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【Easy Japanese】A Beginner's Guide on How to Use the Train in Japan – Tickets, IC Cards, Japan Rail Pass, and More!(日本の電車の乗り方を解説!切符、ICカード、ジャパンレールパスの購入方法も紹介!)
How to Use the Train in Japan: Video Introduction
This video, titled "How to ride a train in Japan," was uploaded by "YOU in Japan-Homestay in Japan-" (YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-).
今回は、『YOU in Japan-ホームステイインジャパン-』さん制作の『日本の電車の乗り方』という動画を紹介します。
It introduces how to purchase train tickets and IC cards, and how to use them to ride the train in Japan.
It's a useful video for those traveling in Japan or those who want to live in Japan in the future.
Transportation in Japan
Trains are an important means of transportation in Japan.
Trains are used by millions of people each day in Japan, for things like work and school.
Especially in urban areas like Tokyo, trains are used far more than cars.
Furthermore, it's said that Japan also has some of the most punctual trains in the world.
Japan's trains are also a very useful form of transportation for travelers.
If you're traveling in Japan, trains will probably be the mode of transportation you use most.
But there are some things to know before riding them that will make using them much easier.
Purchasing Train Tickets & IC Cards
There are two main ways to take use the train in Japan: the first is to buy a ticket to ride the train, and the second is to use an IC card.
IC cards (Integrated Circuit Cards) are rechargeable cards that that can be used to ride the train in Japan.
ICカード(Integrated Circuit Card)は、必要な電車賃を乗る前にチャージができるカードです。
They can be purchased at stations all across Japan.
IC cards make train travel incredibly easy as you no longer have to purchase a ticket and calculate costs every time you ride the train.
Simply scan your IC card at the ticket gate and the fee is deducted from your card automatically.
IC cards can be recharged at terminals where tickets and IC cards can be purchased.
When coming to Japan from overseas, you'll likely be landing at either Haneda Airport or Narita Airport.
Both airports sell IC cards, but the video will show you how to purchase them at Haneda Airport.
First, you'll need to find the ticket terminal.
As shown in the video, these ticket terminals also have multilingual support, so even if you can't speak Japanese, you should have no problems using them.
After using the ticket fare chart above the ticket terminals to find your destination and ticket price, you can put in your money and receive your ticket and change, as well as a receipt.
If you're going to need a connecting ticket, simply choose where you'll be changing lines, enter the name of the station you'll be going to, select that station, and pay.
[Video] 2:16 - How to Purchase Train Tickets at Haneda Airport
【動画】2:16~ 羽田空港での乗車券の買い方
As shown in the video, there are a variety of different IC cards used across Japan, but Suica and PASMO are the main IC cards used in Japan's Kanto region.
By following the instructions displayed on the ticket terminal, you can easily purchase an IC card.
You'll also need to charge it for your first use.
There's also a personal PASMO where you can enter your details, but this is mostly for residents of Japan, so if you're just traveling, it shouldn't be necessary.
[Video] 4:19 - How to Purchase an IC Card at Haneda Airport
【動画】4:19~ 羽田空港でのICカードのチャージ方法
To recharge your IC card, simply press the recharge button.
After that, insert your IC card into the slot, and choose how much you want to recharge.
At some ticket terminals, instead of inserting your card into a slot, you place it in a small IC card tray.
[Video] 6:53 - How to Recharge an IC Card at Haneda Airport
【動画】6:53~ 羽田空港でのICカードのチャージ方法
How to Use Tickets & IC Cards to Ride the Train in Japan
The first thing to be aware of is that some ticket gates have IC card-only gates, and tickets cannot be used to pass through these.
To pass through the ticket gate, simply insert your ticket into the slot on the ticket gate.
The ticket will then be pulled through to the other side.
Be sure to take this or you'll end up having to repurchase the ticket when you get off the train.
[Video] 7:29 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket
【動画】7:29~ 乗車券で改札を通る様子
When passing through the ticket gate with an IC card, simply touch your IC card to the IC card reader, and when it beeps, the gate will open and u can pass through.
[Video] 8:00 - Passing Through the Ticket Gate With an IC Card
【動画】8:00〜 ICカードで改札を通る様子
After passing through the ticket gate, you can head to the platform where you can wait for your train.
If you have a lot of luggage, you can use the elevator, but if you're traveling light, you can also use the escalators.
Be sure to double check the train information at the platform to avoid getting on the wrong train.
[Video] 8:15 - Going to the Train Platform
【動画】8:15〜 ホームへ向かう様子
Most trains in Japan will have a small electronic display that tells what the next station is and what kind of train you're currently riding.
Most trains have this displayed in English as well.
[Video] 9:10 - Getting on the Train
【動画】9:10〜 電車に乗る様子
Just like when how you got on the train, simply insert your ticket into the ticket gate slot when getting off.
If this is your final destination, the ticket won't come out on the other side.
[Video] 9:39 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With a Train Ticket
【動画】9:39~ 乗車券で電車を降って、改札を出る様子
If using an IC card, touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and pass through the ticket gate.
[Video] 10:35 - Getting off the Train & Exiting the Ticket Gate With an IC card
【動画】10:35~ ICカードで電車の降り方と改札を出る様子
If you're using an IC card, as usual, simply touch the IC card to the IC card reader until it beeps, and then pass through it.
Just be sure your card is adequately charged or you'll have to go to a ticket terminal to recharge before transferring.
[Video] 10:46 - Transferring Trains With an IC card
【動画】10:46~ ICカードで電車に乗り継ぐ様子
When transferring with a train ticket, insert the ticket into the slot on the ticket gate, and be sure to grab it on the other side, as you'll use it until your final destination.
