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This video, titled "Higashi-Ikebukuro [Shina Soba Tanaka] 2018, A Major Renewal in Its Five Years Since Opening! A New Ramen Based on the Concept of "Repaying Our Debt to the Sea of Chiba"! [Ramen Walker TV Episode #218]" (東池袋『志奈そば 田なか』2018年、オープン5年を機に一大リニューアルを敢行!“千葉の海へ恩返し”をコンセプトに掲げた渾身の新作ラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV #218】), was released by "ramenwalker."

This video introduces "Shinasoba Tanaka," a ramen shop that has become popular for its seafood flavored ramen.
The soup is made with Isumi pork skin and anchovies, and the flavor of the soup is very delicate and refreshing.
This ramen, that makes the most of all the flavorful ingredients used, has exploded in popularity, making it a very popular ramen shop for men and women of all ages.

Check out the video to see the ramen at Shinasoba Tanaka!

Shinasoba Tanaka Is Characterized by an Abundance of Niboshi in Its Soup. A Taste of This Delicious Ramen Made With Carefully Selected Dried Niboshi!
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