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This video, titled "Cancer Treatment That Can Be Applied - Anti-Cancer Mesh - a Video of the Latest Research: The Power of Nims 10" (貼って治すがん治療 ~抗がんメッシュ~  最新研究映像 NIMSの力10), was released by "nimspr."

Cancer is a common and dreaded disease for Japanese people.
Basically, when a patient develops cancer, he or she undergoes a surgical operation to remove the cancerous cells and surrounding lymph nodes.
However, the anti-cancer mesh introduced in this article is a groundbreaking invention that can provide effective cancer treatment just by applying it to the cancerous area.
The video explains in an easy-to-understand manner why the anti-cancer mesh is useful for cancer treatment.

Currently, it is still in the clinical trial stage for treatment after cancer surgery, but it is expected to be used in early cancer treatment and prevention of recurrence and metastasis in the future.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in Japan.
As the population ages, the risk of cancer increases further, which is why there are high expectations for the introduction of anti-cancer mesh that can be used to treat cancer.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
At the Forefront of Cancer Treatment, the Number One Cause of Death in Japan! A Look at the Anti-Cancer Mesh That Can Be Applied to Cure Cancer!
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