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This video, titled "March 2, 2019 - Hatsujima Diving" (2019年3月2日 初島ダイビング), was released by "munecyan."

Hatsujima, located in Atami, is a resort island just two hours from Tokyo and 30 minutes by boat from Atami Port, making it possible to take a day trip to the island.
The warm ocean currents from the south keep the climate mild all year round, allowing you to enjoy subtropical marine life and fresh seafood.

There are also a variety of diving schools that offer hands-on programs and license courses for beginners who are interested in diving.
In addition to schools of angelsharks, the waters of Hatsujima are home to nudibranchs, jawfish, and a variety of other fish, making fish watching here a blast!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
A Resort Island Known as a Natural Fishing Reef. Fish Watching on Hatsujima in Atami!
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