22 in the video. Called Tatsuno leather, it's been cultivated as a traditional industry since olden times. As seen from 10:59 in the video, the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo is a port town facing the Seto Inland Sea, making it a place where oysters and other fishing industries thrive. Sightseeing in Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Plum trees, Sekainoume Park The Murotsu area in the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo, prospered as a post town on the Inaba Highway running from Kobe to Tottori. At Banshu Murotsu, which faces the harbor, there are tourist attractions, such as the Murotsu Museum of Sea Port and the Murotsu Museum of Folklore. Ayabeyama Plum Forest and Sekainoume Park, where beautiful plum blossoms bloom in Mitsu in early spring, are definitely worth a visit. Kamo Shrine, on the beach, is also a hidden gem in Tatsuno, Hyogo. Summary of Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:The Honmaru Palace of Tatsuno Castle, Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno, Hyogo, has various tourist spots, including historical spots where you can feel Japanese culture, sightseeing spots where you can enjoy superb views of nature, and delicious gourmet food. If you're going on a sightseeing trip to Hyogo prefecture, be sure to stop by Tatsuno, as it's full of amazing things to enjoy! 【Official Website】Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture|City Hall Website https://www.city.tatsuno.lg.jp/ -
Video article 1:39
Baikamo – Flowers That Bloom Only in the Clearest Water. Beautiful Underwater Images of the Summertime Flower
Nature Travel- 167 plays
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Baikamo Blooming on the Takimi River in Hyogo Prefecture: Video Introduction This video, titled "Baikamo|A Flower Only Found in Japan [Shinonsen] 4K" (バイカモ 日本固有種 【新温泉町】4k), was uploaded by "e production.com" (e映像制作.com). Have you ever heard of the plant baikamo? In this article, we'll introduce an underwater flower that blooms in the Takimi River in Shinonsen, Hyogo. Be sure to check out the video to see the beautiful baikamo blooming in the clear stream. Baikamo – A Look at the Flower Blooming on the Takimi River in Hyogo, Japan Source :YouTube screenshot From the beginning of the video, you can see baikamo growing as birds chirp and the gentle sound of the river plays in the background. The video is very striking, as if it were shot from a bird's eye view. The location shown in the video is Baikamo Park. There are not many areas in Japan where baikamo can be found in such abundance. Baikamo is a plant that grows in tall mountains where the water is very cold, so it's rare to see it growing in clusters. Unfortunately, the baikamo colony on the Takimi River began to shrink in size around 2017, and as of 2022, not many baikamo can be seen anymore. Baikamo, a Flower that Blooms Under Water Photo:Baikamo Baikamo is a species endemic to Japan. The baikamo, which blooms along the Takimi River in Shinonsen, belongs to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, and has the scientific name of Ranunculus Kazusensis Makino. In floriography (the language of flowers) its meaning is "Happiness will come." Just as the language of flowers suggests, the small, pretty flowers blooming on the surface of the water make people happy just by looking at them. There is also a type of baikamo called ginkgo baikamo, which can be seen in some areas of Japan. This flower blooms from early summer to early fall, with white flowers 1-2 cm in diameter. The flowers resemble plum blossoms, and because of this, baikamo is often written with the kanji 梅花藻 (梅, Bai "Plum"; 花 ka "Flower"; 藻 mo "Algae"). It's a perennial flower that grows underwater and is characterized by its evergreen nature. It is also edible as a wild plant. Where Can Baikamo Be Found in Japan? Photo:The Jizo River, Awai, Shiga The baikamo featured in this video can be seen in Japan's Kinki region, such as the Jizo River in Awai, Shiga, and Kamikawa, Hyogo. Other locations include Echizen, Fukui; Mishima Baikamo Park (三島梅花藻公園), Shizuoka; Chokeiji Temple (長慶寺) in Tsuru, Yamanashi; and the Shimizu River in Konan, Fukushima. There is also a baikamo colony in Eniwa, Hokkaido. Summary of Baikamo, an Aquatic Plant That Blooms Only in Clear Streams Baikamo is an aquatic plant that blooms only in clear streams rich in nature. It's a pity that the number of baikamo has been decreasing due to various climate and environmental changes. However, there is good news from the Shimizu River in Tamba, Hyogo. The number of baikamo had been rapidly decreasing due to the decrease in water flow caused by the proliferation of weeds, but thanks to preservation activities by local residents, the baikamo population has been restored. It would be nice to see baikamo blooming beautifully again in the Takimi River like in the video. 【TripAdvisor】Baikamo Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121310-d8368832-Reviews-Baikamo_Park-Shinonsen_cho_Mikata_gun_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:09
Todoroki Valley Is an Urban Oasis in Setagaya City Where You Can Take a Leisurely Stroll Along a Murmuring Promenade. Take a Trip to This Relaxing Destination in the Big City Where You Can Enjoy Waterfalls, Ancient Tombs, Temples, and More!
