Video article 1:40
The Popular Gourmet Restaurants in Miyazaki Prefecture Are Full of Superb Food That Will Make Even the Most Discerning Foodies Rejoice! Enjoy the Asmr Video, a New Attempt to Introduce the Cooking Process With a Focus on the Sounds of Cooking!
Local PR- 35 plays
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宮崎県の人気グルメをASMR動画で楽しむ こちらの動画は「miyazakiken allmiyazaki」が公開した「【ASMR】Sound of hinata food / 日本のひなた宮崎県 食PR動画」です。 日本の和食グルメや郷土料理、B級グルメを目当てに来日する観光客が近年増えています。 そんな中、国内でも豊富な和食やご当地グルメを味わえる宮崎県が話題になりつつあります。 こちらの動画では、宮崎県の誇るグルメの音にスポットを当て、野菜や魚、肉などの食材を調理する際に出る音をASMR映像で紹介しています。 調理の他にも、日本酒の瓶を開ける音や野菜をちぎる音は、聞いていてとても楽しいものとなっています。 食材の調理風景を目ではなく、音として楽しませるのは画期的で新しいですね。 今回はグルメも唸る、音で楽しめる宮崎県の和食をはじめとした料理の数々をご紹介します。 宮崎県の人気グルメ「チキン南蛮」 チキン南蛮は、宮崎県の名産グルメです。 甘いタレをかけた唐揚げと卵を使ったタルタルソースを主な材料とした料理で、宮崎県が発祥と言われています。 その独特な味と見た目から、国内の様々な定食屋や家庭で調理されており、和食と呼ぶに相応しい存在になっています。 宮崎県に訪れた際には、発祥の味を1度は味わってみたいですね! 宮崎県の人気グルメ「宮崎牛」 松坂牛や近江牛といったご当地の和牛があることは広く知られていますが、宮崎牛もその一角を担っています。 日本和食格付協会で4等級以上の品質を保つ牛肉にのみ、この名称は付けられています。 そのため食材としての品質は国内最高峰。 調理方法は主にステーキ。 素材の味をそのまま楽しめる食べ方がおすすめです。 どんなグルメも唸らせる宮崎牛は、宮崎県に訪れた際に必ず食べたい一品ですね。 宮崎県の人気グルメ「肉巻きおにぎり」 肉巻きおにぎりは宮崎県のB級グルメの1つです。 その名の通り、海苔の代わりに肉を材料に使用したおにぎりで、肉の脂とごはんの甘みが非常にマッチしています。 そのレシピの簡単さから、宮崎県内の様々なレストランや食堂で味わうことが可能。 価格もリーズナブルです。 宮崎牛を使用した極上の和食、B級グルメとも言える人気の肉巻きおにぎりを、一度食べてみたいものですね。 宮崎県の人気グルメ「きんかん、日向夏、マンゴー」 宮崎県はその気候を生かした熱帯系フルーツの産地としても知られています。 中でもマンゴーは有名で、太陽のタマゴの愛称で贈与品としての人気が高く、様々な用途で利用されています。 きんかんや日向夏も様々な料理や材料に使用した加工品が親しまれており、ジュースや和食として古くから親しまれてきたお菓子はお土産品として人気が高いです。 とれたては栄養価も高く嬉しいですね。 宮崎県に訪れた際は、これらの品質の高いフルーツを味わってみたいですね。 宮崎県の人気グルメ紹介まとめ 今回は宮崎県のグルメや和食についてまとめました。 チキン南蛮や宮崎牛、マンゴーと数え始めたらきりがない様々な和食や郷土料理を味わうことができる宮崎県に、グルメ旅行してみるのもいいですね! -
Video article 2:00
Asahikawa Is One of Hokkaido's Most Popular Tourist Destinations. Nature, Gourmet Food, Stunning Winter Views, and the Charm of the Asahiyama Zoo Will Steal Your Heart!
Local PR Travel- 119 plays
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グルメと景色を楽しめる「北海道旭川」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「旭川市役所」が公開した「旭川地域観光プロモーション動画(Tourism Promotion Video Asahikawa Hokkaido)」です。 北海道旭川で観光する予定のある方におすすめの動画です。 旭川の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットや絶品グルメなどが紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光地である北海道旭川の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の情報 観光名所がたくさんある北海道旭川市は、自然が豊かな北海道の中心的な都市です。 北国の綺麗な景色や絶品料理を求め、国内外から多くの観光客が訪れます。 雪がたくさん降る町の旭川は、樹氷や川霧といった厳しい寒さの中でしか見ることができない景勝を眺められます。 また、北国の雄大な景色の中で滑ることのできるスキーもぜひ体験したいアクティビティ。 動物たちのありのままの生態を見ることができる旭山動物園は、旭川市に訪れた際には必ず行きたい名所。 海外からの来園者も増えています。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川のおすすめのグルメ 旭川市はラーメン、ジンギスカン、焼き鳥などおいしい食べ物が充実しています。 旭川のグルメと言えば旭川ラーメンと言われるほど、旭川市にはラーメン屋がたくさんあります。 旭川ラーメンの特徴は濃厚なスープの醤油ラーメンで、豚骨・鶏ガラと魚介のWスープを使っています。 冬の北国で食べる熱々のラーメンは絶品で体の芯から温まります。 ジンギスカンも旭川を観光するなら食べておきたい一品。 たっぷりの野菜と一緒に食べスタミナをつけましょう。 他にも、焼鳥や日本酒も旭川グルメで有名ですよ。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である北海道旭川は、絶景を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 まずおすすめなのが、旭川の町並みを一望できる嵐山展望台です。 自然が豊かな旭川公園の中にある展望台で、石狩川や大雪山などの美しい景勝をご覧になることができます。 夜になると旭川の街あかりがとても綺麗に見えるので、カップルで行くのがおすすめ。 美しい景色を楽しみ、心に残る旅行にしましょう。 旭川の自然の景色を楽しめるスポットは、他にもアクティビティ上野ファーム、旭岳、黒岳、就実の丘などがあります。 日本の観光地である「北海道旭川」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では旭川の自然やグルメなどさまざまな魅力が紹介されています。 旭川に旅行する予定のある方は必見ですよ。 日本の人気の観光地である旭川。 北国の綺麗な景色と美味しい料理を楽しみ、満足いく旅になるはずですよ。 -
Video article 6:00
Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture: A Town With Tons of History, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and Culture. In This Video, Two Beautiful Women Wander Around the Tourist Spots of Matsusaka!
Local PR Travel Food & Drink- 86 plays
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Matsusaka City Is More Than Just Matsusaka Beef This video was created by the Matsusaka Tourist Association. This video will introduce you to Matsusaka, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. It's called "Matsusaka-city tour video [Japanese]" (松阪市観光動画【日本語】). Matsusaka city is located in the center of Mie prefecture. Matsusaka is a gateway to Ise Shima, and it is about 15 minutes by train to Ise, a castle town with a traditional atmosphere. In this video, two beautiful ladies tour Matsusaka in order to introduce you to gourmet food, tradition, and culture. You'll be raring to visit Matsusaka after watching the video. What to Eat in Matsusaka Photo:Sukiyaki Lots of good food can be found in Matsusaka city. We especially recommend Matsusaka beef, introduced in the video at 0:33. A world-famous brand, Matsusaka beef comes from Matsusaka cows that drink beer and get massages. This peculiar way of raising cows gives the meat an amazing flavor, and no other beef has the same taste. It is so soft that if you touch the beef, the fat starts to melt. In the video at 1:02, Shigenobu Kajio from the Matsusaka Tourist Association talks about the beautiful marbling, sweetness, and top quality of Matsusaka beef. If you're visiting Matsusaka, the most famous Matsusaka beef dish, sukiyaki, is one you've gotta try! They show how to cook this at 1:21 in the video. Of course, there's more ways than just sukiyaki to enjoy Matsusaka beef. Other ways include steaks, yakiniku, and more! Matsusaka local food includes Japanese sweets like Oinotomo, Matsusaka tea, Monaka Ice cream (wafers filled with bean jam), and there's the popular Japanese sweets store, Yanagiya Hozen, where you can buy some of these. There are also many restaurants serving lunch as well as popular ramen stores throughout the area. A restaurant called "Kappo Ryokan Yachiyo" serves many different Matsusaka beef dishes such as shabu-shabu, steaks, rare, lightly roasted beef, and beef stew. Matsusaka is full of flavor! Historical Spots in Matsusaka Photo:Gojoban Yashiki After filling up at a local restaurant, enjoy a walk around the city and admire the history. During the warring states period (late 1400s to late 1600s), Matsusaka City in Mie Prefecture prospered as a merchant city under the command of Gamo Ujisato, a military commander of the Warring States period. At the "Matsusaka Cotton Hand Weaving Center" introduced in the video, they sell Matsusaka cotton textiles, such as dresses, accessories, Kimonos, and Yukata (summer Kimono). You can also try the weaving experience to get more in touch with Japanese culture. In the castle town, Matsusaka, there are number of tourist spots where you can enjoy the city’s history such as Gojoban Yashiki, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Ozu Yasujiro Seishunkan Museum, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, Former residence of Hasegawa, Ozu Seizaemon, Hasegawa Jirobei, and the birthplace of the Mitsui Family. You can see the details in the video at 3:39. There are many great places for taking Instagram photos as well. Norinaga Motoori, a famous person in the Kojiki (A record of ancient matters), was from Matsusaka, and there are facilities related to Motoori Norinaga such as the Museum of Motoori Norinaga, and the former residence of Motoori Norinaga "Suzu-no-ya." Japanese explorer, Takeshiro Matsuura, who was the first person to document the inner reaches of Hokkaido, was also from Matsusaka. He is the one that named Hokkaido "Ainu." Access to Matsusaka It's more convenient to use trains to get to Matsusaka. From Osaka or Kyoto, it takes just under 2 hours, while from Nagoya it's only a 70 minute journey. From Kansai International Airport, change at Namba Station, and from Chubu International Airport Centrair, change at Nagoya Station. It is also easily accessible from Kyoto and Nara. Festivals in Matsusaka Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events in Matsusaka. Take a look at the video at 4:48 to see some of them. The Ujisato Festival held in autumn in memory of Gamo Ujisato is a very powerful event! There is also the Hatsuuma Festival, the Norinaga Festival, and the Matsusaka Gion Festival. Many people come to the Matsusaka Beef Festival where they auction off Matsusaka cattle. The Matsusaka City Marathon is also very popular. Other Tourist Spots Around Matsusaka There are number of tourist spots that weren't introduced in the video. If you want to relax, we recommend visiting Mie Ureshino hot springs and Matsusaka Kumano-no sato hot hprings. If you want to buy souvenirs and Matsusaka goods, you can visit roadside stations Iitaka and Chakura, or places like Matsusaka Bell Farm, Matsuzakashi Santaro, and local street markets. We highly recommend having lunch at Matsusaka's local restaurants! There are more exciting spots in Matsusaka as well: Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Matsusaka Park, Chubudai Athletic Park, Komyo-ji Temple, Matsusaka City History and Folklore Museum, wealthy merchant town Matsusaka, Matsusaka Tourist Information Center, Takeshiro Matsuura Museum, ceramic art space “Niji no Izumi,” Matsusaka Suzu no Mori Park, and Mount Takami. Find your favorite place amongst the beautiful scenery of Matsusaka. Overview of Matsusaka Interested in checking out Matsusaka city? Don't forget to try Matsusaka's local cuisine, Matsusaka beef when you visit! Check out the video to see the delicious Matsusaka beef. We don't recommend watching it on an empty stomach! 【Official Website】Mie Prefecture Matsusaka city, city hall https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/userguide/foreignlanguage.html -
Video article 5:20
Local Gourmet Food in Hita City, Oita Prefecture - Hita Yakisoba Is Delicious! How These Delicious Noodles Are Made Over the Griddle!
