Video article 4:03
What Was Life in Tokyo Like Over 100 Years Ago? Find Out With This Rare Footage of Tokyo During the Taisho Period!
Life & Business History- 2.62K plays
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Rare Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago! This video, titled "Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago (With Sound)" (東京の昔の映像 (音声あり)), was uploaded by "Final A." Have you ever wondered what life was like in Tokyo more than 100 years ago? Perhaps you've seen pictures in textbooks or studied it at school, but probably very few people have seen actual footage of what life was like back then. In this video, you can get a glimpse of what life was like in Tokyo around 1913-1915. The Lives of Tokyoites More Than 100 Years Ago Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:04 in the video, you can see many people walking around dressed in hakama (袴). You can also see children playing with a ball called a "mari" (毬) from 2:59. At the time, it was common for children to spend their days playing with traditional toys such as a mari (temari). As you can tell from the video, at the time, the majority of people were dressed in what would be considered traditional Japanese style clothing today. The streets were lit using fixed paper lanterns called "andon" (行灯). The population of Tokyo at the time was approximately 3 million. The population of the whole of Japan was approximately 50 million, less than half of what it is today. From 2:42 in the video, you can see how the area around Senso-ji temple (浅草寺) in Asakusa (浅草), Tokyo was just as busy then as it is nowadays. Tokyo From 1913-1915 Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho period lasted only 15 years (1912-1926) but is well known because of the Great Kanto Earthquake (関東大震災). Many other important events also took place during the same time period. The most famous of those being World War I which started in 1913. In 1914, the first department store "Mitsukoshi Gofukuten" (三越呉服店) (currently known as Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store) opened in Japan, and the familiar lion statue, as well as escalators and elevators quickly became the talk of the town. At the time, the toy industry and product development were flourishing and it was the beginning of modernization in Japan. Tokyo Station (東京駅) was also opened in 1914. The station must have been very crowded at the time due to the large number of passengers travelling to and from the station. More About the History of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 1886, Tokyo prefecture (currently known in Japanese as Tokyo-to (東京都) was given the name Tokyo-fu (東京府). From the beginning of the Taisho period, there was a dramatic increase in the population of Tokyo. During the Meiji period (明治時代, meijijidai), the Tokyo area changed a great deal as Japan changed from being a country of agriculture to a country focused on industry. In the video, you can see that the most common mode of transportation was the rickshaw, however, the rickshaw was gradually replaced with bicycles and cars. At the time, there were many water wells in Tokyo and the water quality was also very good. Summary of Tokyo From 100 Years Ago Even if you aren't Japanese it's easy to feel a sense of nostalgia from this video. This rare footage offers a glimpse at what life was like over 100 years ago in Japan. It's invaluable footage that really allows us to see how far Japan and the rest of the world has come in such a short time. -
Video article 4:13
Life as a High School Student in Japan! Commuting to School, Classes, and Recess... These Girls Show Us Their Daily Lives!
Life & Business- 44 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Japanese High School Life - Come to School with Me," was released by "Ai from Japan." You can see the daily lives of Japan's high school students in this video. The video shows high school girls having fun, and of course, the natural smiles on their faces. If you're thinking of sending your child to study at a Japanese school, this video is a great way to get a feel for the atmosphere of a Japanese high school. It also shows a high school cafeteria. You can see what kind of lunch Japanese high school students have. There are many high schools in Japan, so if you're interested in seeing what they're like, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 14:55
Using AI Technology, a Film Taken in Japan Over 100 Years Ago Is Brought Back To Life in Color! Check Out This Rare Video of Japanese Life and Sights in the Taisho Period!
History- 177 plays
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This video, titled "[Speed Correction + Color Correction] Life in Japan in 1919 Revisited in Color" (【速度修正 + カラー補正】カラー化映像でよみがえる1919年の日本の生活), was released by "Pearbook." This video uses a special technology to colorize old Japanese black and white films using AI. The video shows Japan in 1919, the Taisho period. In addition to scenes of Japanese people wearing kimono, the film also shows scenes of markets and interactions with the Ainu people at that time. It also includes images of tourist destinations that are still popular today, such as Matsushima, Hakodate, and Nikko. The ability to see in color what Japan was like more than 100 years ago, before imaging technology was developed, is quite a groundbreaking development! -
Video article 14:59
Sharpening a Chisel, an Essential Tool for Carpentry! Bringing Worn-Out Tools Back to Life to Be as Good as New!
Life & Business Traditional Culture- 35 plays
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This video, titled "宮大工が職人技で教える初心者のための”のみ”の研ぎ方はこれだ! Sharpening a Japanese Chisel," was released by "翠紅舎 Suikoushya." The chisel shown in this video is a tool mainly consisting of a metal blade and a handle, and is used for drilling holes or engraving in wood, stone, metal, etc. There are several types of chisels and each has its own special use. They are used often in Japanese crafts. Flat bladed chisels are called flat chisels, Other blades are made of other materials, such as soft iron or steel. In this video, you can learn about the chisel, an indispensable tool for carpenters, and how to maintain it. -
Video article 8:38
A reproduction VTR produced by the "Idojiri Archaeological Museum" in Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture, gives a full picture of life in the Jomon period!Stone tools, earthenware, and other artifacts excavated from the ruins. The artifacts reveal the life of the Jomon people!
