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Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture

This video, titled "Tatsuno City Tourism PR Video (Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture)" (たつの市観光PR動画(兵庫県たつの市)), was released by "Tatsuno City Kouhou."

The city of Tatsuno, located in the southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture, is also called the "Little Kyoto of Harima" and retains its unique Japanese atmosphere.
So, what kind of tourist spots is Tatsuno, Harima home to?

Tatsuno Castle, a landmark in Tatsuno, Hyogo

Image of Uzumi-mon Gate, Tatsuno Castle
Photo:Uzumi-mon Gate, Tatsuno Castle

Tatsuno Castle, a landmark of Tatsuno, Hyogo, which can be seen from 3:07 in the video, is a historic castle standing on the hills of Tatsuno, Hyogo.
Tatsuno Castle, built by Akamatsu Murahide about 500 years ago, is small in size but has a powerful presence.

After sightseeing at Tatsuno Castle, take a walk through the castle town of Tatsuno, which can be seen from 4:27 in the video.
At the ruins of the Tatsuno Clan Head, Wakizaka's former residence, there is a historic tea room and garden called Shuentei.
Be sure to check out the Samurai House Museum, where you can get a glimpse of the lifestyle of the samurai at that time.
Around the area, you'll find the birthplace of Rofu Miki, the lyricist of the famous children's song "Akatombo."
It's a very popular place among tourists.

Local Specialties of Tatsuno, Hyogo

Image of Ibonoito Somen
Photo:Ibonoito Somen

The Ibo River, known for its rich clear water, flows through the center of Tatsuno, Hyogo.
Rich wheat, high-quality soybeans, and Ako salt, which has been produced since the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), are famous in the Harima Plain of Hyogo Prefecture.

Because of this, Tatsuno, Hyogo's hand-pulled Somen noodles, called "Ibonoito Somen," and soy sauce, thrive in the area.
Called "Tatsuno, the birthplace of light soy sauce, it's also home to the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum, which can be seen from 0:47 in the video.
As a souvenir for sightseeing, be sure to buy some Ibonoito Somen and soy sauce steamed buns.

Tatsuno, Hyogo is also known as the city of leather because of its tanned leather made using the beautiful water from its rivers.
This can be seen from 2:22 in the video.
Called Tatsuno leather, it's been cultivated as a traditional industry since olden times.

As seen from 10:59 in the video, the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo is a port town facing the Seto Inland Sea, making it a place where oysters and other fishing industries thrive.

Sightseeing in Tatsuno, Hyogo

Image of Plum trees, Sekainoume Park
Photo:Plum trees, Sekainoume Park

The Murotsu area in the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo, prospered as a post town on the Inaba Highway running from Kobe to Tottori.
At Banshu Murotsu, which faces the harbor, there are tourist attractions, such as the Murotsu Museum of Sea Port and the Murotsu Museum of Folklore.

Ayabeyama Plum Forest and Sekainoume Park, where beautiful plum blossoms bloom in Mitsu in early spring, are definitely worth a visit.
Kamo Shrine, on the beach, is also a hidden gem in Tatsuno, Hyogo.

Summary of Tatsuno, Hyogo

Image of the Honmaru Palace of Tatsuno Castle, Hyogo Prefecture
Photo:The Honmaru Palace of Tatsuno Castle, Hyogo Prefecture

Tatsuno, Hyogo, has various tourist spots, including historical spots where you can feel Japanese culture, sightseeing spots where you can enjoy superb views of nature, and delicious gourmet food.

If you're going on a sightseeing trip to Hyogo prefecture, be sure to stop by Tatsuno, as it's full of amazing things to enjoy!

【Official Website】Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture|City Hall Website

Written By
Last Updated : Jun. 16, 2022
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
Interested in Japanese culture and traditions! I'll be introducing lovely scenery to you!
Tatsuno, Hyogo - From the Beautiful Natural Scenery of the Ibo River to the Historical Tatsuno Castle and Classic Summer Food Ibonoito Somen, There's Almost Too Much Sightseeing To Be Done Here!
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