Food & Drink- 23 plays
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This video, titled "伝統の焼きそばの作り方 - 日本の屋台の食べ物 - YAKISOBA Japanese Street Food," was released by "Sushi Bomber TV The Frontline of Cooking" (Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線). The yakisoba shown in this video is the traditional "Hita yakisoba" that has been popular in Hita City, Oita Prefecture for a long time. The difference between this type of yakisoba and ordinary yakisoba is the use of boiled noodles instead of steamed Chinese noodles, and also the fact that the noodles are first cooked on a griddle until one side of the noodles are burned and then combined with stir-fried vegetables, allowing the audience to experience the difference in texture between soft and hard noodles. The combination of brilliant cooking and sizzling and crackling sounds will stimulate your appetite! Check out Hita yakisoba being made in the video! -
Video article 16:29
The Hidden Gourmet Dish, "Anago Nanbanzuke"! Freshly Prepared Conger Eel Dishes With Delicious Japanese Sake!
Food & Drink- 32 plays
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Making Anago Nanbanzuke This video shows how to make Anago Nanbanzuke. Conger eel (anago) is known to come from Nagasaki, Shimane, and Aichi prefectures. Summer conger eel has little fat and is more refreshing, while winter conger eel is rich in fat, making it a hearty dish that is becoming increasingly popular. Conger eel is often eaten as a substitute for regular eel, but some people prefer conger eel because it's lower in calories and has a more refreshing flavor than normal eel. In the video, they make nanbanzuke (roasted or deep-fried fish or meat, marinated in a spicy sauce) using conger eel. 0:05: Opening the eel 3:43: Cutting the eel into small piece 5:42: Adding sake and salt to the eel and mixing it 6:24: Adding flour 6:46: Deep frying in oil 10:38: Preparing the bonito broth 11:28: Pickling the fried eel in a marinade of sugar, salt, vinegar, light soy sauce, and chopped red pepper 12:57: Dishing up the eel and adding onions, green spring onions, and a bit of marinade In the video, it's paired with a sake called "Dassai" (獺祭)! Eel is slimy and difficult to process, but if you manage to get some, why not give it a try? -
Video article 1:06
Night view x Gourmet food x Attraction! Illumination at Mother Farm” video in Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture!We also show you the highlights of the event, including animal petting events!
Festivals & Events Travel Things to Do- 48 plays
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Flower Garden of Light, a Mother Farm Illumination: Video Introduction Photo:An illumination at Mother Farm This video, titled "Mother Farm Illuminations 2019-2020 — Flower Garden of Light" (マザー牧場 イルミネーション 2019-2020 光の花園), was uploaded by "Mother Farm" (マザー僕所). In this video, you can watch the 2019-2020 Flower Garden of Light event, a light show which took place at Mother Farm. Mother Farm is located on the slopes of Mt. Kano (鹿野山, kano-zan), from which breathtaking views of the Boso Peninsula, Tokyo Bay, Mt. Fuji, and Japan's beautiful mountain ranges can be seen. Occupying a vast swathe of land in Futtsu, Chiba, in Japan's Kanto region, Mother Farm was established in February 1962 by Hisakichi Maeda, the same man who established the Sankei Shimbun (a daily newspaper in Japan) and Tokyo Tower. One of Mother Farm's biggest draws is the fact that visitors can interact with a large variety of animals through events and feeding experiences. With great food and events, there's enough excitement for both kids and adults to spend a full day thoroughly enjoying themselves here. This hugely popular leisure spot in Japan's Kanto region is one of the first things that comes to mind when people think of Chiba prefecture. Of all of Mother Farm's seasonal events, the one that has people buzzing in anticipation about the most each year is the winter illumination show. With the theme "Flower Garden of Light," the show's colorful lights — which resemble the seasonal flowers of Japan — will bring the farm to life at night once again this year. Check out the video and be captivated by the farm's beautiful illuminations. [Video] 0:13 - One Million Lights [Video] 0:19 - Flower Field of Light [Video] 0:25 - Night-Time Bungie Jumping Amongst the Lights Highlights of Flower Garden of Light, a Mother Farm's Illumination Event Photo:Mother Farm, an amusement park in Chiba Prefecture Next, we'll walk you through some of the highlights of Flower Garden of Light, the illumination event at Mother Farm. ● Flower Field of Light Our top recommendation is the Flower Field of Light; the highest altitude illumination in Chiba Prefecture. In the Flower Field of Light area, visitors can see such delights as Mt. Fuji silhouetted against the dusk sky and Tokyo Bay's night views, all while enjoying the illuminations. The combination of the wintry flower meadow's twinkling lights and the surrounding scenery as the sunlight begins to fade, slowly giving way to night makes this a must-see attraction. ●Photo spot fairy area The newly introduced fairy area in 2023 will feature a landscape of melancholy light such as flower fields and windmills. Let's take a cute picture in "Fairy Country". ● Night-Time Amusement Park The sparkling Night-Time Amusement Park is home to Chiba's tallest (at its tallest point) Ferris wheel, merry go rounds, and, located 321 meters above sea level, the Night-Time Bungie Jump. Both children and adults are sure to lose track of time as they enjoy playing to their hearts' content. Food and Accommodations at Mother Farm Source :YouTube screenshot It would be a crime to miss the warming farm cuisine available at Mother Farm. Available only during the illumination season, the "All-You-Can-Eat Big Double Winter Warmer" (あったか2大食べ放題) offers Meisui Bamboo Steamed Mochi Pork (high quality pork steamed using water from a renowned water source), which can only be eaten at this time of year, and jingisukan (a Japanese mutton dish named after Ghengis Khan) on a 90-minute all you can eat menu. The warm, tasty food is sure to revitalize after enduring the cold temperatures outside. Add in a fully-stocked side menu and collection of limited sale sweets, and even the biggest of appetites will be satiated without a doubt. Mother Farm also offers value set tickets, advance tickets, and group plans, so make sure you check these out as well. [Video] 0:34 - All-You-Can-Eat Big Double Winter Warmer For those wishing to stay overnight, Mother Farm's partner hotel, Okura Akademia Park Hotel will get you in that holiday resort state of mind, and can be reached in 25 minutes by car from Mother Farm. It is also conveniently located approximately 60 minutes from central Tokyo via the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line. Okura Akademia stands on the Kazusa Hill Range, surrounded by the sea and an abundance of greenery. An elegant and refined space with a balcony in each guest room, and seasonal ingredients from the Boso Peninsula in the restaurant, it's a great place to rest your weary body after a fun-filled day. Animal Events at Mother Farm Photo:A sheep at Mother Farm, Chiba Prefecture One of the biggest reasons for Mother Farm's popularity is that visitors can actually interact with the animals. This remains true even throughout the illumination season at Mother Farm. Relax with rabbits and guinea pigs at Bunny-Guinea Touch (うさモルタッチ, usa moru tacchi), or interact with fluffy sheep with a sheep feeding experience. It's a soothing experience for kids and adults alike. We hope you'll have a wonderful time with the adorable animals at these events! Mother Farm Illumination: Roundup Be it the night views, the cuisine, or the events, there's so much to do at the Mother Farm illumination! The fact that the venue is easily accessible by car or train from Japan's Kanto region makes it an even more attractive destination. Why not head over to the Flower Garden of Light illumination at Mother Farm with your family, friends, or that special someone this winter? ◆Mother Ranch Illumination 2022-2023 "Hikari no Hanazono"◆ [Period] Saturday, Sunday and Holiday from November 3, 2023 to February 25, 2024 * Open daily from December 28, 2022 to January 4, 2023 [Business Hours] 16:00~19:30 [Admission fee (after 16:00)] 800 yen for adults and children a dog accompanied by 400 yen Free of charge [Parking] Yes (free after 16:00) Parking fee from daytime is 1,000 yen [Transportation access] Direct bus service from JR Kimitsu Station.Please check the official website for details. 【Official Website】Mother Farm|An Entertainment Farm With Flowers and Animals 【TripAdvisor】Mother Farm -
Video article 3:34
Miyagi Prefecture Recovers From the Devastation of the Earthquake and Welcomes More Tourists! Gourmet Food, Natural Scenery, Traditions, and More... Introducing the Charms of Miyagi Prefecture!