History Life & Business Travel- 1.01K plays
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Video introduction of a reproduction of the Jomon people's daily life" produced by the "Idojiri Archaeological Museum" in Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture. Many tourists come to Japan to enjoy the beautiful shrines, picturesque scenery, delicious food and other uniquely Japanese characteristics. Even Japanese people love to travel to places like Kyoto and Nara where they can enjoy sightseeing at historical buildings and eating delicious food. However, in this article, we'd like to take a break from the standard approach to enjoying Japan and recommend a few lesser-known spots where you can learn about the life of the Jomon people nearly 3,000 years ago. In this article, we'll introduce the Idojiri Archaeological Museum, where you can learn about the life of the Jomon. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! Who Were the Jomon People? What Were Their Lives Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The Jomon people lived all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, during the Jomon period approximately 16,000 to 3,000 years ago. In world history, this period corresponds to the Mesolithic and Neolithic ages. The Jomon were a people who devised many different ways to survive. They invented tools and objects that were passed down through the Yayoi period and into the modern day to make life easier. For example, it was in the Jomon period that bows were made, making it possible to hunt from a distance. They also invented stone tools and earthenware, which made it possible to cook and store food. It was also during this period that people began to build pit houses and settle in one place, and villages were established. In this way, the Jomon were able to use their wisdom to improve their lives. The Idojiri Archaeological Museum Source :YouTube screenshot The Idojiri Archeological Museum, which can be viewed from 0:27 in the video, is a facility where you can learn about the life and culture of the Jomon people. There are a number of exhibits on display that tell the story of life in the Jomon period, including pottery and other artifacts from the Jomon period. The earthenware and stone tools are arranged according to the age of the Jomon period, and there are also descriptions on the use of each item. There is also a section where you can see what it would have been like to live in a Jomon period dwelling, as well as a reproduction of their diet and clothing. There is also a place where you can learn about the religion and myths of the time, deciphered from the patterns of the earthenware and stone tools. It's a must-see for history buffs! Many stone hoes have been found at the Idojiri ruins as well. They can be seen at 0:38 in the video. About 4,500 years ago, these stone hoes were utilized by the Jomon people. They were a strong agricultural tribe, and used them to plow their fields. In the spring they sowed millet, and in the summer they sowed buckwheat. You can see a reenactment of their agricultural activities at 1:02 in the video. There are also weeding tools on display at the Idojiri Archaeological Museum. Source :YouTube screenshot In the fall, they used stone knives to harvest their grain (2:10). Threshed grains were transferred to a stone mill to remove the shells. The threshed grains would be hulled in a stone mortar and then cooked into porridge using earthenware, and then the whole family would eat together in the pit dwelling. In addition to porridge, the Jomon also ate river fish, wild vegetables, walnuts, and dumplings. You can check out how the tools they used when cooking were made at 4:59 in the video. Jomon pottery was entirely hand made. First, the clay is kneaded and mixed with sand to make a dough, then the dough is piled to create a pattern without any gaps. Each piece was dried for 2-4 weeks before being baked over an open fire. So how were Jomon period tools made? You can see this process at 6:23 in the video. They used oval shaped stones to hit a smaller, flat stone to break of thin pieces that will be used to make the hoes. The hoe and other stone tools of the time are shaped the same way as modern hoes. Women's necklaces and other items were also excavated from various ruins. You can also see how people would have hunted with bows during the Jomon period. The Idojiri Archaeological Museum is an interesting spot to learn about the roots of Japanese people and the lifestyle of the Jomon people. Summary of the Jomon Civilization Source :YouTube screenshot This video was created by "IDOJIRIKOKUKOKAN." We recommend it to anyone interested in learning about Japanese history! By implementing reenacted clips in the video, it's easy to understand the lifestyle of the Jomon people and how they made and used tools. Famous Jomon period ruins include Sannai Maruyama (Aomori), Kamegaoka (Aomori), Omori Kaizuka, (Tokyo), Kasori Shellmounds (Chiba), and Nabatake (Saga). If you're interested in the Jomon period, be sure to stop by! -
Video article 1:55
Cleaning Is a Part of Everyday Life at Schools in Japan. Let's Take a Look at the Commonplace Routine That Seems to Surprise Those Living Outside of Japan.
Life & Business- 715 plays
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Japanese Elementary School Students Cleaning Did you enjoy cleaning when you were a kid? Maybe not, but there are actually quite a few people in Japan who remember cleaning time in elementary school quite fondly. This video, “Japanese Students Clean Classrooms To Learn Life Skills” was created by “AJ+”. As you can see in the video, it is a natural thing for elementary school students in Japan to clean their classrooms themselves! This is a custom that people overseas are surprised at. The reason being that, in many cases, schools overseas hire janitors for cleaning. Let’s take a look at the introductory video of cleaning time for elementary school students. A nostalgic scene for Japanese people, and a maybe something new for those overseas. At Elementary Schools in Japan, It's Normal for Students to Clean Source :YouTube screenshot The joy of schools in Japan, and probably most schools around the world, is lunch time! You can see this at 0:29 in the video! When students in Japan finish eating, however, they clean up the used dishes by themselves after eating delicious meals. You can see cleaning time at 0:47, after lunch has ended. In Japan, students clean starting from elementary school. They clean classrooms and hallways all by themselves. At schools overseas, usually janitors do the cleaning, but in Japan, as seen in the video, it's a a part of everyday life for students to clean their schools by themselves. Children divide up their cleaning activities, diligently wiping down windows, mopping floors, sweeping, and getting rid of garbage. In Japan, cleaning is essentially another part of studying, and this is happens everyday. Japan's Cleaning Culture Source :YouTube screenshot At schools in Japan, students learn things that can be put to practical use. On such thing is cleaning. Students learn how to use cleaning utensils at school so they can put it into practice at home and in the future. Schools are not just a place to study, but also a place where students can bond and learn how to work as a team. Elementary school students in Japan learn these things from their everyday cleaning routine as well. Overseas Reactions Source :YouTube screenshot When foreigners watch this video, their reactions are noticeably different than those of the Japanese, to whom this is commonplace. In overseas countries, most people think “cleaning = labor,” and therefore think that cleaning activities are jobs for workers. There are also many people who understand the idea behind it, and the reason for keeping things clean. What Do the Teachers Think? Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, you can also see an interview of an elementary school teacher at 0:59. “Cleaning is something you have to be able to do for yourself later in life, so it's a custom that's likely to continue into the future,” she says. Summary of Cleaning at Japan's Elementary Schools Today we introduced a video about Japan’s everyday education. Many people might be surprised by this. However, for the Japanese, this is just a part of everyday life. So what do you think? Is it a good custom? And before answering, is your room clean? -
Video article 5:30
A Day in the Life of a Japanese High School Student. Come enjoy high school life with me!