Nature- 125 plays
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Video introduction of "Todoroki Gorge" in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "Todoroki Valley – Tokyo - 4K Ultra HD (Todoroki Valley - Tokyo - 等々力渓谷 - 4K Ultra HD)," was filmed in Todoroki Valley, Setagaya city, Tokyo (東京都世田谷区, toukyousetagayaku). Todoroki Keikoku Park (等々力渓谷公園, todorokikeikokukouen) is a beautiful green park located in the center of Setagaya city that stretches over 1km, and is a 20-minute train ride from Shibuya station (渋谷駅, shibuyaeki). The picturesque promenade follows the Yazawa river (谷沢川, yazawagawa) which is part of the Tama River (多摩川, tamagawa) water system. Todoroki valley, a place in the city where you can enjoy taking a walk surrounded by nature, is also known for being a "power spot." From 1:24 in the video, you can see the entrance to the oasis that is Todoroki valley, under Golf-bashi Bridge (ゴルフ橋, gorufubashi). You can enjoy the scenery here year round, with cherry blossoms in spring, fresh greenery in summer, autumn colors in fall, and a snowy landscape in winter. Todoroki valley doesn't tend to get crowded as it isn't as well known as other spots in the city, making it a great place to casually visit in your free time. Sightseeing in Todoroki Valley Photo:Todoroki Valley・Setagaya, Tokyo Todoroki valley is situated on the Musashino Plateau (武蔵野台地, musashinodaichi), making it an ideal place to observe various plants and terrain. Walking along the path you can see green parks, stone paved areas, Japanese gardens and buildings, waterfalls, and more. From 2:43 in the video, you can see the bridge "Riken no hashi" (利剣の橋), and from 2:56 we get a glimpse at the shrine "Inari Daimyoujin" (稲荷大明神). There is also an ancient burial mound built during the Kofun period (古墳時代, kofunjidai) (~250-538 AD) called Todoroki Keikoku Sangoouketu (等々力渓谷三号横穴) situated along the path. The Shrines and Temples of Todoroki Valley Photo:Todoroki Fudoson・Setagaya, Tokyo From 4:10 in the video, you can see Manganji temple (満願寺, manganji), Todoroki Fudoson temple (等々力不動尊), and Ryugosan Myououin temple (滝轟山明王院). You can visit the main temple buildings, bells, and enjoy the view from the observation deck. Many people visit these temples in search of luck in marriage and in studying. Another great place to visit while you're in Todoroki valley is the Japanese-style cafe, Setsugekka (雪月花) which can be seen in the video at 3:24. Summary of Todoroki Valley Photo:Inari Daimyojin・Todoroki Valley, Setagaya, Tokyo Todoroki valley is a wonderful spot to have a picnic, take a walk, or play by the river. There isn't a lot of lighting so please take care when visiting during poor weather or at night. Many people visit Todoroki valley on dates or to enjoy lunch at the cafe. For those sightseeing in Tokyo, we recommend booking a hotel and making the most of your trip by visiting the Todoroki valley area and enjoying a relaxing break from the city! ◆Todoroki Valley General Information◆ 【Address】Todoroki 1-22-2-37, Setagaya city, Tokyo 【Access】A 3-minute walk from the Tokyu Oimachi Line Todoroki Station, or a 5-minute walk from the Tokyu Bus or Toei Bus Todoroki Bus Stop. 【Admission fee】Free 【Hours】24 hours a day 【Closures】Open all year round 【Parking】Fudoson Parking Area (free) (不動尊駐車場, fudousonchuushajou) 【Toilets】Available 【Official Website】Todoroki Valley Park, Setagaya City Official Home Page https://www.city.setagaya.lg.jp/mokuji/kusei/012/015/001/004/d00004247.html 【Tripadvisor】Todoroki Valley https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066455-d1373670-Reviews-Todoroki_Valley-Setagaya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 7:34
The beautiful historical scene of “Kamegai-juku” in Maibara City, Shiga Prefecture, is a sight to behold! Enjoy a moment of healing with the quiet murmur of the famous stream.