Travel Local PR- 47 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture This video, titled "Miyagi Prefecture Tourism PR Video" (宮城県観光PR映像), was released by "Design Plus Free Video Stockroom" (デザインプラス無料動画素材倉庫). This article will introduce recommended scenic spots and information on popular food in and around Miyagi Prefecture, alongside the video. Miyagi Prefecture, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan Miyagi Prefecture is located in the northeastern part of Japan, facing the Pacific Ocean, and is an area of great natural beauty. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 caused extensive damage, particularly in Minamisanriku. Reconstruction is now underway, and the area is returning to its previous form with all of the delicious cuisine that it once enjoyed. Enjoy sightseeing in Miyagi, a place with a variety of things to do! Places to Enjoy the Great Outdoors in Miyagi Akiu Great Falls, one of the most famous waterfalls in Japan's Tohoku region, offers a spectacular view. The 55-meter tall waterfall is impressive to say the least. Okama, the symbol of Mt. Zao, offers a unique view that cannot be seen anywhere else. You'll be amazed at the mysterious colors of the lake, which changes to five different colors depending on the sun's rays. Delicious Food in Miyagi, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan As a popular tourist destination in Japan, Miyagi is full of delicious cuisine. The first thing it's famous for is Miyagi beef tongue. The thick, charcoal-grilled beef tongue, topped with chopped greens and pickled vegetables, is exquisite. Come to Miyagi and enjoy some delicious beef tongue, which is thick, yet tender and full of juices! Besides that, the seafood grown on high quality plankton from the Sanriku Coast, is bursting with flavor, and the seafood, sushi, and sea eels are gourmet delicacies that you don't want to miss out on when visiting Miyagi Prefecture. The sake in Miyagi is also delicious, so be sure to try some on a night out. Summary of Sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture The video in this article introduces the sights and sounds of Miyagi Prefecture in beautiful quality. Miyagi Prefecture is full of natural beauty and gourmet food. It's a refreshing experience, so if you need a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, be sure to drop in for a visit! -
Video article 3:30
There's an Infinite Number of Ways to Enjoy Your Visit to Onna Village in Okinawa! From Natural Landscapes and Gourmet Food to Festivals and the Great Outdoors, Discover New Ways to Enjoy Your Trip to Okinawa!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 74 plays
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Sightseeing Spots at Onna Village, Okinawa This introductory video of Onna Village is brought to you by Onna Town Hall (恩納村役場, Onnasonyakuba). It's a promotional video introducing various sightseeing spots, festivals, and events held in Onna, a village situated on the west coast of central Okinawa. Onna is easily accessible from Naha Airport (那覇空港, Nahakuukou), taking around 1 hour to get to by car, and is a good base for a sightseeing trip on Okinawa's main island. Onna is regarded as one of the best resort locations in Okinawa, dotted with many large resort hotels, beaches with crystal clear water, such as those found at Cape Manzamo (万座毛, Manzamou), golf courses, and much more. This three and a half minute long video introduces various sightseeing spots in Onna. You'll surely find a new and exciting way to enjoy your stay in Okinawa! Experience Okinawan Cuisine in Onna! Photo:Pineapple The opening scene of this video (0:16) introduces Onna station (恩納の駅, Onnanoeki) market, where you can purchase freshly picked fruit and vegetables, such as mango, pineapple, passion fruit, goya and dragon fruit, grown at nearby farms. There are also bakeries and a popular food court where you can try tropical fruit shaved ice and Okinawan soba noodles. The locals regularly shop here instead of going to supermarkets. You can also purchase original Onna village souvenirs here to take home with you. Unique Experiences in Onna Village, One of Japan's Most Outstanding Tourism Spots Photo:Underwater We recommend sugarcane harvesting and Okinawan brown sugar making as an activity to enjoy with the family. You can taste the freshly picked sugarcane straight from the field and experience turning it into sugar. You can see this at 0:48 in the video. The fresh sugar is guaranteed to taste delicious! Onna village is known for having some of the clearest waters in Okinawa and is a popular spot for scuba diving, snorkeling, and other marine activities. Cape Maeda (真栄田岬, Maedamisaki), also known as the Italy of Japan, hosts tours of the Blue Cave (青の洞窟, Aonodoukutsu) where you can make memories that will last a lifetime. Manza beach (万座ビーチ, Manzabiichi) and Kariyushi beach (かりゆしビーチ, Kariyushibiichi) are popular destinations for sunbathing or swimming in the sea. Some of the most Instragrammable spots in Okinawa can be found here! At 1:06 in the video, you can see some of the beaches around Onna village. Please enjoy the scenery of the beautiful turquoise blue sea of Okinawa. The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (沖縄科学技術大学院大学, Okinawakagakugijutsu Daigakuindaigaku, OIST) is a university conducting research of the highest level, using world-class technology. Feel free to look around the facilities or take part in a guided tour of the campus. It's a great opportunity to experience the unique international atmosphere of the university and witness first-hand some of the cutting-edge research taking place. The university is featured at 1:20 in the video. Onna Village Is Becoming Increasingly More Popular as a Wedding Resort Location Photo:Resort wedding bride There are many large resort hotels in Onna where you can have a wedding. These hotels have spacious, beautiful bright white chapels inside where you can walk down the aisle to the sound of the sanshin, an instrument fundamental to Okinawan music. Experience a wedding truly unique to Okinawa. This is introduced at 1:38 in the video. Make some lasting memories in Onna, Okinawa! Other Sightseeing Spots You Can Enjoy in Onna Photo:Okinawa Hari Ryukyu village (琉球村, Ryuukyuumura) is a theme park in Onna showcasing Okinawan culture through various experiences, attractions, shows, and events. There are also a large number of restaurants where you can try Okinawan cuisine and shops to buy souvenirs. Even on a rainy day there is plenty to enjoy at this theme park. You can take a look at Ryukyu village from 1:57 in the video. Maeganeku Hari is a boat race that takes place at Maeganeku fishing port (前兼久漁港, Maeganekugyokou) in June each year. Fishermen compete using traditional row boats called Sabani. Around the same time, ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort hosts the Manza Hari Festival. You can take a look at this at 2:08 in the video. A well-established American-style restaurant called the Seaside Drive-In (シーサイドドライブイン, Shiisaidodoraibuin) was opened in 1967. They serve a variety of American dishes such as rib steak and fried chicken which you can enjoy for lunch or just for grabbing a cup of coffee in the cafe. When the weather is nice, you can order your food to go and enjoy the stunning scenery of the sunset here as well. In winter, how about enjoying the night view of the Chrysanthemum illuminations? Using artificial lighting, the Chrysanthemums here bloom in the winter creating a romantic atmosphere, one of the best-kept secret spots in Onna. There are also events such as Unna Festival held at the end of July and the Churaumi Fireworks Display held in October, which are extremely popular among both locals and tourists. Summary of Onna Village- Japan's Leading Travel Resort Photo:A superb view of Okinawa・Manzamo We hope you enjoyed the video introducing various sightseeing spots in and around the village of Onna, in the southern paradise that is Okinawa. You can view the sightseeing spots mentioned in this article in the video provided. After watching the video we're sure you'll want to start planning your trip to Onna! Which sightseeing spot would you most like to visit? We hope this video inspires you and offers some new and exciting ways to enjoy your next resort visit! -
Video article 1:29
Enjoy a Moment of Healing at Tsuwano's Yoshinoya Ryokan in Shimane Prefecture! Gourmet Food and Awesome Sightseeing Destinations in the "Little Kyoto of the San’in Region"!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 72 plays
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Tsuwano's Yoshinoya Ryokan in Shimane Prefecture This video, created by "Hotel Reservation Management Laboratory Production Planning" (【公式】島根・津和野 |津和野のお宿 よしのや), is a PR video titled "[Official] Shimane・Tsuwano|Tsuwano's Yoshinoya Ryokan." In this article, we'll take a look at the hospitality of the long-established ryokan, Yoshinoya, which faces Tonomachi street, the main street in Tsuwano, Shimane Prefecture, in Japan's Chugoku region. Yoshinoya Ryokan is a popular ryokan that offers some of the best hospitality in the business, according to online hotel review and comparison websites. The video introduces the townscape and tourist attractions of Tsuwano, as well as cuisine, rooms, baths and hot springs of Yoshinoya. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! Yoshinoya Ryokan in Shimane Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Yoshinoya is an inn with tatami mats where you can feel comfortable with bare feet. You can see the tasteful wooden exterior from 0:40 in the video, and the tatami-matted corridors at 0:55. Yoshinoya is located in a convenient location for sightseeing in Tsuwano, just a 7-minute walk from Tsuwano Station along "Tonomachi Street." Rooms can be selected according to the number of guests, and in addition to Japanese-style rooms, Western-style rooms are also available. In the large, spacious public bath, the inn's spring water smooths the skin gives it a feeling of youthfulness. After taking a bath, you can take a stroll in the colorful yukata provided and have a drink at the cafe & bar "Pollen." There are also resting areas inside the inn, so be sure to check them out as well. Amenity goods are also provided, so there's no need to bring your own. The baths at Yoshinoya are introduced at 1:00 in the video. Please note that the baths are not available for day trips. Dining at Yoshinoya Ryokan Source :YouTube screenshot One of the joys of the high-class ryokan is the Japanese cuisine, which uses an abundance of local ingredients. The standard Kaiseki cuisine includes the popular "Boiled Nodoguro," made with high-quality fish, and "Mutsumi Pork from Hagi, allowing guests to enjoy a variety of ingredients from Shimane Prefecture. Upgraded dishes include a full-course Japanese meal featuring Japanese black beef and other specially selected ingredients from the San'in region. For those looking to enjoy a more casual dining experience, there's "Engi-han" made with Tsuwano's famous Daikoku Meshi. In addition, you can also try local cuisine, such as Mutsumi pork shabu-shabu, Hamada amaika and San'in crab. You can see some of these meals at 1:05 in the video. Sightseeing Around Yoshinoya Ryokan Photo:Shimane prefecture・Taikodani Inari Shrine There are a variety of sightseeing spots within walking distance of Yoshinoya. The official website also provides information on activities to enjoy near the inn. Along Tonomachi street, which retains the appearance of a castle town, you'll find Tsuwano Catholic Church, Furuhashi Brewery, Takatsuya Ito Hakusekido, Tsuwano Japan Heritage Center, and the Anno Art Museum. You can also feed koi at Koi no Komeya Yoshinaga Rice Shop, as shown at 0:11 in the video. The video introduces the brewery where Uijin, the representative brand of "Furuhashi Shuzo," a local brand of sake, is made from 0:16 onwards. A short walk from the inn is Taikodani Inari Shrine, which can be seen at 0:29 in the video. Other tourist spots in the vicinity include Tsuwano Castle, the Nichihara Astronomical Observatory, Sara no Ki San'in Product Exhibition, Chikufuken, Hori Teien Garden, a railway turntable, and Otome toge St. Mary's Chapel, all of which are worth a visit. Summary of Yoshinoya in Shimane Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, you can enjoy the warm Japanese hospitality and plenty of tourist attractions nearby in the area. If you want to enjoy a sightseeing trip with a traditional Japanese atmosphere, be sure to check out the video and book your stay at Yoshinoya Ryokan! Room rates vary by season, course, and room, so be sure to check the official website and travel websites before visiting. ◆Yoshinoya Facility Introduction◆ 【Address】〒 699-5605 185 185-3 Goda, Tsuwano, Kaashi, Shimane 【Access】7-minute walk from Tsuwano Station on the JR Yamaguchi Line 【Parking】Available. 12 cars (free) 【Phone number】0856-72-4039 -
Video article 3:22
A precious lodging experience at Kakurinbo, a shukubo in Minamikoma-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture! Gourmet food and hot springs, experience Japanese history firsthand!