Life & Business- 285 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Japan Exchange: A DAY IN SCHOOL WITH ME Pt 1 | Euodias," was released by "Euodias." This video starts with a classroom in a Japanese high school. Being back in a classroom again might feel a bit nostalgic for some of us... During their physical education class, children gather in the schoolyard to play soccer and tennis. During their lunch break, they break out their lunchboxes and enjoy their lunch time in groups. Watching these videos will remind you of your own youth... If you want to learn more about high school in Japan, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 4:35
Marie Kondo, the Organization Expert. Her "KonMari Method" Gained Attention Even in America, and Her Best Seller, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up" Was Made Into a Drama Called "Tidying up With Marie Kondo." What’s the Secret to Her Organizational Skills?
Celebrities Life & Business News- 107 plays
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An Introduction to Marie Kondo, the Organizing Consultant! This time, we'll introduce the video “Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up / アメリカでもベストセラー!「人生がときめく片づけの魔法」こんまり人気に迫る!” This is the video featuring Marie Kondo , an organizing consultant. Her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” sold as many as 5 million copies across 41 countries. Some people have even called it the "Cleaning Bible". What Is Marie Kondo Like? Source :YouTube screenshot Marie Kondo is a small lady, at just 147 cm tall. She lives in America with her husband and their children. Her blog and Instagram explain how to organize rooms. Many fans pay attention to her Social Networking Service. Marie Kondo also runs an online shop selling kitchen and bath goods. Her picture book “Kiki & Jax The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship” published in 2019 also became a hot topic for a while. In 2015, she garnered a lot of attention after being featured on the TV program “Jounetsutairik." The original Netflix series “KonMari The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” where American families are visited and receive help tidying up is also very popular. How Great Marie Kondo's “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up” Is! Source :YouTube screenshot Her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” published in 2010, sold over a million copies and was made into a drama in Japan. Moreover, the English version dominated the top of the charts on Amazon's Best Sellers list. It also came in first and second together with her new book “Spark Joy” in the New York Times' "How-To" list. Marie Kondo was also chosen as one of “the 100 most influential people in the world”. This is introduced at 0:20 in the video. What Is Marie Kondo's Organization Method? Source :YouTube screenshot Marie Kondo’s nickname “Kon Mari” is used as a verb to mean organizing, like “I’m konmari-ing.” in the English speaking world. Nowadays, as a hashtag of organizing, “Kon Mari” is used in Social Networking System. The public interview of Marie Kondo about “The Kon Mari Method” well noticed in New York in Amerika is shown from 1:19 in the video. The secret to Marie Kondo’s organization is “To clean up and keep what is important and what sparks joy” and “to appreciate” one's belongings. According to the journalist (from 2:54 in the video), Marie Kondo told American who love shopping and tend to accumulate things that removing some of them and simplifying, will lead to happiness. The KonMari Method has reached the hearts of many people. Summary of the Video of Marie Kondo, the Organizing Consultant Source :YouTube screenshot Marie Kondo’s way of organizing is getting a lot of attention not only in Japan but also in other countries as well. For those who have endless worries about organizing, and are interested in the Japanese culture of organizing, please refer to Marie Kondo. You can expect more secrets to achieve an organized life by checking out some of the books by “Yamashita Hideko” who proposed “Danshari” (detachment from possessions). -
Video article 1:00
Unraveling Tokyo's History in a Pop Video! The Tokyo Lifestyle Is Evolving With Each Passing Day, and Tokyo's Unique Culture Continues To Fascinate the World!
Life & Business- 36 plays
- YouTube
A Video Comparing Past and Present Tokyo! This video, titled "[Tokyo Tokyo Concept Video] Old meets New - Full version," was released by "Tokyo Tokyo." The video introduces and compares the past and present culture of Tokyo in a comical manner. The one-minute video is packed with many elements, including the historical culture of Japan, current pop culture, and subculture. If you're interested in Japanese culture, be sure to check out this video to compare past and present of Tokyo. Look Out for Information on the History and Culture of the Edo Period! Photo:Image of 36 Views of Mount Fuji In Tokyo, where the shogunate was established during the Edo period (1603-1868), Japan's unique culture continuously flourished. Kimono and traditional crafts, Kabuki and Noh, and traditional performing arts such as ikebana and tea ceremony have been loved for hundreds of years. In addition, Japanese food, such as sushi, developed greatly as a historical gourmet food favored by the common people in the Edo period. Ukiyo-e and Japanese paintings are the art of the Edo period. Japanese paintings drawn with a unique touch are still attracting attention from many history and art fans. The Contemporary Culture of Tokyo Introduced in the Video Photo:Cosplay Over many years new Japanese cultures continue to be born one after another in present day Tokyo. Particularly noteworthy is Japan's pop culture and subcultures, which have developed mainly among young people. The interesting culture unique to Tokyo, such as video games, special effects movies, idols and cosplay events, etc., is attracting a lot of attention not only from within Japan but also from abroad. In the video, there's Kendo and modern video games shown from 0:12, Maneki Neko and Hello Kitty from 0:24, and things like kaiju and Giant Robots, Ukiyo-e and Hatsune Miku, Noh and Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, etc. are compared with the past and introduced as contemporary culture. The video also introduces recommended gourmet foods to eat in present-day Tokyo. From 0:10 in the video, rice balls and the cute Kyaraben (character bentos), soba and tsukemen, and sushi and other Japanese cuisine is shown. There are many famous restaurants in Tokyo where you can enjoy mouthwatering ramen, so we recommend finding your favorite restaurant. Besides that, we recommend checking out popular foods like cotton candy and tapioca drinks that can be eaten at sightseeing spots, such as Harajuku. Summary of the Past and Present Tokyo Shown in the Video Photo:Downtown Tokyo from above This article introduced an interesting video that unravels the history of Tokyo. Lifestyles and cultures have changed drastically in Japan and unique cultures that were unthinkable a decade ago continue to be born. Suffice it to say, culture evolves alongside history. In the future, new cultures will continue to flourish in Tokyo. -
Video article 2:31
A Look at Japan 100 Years Ago - See How Ordinary People Lived Through These Priceless Historical Photos That Teach Us About the Lifestyles of Ordinary People During the Taisho Period and World War I!