Travel- 75 plays
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This video, titled "JG 4K 滋賀 醒ヶ井宿の名水とバイカモ Shiga,Samegai fountain and flowers in the water," was released by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." This video introduces the attractions of Shiga, like the famous Samegai-juku and the Baikamo flowers in the area. The 61st station on the Nakasendo is famous for its "clean water" which became the origin of its name. Baikamo is a plant that grows on the bottom of rivers at a water temperature of about 14 degrees, and is famous for its small white flowers that resemble plum blossoms. In this video, you can see Samegai-juku and the Baikamo in high resolution. -
Video article 1:30
The Oniyanma: Amazing Footage of Japan's Largest Dragonfly! See It Molting and Laying Eggs in Nature...
Living Things- 1.84K plays
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The Oniyanma - Japan's Largest Dragonfly! This video, titled "Oniyanma (The Largest in Japan)" (オニヤンマ(日本最大)), introduces the oniyanma, a large dragonfly belonging to the Cordulegastridae family and Odonata order. The massive dragonfly has an abdominal length of 7 cm for males and 8 cm for female. Those that inhabit Hokkaido (北海道, Hokkaido), Yakushima Island (屋久島, Yakushima), etc., have a tendency to be smaller. Their eyes are a bright emerald green color, but change color when they are made into specimens. Their body is black with a yellow pattern and fine horizontal stripe at each section. They are compared with sieboldius albardae (ko-oniyanma), but these belong to the Gomphidae family, and are different from oniyanma in that their compound eyes are placed separately on both sides of their head, and their larvae are flat and disk-shaped and live on stones at the bottoms of rivers. Oniyanma - Distribution and Habits Photo:Oniyanma Oniyanma are widely distributed throughout Japan, mainly around streams, riverbanks, outskirts of forests and mountainous areas, but they can also be seen on the plains and in urban areas when it is cooler. International visitors may be surprised to find them in urban areas because of their very large area of activity. When you find a female oniyanma, you can catch it by taking advantage of its habit of stopping its movement and hovering. Male Oniyanma consider anything that flaps its wings to be female, so if you hold a fan or other wind-producing object in front of the male, it will stop moving. If you're a bug collector, you can use this as a reference when collecting! The Life Cycle of Oniyanma Photo:Oniyama Patrol Oniyanma are carnivorous, feeding on moths, flies, and other small flying insects. Their natural predators are birds, bats, etc. They can bite humans as well, so be careful. Male oniyanma mate with females they meet while patrolling their territory. After mating, the female will go to a clean river or puddle to lay her eggs. Upon finding a suitable location, oniyanma perform a unique spawning display in which they will drop to the surface of the water while standing up and flying. You can see a female oniyanma laying eggs at 0:30 in the video. They spawn by thrusting their ovipositor into the mud in the water. Photo:An oniyama hatching Eggs hatch about 1 month after being laid, and the larvae are called nymphs. Nymphs are a translucent white with no wings and a short abdomen. They burrow into the mud to lie in wait for food to pass. When they are young, they feed on water fleas, mosquito larvae, etc., but as they grow older they begin feeding on tadpoles, small fish, etc. In addition, they feed on each other as well as nymphs of other species and, as a result, only the strong survive. It takes five years for them to become adults, and they molt about ten times before reaching this stage. Eventually, compound eyes pop out and the mouth part of the molt becomes a unique face as if they were wearing masks. Eventually, scaly wings form on their backs, and on a sunny summer day, they climb up from the bottom of the water to a stone or pile on the surface of the water and their backs split open and they emerge as adults. Immediately after hatching, their wings are white and shrunken, but over night, the black and yellow pattern appears and the wings solidify. You can amazing footage of an oniyanma molting at 0:58 in the video. After emerging as adults, they continuously feed for about a month before mating. The total life span of an oniyanma is 5-6 years. Summary of Oniyanma- Japan's Largest Dragonfly Photo:An adult oniyanma emerging Did you enjoy learning about the oniyanma, the largest dragonfly in Japan? Footage of them laying eggs is quite rare, so if you still haven't yet, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 3:14