Travel Art & Architecture- 62 plays
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What kind of spot is Minobu-san, a sightseeing spot in Minamikoma-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture? This video, titled "身延山宿坊「覚林坊」PR動画 Minobusan temple lodging Kakurinbo PR video," was released by "Shunsuke Higuchi" (樋口舜亮). It introduces Kakurinbo, a shukubo (temple lodging) on Mt. Minobu. Mt. Minobu is a mountain that straddles the towns Minobu and Hayakawa in Yamanashi Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. From the sightseeing observatory on the summit of Mt. Minobu, you can observe the scenic beauty of Mt. Fuji, Suruga Bay, the Izu Peninsula, and Japan's Southern Alps. There are many temples and shrines in the area, including Kuonji Temple, the head temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism, and it has a long history of worship. Before getting too far in your journey into Minobu, stop by Kuonji Temple in Minobu, a place visited by many worshipers, and collect a shuin stamp to commemorate your visit to the temple. Experience Traditional Japanese Culture at Shukubo Kakurinbo Source :YouTube screenshot At Mt. Minobu, a popular tourist attraction in Yamanashi prefecture, you can experience what it's like to spend the night at a temple. The shukubo was originally temple lodging intended for monks and traveling worshipers, but more and more people have come to use them for sightseeing purposes. There are many shukubo like Kakurinbo on Mt. Minobu. At the shukubo, you can spend a relaxing time while enjoying a magnificent view of the Japanese garden from the Japanese-style rooms and immerse yourself in a completely Japanese atmosphere. Enjoy Gourmet Food and Hot Springs at Shukubo Kakurinbo Source :YouTube screenshot One of unique things of a shukubo is that you can enjoy local cuisine. In this case it's the famous Yuba cuisine shown at 1:29 in the video. The hospitality of the proprietress and priests at Kakurinbo, will surely make the memories of your trip last a lifetime. One of the attractions of Kakurinbo is the large public bath where you can relax. The wine bath, named after the famous wine of Yamanashi Prefecture, is also very relaxing. Drop By Kakurinbo for Lunch Source :YouTube screenshot Kakurinbo's Yuba cuisine can be easily enjoyed not only by guests but also by tourists looking to enjoy a delicious lunch, so definitely consider stopping by even if you don't have much time. In 2018, Kakurinbo opened the outdoor cafe terrace "Sakura Terrace," which can be seen at 2:23 in the video. On this open terrace, you can enjoy lunch or coffee while admiring the magnificent natural scenery of Mt. Minobu. Weeping cherry blossoms are lit up in spring as well, creating a fantastical atmosphere. Summary of Kakurinbo on Mt. Minobu Source :YouTube screenshot At Gyogakuin Kakurinbo, you can fully experience Japanese culture as it's introduced in the video. Enjoy a wonderful sightseeing trip while staying in temple lodging accompanied by delicious gourmet food and hot springs. 【Official Website】Gyogakuin Kakurinbo|Temple Lodging on Mt. Minobu https://kakurinbo.jp/english 【Tripadvisor】Gyogakuin Kakurinbo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121179-d6923066-Reviews-Kakurinbo_Temple_Lodging_Ryokan-Minobu_cho_Minamikoma_gun_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshin.html -
Video article 9:26
Enjoy Japanese Gourmet Food At "Kano Shoujuan" in Otsu, Shiga! Experience the Traditional Japanese Atmosphere With a Japanese Sweets-Making and Tea Ceremony Experience!
Travel Food & Drink Things to Do- 64 plays
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Kashojuan Longevity Village, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction This video, titled "Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato Tea Ceremony - Shiga - 叶匠寿庵 寿長生の郷," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the popular tourist attraction Kanou Shoujuan (叶匠寿庵) in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Kano Shoujuan is the perfect place to visit for those looking to try the finest tea and sweets that Japan has to offer. Visit Kanou Shoujuan for spectacular views of Japan and to experience traditional Japanese culture. Kano Shoujuan - A Japanese Sweets Shop That Has Been Loved In Japan For Many Years Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan is a famous Japanese sweets shop with stores in department stores across Japan. Its head office is located in the suburbs of the Otsu area, south of Lake Biwa. Camellias, cherry blossoms, and hydrangeas can be found blooming around Sunai no Sato, and trees such as oaks and chestnut trees are also grown to create a beautiful view. In the plum grove on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan, a plum festival is held in the spring when the weather is nice, and a plum picking event is held in the early summer when the plums bear fruit. You can see the exterior of Kano Shoujuan from 0:37 in the video. Beautiful Japanese Sweets Made in a Traditional Japanese Building Source :YouTube screenshot The building "Omukae-dokoro" on the grounds of Kanou Shoujuan is a quaint-looking Japanese building with a hearth inside to help visitors feel the traditional culture of Japan. The Japanese confectionery workshop "Santokuen" is characterized by a traditional Sukiya-zukuri style architecture. Many beautiful Japanese sweets are produced in a natural environment surrounded by beautiful gardens. Kanou Shoujuan - Experience Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At Kanou Shoujuan you can experience the joy of making Japanese sweets and papermaking, through which you can feel the traditional culture of Japan. In the tea room "Seikankyo," you can also experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony, one aspect of Japanese culture that dates back nearly a thousand years. This can be seen from 3:21 in the video. There are also limited time experience-based events, so we recommend checking out any information regarding these before deciding on your trip. Gourmet Spots in Sunai no Sato! Photo:kaiseki cuisine After enjoying a walk and experiences at "Kano Shoujuan," we recommend trying the beautiful, delicious kaiseki cuisine. At the restaurant "Sanju-tei," you can enjoy a blissful time with a meal that incorporates the seasonal flavors of Omi. We also recommend visiting "Irori Sabo" and trying the superb shaved ice, made with natural ice. Summary of Sunai no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato is a hidden tourist destination where you can enjoy traditional culture in a quaint atmosphere. If you're looking to go sightseeing, consider dropping by Kano Shoujuan・Sunai no Sato to enjoy the beautiful scenery of ancient Japan. 【Tripadvisor】 Sunai no Sato https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298202-d1653996-Reviews-Sunainosato-Otsu_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 9:46
Try Nagoya's Local Gourmet Noodle Dish, Miso Nikomi Udon, at Home! Recreate the Taste of the Long-Established and Popular "Yamamotoya Honten"!
Food & Drink- 29 plays
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This video, titled "Miso Nikomi Udon - A Taste of Yamamotoya Honten's Long-Established Udon Noodles" (味噌煮込みうどん♪ ~老舗の山本屋総本店の味を再現~), was released by "papadesuyo777." In this video, they recreate the flavors of Yamamotoya Honten, a long established restaurant that makes Miso Nikomi Udon, a Nagoya specialty. Yamamotoya Honten has been famous in Nagoya since the Taisho era (1912-1926) for its Miso Nikomi Udon noodles. In this video, in order to recreate the taste of Yamamotoya Honten, the noodles are made by hand from medium strength cake flour. Not only does it show how to reproduce the flavor of Yamamotoya Honten's noodles, but it also shows the cooking in detail. At the end of the video, you can see the details of the recipe. Check out the video to see how it is made! -
Video article 2:47
Kinzan – A Scenic Japanese-Style Hotel at Arima Onsen in Hyogo Prefecture. Relaxing Hot Springs, Gourmet Food, and More, All at One Luxurious Hotel
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 223 plays
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Relaxing at the Popular Japanese-Style Luxury Hotel “Kinzan” at Arima Onsen This article is about the popular luxury hotel Kinzan, located at Arima Onsen in Kita-Ku, Kobe in Hyogo, Japan. In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Kinzan, which is also a member of the Arima Hot Spring Tourists Association. Kinzan has a great reputation on Hotel and Ryokan (Japanese-style inn) review websites. This video will convey the amazing hospitality that only a high-class hotel is capable of providing. They also have exquisite Kaiseki cuisine made with seasonal ingredients. The video will have you feeling as though you're actually at Arima Onsen. Sit back, relax, and enjoy learning about Kinzan! Arima Onsen - A Popular Hot Spring Town in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Arima Onsen is located in Kobe, Hyogo prefecture, and is one of the Three Ancient Springs of Japan. Arima Onsen has two types of spring water. One is Kinsen, the gold springs, which contain high levels of iron and salt and is effective at treating poor circulation, lower back pain, muscle pain, arthralgia, and peripheral vascular diseases. The other is Ginsen, the silver springs, which is a carbonic spring water, thought to be good for hypertension, occlusive peripheral arterial disease, a functional arterial circulation disorder, and functional heart disease. Kinzan is one of the most popular Japanese style luxury hotels at Arima Onsen. The hotel is built in the style of a tea-ceremony house, which gives it a unique atmosphere. With its refined and sophisticated atmosphere, Kinzan is on the world-renowned Michelin Guide as a high-quality luxury hotel. The Luxury Hotel Kinzan, at Arima Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of the luxury hotel "Kinzan" is that you can enjoy a special time in the Japanese-style rooms overlooking the Japanese garden. You can also enjoy the attentive hospitality of the staff, including the landlady, at this elegant hotel. There is a beauty salon in the building, and a variety of amenities are also available for use. You'll also be happy to know that you can enjoy traditional Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine as well. The traditional Japanese cuisine, which incorporates a variety of local, seasonal dishes and fresh gourmet food, is a favorite among travelers. How to Spend Time at the Luxury Japanese-Style Hotel, Kinzan Source :YouTube screenshot Arima Onsen's spring water contains many components and has various beneficial effects on the body. This is a part of the reason why this Onsen is very popular. It's effective against neuralgia, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, and aids in post-illness recovery, recovery from fatigue, and promotes health. We recommend the rare reddish-brown open air bath to those looking to fully heal their body. The Japanese Garden has beautiful bamboo forests, where you can see fireflies flying around in early summer. It's a truly magical scene. During your stay, strolling through the garden while wearing a Yukata, or taking a walk to the Onsen town is a great way to relax and unwind. Remember, it's your trip, so you can enjoy it whatever way you please. Kinzan has day-trip plans as well if you're not looking to stay the night. You can casually enjoy the Onsen and food during the day and begin your journey anew, feeling revitalized. There are many popular hot spring facilities around Kinzan that provide day-trip plans, so we recommend checking out the other springs in the area if you're interested. There are "Kinnoyu" (Kinsen) and "Ginnoyu" (Ginsen) public hot springs. They also have bath salts for souvenirs which replicate the bath water at "Kinyu" and "Ginyu," so you can enjoy it even at home. Create Unforgettable Memories at Arima Onsen If you're interested in enjoying the luxurious space shown in the video, why not make a reservation at the Japanese hotel, Kinzan? Rates vary by season, day of the week, and room, so be sure to check the official website or travel websites for more information. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to see the luxury Japanese inn, Kinzan! ◆「Kinzan」Facility information◆ 【Address】1302-4 Arima-Cho, Kitaku, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Arima Onsen Station on the Kobe Electric Railway Arima Line 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】078-904-0701 -
Video article 2:41
5 Recommended Tourist Spots in Tokushima! Awa Odori, History, Nature, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and so Much More Awaits You!