History- 9.48K plays
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The Lives of Ordinary People in the Taisho Era! This video, “1914-1918 (Taisho 3-7) the life of the common people and "Akatonbo"(1914~1918(大正3年~大正7年)庶民の暮らしと「赤とんぼ」)”, shows how Japanese people lived during the Taisho era. The photo was taken by the American salesman, Elstner Hilton. The song used in the video is "Akatombo," a famous Japanese nursery rhyme written by Miki Rofu, and composed by Kosaku Yamada. Before the war and during the First World War, the photographic techniques were not very well developed, so these photos are quite invaluable. Please enjoy the life of Japanese people that has been passed down to the present day through about 2.5 minutes of video. What Was the Taisho Period Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho era was about 100 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Taisho from July 30, 1912 to December 25, 1926. During this period in Japan, after the Meiji Restoration, "Taisho democracy" aimed for the development of democracy. Also, World War I occurred during the Taisho era. The Taisho era is a short period of only 15 years, but it is also an indispensable period for talking about modern Japanese history. The Clothes, Food, and Lifestyles of the Common People in the Taisho Era Source :YouTube screenshot Clothes fashion appeared in the Taisho era, but many people still wore kimonos. At 1:16 in the video, a woman washing a kimono in the river is also shown. As you can see in the pictures, men usually have short hair and women generally have one hairstyle. At 0:28 in the video, there is also a figure of an easy-going fortune-teller on the roadside. At 0:35, a man knitting a basket of traditional handicrafts is photographed, and at 0:44, traditional Japanese daruma making is shot. In addition, the video features a series of photographs that show how people lived in Japan at the time. The hearth shown at 1:08 in the video, was indispensable for the lives and meals of the common people, and helped them survive the harsh winters. Also introduced at 1:56 is a performing arts culture called monkey loops. It was a recreation among ordinary people at the time without TV and internet. Summary of the Life of the Common People in the Taisho Era Source :YouTube screenshot This time, we introduced a video showing photos of life in the Taisho era. You can see how the common people lived at the time from the precious photographs. Many smiling people appear in the photos. In the Taisho era, a war broke out and forced many people into poverty, but even still, their hearts remained rich. -
Video article 8:26
A Glimpse at the Day-To-Day Life of Japanese High School Girls! This Popular Video With Over 3 Million Views, Gives Viewers Insight Into the Daily Life of a Japanese High School Girl, Through the Eyes of an International Student
Life & Business- 2.46K plays
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The Life of an International Student at a Japanese High School This time, we would like to introduce the video "A day in a Japanese High School // japan vlog # 1," where you can see the life of a Canadian high school girl studying in Japan. With over 3 million views, this video has become popular all over the world. Sophia, the person who took this video, studied Japanese through textbooks and YouTube education channels before studying abroad. She went to Japan for a study abroad program called Rotaly and stayed there for 11 months. We can see the life of Japanese high school girls from the perspective of foreign students. It's a chance for even Japanese people to learn something they might not have noticed about their daily lives. Let's take a look at the daily scenes and routines of international students attending Japanese schools. Japan's School Uniforms Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:16 in the video, high schoolers in Japan have uniforms designated by the school. Among high school girls who care about fashion, finding fashionable ways to wear their uniforms is part of everyday life. Sophia also looks in the mirror in the morning to make sure everything is in order. Many school uniforms are sailor uniforms or blazers. In fact, school uniforms are so important that some students choose a school strictly based on how cute or cool the school uniform is. The Daily Commute for a High School Girl in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Next is the school scene in Japan, which you can watch from 0:45 in the video. Japanese high school girls go to school by train, bus, bicycle, or on foot. This video shows a group of girls going by train. Sophia seems to have about a 20 minute commute to school. The Everyday Classroom Life of a High School Girl in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot You can see Sophia arriving at school around 2:29 in the video and greeting her friends. Japanese classrooms generally have about 40 students per class, with wooden desks arranged in 5-6 rows. Even now, many schools still use blackboards and chalk, but they are gradually switching to electronic blackboards and whiteboards. Students study all day in these classrooms. You can also see children diligently doing class work and preparing for exams. They also study English as well, but the high school students in the video seem to be quite shy. Source :YouTube screenshot One of the fun things in school life is lunch time. You can see this at 5:42 in the video. Japanese high school students bring their own lunch boxes or buy and eat lunch at the school cafeteria or shop. As you can see at 7:08, when all the lessons are over, students clean the classroom by themselves. Groups of four or five students are assigned to clean the school grounds each week, and when it's their turn, they stay until all of the cleaning is finished. This cleaning custom is one of the characteristics of Japanese school life and has been very well received by the international community. Many elementary and junior high schools also have this practice. Summary of a Day in the Life of a High School Girl in Japan Photo:School classroom How'd you enjoy a day in the life of a high school girl in Japan? We think that it's good to get a glimpse of the daily lives of those who grew up in a different culture, in order to see a different perspective. If you look at school life in Japan from the perspective of an international student, there's probably a lot of differences. Learn about the life of a high school girl in Japan through this video! -
Video article 3:30
Shigeru Tonomura Residence” in Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture is a recommended sightseeing spot where you can enjoy the beauty of traditional Japanese architecture! Learn about the life of Japanese people in those days in the beautiful old private house and Japanese garden nurtured by the long history!
