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Bungotakada, Oita: Video Introduction

This video, titled "Bungotakada City," was uploaded by "Bungotakada City Official Channel" (豊後高田市公式チャンネル).

Bungotakada is a pleasant town with abundant nature and a mild climate in Oita Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu region. The city has a culture that has remained unchanged for millennia, as well as many fascinating places of interest, and is currently attracting attention as a town from the Showa period (1926-1989).

You can see the beautiful nature of Bungotakada and its exciting festivals in this powerful video.

Bungotakada – A Showa-Retro City in Oita, Japan

Image of a Showa-retro shopping street, Bungotakada, Oita Prefecture
Photo:A Showa-retro shopping street, Bungotakada, Oita Prefecture

Bungotakada in Oita Prefecture is home to many photogenic, Showa-retro tourist attractions. The atmosphere of the city is somewhat nostalgic for Japanese people who grew up in the Showa period and refreshing for young people, who can enjoy the historic atmosphere, allowing different generations to enjoy the city together.
Bungotakada has also been selected as one of the "Top 3 Countryside Towns to Live in" for 10 consecutive years. The secret of its popularity lies in its immigration support system, which is one of the best in the country, and its excellent environment for raising children. In fact, between 2010 and 2015, the number of people moving into the city exceeded the number of people moving out by 180, resulting in a population increase.

Enjoying the Showa-Retro Style of Bungotakada

In Bungotakada, where the streets of Showa-period Japan still remain, visitors can have an extraordinary experience, as if they've gone back in time. In particular, the shopping street that recreates the streets of the 1930s is a popular tourist attraction that attracts approximately 400,000 visitors a year. It has also been used as a filming location for popular Japanese movies.
Visitors can also enjoy delicious food and snacks at the retro candy store Yume Hakubutsukan (夢博物館, Dream Museum). It's a great way to experience what Japan was like in the past, as visitors can see many products that are hard to find nowadays.

Visitors can also ride in the bonnet buses that were used in those days. You can experience what is was like back then with the retro interior of the buses. However, please note that the bonnet buses are not air-conditioned, so be careful to dress appropriately for the heat or cold.

Recommended sightseeing spot "Nagasaki Hana" What is the best time to see rape blossoms and sunflowers?

Image of Kumano Magaibutsu, Oita Prefecture
Photo:Kumano Magaibutsu, Oita Prefecture

At the Nagasakibana Resort Campground, seasonal flowers can be seen blooming throughout the year.

In spring, you can see rape blossoms blooming all over the area. The rape blossoms are usually at their best from mid-March to April. During the best time to see them, the "Rape Blossom Festa" is held, which includes a photo contest and other events. If the timing is right, visitors can enjoy the collaboration of approximately 300 cherry trees and 22 million rape blossoms.

Also, in summer, the terraced fields of sunflowers offer a spectacular view of the blooming sunflowers. The best time to see sunflowers is usually from mid-August to early September. If you are planning to visit in 2024, please check the SNS.

Particularly in August, visitors can enjoy the breathtaking view of approximately 1.5 million sunflowers.
[Video] 0:37 - Sunflowers at Nagasakibana Beach Resort

Recommended tourist spot "Kumano Magaibutsu" has stairs made by demons?

Kumano Magaibutsu (Kumano Magaibutsu) is one of the largest Magaibutsu in Japan, and is a nationally designated important cultural property believed to have been created in the late Heian period. There are 99 rough and steep stone steps that are said to have been built by demons in a single night. The Kumano Magaibutsu is located at the top of the steps.

The statue blends naturally into the surrounding landscape as if it had been there for a long time.

The Buddha statues carved into the rock face are approximately 6.8 meters high for the Dainichi Nyorai statue and 8 meters high for the Fudo Myoo statue. Further up the mountain is the Kumano Shrine, which tells the story of the union of Shintoism and Buddhism.

Fireworks, Bon Festivals, and other Fascinating Seasonal Events to Enjoy

Image of Horan Enya, Bungotakada, Oita Prefecture
Photo:Horan Enya, Bungotakada, Oita Prefecture

The Nagasakibana Summer Festival is held every summer on the beach at Nagasakibana Resort Campground. This summer festival is filled with events that both children and adults can enjoy. For the finale, a huge fireworks display of 2,000 fireworks lights up the night sky.
[Video] 0:18 - Fireworks at Nagasakibana Summer Festival

The Takada Tourism Bon Odori Competition (高田観光盆踊り大会, Takada Kanko Bon Odori Taikai) is an annual summer event in Bungotakada. However, in recent years it has been cancelled in order to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
The event is so popular that there are more than 600 dancers, from children to adults, from schools and organizations in the city. The video shows people enjoying the Bon dances in a variety of costumes.
[Video] 0:42 - The Bon Odori Competition at the Nagasakibana Summer Festival

Horan Enya is an event to pray for a good catch of fish and aviation safety, and is a gallant event involving men of the sea. Young men in loincloths board boats decorated with large flags and shout out in joy as they sail from Kotohira-gu Shrine at the mouth of the Katsura River upstream to Wakamiya Shrine upstream.
[Video] 1:49 - Horan Enya

Wakamiya Shrine's autumn festival, held every year around November, is one of the Top 3 'Naked' Festivals in Japan and is a traditional event with a history dating back more than 900 years. Young men dressed in loincloths called "shimekomi," enter the Katsura River while carrying a portable shrine and carry it across to the other side of the river. The sound of drums, young men shouting, and the splashing of water are the highlights of the festival.
[Video] 1:17 - Wakamiya Shrine's Autumn Festival

Summary of Sightseeing in Bungotakada

Image of zaru soba
Photo:Zaru soba

If you haven't already watched the video that shows the charms of Bungotakada, be sure to check it out! If you have a chance to visit Bungotakada in Oita Prefecture, we recommend trying one of the delicious dishes you can find there. That is, soba, a specialty of the city! Every year around June and November, you can taste freshly harvested soba at certified soba stores in Bungotakada.

Kaimon Onsen, located in the city, is a famous hot spring that boasts some of the best spring water in Oita, a prefecture known for its hot springs. Enjoy the hot springs at a hotel near Kaimon Onsen and recover from the fatigue of your travels.

【Official Website】Bungotakada City Hall Website, Oita Prefecture

【TripAdvisor】Bungotakada, Oita

Written By
Last Updated : Feb. 9, 2023
もりありさ(Arisa Mori)
Writer and blogger living in Germany. Former flight attendant who loves traveling and food.
Bungotakada – A Historic Japanese Town of Sunflowers and Festivals in Oita Prefecture
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