Local PR Travel- 111 plays
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Five of Tokushima Prefecture's Most Attractive Tourist Spots This video, titled "Undiscovered Tokushima, The Real Tokushima ~ Full ~," was released by "The City of Water / Tokushima City Tourism Channel" (水都・徳島市観光チャンネル). Awa Odori is a famous attraction in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, located in Japan's Shikoku region, but there are many other attractive sightseeing spots in Tokushima Prefecture as well. This time, we'll introduce 5 recommended activities to enjoy in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture. [Tokushima Recommendation #1] Traditional Performing Arts, Historical Heritages, and Other Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:45 in the video, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, has a traditional culture called Awa Ningyo Joruri (a type of traditional puppet theatre), which is a nationally designated Important Intangible Cultural Property. In addition, Awa Aizome (indigo dyeing), seen from 0:39, is one of Tokushima's traditional industries. At the Aizome Craft Center (藍染工芸館, Aizome Kougeikan), you can experience aizome dyeing classes and buy craftwork that give you a sense of history and culture, as souvenirs. In addition, Tokushima is dotted with many historical heritage sites, such as ancient tombs, temples, and shrines. A valuable excavation site can be seen at Awashima Historic Park. It's a recommended sightseeing route for taking walks in Tokushima while feeling the history and culture. [Tokushima Recommendation #2] Shikoku Henro, a Temple Pilgrimage Photo:Ryozenji Temple, Tokushima Prefecture Shikoku Henro is a traditional pilgrimage in Japan. The first of the 88 temples in Shikoku, which were founded by Kobo Daishi, is Ryozenji Temple, located in Tokushima Prefecture. There are 22 pilgrimage sites in Tokushima Prefecture. The pilgrimage route also has shukuba (lodging), so if you're looking to complete the pilgrimage on foot consider staying at these. You can see images of the pilgrimage from 0:17 in the video. [Tokushima Recommendation #3] Activities To Enjoy With Children Photo:Bentenyama, Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, is also known as the city of water. Every July, there are lots of activities that you can enjoy with your children, such as the Tokushima Hyotanjima Water City Festival (徳島ひょうたん島水都祭り, Tokushima Hyotanjima Suito Matsuri) and the Hyotanjima Cruise! The model of Hyokkori Hyoutanjima, a puppet show on NHK, was Hyoutanjima in Tokushima City. And there's another recommended activity that you can enjoy with your children! That is, climbing the mountain, Bentenyama, which is famous as the smallest mountain in Japan. Adults can reach the summit in 1 minute! If you climb the stairs, there is a shrine that enshrines Benzaiten, so why not enjoy a casual mountain climb with your kids and bring along some lunch to enjoy as well? The Tokushima Zoo, where you can experience feeding animals, is also a little-known tourist spot. [Tokushima Recommendation #4] Local Gourmet Food in Tokushima Photo:Gourmet Food in Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima is full of finger-licking-good gourmet spots! The one we recommend most is the local okonomiyaki "Mametentama," which can only be eaten in Tokushima. This is sweetly stewed Kintoki beans made into tempura (Kakiage in Tokyo style) and then made into okonomiyaki. The okonomiyaki sauce and sweet beans are a perfect match and are totally addictive. If you get tired of walking, you can always take a break and try Tokushima's famous Taki-no-yakimochi, at a cafe in Mt. Bizan. Taki-no-yakimochi is a local dessert that uses the famous water from Kinryosui Spring on Mt. Bizan, which was loved by successive generations of Tokushima feudal lords. Matcha goes great with the slightly sweet mochi. If you're hungry, try Tokushima's specialty, Niku-dama ramen, and replenish your stamina! You can see the popular gourmet foods of Tokushima prefecture from 1:21 in the video. [Tokushima Recommendation #5] The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Mt. Bizan and Awa Odori Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the whole view of the cityscape of Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture from Mt. Bizan. Also, you can climb to the mountaintop from the 5th floor of the Awa Odori Hall (阿波おどり会館, Awaodori Kaikan) by ropeway; and during this, you can enjoy traveling through the air while enjoying a spectacular view of Mt. Bizan and the sea. Awa Odori is a must-see for anyone sightseeing in Tokushima. Awa Odori has a male dance and a female dance, and the dance is performed by an organization called "Ren" (連). Every August, the city of Tokushima comes to life with many locals and tourists attending the event. You can see the scenes of Awa Odori from 1:51 in the video. Summary of the Attractions of Tokushima Prefecture Photo:Yoshino River, Tokushima Prefecture In this article we introduced 5 exciting activities to enjoy in Tokushima Prefecture, but what do you think? The Yoshino River crosses through Tokushima, the city of water, and the sea of Tokushima is a mecca for surfing in Japan's Chugoku and Shikoku regions. In Japanese mythology, Shikoku is said to have been the first Island created in the Japanese archipelago, and it is a historically valuable place. Be sure to visit Tokushima Prefecture, a place of mythology, water, culture and history! When the Awa Odori Festival is held, reservations for hotels and inns will be limited, so we recommend making reservations early. 【Official Website】Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tokushima.tokushima.jp/smph/ -
Video article 2:58
Pink, Yellow, Purple... Gifu Prefecture's Hashima City Is a Colorful Place Where You Can Enjoy the Natural Beauty of the Four Seasons. With Festivals, Gourmet Food, and Traditional Culture, Hashima City Has Plenty of Attractions for You to Enjoy!
Local PR Travel- 142 plays
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Sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! Introducing sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! This video introduces the Hashima City sightseeing video "Hashima City Sightseeing PR Video. Normal Version, 2017," produced by the "Hashima City Tourism Association." Hashima City, in Gifu Prefecture, is an area with excellent traffic access thanks to the Tokaido Shinkansen route. Get off at Gifu-Hashima Station, where the statues of the Japanese politicians, Mr. and Mrs. Mutsune Ono, stand in front of the station and enjoy sightseeing around the scenic Hashima city. Enjoy this quick 3 minute clip filled with the nature, history, festivals, and gourmet food of Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. Tourist Attractions in Hashima City! Source :YouTube screenshot In Hashima City, a place overflowing with nature, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms of Hashima Park (羽島公園, Hashima koen) and Sakai river (境川, Sakaigawa) in the spring, the wisteria trellises of the Takehana Betsuin Temple (真宗大谷派竹鼻別院, Shinshu Otaniha Takehana Betsuin), and the lotuses of Oga Lotus garden (大賀ハス園, Oga hasu koen) in the early summer. In autumn, you can gaze upon the the vast sunflower field, the cosmos of Ichinoeda, and the rows of ginkgo trees. The seasonal scenery is perfect for Instagram, so don't forget to bring your camera! You can see Ichinoeda Cosmos Square, with one side dyed pink, at 0:43 in the video. Hongaku Temple (本覚寺, Hongaku ji) in Hashima City, is famous for its cloud dragon ceiling painting, shown at 2:08 in the video. We also recommend checking out Yoro Park (養老公園, Yoro koen), where the Yoro Falls are located, as well as Yoro Shrine (養老神社, Yoro jinja). Other sightseeing spots we recommend are Chiyobo Inari Shrine (千代保稲荷神社, Chiyobo Inari jinja), the Great Buddha of Sakichi in the Takehana area, Naka Kannon Hall (中観音堂, Naka Kannon do) and the Hashima Enku Museum (羽島円空資料館, Hashima Enku Shiryokan), and the Hashima City Folk Museum. After sightseeing, enjoy local gourmet dishes using lotus root, while sipping on sake, or relax at a hot spring inn or hotel. The local cuisine of Hashima City is introduced at 2:13 in the video. Lotus root rice bowls, boiled fish, miso dumplings, sake ... everything looks so delicious. Hashima City Event Information! Source :YouTube screenshot Check out the historical festivals and popular events in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. In Hashima City, the Hashima Spring Festival is held in the spring, and during the Golden Week there is a lively float festival called the Takehana Festival. The Nobi Fireworks, a tradition upheld since the Meiji Period, are also something to look out for. The Japanese drum called Hajima Taiko, introduced at 0:19, is also famous. Let's go to events such as Japanese drum live and music festival. Summary of Sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! Gifu Prefecture's Hashima City has many interesting sightseeing spots. Hashima City can also be easily accessed from Kanto and Kansai by bullet train, making it a great place to visit. In the video, you can see information about Hashima City that we couldn't include in this article, such as "Mino-Jima," a traditional cotton loom handed down since the Edo Period (1603-1868)! If you're looking to enjoy the beautiful, natural scenery of Japan, along with famous sights, consider adding Gifu Prefecture to your itinerary and drop by Hashima City! 【Official Website】Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture City Hall Homepage https://www.city.hashima.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】 Hashima City Tourism Association | Introducing sightseeing spots and events in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture https://hashimakanko.jp/wp2/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/guide_en.pdf -
Video article 1:51
Enjoy Delicious Gourmet Food at the Katsuura Morning Market in Chiba Prefecture, a Place With Over 400 Years of History. One of the 3 Largest Morning Markets in Japan, Katsuura Morning Market Is a Charming Place Full of Smiles!