Art & Architecture Travel- 110 plays
- YouTube
Video Introduction of “Shigeru Tonomura Residence” in Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture This video, titled "Tonomura Shigeru House --Shigeru Tonomura House," was released by "Tokyo Street View --Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the historical Tonomura Shigeru House in Higashiomi, Shiga Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. The Tonomura Shigeru House, which can be seen throughout the video, is the residence of a Gokasho merchant in Gokasho kondo, a Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings in Higashiomi. Watch the video to find out what you need to know when you visit the Tonomura Shigeru House, an old house filled with Japanese culture. Shigeru Tonomura - The Renowned Writer From Omi and His Residence Source :YouTube screenshot Shigeru Tonomura was an author from Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture. In the Showa period, he published many works of Japanese literature and "I-novels" on the subject of Omi merchants, such as "Kusa Ikada" and "Ikada." Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion (now a museum under the name Tonomura Shigeru House), shown in the video, is a residence built in the late Edo period in Higashiomi. The old house, which was a branch of the Tonomura Ubei family, is a large mansion with a total area of 2395 square meters. As shown from 0:08 in the video, when you pass through the gate in front of the old house, you'll come across a serene Japanese garden. Highlights of the Historical Tonomura Shigeru House Source :YouTube screenshot The most distinctive feature of the Tonomura Shigeru House is its white walls and ship-board fence, which give off a sense of the history of the old house. The ship-board fence is, as the name suggests, a fence made by reusing old ship planks, and it's the finishing touch to the old house, giving it an authentic Japanese atmosphere. The interior of the old Japanese house, which can be seen at 0:38 in the video, has an architectural style that allows visitors to feel the Japanese culture of the good old days. In addition to the small tatami room where Shigeru Tonomura wrote novels, there are many places to see, such as the storage house and the maid's room. Also of note is that every room has been devised to be overlooking the beautiful Japanese garden. As shown from 2:31, the old house, Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion, is also used as the Tonomura Shigeru Literature Museum, which displays materials from that time. Summary Of Shigeru Tonomura, The Writer From Omi Source :YouTube screenshot There are many beautiful old houses in Japan that are great for Instagram, but Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion stands head and shoulders above them rest. If you're planning on traveling near Higashiomi in Shiga Prefecture, be sure to visit the Tonomura Shigeru House, the house of an Omi merchant where you can feel the traditional history of Japan. ◆Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】631 Gokashokondo-cho, Higashiomi, Shiga Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from JR Notogawa Station, a 10 minute-walk from the Plaza Sanpo Yoshimae bus stop (ぷらざ三方よし前), a 25 minute drive from the Meishin Yokaichi Interchange (名神八日市IC) 【Hours】9:30 - 16:30 (Holidays include days after national holidays, Mondays, and New Year's Holidays) 【Admission Fee】Adults/¥300, Children/¥100 【Tripadvisor】 Gokasho Omi Merchant Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023580-d1424369-Reviews-Gokasho_Omi_Merchant_Shigeru_Tonomura_s_Mansion-Higashiomi_Shiga_Prefecture_Kink.html -
Video article 23:05
These Road Technicians Are Quick and Precise! Take a Look at Their Artistic Road Marking!
Life & Business- 729 plays
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Japan's Road Technicians This video called "Road marking 4K Version 2018" (2018 道路のライン引き 路面標示施工 4K版). It features road marking technicians making marks on a runway at Aomori Airport. Watch the amazing skill of these road marking technicians in the video! You'll be amazed by their efficiency. Road Work in Japan Wouldn't Be the Same Without 'Em! Photo:"Stop" road marking There are various type of road markings in Japan to maintain safe traffic. These road markings are necessary to do road work, are used for parking, at construction sites, and also for public works projects. Almost all road markings in Japan are conducted by an operator with a nationally certified license for road marking. In this video, a road marking technician makes markings on a road using a line marker in quick, precise fashion. Not Missing the Mark Source :YouTube screenshot Before making marks, operators clean the surface of the road and make an outline of the finished markings. From there, the operator measures the outer frame of the markings precisely and creates the shape of each character using specialized marking tape made to stick to asphalt. Next, they operate a machine called a line marker car (road marking and construction machine) to apply the letters to the road. You can't help but admire their craftsmanship in writing letters in the blink of an eye. To call it a work of art wouldn't be an exaggeration. The highlight of this video is the scene where the operator makes complicated character markings such as "降車専用" (Drop-off only) (10:27). The operator draws beautiful lines over the outline marked with tape. What Kind of People Are Road Marking Technicians! Photo:Road line drawing machine If you check out some Japanese job sites, you'll find some road marking jobs. However, unless you're a certified technician you aren't qualified to do this job. Japan's road marks have detailed standards for thickness and size, as well as for the amount of resin in the paint types for road markings. If you acquire the necessary knowledge and obtain a nationally certified license, you too can do road marking in Japan! Summary of Japan's Road Marking Technicians Source :YouTube screenshot The road marking technicians who line Japan's roads are an important part of keeping Japan's roads safe. To these licensed technicians, the curvy markings, such as the ones introduced at 13:22, and 14:30 are but simple tasks. Be sure to watch the video to see their amazing skills! Next time you're walking down the street or driving your car and you notice some road markings, remember who painted them! -
Video article 3:57
The 30 Years of the Heisei Era Was a Period of Cell Phone Evolution! Shoulder Phones, Phs, Pagers, Feature Phones, Ringtones, Pix, Etc. Let’s Look Back at the Nostalgic History of Cell Phones.
