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Video introduction of summer sightseeing spots in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture

The video “JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” is created by “Tourism Echizen JAPAN Channel/ Echizen-town Tourism Federation Fukui Prefecture.”
It's a promotional video for Echizen, Fukui prefecture, that introduces sightseeing destinations and local cuisine.

Echizen is known for Echizen-crab, a brand of snow crab (queen crab).
In summer, there's gorgeous views, marine activities, traditional fireworks and festivals to be enjoyed in Echizen.
In this article, we'll introduce recommended destinations and food you should try.
The video is taken by drone, so you get some beautiful aerial footage. By the time it ends, you'll be itching to go to Echizen!

What is Echizen Like?

Image of Echizen Ono Castle in the Sky, Fukui Prefecture
Photo:Echizen Ono Castle in the Sky, Fukui Prefecture

In 2005, the 4 towns of Asahi, Miyazaki, Echizen and Oda, merged together and formed Echizen.
The population of Echizen is 21,500. (as of April, 2019)

Echizen sits on the coast of the Sea of Japan and its roughly 2 and a half hours from Kyoto by car.
There is no train or highways, so you can feel the beauty of the surrounding natural environment.
We recommend going by car or rental car.

Where's That Beach Shown in the Video?

Image of Kochou gate
Photo:Kochou gate

From 0:10 in the video, we see the main tourist attraction (with a beautiful view), Echizen Coast.
Echizen coast is one of the three major places where bunch-flower daffodils are grown.
Awaji Island (淡路島, Awajishima) and Boso Peninsula (房総半島, Bosohatou) are the other two areas.
The bunch-flower daffodil is the city and prefecture flower.

Echizen coast is a Quasi-National Parks, with upheaved seashore.
Driving along the coast and seeing the large tunnel, eroded by wind and waves is very popular.
Echizen cape was also chosen in the top 100 sunsets of Japan.
Scuba diving at the beautiful Echizen coast is popular among tourists in summer. It can be seen at 0:28 in the video.
Here, you can try diving and snorkeling as well, without the need for a license.

There are a lot of sea-bathing places in Echizen with sandy beaches and rock shores.
Families with children can enjoy endless fun here.

Enjoy the Culture, Nature and Food of Echizen

If you head toward the inland from the Sea of Japan, you can see rural landscapes and beautiful green mountains.
By visiting the Echizenkogama Museum, (越前古窯博物館, Echizenkogama hakubutsukan) you can learn about the history and techniques of Echizen ware, a Japan Heritage, as well as see one of the six ancient kilns of Japan.
You can also enjoy 5 different kinds of hot springs here.
The rice field art introduced at 1:09 is breathtaking. Definitely check it out!

After sightseeing and enjoying some marine activities, we recommend trying local cuisine. Especially the Echizen soba, packed with grated Japanese radish, and fresh seafood.

Usuya Shokuhin’s Ota Tofu is also popular as a souvenir.
It uses only domestically grown soybeans.
Usuya Shokuhin was established in 1854, in Echizen-cho Ota, which also happens to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga’s (one of the three great unifiers of Japan) clan.

Another great thing to try during summer in Echizen is the squid-fishing experience.
Riding on a fishing boat at night, turning on a fishing lamp and catching squid is sure to make for a lifelong memory.
The food in Echizen can be seen from 1:12 in the video.
Enjoying both sightseeing and delicious food on vacation... what more could you ask for?

Traditional Japanese Festivals in Echizen

Image of Asahi festival
Photo:Asahi festival Andon floats

We highly recommend checking out Echizen's summer festival!
In mid-July, “Echizen summer festival” is held.
Fifty-thousand tourists visit the port town every year to see the amazing fireworks.

“Asahi festival” is a fantastic festival where 20 Andon floats pass in front of the town hall.
In Ota, there's a tradition called “Myoujin Bayashi” dedicated to “Tsurugi Shrine” (劔神社, Turugi jinjya) where Lord Oda Nobunaga worshipped.
Currently, there is an event called “Ota Festival &O・TA・I・KO Hibike” in mid-August, where you can listen to powerful drum performances.
The information is shown in the video at 2:00. The fireworks festival shown at 2:35 is incredibly lively.

Summary of Echizen

“JAPAN TRIP ECHIZEN COLORS – Summer/ Echizen-town Tourism Promotional Video” introduces tourist attractions in the summer, along with gorgeous views of Echizen.
Echizen is a very attractive town where you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the Sea of Japan, marine activities, traditional festivals, fresh seafood, and more.

Be sure to watch the video to see the beautiful summer views of Echizen.
There are many hotels and hot springs too, so if you want to be active during summer, we highly recommend Echizen.

【Official website】Echizen town hall homepage

【Official website】Echizen: Echizen-town Tourism Federation

Written By
Last Updated : Nov. 15, 2020
I'm a writer who likes to eat good food wherever I go
A condensed animation of summer sightseeing attractions in Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture! Enjoy the Echizen Coast's spectacular scenery, marine sports, seafood gourmet food, festivals, and endless ways to have fun! Let's go out to the sightseeing spots in Hokuriku Region!
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