Shopping- 177 plays
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Video introduction of "Katsuura Morning Market" in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture This video, titled "Katsuura Morning Market December 22nd, 2019"(勝浦朝市令和元年12月22日), is produced by “Uraran nohohon terebi” (うららんのほほんてれび); It's a video introducing the Katsuura Morning Market in Katsuura city, Chiba prefecture. From 0:40 in the video, you can see the horned turban, a specialty of Katsuura Morning Market. From 0:25, we're shown “Tantan Taiyaki,” “Coffee,” “Japanese lobster,” and from 0:38, “Sanga Soup.” All these various dishes and foods can be enjoyed at great prices, making the market a very popular tourist attraction in Chiba prefecture. The local people welcome tourists with the spirit of hospitality. After watching the video you'll definitely want to travel to Katsuura City, Chiba prefecture! In this article, we'll introduce recommended tourist locations at Chiba prefecture's Katsuura Morning Market. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Popular Katsuura Morning Market in Chiba Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Katsuura Morning Market is a morning market in Katsuura city, Chiba prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. Along with the Wajima Morning Market of Ishikawa prefecture and the Hida-Takayama Miyagawa Morning Market of Gifu prefecture, it is known as one of the 3 biggest morning markets in Japan. The Katsuura Morning Market has a long history dating back 400 years. It's said that the market started in 1591 when the Katsuura castle lord, Yasutada Uemura opened the place as a location for exchanging agricultural and marine/seafood products. In November of 1987, the location was moved to its present location. In 1996 and 2010, the “National Morning Market Summit” was held. The Katsuura Morning Market is open every morning from 6:00 AM-11:00 AM except for New Years day (January 1st) and Wednesdays. It is held at Shimohoncho Asaichi Street during the first half of the month and on Nakahoncho Asaichi Street during the second half of the month. There are about 60 to 80 stalls selling marine products landed at Katsuura Port, which catches the second largest amount of marine products in Chiba Prefecture, as well as fresh vegetables and local gourmet foods. You can see the various stalls that are lined up at the Katsuura Morning Market from 0:04 in the video. The Katsuura Morning Market is close to a fishing port, so the seafood products are especially popular. You can buy fresh seafood such as skipjack tuna (the largest amount in the country is unloaded in the nearby port), horned turbans, and abalone here. Recommended Restaurants and Shops at the Katsuura Morning Market Photo:Katsuura Tantanmen There are shops that sell seasonal products, specialty okowa (sticky rice), and other various products at the Katsuura Morning Market. A popular food at the Katsuura Morning Market is the local delicacy Katsuura Tantanmen. This dish won the B-1 Gourmet Grand Prix in 2015 and became famous all throughout Japan. The Katsuura Tantan Noodles from “Restaurant Ishii” are a delicious local ramen that uses a healthy amount of chili oil. After eating some ramen, we recommend trying some warabi mochi at Nanbanya. It is an authentic warabi mochi that uses domestically produced warabi starch powder. It has a good consistency and it is a very popular Japanese sweet. The restaurant has various flavors for you to try besides the standard kuromitsu (brown sugar) as well. Besides that, there are restaurants where you can eat seafood rice bowls using freshly caught seafood as well. Try eating a delicious breakfast that you won't find anywhere other than Katsuura Morning Market. Information About Katsuura Morning Market Photo:Katsuura Morning Market Katsuura Morning Market is a 10-minute walk from JR Katsuura Station. There are 2 parking lots: the Tona Shiei Parking Lot and the Izumi Shiei Parking Lot. The Katsuura Morning Market closes every Wednesday. There are many facilities in the area where you can stay, such as hotels, so even if you come for sightseeing from far away, rest assured, you'll have a place to stay. Even in rainy weather, the morning market is held as usual. However, be aware that there will likely be fewer stalls. Summary of Katsuura Morning Market Source :YouTube screenshot “Katsuura Morning Market December 22nd, 2019,” released by “Uraran nohohon terebi,” is a video introducing the popular Katsuura Morning market, one of the 3 largest morning markets in Japan. It is a fun place where you can enjoy perusing the fresh seafood sent from Katsuura port, Katsuura’s comfort food, and lots of attractive food stalls. The video shows the variety of foodstuffs and the warmth of interaction with the locals at the Katsuura Morning Market, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Katsuura Morning Market Information – Katsuura City Tourism Association https://www.katsuura-kankou.net/english-site/ -
Video article 3:56
The Vast Wilderness of Kumamoto Prefecture, and Its Historic Cultural Assets, Will Have You Feeling Like You're on Another Planet. Sightseeing, Gourmet Food, and Festivals; It's a Place You've Gotta Visit at Least Once!
Local PR Travel Things to Do- 121 plays
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An Introduction to Kumamoto The video ‘Kumamoto Tourism Promotional Video,’ created by ‘Bud Vision Movie,’ promotes the local attractions of Kumamoto. Kumamoto Prefecture (熊本県, Kumamoto-ken), is located on the west coast of Japan's Kyushu region. There exist quite a number of marvelous sceneries in Kumamoto, very different from the urban image of Japan. Abundant nature, history and traditions, and hot springs. Sit back, relax, and enjoy an introduction to Kumamoto. Be sure to follow along with the video as well! The Land of Fire 'Mt. Aso' Photo:Mt. Aso We'll begin with an introduction the ‘Active Volcano: Mt. Aso’ and the ‘Great Nature of Aso,’ both symbols of Kumamoto. Aso is a famous place to drive around in. The great mountain and vast fields will engulf you! It's also very photogenic and makes for great Instagram photos! The endless, never-ending trail forges a path to another world, hidden above the clouds. Check out the video at 0:29 to see this. ‘Kikuchi Valley (菊池渓谷, Kikuchi-keikoku)’ and ‘Nabegataki Falls (鍋ヶ滝, Nabe-ga-taki), both located at the foot of Mt. Aso, are popular tourist destinations in the mysterious wilderness. The water is crystal clear, as can only be found in Kumamoto Prefecture, a place with an abundance of pure, natural water. Kumamoto is referred to as the ‘Treasure House of Water’ or ‘Home of Water’ due to its abundance of springs. Tsujun Bridge (通潤橋, Tsujun-Kyo), Shirakawa Spring (白川水源, Shirakawa-Suigen), Goro Waterfall (五老ヶ滝, Goro-ga-Taki), Kuma River (球磨川, Kuma-Gawa) Punting, Kuma River Rafting, Amakusa Five-Bridges (天草五橋, Amakusa Go-Kyo) and dolphin watching are all water-related tourist attractions in Kumamoto. Several springs and streams have been listed in the ‘Top 100 Waters of Showa/Heisei,’ and each and every one of them weaves beautifully through the natural landscape in harmony with nature. Kumamoto Castle, a Symbol of Kumamoto Prefecture and One of the Three Famous Castles of Japan Photo:Kumamoto Castle One place you cannot miss in Kumamoto is Kumamoto Castle, tormented by the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016. It's about 50 minutes from Kumamoto Airport by limousine bus. Kumamoto Castle has been watching over and protecting Kumamoto for over 400 years and it is a heartfelt symbol of its people. Kumamoto Castle has been designated as Important Cultural Property along with 'Aso Shrine' (阿蘇神社, Aso Jinja). Aso Shrine has around 450 subsidiaries across the nation, but the main temple is located in Kumamoto. Another must-see destination for history buffs is the Sakitsu Village in Amakusa. It was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 2018 as part of the Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region. Sakitsu Church (崎津天主堂, Sakitsu Tenshu-Do), located at the center of the village, is a must-visit. It's introduced at 2:42 in the video. Equally impressive is the Oe Church (大江天主堂, Oe Tenshu-Do). Festivals in Kumamoto Source :YouTube screenshot In Kumamoto, several festivals from ancient times still persist. One of such festivals is Yamaga Toro Festival (山鹿灯籠まつり, Yamaga Toro Matsuri) held in summer every year in Yamaga City (山鹿市, Yamaga-Shi), Kumamoto Prefecture. ‘Toro Odori (灯籠踊り)’ passed down from one generation to the next, is an all-night traditional event. The ‘Fire Festival (火の国まつり, Hi-no-Kuni Matsuri, lit. Festival of the Country of Fire),’ is held at the start of August in Kumamoto City (熊本市, Kumamoto-Shi), Kumamoto Prefecture. The large-scale festival surrounds Kumamoto Castle, and features flower trams using streetcars and fireworks displays. Other events, such as the Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine Autumn Festival (藤崎八旛宮秋季例大祭, Fujisaki Hachimangu Shuki Reidaisai) and the fireworks displays, also excite people. These festivals are introduced at 3:06 in the video. Local Cuisine in Kumamoto Kumamoto cuisine, blessed with both rich oceans and mountains, is introduced at 2:57 in the video. One of the charms of Kumamoto is that you can enjoy stuffing your face with both traditional and modern food culture, such as Kuroge Wagyu Beef (黒毛和牛, Kuroge Wagyu), Kumamoto ramen, Aka-Ushi Beef (あか牛, Aka-Ushi), etc. (Go ahead and pig-out. No one's watching). Summary of What to Expect in Kumamoto On top of all the major tourist attractions, Kumamoto offers a relaxing respite in its hot springs. The video introduces the Tsuetate Hot Springs (杖立温泉, Tsuetate Onsen) and the Kurokawa Hot Springs (黒川温泉, Kurokawa Onsen) from 2:22. Also, don’t forget Kumamon, the nationally renowned mascot of Kumamoto! Minami Aso Railway's trolley train, SL Hitoyoshi (南阿蘇鉄道トロッコ列車SL人吉, Minami-Aso-Tetsudo Torokko-Ressha SL Hitoyoshi), attracts many train enthusiasts as well. Trekking, hiking, mountaineering, golf, and horse-riding, are just a few of the many experiences Kumamoto offers! The 'Country of Fire' and 'Home of Water,' Kumamoto, is sure to have you coming back for more. With its vast wilderness and historic cultural assets, it truly does feel like a land completely separate from Japan. 【Official Website】Kumamoto Prefecture Tourism Website Motto, Mo-tto! Kumamotto. https://kumamoto.guide/en/ -
Video article 2:53
A condensed animation of summer sightseeing attractions in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture! Enjoy the Echizen Coast's spectacular scenery, marine sports, seafood gourmet food, festivals, and endless ways to have fun! Let's go out to the sightseeing spots in Hokuriku Region!