Life & Business- 176 plays
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The Video That’ll Take You Back Through the History of Cell Phones in Japan! The video we’ll introduce this time is one that looks back through the history of cell phones in the 30 years of the Heisei era. The video is called "【On-Site】Memory of Heisei, 30 Years of ‘Cell Phone’ Evolution(【現場から、】平成の記憶、「携帯電話」進化の30年)"and is publicized by ‘TBS NEWS’. To say that cell phones are a truly indispensable infrastructure in Japan, a modern society, is not an exaggeration. A network disruption, once it takes place, becomes news all throughout society. In the early days of the Heisei era (around 1989), the use of cell phones was few and the general public did not carry them regularly. Now, the norm is 1 phone per person. Let’s look into the history of cell phones to see how they managed to evolve to a such great extent. History of Cell Phones 1: When Did the History Begin? The Early-Heisei Era and the Rise of Cell Phones Source :YouTube screenshot The history of cell phones began with shoulder phones launched in Showa 60 (1985). This can be seen from 0:37 in the video. At the time, it weighed 3kg and required ¥200,000 as a deposit on top of basic charge and call charges, so only about 490,000 contracts were made and it was a status symbol during the bubble economy. It was remotely a commodity in the wider society. The youngsters who only know of present cell phones would be astounded by its stunningly large size. As time passed, it became smaller little by little but didn’t amount to wide dissemination among the public. Then came the Heisei era. In the early days of the Heisei era, the size of shoulder phones became small and pagers and PHS were in. And in Heisei 11 (1999), the history of cell phones reached a tipping point. People not only talked on cell phones, they started to use them. Cell phones were dubbed Ketai and Docomo launched i-mode. Now connected to the internet, the number of cell phone contracts in Japan exploded. Source :YouTube screenshot In Heisei 12 (2000), ringtone service began, and in Heisei 14 (2002), cell phones with a camera were launched causing the ‘PIX’ (a message with a picture), fad. 1seg was also equipped to the phones, enabling people to watch TV programs on them, marking the transition from the period of analogue technology to one of digital. This is shown from 1:30 in the video. By then, the number of contracts had reached around 81 million, and a society in which almost every Japanese carried a phone was forming. With au (formerly IDO) and vodafone (formerly J-PHONE) joining the market with Docomo, it was a period where designs of phones became stylish and cool and communication technology saw a massive improvement. History of Cell Phones 2: Feature phones that went through a unique evolution in Japan! Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, folding cell phones were popular until the mid-Heisei era. They were called "Garake", and many used it on a daily basis. The history of cell phones reached a critical juncture which led to modern cell phones. In Heisei 20 (2008), Softbank Mobile started selling the iPhone in Japan. On the day of release, more than 1,500 people lined up in a queue craving for the iPhone. Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank Mobile at the time, said “the computer is now in the palm of your hand”, which is shown from 2:00 in the video. Smartphone was dubbed Sumaho (based on the Japanese pronunciation) and became widely popular. With the advent of smartphones, ‘Insta-bae’ where people take photos and upload them to the social media such as Instagram became a trend. Many companies now provide kakuyasu smartphones where prices are cheaper than they used to be. The video describes how smartphones now ‘connect’ people 24 hours, both in good and bad ways. History of Cell Phones 3 Evolution of phones into the future! Source :YouTube screenshot Japan, now in the Reiwa era, a period of next generation wireless communications has already begun. Starting with 5G, providing a speed a hundred times faster than the present, the use of electronic money is expanding as well. App stores are overflowing with new apps as well, making them indispensable in everyday life. Remote control of a robot is possible with just the touch of a button on your phone in this period. This can be seen at 3:03 in the video. How will cell phones transform in the future? No one can say for sure. Only time will tell. Summary of the History of Cell Phones This time, we introduced the history of cell phones in Japan. We’re sure many of you felt the nostalgia watching the video. The 30-year-long Heisei era is known as the period where phones went through an unimaginable evolution, but we can’t be more excited about the transformation of phones, becoming more and more convenient, in the future! -
Video article 13:07
Not Many People Know How Japan’s School Lunches Are Prepared. Today We’re Revealing the Mystery! The Creativity of School Cooks Makes School Lunches Healthy and Delicious! Lunchtime at a Japanese School!