Saruhashi Bridge - Stunning Japanese Architecture and Beautiful Autumn Leaves. Check Out One of the Three Most Unusual Bridges in Japan in Yamanashi Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 667 plays
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The Popular Saruhashi Bridge in Yamanashi Prefecture This video, titled "Kai Saruhashi Bridge – Yamanashi" (Kai Saruhashi Bridge - Yamanashi - 甲斐の猿橋), introduces the beautiful scenery of Saruhashi Bridge in Yamanashi prefecture. Saruhashi Bridge is a famous sightseeing spot in Otsuki city (大月市, ootsukishi), Yamanashi prefecture, in the Kanto region of Japan. Together with Kintaikyou and Kiso no kakehashi, Saruhashi Bridge in Yamanashi prefecture is one of the three most unusual bridges in Japan and is nationally recognized as a scenic place of beauty. Its beauty was even captured by the famous ukiyo-e artist Utagawa Hiroshige in the artwork "Koyosaruhashinozu" painted in the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). In this video, you can see footage of Saruhashi Bridge at the beginning of fall, just as the leaves of the surrounding trees have begun to change color. The Origins and Characteristics of Saruhashi Bridge Photo:Saruhashi Bridge Saruhashi Bridge is a 30 meters long, 3.3 meters wide, and 31 meters tall, and crosses a deep gorge in Otsuki city, Yamanashi. As you can see from 0:43 in the video, the bridge has no piers and is instead supported by four pairs of cantilever beams called Hanegi, giving it a very unique design. It is still unclear as to when this bridge was built; however, there is a legend in the local area that it was built by a gardener who saw monkeys supporting each other's bodies to build a bridge during the era of Emperor Suiko (~600 BC.). The name "Saruhashi" was derived from this legend (猿, "Saru," means monkey in Japanese and 橋, "Hashi," means bridge). The bridge has been rebuilt several times since the Edo period. Popular Sightseeing Spots Near Saruhashi Bridge Photo:Pumpkin hoto There are many Maple, Japanese Zelkova and Ginkgo trees in the area surrounding Saruhashi Bridge, and in the fall, when the leaves begin to change, you can enjoy taking a relaxing stroll through the autumn foliage The shots of the red-leaved maple trees seen near the end of the video are particularly beautiful (2:33). For those visiting during fall, make sure to take photos of the Japanese lantern events held in the evening to share with your friends on Instagram! When the weather's nice, you can enjoy viewing the scenery of Saruhashi Bridge from Katsura river (桂川, katsuragawa) by boat. There are a variety of local delicacies for you to try in Otsuki city, such as Hoto, Koshu wine beef, Koshu beef, and fresh fruit. The grapes in this region are particularly delicious! After trying the local cuisine, you can stay at one of the many hot spring resorts in Yamanashi prefecture, a perfect way to end your trip! After visiting Saruhashi Bridge, if you have time to spare, we recommend visiting one or more of the following sightseeing spots, all of which are easily accessible from Saruhashi Bridge: Yatsuzawa waterway bridge, Shin-Saruhashi Bridge, Iwadonosan, Takagawayama, Sasagotougeno Yatatenosugi , Otsuki city tourist information center (大月市観光案内所, ootsukishikankouannaijo), Sasago Tunnel, Saruhashikinrin Park (猿橋近隣公園, saruhashikinrinkouen), Iwadonosan Maruyama Park (岩殿山丸山公園, iwadonosanmaruyamakouen), Chigootoshi and Otsuki city museum (大月市郷土資料館, ootsukishikyoudoshiryoukan). Summary of Saruhashi Bridge Source :YouTube screenshot Saruhashi Bridge is known for being one of the most unusual bridges in Japan; however, it can also be called one of the most beautiful. As you can see from the video, the fall scenery is spectacular. Also not to be missed is the sight of the cherry blossoms and hydrangea in full bloom in spring and early summer! There is free parking available in the area making it the perfect destination for a day out! ◆Saruhashi Bridge Information◆ 【Address】Saruhashi town (猿橋町, Saruhashimachi), Otsuki city, Yamanashi prefecture 【Access】A 15 minute walk from Saruhashi Station (猿橋駅, Saruhashi eki) on the JR Chuo Main Line (JR 中央本線, Chuo Honsen) 【Parking】Free parking available 【Telephone】Otsuki City Industrial Tourism Section: 0554-20-1829 【Tripadvisor】Saruhashi https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1021442-d2102822-r451183982-Saru_Bridge-Otsuki_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:12
Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa Stream - Two Places Used to Make Commercials With Famous Artists! Be Amazed by the Natural Scenery of Tottori Prefecture in This 4K Video!