Local PR Travel- 58 plays
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Video introduction of summer sightseeing spots in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture The video “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” is created by “Tourism Echizen JAPAN Channel/ Echizen-town Tourism Federation Fukui Prefecture.” It's a promotional video for Echizen, Fukui prefecture, that introduces sightseeing destinations and local cuisine. Echizen is known for Echizen-crab, a brand of snow crab (queen crab). In summer, there's gorgeous views, marine activities, traditional fireworks and festivals to be enjoyed in Echizen. In this article, we'll introduce recommended destinations and food you should try. The video is taken by drone, so you get some beautiful aerial footage. By the time it ends, you'll be itching to go to Echizen! What is Echizen Like? Photo:Echizen Ono Castle in the Sky, Fukui Prefecture In 2005, the 4 towns of Asahi, Miyazaki, Echizen and Oda, merged together and formed Echizen. The population of Echizen is 21,500. (as of April, 2019) Echizen sits on the coast of the Sea of Japan and its roughly 2 and a half hours from Kyoto by car. There is no train or highways, so you can feel the beauty of the surrounding natural environment. We recommend going by car or rental car. Where's That Beach Shown in the Video? Photo:Kochou gate From 0:10 in the video, we see the main tourist attraction (with a beautiful view), Echizen Coast. Echizen coast is one of the three major places where bunch-flower daffodils are grown. Awaji Island (淡路島, Awajishima) and Boso Peninsula (房総半島, Bosohatou) are the other two areas. The bunch-flower daffodil is the city and prefecture flower. Echizen coast is a Quasi-National Parks, with upheaved seashore. Driving along the coast and seeing the large tunnel, eroded by wind and waves is very popular. Echizen cape was also chosen in the top 100 sunsets of Japan. Scuba diving at the beautiful Echizen coast is popular among tourists in summer. It can be seen at 0:28 in the video. Here, you can try diving and snorkeling as well, without the need for a license. There are a lot of sea-bathing places in Echizen with sandy beaches and rock shores. Families with children can enjoy endless fun here. Enjoy the Culture, Nature and Food of Echizen Source :YouTube screenshot If you head toward the inland from the Sea of Japan, you can see rural landscapes and beautiful green mountains. By visiting the Echizenkogama Museum, (越前古窯博物館, Echizenkogama hakubutsukan) you can learn about the history and techniques of Echizen ware, a Japan Heritage, as well as see one of the six ancient kilns of Japan. You can also enjoy 5 different kinds of hot springs here. The rice field art introduced at 1:09 is breathtaking. Definitely check it out! After sightseeing and enjoying some marine activities, we recommend trying local cuisine. Especially the Echizen soba, packed with grated Japanese radish, and fresh seafood. Usuya Shokuhin’s Ota Tofu is also popular as a souvenir. It uses only domestically grown soybeans. Usuya Shokuhin was established in 1854, in Echizen-cho Ota, which also happens to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga’s (one of the three great unifiers of Japan) clan. Another great thing to try during summer in Echizen is the squid-fishing experience. Riding on a fishing boat at night, turning on a fishing lamp and catching squid is sure to make for a lifelong memory. The food in Echizen can be seen from 1:12 in the video. Enjoying both sightseeing and delicious food on vacation... what more could you ask for? Traditional Japanese Festivals in Echizen Photo:Asahi festival Andon floats We highly recommend checking out Echizen's summer festival! In mid-July, “Echizen summer festival” is held. Fifty-thousand tourists visit the port town every year to see the amazing fireworks. “Asahi festival” is a fantastic festival where 20 Andon floats pass in front of the town hall. In Ota, there's a tradition called “Myoujin Bayashi” dedicated to “Tsurugi Shrine” (劔神社, Turugi jinjya) where Lord Oda Nobunaga worshipped. Currently, there is an event called “Ota Festival &O・TA・I・KO Hibike” in mid-August, where you can listen to powerful drum performances. The information is shown in the video at 2:00. The fireworks festival shown at 2:35 is incredibly lively. Summary of Echizen “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” introduces tourist attractions in the summer, along with gorgeous views of Echizen. Echizen is a very attractive town where you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the Sea of Japan, marine activities, traditional festivals, fresh seafood, and more. Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful summer views of Echizen. There are many hotels and hot springs too, so if you want to be active during summer, we highly recommend Echizen. 【Official website】Echizen town hall homepage https://www.town.echizen.fukui.jp/ 【Official website】Echizen: Echizen-town Tourism Federation https://www.town-echizen.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:18
Reihoku, Kumamoto- Where Christianity Was Introduced to Japan More Than 450 Years Ago. Introducing Tourist Spots, Gourmet Food, and the Nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto!
Local PR Travel Nature- 72 plays
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Reihoku, Amakusa, Kyushu This video is a promotional video for Reihoku, Amakusa in Kumamoto, Kyushu titled "reihoku," created by "Reihoku Town Hall." The video introduces the many attractive places and magnificent nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto. Reihoku is the perfect place to visit if you like the ocean. Check out Tomioka castle and Tomioka visiter center if you're looking for a tasteful sightseeing tour. The video shows the many different tourist spots dotted around Reihoku. Let's take a look! Amakusa, Kumamoto - A UNESCO World Heritage Site Photo:Sakizu Church The Amakusa area in Kumamoto, Kyushu was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. The World Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region" is where you can feel the history and culture of Japanese Christianity. It has been about 450 years since Christianity was introduced to Japan. Visit the different churches and experience Japan's culture of Christianity. At 1:39 in the video, you can see a statue of the Virgin Mary on a cliff. It's very beautiful even if you don't follow Christianity. Ocean Views in Reihoku, Kumamoto Photo:Yatsushiro Sea You can go on a cruise where you can see dolphins from Tomioka port. You'll be fascinated to see all the different beautiful ocean views that the cruise offers. There are other popular spots such as Tomioka beach, Shikizaki cape, and Oppai rock (Lit. "Breast Rock") in Amakusa ocean. We recommend the Reihoku steam ship for sightseeing. It's only a 45-minute ride between Amakusa and Nagasaki. Try the popular tour of Reihoku Thermal Power Plant that takes place on the day the power plant was opened. Check the video at 1:05 to see the rock cruising. There are so many photo locations for Instagram! Gourmet Food in Reihoku, Amakusa Photo:Nagasaki chanpon noodles Fresh sea food is a must in Reihoku, Amakusa. Try the freshly caught fish and oysters from Reihoku! Amakusa area is also famous for cabbage. At 2:42 in the video, all of the gourmet foods are introduced. Which one are you thinking about trying? Nagasaki chanpon noodles are another must-eat food since Amakusa is close to Nagasaki. Fill your belly with all the delicious Amakusa cuisine. The Cultivation of pearls is also famous in Amakusa. You can even purchase them as souvenirs! Summary of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto As you can see in the video, Reihoku is a small, yet beautiful town surrounded by beautiful nature. If you're planning to visit Amakusa, try to reserve a hotel next to the ocean. It'll be an unforgettable trip. 【Official Website】Reihoku town office in Amakusa, Kumamoto https://reihoku-kumamoto.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto Tourist https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1121557-Activities-Reihoku_machi_Amakusa_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 3:22
Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery of Yamaguchi Prefecture! These Photos Will Take Your Breath Away! Check Out the Amazing Sightseeing Spots, Gourmet Food, and Natural Scenery That Will Give You a Glimpse of the History That Has Made Japan What It Is Today!
Local PR Travel- 66 plays
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人気の観光スポット山口県の魅力たっぷりの動画を紹介 こちらの動画は「山口県観光動画集」が公開した「山口県観光PR動画|ダイジェスト版(ロングVer )」です。 明治維新の策源地となった山口県は、現在の日本の礎を作った歴史を垣間見ることができる観光地が多く存在している。 2015年に世界遺産に登録された「明治日本の産業革命遺産」は、日本の産業革命に大きく貢献した歴史的・文化的な建造物である。 九州エリアを中心に全23資産が世界遺産に登録されたが、山口県でも「萩反射炉」「恵美須ヶ鼻造船所跡」「大板山たたら製鉄遺跡」「萩城下町」「松下村宿」が世界遺産となった。 なかでも「萩城下町」「松下村宿」は明治維新で活躍した幕末志士たちの軌跡を辿ることができるおすすめの観光地である。 人気の観光スポット山口県には歴史的な雰囲気を楽しめる観光地がたくさん 山口県には世界遺産だけでなく、歴史の深い観光地がいくつもある。 なかでも山口県岩国市の錦川にかかる「錦帯橋」は日本三名橋・日本三大奇橋に数えられる人気の観光スポットだ。 錦帯橋の近くには「岩国城」もあり、「岩国城」から見下ろす景色は、まさに絶景である。 他にも、岬にずらりと並ぶ鳥居が幻想的な「元乃隅稲成神社」(山口県長門市)や特別天然記念物「秋吉台」「秋芳洞」(山口県美祢市)では、まるで異世界に来たかのような感覚を味わうことができる観光地だ。 また、山口県下関市の関門海峡には、多くの日本人に愛される剣豪「宮本武蔵」と「佐々木小次郎」が決闘を行ったという「巌流島(船島)」がある。 ここでは毎年5月に行われる「しものせき海峡まつり」のイベントの一環で決闘の再現も行っている。 人気の観光スポット山口県には家族で楽しめるレジャー施設もある 家族で山口県に旅行をする際におすすめのレジャー施設が「ときわ公園」だ。 この施設は、東京ドーム40個分の広大な公園であり、園内では日本の四季に合わせた色鮮やかな花々に囲まれ自然を満喫することができる。 また園内には動物園、遊園地、植物園が併設されているので子どもと一緒に楽しむことができるのも魅力的だ。 その他にも彫刻広場や「石炭記念館」などの大人だけでも楽しめる施設もあるので、山口県で旅先に迷ったら「ときわ公園」に行けば楽しめること間違いなし。 人気の観光スポット山口県のグルメといえば「ふく料理」 山口県でも最も有名なグルメと言えば「ふく料理」だろう。 山口県下関市で取れたフグを使った料理は、刺し身で食べられることが多く、一度食べたら忘れられない食感が特徴的だ。 山口県に来たらぜひとも地酒とともに食したい一品である。 また山口県下関市発祥の「瓦そば」は、熱した瓦の上に茶そばを盛り付ける特徴的な料理で、最近ではインスタ映えすると話題になった。 その他にも山口県岩国市周辺で作られている「岩国寿司」は、地元の美味しい食材を使った郷土料理だ。 地元の人々はお祝いの席などで食べることが多く、豪華絢爛な美しい見た目は観光客にも人気である。 人気の観光スポット山口県のお土産には「萩焼」がおすすめ 山口県は産業革命・明治維新とともに発展した地域であり、現在でも当時の痕跡が色濃く残っている。歴史深い文化も多く見られる。 山口県萩市一帯で作られている伝統工芸「萩焼」は、お茶を嗜む者ならだれでも知っているほど有名な陶器である。 素朴な日本らしい雰囲気でありながら、お茶に映える鮮やかな色の茶碗は、現在でも多くの愛用者が居るほどだ。 山口県に旅行に行った際には、「萩焼」をお土産に選んでみてはいかがだろうか。 喜ばれること間違いなしだ。 人気の観光スポット山口県紹介まとめ 山口県は飛行機を使った空路、新幹線や高速道路をつかった陸路、フェリーを使った海路などさまざまな手段で日本中どこからも観光に訪れることができる。 関西や九州に住んでいる方々なら車で日帰り旅行も視野に入るほどアクセスしやすいので、ぜひ山口県へ観光に訪れてみてはいかがだろうか。 -
Video article 5:29