Life & Business- 233 plays
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School Lunch in Suginami, Tokyo This video, titled "School Lunch in Suginami - How the Delicious School Lunches Are Prepared" (杉並区の学校給食~おいしい給食ができるまで~), was created by Suginami's Official Channel (杉並区公式チャンネル). The video introduces the cafeteria at a Japanese school, along with interviews with the cooks and fun quizzes. School lunches are meals provided to students at lunchtime at schools. School lunches in Japan serve many purposes, and, while they of course contribute to children's nutritional intake, health maintenance, and proper eating habits, they also promote knowledge of local ingredients, pass on food culture, and teach dietary education. This video introduces the process of preparing safe, nutritious, well-balanced and delicious school lunches in Suginami, Tokyo. The video takes us inside the school kitchen, which is usually only accessible by school lunch cooks. You can see how school lunches are made, recipes, and more. Let's take a look! A Look at How School Lunches Are Made Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we'll go over how school lunches are prepared. Be sure to follow along with the video! 1. Menu Planning (video 0:39) Together, the nutritionist from the Board of Education and the nutritionist of each school creates a monthly menu based on nutritional balance and season, and each school adjusts the menu according to its own standards. 2. Preparation & Hand Washing (1:10) Cooks wear clean white coats and use a roller to remove dust and hair stuck to them. After that, they carefully wash their hands. 3. Cleaning (2:01) The cooks clean and sanitize the kitchen before cooking. This is the end of preparation. Source :YouTube screenshot 4. Inspecting Ingredients (The video 2:14~) Ingredients for school lunches, such as vegetables, meat, fish, and other ingredients are delivered from neighboring vendors and received and inspected by staff wearing a special apron. The ingredients are frozen and stored in 50-gram packages to help identify the cause of food poisoning in case of an outbreak. The food is then changed from the delivery container into a clean container specially designed for the school kitchen. From here, vegetables are trimmed of their stems and roots to prevent soil and dirt from entering the lunchroom. 5. Food Prep (3:25) The cooks wash the vegetables under running water at least three times and measure and wrap seasonings. They also write the name of the menu item they will be used with on the package, so there are no mistakes. When touching meat or fish, the cooks wear a special apron and always wear disposable gloves. When breaking eggs, the cooks put them in a small container one at a time to make sure there are no shells or blood in them before moving them to a larger container. You can see a quiz taking place at 4:25 in the video. Check it out! 6. Cooking (The video 5:06) In Suginami, even large quantities of vegetables are cut by hand one by one. This process brings out the flavor of the vegetables. Rice is also cooked at the school and served fresh. One pot of rice can serve 80 people. Source :YouTube screenshot There's a second quiz at 5:52 and 7:28 in the video. The quiz is about the equipment that is essential for making fried bread or a large amount of curry. Hamburgers and fish are cooked one at a time, using a steam convection oven that allows for a variety of cooking methods, including steaming and baking, as well as grilling. 7. Allergy Check (8:39) Children with allergy are provided an allergy-free meal. They check very carefully and make sure that there will be no mistake. 8. Taste-testing (9:11) 30 minutes before serving school lunch, the principle of the school checks the taste, quantity, if it's cooked adequately and checks for foreign objects. 9.Distribution (9:46) The food is weighed according to the number of people in the class and distributed. 10. Lunchtime (10:14) The students come and pick up their meals from the cart and lunchtime begins. You can see the completed lunch in the video around 10:29. 11. Clean up (10:55) After lunch, the dishes are washed in the dishwasher and then placed in a hot-air sterilized storage unit. Summary of Japan's School Lunches Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, we introduced how school lunches are prepared in Suginami, Tokyo. You can see interviews with one of the school cooks at 11:20 in the video, and hear what their job means to them. What was your favorite thing on the school lunch menu? Pizza? Rice? Noodles? If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to learn all about Japan's school lunches! 【Official Website】School Lunch Suginami Official Website https://www.city.suginami.tokyo.jp/kyouiku/gakko/1007751.html -
Video article 12:47
If You're Looking for Scandinavian Furniture, Head Over to IKEA, a Furniture Brand That Originated in Sweden! A Look at Japan's IKEA Stores!
Shopping- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[In Store Footage] I Went to IKEA!" (【店内撮影】IKEAに行って来た!), was released by " Arch_RYO." The IKEA Japanese headquarters is located in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture and there are about 10 stores in Japan. It also has an online store, making it convenient for those who live far away. A unique feature of IKEA products is their Swedish names. Swedish names are unfamiliar to the Japanese, so many shoppers enjoy the fresh sound of product names. IKEA also has a cafe-restaurant inside the store, where you can enjoy fast food at reasonable prices. -
Video article 2:58
From a Bowel Professional Who Has Performed Over 40,000 Colonoscopies! The Secret to the Longevity of the Japanese and Italians Lies in the Natural Ingredients of Their Diets!
Life & Business- 42 plays
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Tsuneo Matsuo is a doctor who has examined the large intestine of more than 40,000 people. He is a specialist when it comes to intestines and has published many books. Matsuo was one of the first promote "Fermented Cuisine" and "Mediterranean Cuisine" as effective in cultivating a healthy gut, and has proposed the term "Mediterranean-style Japanese Cuisine." He believes that the secret to longevity lies in certain Japanese and Italian ingredients. Bu what are these ingredients? Watch this video to find out and you'll be on your way to cultivating a healthy gut! -
Video article 12:15
Cute, Popular Products From the 100 Yen Shop, Daiso! Cute, Colorful Masking Tape to Get You Excited!
Life & Business Modern Culture- 25 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Daiso Stationery Unboxing Video + Daiso Masking Tape Sampler ? | Rainbowholic" (ダイソー文具開封動画 + ダイソーのマスキングテープサンプラー ? | Rainbowholic), was released by "rainbowholicTV." Masking tape is a tape that can be applied and removed many times due to its low adhesive strength. It's printed with stylish floral and pastel patterns, and can be used to decorate diaries, notebook covers, and other small items. As a standard decoration item in the Japanese stationery world, it has become a must-have item for girls who love stylish stationery. They're available at 100-yen stores such as Daiso, and you can't help but pick them up for their cute looks and practicality. In this video, you can see how to make an original sample book by attaching masking tape to the full width of a notebook. -
Video article 1:46
Woven City, a Completely New City in Japan! Toyota's Urban Development Plan. An Automobile Company to Drive the Future of Japan?