Nature- 347 plays
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Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa Stream in Tottori Prefecture This video, titled "[4K UHD] Summer Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa stream" ([ 4K UHD ]夏の伯耆大山と木谷沢渓流 Mt.Daisen & Kitanisawa Stream in Summer), was created by AQUA Geo Graphic. It's an introductory video showing Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa Stream. Mt. Daisen is a mountain at 1,729m (5,700 ft.) above sea level in Tottori prefecture, in Japan's Chugoku region. It is a stratovolcano, but it is not active at present. It is also known as the sacred peak that represents the Chugoku region of Japan. Mt. Daisen is sometimes called Pansan or Hoki Daisen. The name Hoki Daisen derives from the history of western Tottori Prefecture, which was once called Hoki Country. Mt. Daisen is a popular scenic location that has been selected as one of Japan's "Top 100 Mountains" and Japan's "Top 100 Views." The Kitanizawa Stream is a clear stream that originates from Mt. Daisen, and is also designated as a walking route for sightseeing on Mt. Daisen. It is filled with many tourists, especially during the fall foliage season. The video introduces the fresh greenery of Mt. Daisen and the Kitanizawa Stream in beautiful 4K footage. You can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, the chirping of birds, and the natural sounds of the flowing river, making it seem as if a mountain stream is actually flowing right in front of you. Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa Stream- Two Beautiful Instagram Locations Photo:Kitanizawa mountain stream When visiting Mt. Daisen, we recommend taking a guided tour with the Oku-Daisen tour guide. It's a popular walking tour where you can enjoy the seasonal natural scenery, such as bird watching in the summer, autumn leaves in the fall, and snowshoeing in the winter. Keep in mind that the tours require a minimum of people before starting. Reservations can be made with the Kofu Tourism Association by phone or email. The first Saturday of the month is Kitanizawa Tour Day, which includes a photo and allows pets and elementary school students to accompany the tour. Feel free to sign up for this walking route, as it's a great way to capture some Instagram-worthy pictures. The crater at the top of Daisen is marked by the rim of a volcano, indicating that it was once a volcano. It's also locally called Hoki Fuji. If you fancy yourself a hike, why not try climbing to the famous Hoki Fuji Rim to see the natural landscape of Mt. Daisen? Speaking of Mt. Daisen, in winter, we recommend the Oku-Daisen Ski Resort. It's the largest ski resort in Tottori Prefecture, with 400 free parking spots. Reservations should be made early, as the resort is quite popular. Oku-Daisen Was Used for Suntory's Natural Water TV Commercials! Photo:Houki Fuji among the stars In 2017, a commercial for Suntory Natural Water, featuring world-renowned female artist Utada Hikaru, was set in Oku-Daisen, a famous mountain that is said to be the highest peak in the Chugoku region. Oku-Daisen is a place where the air and water are so clean that it is said to be a mountain of water, and the atmosphere of its mysterious forest is something straight out of an anime or some other mythological world! The numerous climbing spots capture the hearts of visitors. Okudaisen (奥大山) has a vast beech forest, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the majestic mountains, and you can see the beautiful starry sky that Utada Hikaru sang about in the TV commercial "#Hoshi Suge" (These stars are beautiful!). The mountain stream that Utada Hikaru visited in the TV commercial is featured throughout this video, where you can enjoy the clear river water of the naturally flowing stream. If you watch the video, you might be able to feel what Utada Hikaru felt, surrounding by the natural beauty of Okudai Mountain. Mountain Climbing and Sightseeing at Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa Stream Kofu City (江府町, Kofu cho), in Tottori Prefecture, is home to Oku-Daisen, mentioned earlier in the article. The air here is incredibly clear, making it a great place for stargazing, and many campers and photographers come here every year. In the surrounding downtown area and hotels, you can enjoy incredible gourmet cuisine, such as seafood from the Sea of Japan. Summary of Mt. Daisen and Kitanizawa Stream Hoki Daisen Station (JR West) in Yonago is a convenient way to get around, especially for trips to Mt. Daisen, home to the Kinayazawa Stream, one of the clearest rivers in Japan. We recommend using a local bus for transportation from Hoki Daisen Station to hotels, accommodations, and tourist destinations around Mt. Daisen. The highlight of this video is the Kitanizawa Stream, which is shown from 0:36 to the end of the video. The clear water flowing through the lush greenery of a mountain stream in summer, the beautiful moss on the rocks of the stream, and the beautiful sound of the river. It's a truly amazing atmosphere. The video is pleasing to both the eyes and ears. Please enjoy the beauty of Mt. Daisen and the Kitanizawa mountain stream. -
Video article 5:38
Taste the great outdoors at Kamikochi in the Japanese Alps, a spectacular sightseeing spot in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Shinshu! Surrounded by greenery full of negative ions, spend a healing time.