Learn How to Make Tsuyama Horumon Udon, a Local B-Grade Gourmet From the Tsuyama Region of Okayama Prefecture! Just a Little Bit of Yakiniku Sauce With Horumon, Vegetables, and Udon Noodles! An Easy but Super Tasty Recipe!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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This video, titled "From Scratch With the Sauce [Tsuyama Horumon Udon] B-Grade Gourmet in Okayama Prefecture" (タレからつくる【津山ホルモンうどん】岡山県のB級グルメ), was released by "Nomotaro Shokudo" (ノモタロウ食堂). This video introduces how to make "Tsuyama Horumon Udon" which is eaten in the Tsuyama region of Okayama Prefecture. It's all about preparing the horumon, cutting the vegetables, and making the sauce by hand. All you have to do to finish it off is to cook the horumon, then fry the vegetables and udon noodles together and add the yakiniku sauce. This udon is absolutely delicious. If you're in a restaurant, you can make it on a griddle, but you can also make it in a frying pan, so give it a try! -
Video article 3:03
Take a Trip to Miyazaki and Enjoy the Tropical Atmosphere! From Udo Shrine and Takachiho Gorge to Popular Local Gourmet Food, Miyazaki Prefecture Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 94 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "Miyazaki, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 宮崎," was released by "gawauemon." Miyazaki offers a wide range of attractions, from the beautiful nature of Aoshima and the Nichinan coast, to traditional culture and arts and crafts. More About Miyazaki Prefecture Miyazaki is located in the southern part of Kyushu. Miyazaki was once known as Hyuga Province, and the culture that took root in that time is still being passed down to the present day through the traditional arts. In addition to the many tourist attractions, there are many delicious gourmet dishes to be found in Miyazaki that are worth mentioning. On top of Miyazaki's famous sirloin steak and locally raised charcoal-grilled chicken, the pride of the area of Miyazaki, recently the popularity of spicy B-grade noodles and onigiri wrapped in meat has been on the rise. In particular, chicken nanban has become so popular that it has been elevated to the status of "luxury street food." Tourist Attractions That Miyazaki Prefecture Is Proud Of Takachiho Gorge is one of the tourist attractions that Miyazaki Prefecture is proud of. Takachiho Gorge is designated as a national place of scenic beauty and a natural monument, and Manai Falls (Manai Big Falls) has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful waterfalls in Japan. Traditional Performing Arts That Miyazaki Is Proud Of There are traditional performing arts that have been handed down from ancient times in Miyazaki. One of them is the Takachiho Yokagura, which involves Shinto dancing at night. Every year from the end of November to February of the following year, kagura dances are performed to give thanks for the autumn harvest and to pray for a good harvest the following year. Summary of Miyazaki Prefecture You can feel the charm of the tropical Miyazaki Prefecture at its best when visiting in the summer. We hope this article and video have inspired you to come visit Miyazaki for yourself and see what the prefecture has to offer! -
Video article 6:24
Learn About the Past and Present Of Matsubara, Osaka. Culture, History, Nature, Festivals, Gourmet Food... This City Is Full Of Charm, and It's Waiting for You!
Local PR Travel- 93 plays
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About Matsubara, Osaka This video, titled "Matsubara City Promotion Video Normal Version" uploaded by "Matsubara City Hall" introduces sightseeing information, culture, and specialties of Matsubara, located near central Osaka. Kawachi-Matsubara Station on the Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line, the main station in Matsubara, Osaka, is about a 10-minute train ride from Tennoji Station on the Osaka Loop Line, Osaka Metro, and Osaka Abenobashi Station on the Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line, where the tallest building in Japan, Abeno Harukas, stands. In 2016, the tourism division was established in Matsubara and they introduce history, culture, and local specialties of the area. The local mascot of Matsubara is a character called "Makki" who is a girl with an Osaka dialect that is decorated with pine ("matsu" means pine in Japanese) and roses ("bara" means roses), the city flower. She can be seen briefly at 5:41 in the video. The Matsubara Rokusha Pilgrimage - A Traditional Culture of Matsubara Source :YouTube screenshot The Matsubara Rokusha Pilgrimage, seen from 0:30 in the video, is a traditional cultural event and popular tourist attraction where participants visit six shrines, and if successful, receive Kaiun Eto Hariko, a lucky Japanese zodiac paper doll, to commemorate visiting all six shrines. The six shrines are: Miyake Shrine where Sugawara no Michizane, the god of studying, is enshrined (0:47), "Amamikoso Shrine" a shrine line with old trees (1:24), Gado Hachiman Shrine, famous for Yudate Kagura, a traditional culture to pray for good health during Setsubun (1:48), Nunose Shrine, where the main shrine has been designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by Osaka (2:25), Shibagaki Shrine, which enshrines the god of teeth, a rarity in Japan (2:59), and Ao Shrine, featuring sacred camphor trees (3:30). The most popular item among tourists to Nunose Shrine, especially women, is the "love fortune" created by Hiroko Ichihara, a contemporary artist who creates works of art using only text. The impactful letters and words of the shrine have become popular for being Instagrammable, and many people visit the shrine for these love fortunes. Historical Sites and Cultural Assets in Matsubara Source :YouTube screenshot The 335-meter-long "Otsukayama Kofun," shown from 4:15 in the video, is the fifth largest zenpokoenfun (key-hole-shaped-tumulus) in Japan, and has been selected as one of the New 100 Scenic Spots of Osaka. Also, there are many roads such as the Takeuchi Kaido and the Nagao Kaido, which are the oldest government roads in Japan. There are many historic temples and shrines as well, including Raikoji Temple, Tannan Tenmangu, Dairinji Temple, and Saihoji Temple." Summary of Matsubara, Osaka Source :YouTube screenshot Matsubara is conducting the "Matsubara Brand Certification Project" to certify and advertise the amazing technologies and products of Matsubara. The delicious foods introduced in the video include kombu tsukudani (food made from kelp boiled in soy sauce), Ariake Nori (seaweed), Japanese sweets made from Matsubara's brand vegetables, Kawachi Ducks, Namba green onions, and tomatoes. Some of the interesting things introduced in the video are the Danjiri Festival at the Kawachi Shrine Autumn Festival, which is popular among locals and tourists, and skateboarding at Sports Park Matsubara. The wire mesh industry, pearls, and seal stocks are famous as local industries in Matsubara. Osaka Ranma (Transom) is made by Mr. Takahashi and his son, who are certified as traditional craftsmen in Japan. Consider visiting Matsubara, Osaka, a city dotted with ancient Japanese government roads, cultural assets, temples and shrines with rich history and more, during your next sightseeing trip! 【Official Website】Matsubara, Osaka Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.matsubara.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Matsubara City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1023523-Matsubara_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
Video article 19:35
The ultimate in luxury at the exquisite Japanese Teppanyaki! Tantalize your taste buds with exquisite gourmet food prepared by the chefs of a restaurant in Minami-ku, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 262 plays
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Teppan-yaki "Kisentei" in Minato-ku, Tokyo - Video Introduction of the finest steaks This video, titled “$144 Steak Lunch in Tokyo - Teppanyaki in Japan,” was released by "Aden Films." It introduces the exquisite Japanese cuisine, teppanyaki. Teppanyaki is a popular dish that is loved both inside Japan and abroad. There are many high-end teppanyaki restaurants in Tokyo that continue to offer authentic teppanyaki flavors, and they have gained the attention of many gourmet tourists. No trip to Japan is complete without trying some of the delicious Japanese cuisine at the many popular gourmet restaurants scattered throughout the country. It's good to splurge every now and then, and going to a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant where you can eat delicious Japanese beef steak is one rewarding way to do so. The History and Menu of Teppanyaki Photo:Teppanyaki, Kobe Beef Teppanyaki is a Japanese dish in which ingredients such as steak and other meats, seasonal vegetables, and seafood are grilled on an iron griddle. Teppanyaki is a Japanese dish with a long history that originally started with dishes such as okonomiyaki and monjayaki. At renowned teppanyaki restaurants, the chef will grill the seasonal ingredients right before your eyes, serving only the finest cuts of meat. In the video, you can see how several exquisite dishes are prepared: white fish from 3:39, vegetables such as shiitake mushrooms at 8:01, the main course, wagyu steak, at 11:06, and finally, the closing dish, garlic rice, at 14:44. If you book a course meal at a popular teppanyaki restaurant, you'll be able to enjoy the best in Japanese cuisine. The Masterful Techniques of Teppanyaki Chefs Photo:Teppanyaki Japanese chefs have mastered the art of cooking with seasonal ingredients. At teppanyaki restaurants, you not only get to enjoy the taste of the food, but you also get to sit back and watch the expert knife skills of the chef as he grills up the most delicious teppanyaki dishes. Teppanyaki recipes and menus vary greatly from restaurant to restaurant, so we recommend that you try a variety of teppanyaki restaurants to experience the differences. Depending on the restaurant, you may be able to try noodle dishes or garlic rice as well! Summary of Japan's Teppanyaki Cuisine Photo:Teppanyaki meat If you want to enjoy Japan's unique food culture, or are looking to try some of the delicious flavors of Japan, we highly recommend trying teppanyaki cuisine for lunch or dinner. Some of the more popular teppanyaki restaurants, such as the one shown in this video, are often fully booked, so it's best to make a reservation in advance.