[Video] 11:26 - Transferring Trains With a Train Ticket
【動画】11:26~ 乗車券で乗り換える様子
Once you get the hang of Japan's railways system you'll be traveling at a much faster pace.
I highly recommend using an IC card as it will save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent buying tickets and calculating prices.
You can also get the ¥500 deposit back if you return the IC card when you no longer need it (there will likely be a small fee deducted when returning the card).
The Different Types of IC Cards Used in Japan
There are many different IC cards used across Japan.
Unfortunately, they cannot be used for continuous travel between different regions.
Here is a list of the different IC cards and where the areas they can be purchased.
IC cards can be used in different areas in Japan as well, although some may have limited uses.
Kitaca - JR Hokkaido
Kitaca - JR北海道
Suica - JR East (Tokyo, Niigata, Sendai)
Suica - JR東日本(東京、新潟、仙台)
PASMO - Tokyo metropolitan area
PASMO - 東京
manaca - Nagoya, Shizuoka
manaca - 名古屋、静岡
TOICA - JR Central
ICOCA - JR West (Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Okayama)
ICOCA - JR西日本(広島、京都、大阪、岡山)
PiTaPa - Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka)
PiTaPa - 関西(京都、大阪)
SUGOCA - JR Kyushu (Fukuoka)
SUGOCA - JR九州(福岡)
nimoca - Fukuoka, Oita, Kumamoto, Saga, Miyazaki, Hakodate
nimoca - 福岡、大分、熊本、佐賀、宮崎、函館
Hayakaken - Fukuoka subway system
Hayakaken - 福岡市地下鉄
Another thing of note is that IC cards can be used for shopping at many places as well.
This is nice to avoid carrying a lot of change.
Also, if you're looking to take a quick break, IC cards can be used at many vending machines to purchase a drink!
Types of Trains in Japan
There are five main types of trains in Japan, differing by number of stops and other factors.
Remembering the different types can help you know which train to board.
Local trains are the slowest type of train and generally stop at every station on the line.
Rapid trains generally cost the same as local trains but are faster as they stop only at major stations.
Express trains generally stop at fewer stations and are faster than rapid trains.
Limited Express:
Limited express trains are the fastest trains in Japan besides shinkansen, and an additional fee will be charged when using riding them.
Shinkansen, or bullet trains, are the fastest trains in Japan and connect Japan's major cities.
Train Ticket Prices in Japan
When traveling to a nearby location, most train tickets will start at around 160 yen (in Tokyo) and slowly increase as distance increases.
Keep in mind that train ticket prices also change depending on the type of train you ride on.
In general, local trains are the cheapest, while shinkansen are the most expensive.
The Japan Rail Pass & Green Tickets
The Japan Rail Pass is a special type of train ticket that can be purchased ONLY by foreign tourists that enter Japan as a temporary visitor, for the purpose of sightseeing.
There are two types of Japan Rail Pass, "Green" and "Standard," and the cost of each varies depending on the period of use.
・7-day Passes
Adults - 44,810 YEN
大人 44,810円
Children - 22,400 YEN
子供 22,400円
Adults - 29,650 YEN
大人 29,650円
Children - 14,820 YEN
子供 14,820円
・14-day Passes
Adults - 64,120 YEN
大人 64,120円
Children - 32,060 YEN
子供 32,060円
Adults - 47,250 YEN
大人 47,250円
Children - 23,260 YEN
子供 23,260円
・21-day Passes
Adults - 83,390 YEN
大人 83,390円
Children - 41,690 YEN
子供 41,690円
Adults - 60,450 YEN
大人 60,450円
Children - 30,220 YEN
子供 30,220円
※Prices up to date as of 10/17/2022
Green cars are train cars with first class seating, allowing you to relax when traveling.
One thing to note is that green car tickets can be purchased even without a Japan rail pass
Train Manners in Japan
We mentioned that Japan is known for its punctual trains, but Japanese people are also known for their good manners when riding trains.
Here, we'll list some things to keep in mind when riding a train in Japan, so you don't cause other trouble for other passengers.
1. No Talking on the Phone
1. 通話は禁止
Talking on the other phone is definitely something to avoid, as it can be noisy and can cause trouble for other passengers.
It's also good manners to keep your phone on silent or some setting with which it won't ring.
2. Talk Quietly When Riding the Train
2. 電車に乗るときは静かに話す
Talking loudly with friends can be tempting when you're having fun, but it's important to be mindful of others.
It's also good manners to avoid listening to loud music.
3. Don't Eat When Riding the Train
3. 電車で食べてはいけない
Eating on the train should always be avoided unless you're riding a shinkansen or in a green car, as these generally have tables and cup holders for eating and drinking.
4. Be Careful of Priority Seating
4. 優先席に注意
Trains in Japan have priority seating that is to be used be by senior citizens, people with disabilities, people with injuries, pregnant women, and people with children.
Be careful not to sit in them if you don't fit into any of the above categories.
5. Be Careful to Not Take Up Too Much Space
5. スペースを取り過ぎないように注意
Trains in most major Japanese cities are quite packed, especially during rush hour.
Because of this, it's important to not take up more space than you need, so that other passengers have room as well.
If you're traveling with a backpack, it's considered good manners to move the backpack to your chest.
This makes it take up less space behind you and prevents it from bumping into people.
Also, be sure to use the luggage shelves located above the seats if possible.
If you can't use them, try to keep your bags as close to yourself as possible.
Summary of How to Use the Train in Japan
Whether you're traveling or planning to reside in Japan, we hope this article has helped you better understand trains in Japan.
It can be difficult at first, but after learning the basics you'll have a much easier to traveling around Japan.
There are some manners to abide by when traveling via train in Japan, but as long as you're careful you should have no trouble!
Feel free to leave a comment and let us know if you have any questions too!
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