Nature- 121 plays
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Introduction of "Japan Alps Kamikochi" sightseeing video in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture This video, titled "LEAP | Kamikochi (上高地) - Japan - UHD 4K," was released by Jonathan Teo. It shows an aerial view of Kamikochi, a tourist resort area overflowing with natural beauty in Nagano Prefecture. Kamikochi, located in Matsumoto City in western Shinshu, is a scenic, mountainous area situated at an elevation of approximately 1,500 meters above sea level. The entire area makes up Chubu Sangaku National Park (中部山岳国立公園), and is a base for climbing the Hotaka Mountain Range (穂高連峰) and Mt. Yari (槍ヶ岳). If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, plan a trip to Kamikochi and explore the mountain route! Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Kamikochi Photo:Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture After the opening of the mountain, many tourists flock to Kamikochi, which has a series of peaks that are coveted by alpinists, for the purpose of mountain climbing. When climbing in Kamikochi, be sure to get your fill of the unique mountain scenery. Kappa Bridge (河童橋), the symbol of Kamikochi, is a popular spot where you can enjoy a great view. Be sure to also check out Taisho Pond, Myojin Pond, and Tashiro Pond, which are known for their natural beauty. At 0:53 in the video, you can see the Azusa River glowing a cobalt blue. Key Points to Remember When Visiting Kamikochi Photo:Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture Kamikochi is a fun mountain for both beginners and advanced climbers. If you're looking for a casual hike, consider planning a day trip. The climate in the mountains can change easily, so be sure to suitable clothing when climbing in the Kamikochi area. Also, be sure to bring maps, drinks, and emergency food in your luggage just in case. Inns and Souvenir Shops at Kamikochi in Shinshu, Nagano Photo:A hot spring at an inn There are a number of hot spring inns and tourist hotels in the area around Kamikochi. After a day of hiking, we recommend staying at an accommodation with a hot spring to relax and rejuvenate. There are also many tourist attractions nearby, including restaurants serving local gourmet food and souvenir shops. Summary of Kamikochi, Located in Shinshu, Nagano Photo:The scenery of Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture There are many scenic spots like the ones shown in this article's video, in Kamikochi. Walking around while enjoying the unique mountain scenery is sure to leave you feeling refreshed. To protect the environment around Kamikochi, personal vehicles are prohibited in and around the area. Park your car at the parking lot in Sawatari before Kamikochi and use the shuttle bus to get there. 【Official Website】Kamikochi Official Website|Area Introduction https://www.kamikochi.or.jp/learn/spots 【Tripadvisor】Kamikochi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g12830931-Kamikochi_Matsumoto_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:34
Dream Suspension Bridge [Sunmatakyo] is a sightseeing spot in Haibara-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture! Located at the entrance to the Southern Alps, this is the bridge you want to cross before you die in Sunmatakyo! What is its charm?
Travel Nature- 220 plays
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Video Introduction to "Sunmatakyo," a Dream Suspension Bridge in Haibara-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture This video, titled "Sumata Gorge|Yume no Tsuribashi with GoPro [4K]" (寸又峡 夢の吊り橋 with GoPro[4K]), was uploaded by "NOMAD LIFE." It introduces Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka, Japan. Yume no Tsuribashi - A Bucket List Destination in Shizuoka, Japan Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Located in Kawanehon, Shizuoka lies Yume no Tsuribashi (Dream Suspension Bridge), a suspension bridge that should be on anyone's bucket list. It is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan, and crossing the suspension bridge over the milky blue lake is truly an unforgettable experience. Originally, Yume no Tsuribashi at Sumata Gorge was used as a path for villagers and lumberjacks to come and go. The forestry industry was thriving in the area around Sumata Gorge, and it's said that there were many villages in the area. Nowadays, it attracts attention not as a road for daily life but as a tourist attraction, and many people visit the area every year. With a total length of 90 meters and a height of 8 meters, this suspension bridge is truly one of dreams! The deck, made of wooden planks, has many gaps and no side walls, making it a thrilling suspension bridge. Due to weight restrictions, only 10 people can cross the bridge at a time. Furthermore, during the tourist season, the bridge is restricted to one-way traffic. Check out the video below to see how the thrilling Yume no Tsuribashi is crossed. [Video] 1:44 - Crossing Yume no Tsuribashi Cherry Blossoms, Autumn Leaves, and Other Seasonal Attractions and Activities to Enjoy Near Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka The area around Yume no Tsuribashi is also popular as a spot to enjoy the seasons, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. If you take a steam locomotive from Sumata Gorge to the Oi River, you can see approximately 280 Someiyoshino cherry trees from late March to early April each year. In addition, from October to November, when the beautiful autumn colors are in season, visitors can enjoy viewing the autumn foliage from Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge. The area around Sumata Gorge is an area where one can enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest. Fishing and trekking, as well as campgrounds, make this a spot full of attractions for outdoors enthusiasts. Hiking and driving courses are well maintained and can be enjoyed by families, couples, and friends. You can also buy cute souvenirs at the stylish retro café Seiko Udoku Village (晴耕雨読village), which offers a great view of Okuoikojo Station. You can also have a delicious lunch at café Uemaru or Suikoen. One of the attractions of this area is that you can enjoy a one-day trip to Sumatakyo Onsen. The area is lined with popular inns, where you can enjoy local delicacies harvested from the surrounding mountains for dinner. Things to Be Aware of When Visiting Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan. Many tourists visit from all over Japan to catch a glimpse of the fantastic atmosphere. However, there are a few things you should know in advance. Because Yume no Tsuribashi is located deep in the mountains, entry is prohibited after sunset. Furthermore, the entire tour of the Sumata Gorge Promenade Course takes approximately 60 to 80 minutes, so visitors should allow plenty of time for this tour. In addition, be sure to wear appropriate clothing. The path to Yume no Tsuribashi has many steep slopes and stairs, and is made up of gravel. Therefore, it's recommended that you wear comfortable sneakers. Yume no Tsuribashi is also a very popular spot for taking Instagram photos in Japan due to its fantastic scenery. However, the bridge can be somewhat wobbly, and some people accidentally drop their smartphones or cameras while getting absorbed in taking pictures. Such an accident can really kill the mood, so please be careful. Besides that, it's recommended that visitors check the weather forecast in advance as roads may be closed on days when the weather is bad. [Video] 2:24 - Steep stairs Summary of Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka In this article we introduced Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka's Sumata Gorge that should be on any bucket list. Visitors can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here, with cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves in fall, snow in winter, and beautiful greenery in the summer. It's a popular tourist attraction where you can really experience nature in Japan. The view from Yume no Tsuribashi is truly spectacular! It attracts many visitors. There are inns, campgrounds, and hot springs in the vicinity as well, so be sure to enjoy it however you like. To get to Yume no Tsuribashi, first take the Shimada Kanaya IC to the parking lot of Sumatakyo Onsen (about 90 minutes). From there, it's a 40-minute walk from the parking lot to Yume no Tsuribashi. Although it takes some time to get there, it usually passes quickly thanks to the beauty of the surrounding nature of Sumata Gorge. Be sure to check out the video to see the fantastical scenery of Yume no Tsuribashi! 【TripAdvisor】Sumata Gorge https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1121220-d1313698-Reviews-Sumatakyo_Valley-Kawanehon_cho_Haibara_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:18
Fly Freely Through the Air With the Water Pressure of a Jet Ski! the "Flyboard" Is the Latest Marine Leisure Activity That Is All the Rage!
Sports- 140 plays
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PR Video for Japan's Flyboard Championship! This is the promotion video called “Japan Flyboard Championship 2018(フライボード選手権2018 & フライボードガール~Flyboard Japan Championship~)” . As you can see from the video (0:07) , a new device called a "fly-board", that soars through the air using water pressure, is attracting a lot of attention as a new marine sport. Surprisingly, there's also a Flyboard World Championship. Flying through the air with all that freedom looks like a blast! You won't be able to keep your eyes off this new marine sport! What a Flyboard Looks Like Photo:Flyboard Flyboarding is a marine sport where a person flies from the surface of the water by using a hover-boardthat connects between a water-jet and a hose on the rider's feet. When water bursts forth from the exhaust of the personal watercraft, jets are sprayed from under the board through a hose, allowing the wearer to fly. The maximum flying height is about 9 meters (30 ft.). But it's possible to do a variety of flips and tricks with practice. You can see a lot of different tricks such as the back-flips in this video (0:23). The Japan Flyboard Championship! Source :YouTube screenshot The 2018 Japan Flyboard Championship was held at the Hachikenyahama (八軒家浜: Hachikenyahama) in Tenma, Osaka City Osaka in May, 2018. Entrants competed with each other to perform the most impressive tricks in a set time limit. As you can see in the video at 1:40, the performances of female competitors, called “Flyboard Girls”, also became famous in this championship. Besides the Japan Flyboard Championship, there's also the Flyboard World Championship as well. People from all over the world enjoy flyboarding. As you may know, flyboards are used for many shows such as the ones at Tokyo Disney Sea. Wanna Give It a Shot? Source :YouTube screenshot Recently, trial lessons have become available seaside or at lakes such as Lake Yamana ( 山中湖:Yamanakako) or Lake Kawaguchi (河口湖:Kawaguchiko). There is another activity similar to flyboarding where you can fly using a jet pack. This can be seen at 3:13 in the video. "Do I need to buy something in order to try it out?" Don’t worry about that, necessary items such as a wet suits or life jackets are available for rent. Don't worry about being a beginner either. Instructors give great guidance so there's nothing to worry about. The average lesson fee is about 6000 yen (~$55 USD). It's definitely worth trying at least once! Summary of the Japan Flyboard Championship Source :YouTube screenshot Flyboarding is not a major marine sport yet, but it has been attracting a lot of attention due to the nature of the sport's aerial freedom. If this article has you interested in flyboarding, be sure to give it a shot! -
Video article 2:37
10,000 Lanterns at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. The 1,200-Year-Old Lantern Floating Ceremony Is an Event in Hiroshima Where People Pray for Peace
Traditional Culture Travel Festivals & Events- 300 plays
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Tōrō Nagashi Floating Lanterns This video is "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Lantern Float 2018(広島平和記念公園灯篭流し2018)," created by "kaz watakabe," and it introduces the lantern flow at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Hiroshima City (広島市, Hiroshima shi) in Hiroshima prefecture, in Japan's Chugoku region, was where the atomic bomb was dropped during World War II. In Hiroshima City, a lantern celebration is held on August 6th every year at the Motoyasu river (元安川, Motoyasugawa), Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, located on the shore opposite of the Atomic Bomb Dome. Make sure to visit Hiroshima City to see the traditional lanterns that mourn the souls of the war dead. In the lantern flow held at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Prefecture in 2018, featured in the video, colorful lanterns illuminated by lights make a fantastic image as they slowly float down the river. In this article, we'll introduce the history of lanterns and the prayers that go with them. Be sure to follow along with the video. Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park Lantern Festival 2024 The "Nagashi lantern floating ceremony," which has been held every year on the evening of August 6, the day of the atomic bombing, in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, was held normally for the first time in four years in 2023. Information on the 2024 event is as follows Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 18:00-21:00 *Registration is available at the reception tent in the park from 6:00 to 20:00. Location: Motoyasu River Water Terrace (opposite bank of the Atomic Bomb Dome) The "Online Lantern Festival," which allows people to send messages of peace from anywhere as long as they are connected via the Internet, will be held from August 3 to 12. The Origin and History of the Ancient Japanese Ceremonial Bonfire Photo: Buddhist altar In August, lantern floats are held in various parts of Japan. This is a kind of festival called the Bon Festival in Japan. The festival acts as a memorial service to send off the souls of the deceased. In some areas, in addition to lit lanterns, there are also bon festival offerings. The origin and history of Japan's bon festival are unclear, but it is said that these festivals were already taking place in various places during the Heian period (794-1185 AD), more than 1200 years ago. The Floating Lanterns Contain Prayers for Peace Photo:Hiroshima Lantern Float The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima City, Japan, on August 6, 1945. Hiroshima City holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6th every year in the hope that the memories of the tragic war that caused many casualties, not be seen again. After the ceremony is over and the sun goes down, beautiful lanterns float down the Motoyasu River next to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park with hopes of peace. The video introduces this lantern float throughout its entirety, so be sure to follow along and see the beauty of the lanterns as they float downstream. Participate in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park's Lantern Float Visitors to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park are welcome to participate in the lantern floating ceremony. After receiving colored paper and candles at the reception tent on the day of the event, you can write messages on the colored paper with wishes for peace, comfort and repose. After the candles are lit, the lanterns float down the river carrying the wishes of the people. Volunteers are also needed for the Hiroshima Peace Park lantern floating event. If you're interested in participating in the lantern floating event, you can apply to volunteer to help with the reception and assembly of the lanterns. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Lanterns Float Summary Photo:Lanterns At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, more than 10,000 lanterns are washed down the Motoyasu River. As you can see in the video, this event is filled with prayers of many people hoping for peace. You can also enjoy the size and beauty of the event throughout the video. We hope you will participate in the lantern floating event at the Hiroshima Memorial Park, which is meant to repose the souls of those who died in the atomic bombing and to mourn the loss of loved ones. ◆ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Facility Overview ◆ 【Address】1-1, Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 730-0811, Japan 【Access】About 20 minutes by bus from JR Hiroshima Station 【Entrance fee】Free 【Hours】24 hours 【Closures】None 【Parking】 None 【Telephone No】082-504-2390