Life & Business- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Woven City|Image Video (long ver.)" (Woven Cityイメージビデオ(long ver)), was released by Toyota. This video introduces the Woven City, a project envisioned by Toyota Motor Corporation. Toyota has announced the launch of the Connected City project, a demonstration city where all the goods and services that support people's lives are interconnected. Toyota is building a city you wouldn't expect of an automobile company, and while it's still a long way off, it's a project that has a great deal of promise. This video introduces Woven City as envisioned by Toyota, so be sure to check it out. -
Video article 3:45
The first floor of a house is a landing place! The boathouses of Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture, a historical fishing town of the sea, are lined with mysterious houses that cannot be seen anywhere else!
Life & Business Travel- 679 plays
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What is “Funaya” in Ine-cho, Yosae-gun, Kyoto Prefecture? Sightseeing Video Introduction This tourist promotion video, titled "[Beautiful Japan] Ine Town, Kyoto," was produced by N.a., and shows views of the seaside town of Ine in northern Kyoto. Located in Kyoto in the Kansai region, Ine is a peaceful area at the northeastern end of the Tango peninsula, facing the Sea of Japan. People in this town have lived in harmony with the sea by utilizing its gifts. Fishermen in the town live in houses called “funaya” which can store their boats as you can see at 0:58 in the video. You can admire the view of the funaya, all in a row, in the video as well. It's not a very common sight, so we definitely recommend taking a look at it. Enjoy the beautiful landscape created by the funaya and the Sea of Japan! Information About Ine Photo:Funaya in Ine Ine's funaya can store boats and fishing tools on the first floor, making use of age-old wisdom that makes for a smooth and easily accessible fishing excursion. You can see a fisherman parking his boat in his funaya at 1:39 after a long day of fishing. The waters of Ine, a port town facing Ine Bay on the Tango Peninsula, are calm and serene. The landscape lined with ancient funaya is very elegant. The scenery of the boathouses in Ine, that remind us of the history of the fishing town, has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Tips for Traveling Around Ine The Funaya of Ine are best viewed from the shore where the boats are stored. When you visit Ine, we recommend taking a pleasure boat along the sea side route. There are old guest houses near the funaya of Ine as well. Okuineonsen Aburaya, which has an open-air bath with a view, is a popular spot for those who want to enjoy a relaxing time in an outstanding location. Have a wonderful time staying at the guest houses, where you can enjoy the atmosphere of good old Japan while eating seasonal seafood dishes. Summary of Ine's Funaya Photo:Ine Ine, Kyoto is lined with ancient Japanese boat houses that cannot be seen anywhere else. Be sure to keep your camera handy to take some Instagram pics! If you haven't already, be sure to watch the video; It has some beautiful scenery! When most people think of sightseeing in Kyoto, they probably think of shrines and temples in the southern part of the Prefecture. However, there are many attractive tourist destinations on the sea side of Kyoto Prefecture as well. If you enjoyed the atmosphere of Ine, consider stopping by the sea side at the northern end of Kyoto. The true beauty of Japan lies outside of its cities. -
Video article 5:33
Sento (public bathhouses) are full of Japanese-style atmosphere! Get to know the traditional Japanese culture of sento in this video introduction to Arai-yu, located in Asakusa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo!
Life & Business- 191 plays
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Video introduction of Arai-yu, a public bathhouse in Sumida-ku, Tokyo This 4 minute long video titled “Arai-Yu Sento - Tokyo(Arai-Yu Sento - Tokyo - 荒井湯 - 4K Ultra HD)“ features what the sento, “Arai-yu” in Sumida-ku (墨田区:Sumida ward) near the Tokyo Sky Tree is. While there are many natural hot springs and super sento in Japan, traditional public baths where you can enjoy Japan's unique bathing culture are also very popular. Watch the video and experience the feeling of being healed in a traditional Japanese public bath. The History of Japanese Sento Source :YouTube screenshot Sento is a paid public bath with a boiler and the beginning of its history dates back to the Heian period (794 to 1185 ). Public bathhouses have long been popular with the public, and from the Edo period (1603 to 1863) onward, they flourished as a social gathering place for the common people. There used to be more than 100 public bathhouses in Sumida, but the number of these bathhouses has been decreasing in recent years. What Is Araiyu? Source :YouTube screenshot Araiyu, a public bathhouse in Asakusa, has the same traditional architectural style as Japanese shrines, and is characterized by its tall chimney. You can see this traditional architecture in the footage from 0:09. The interior is decorated with paint and tile designs by bathhouse painters. The murals of Hokusai Katsushika, "The Great Wave Off Kanagawa" in the men's bath, and "36 Views of Mount Fuji" in the women's bath, are a must-see. You can also see these magnificent paintings in the bathrooms by watching the footage from 3:50. Let’s Visit a Traditional Japanese Sento! Source :YouTube screenshot Almost all Japanese feel nostalgic when they visit a sento. Recently, some bathing facilities have English-speaking receptionists for foreign tourists visiting a sento. There are Germanium baths, jet baths, ultrasonic baths, medicinal baths and more, so you'll never get bored of them. Some sento offer a sauna as well if you're into that. The Rules and Manners of Japan's Sento Source :YouTube screenshot There are important rules or manners for public baths, as they're used by many people. ・Before entering a bath, wash your body. ・Keep your hair up. ・Do not wash your body in the baths. ・Do not take a towel into a bathtub. ・The baths are shared use. ・If you sweat, wash off your sweat before entering a bathtub. Please make sure to follow these rules and manners and enjoy your time. Summary of Japan's Sento Source :YouTube screenshot After checking out this video of the atmosphere of Sumida's Araiyu, you'll definitely want to give it a visit. It's a great place to relax. Some of Japan's public baths are open 24 hours, but it's a good idea to check the days and hours of operation, as well as prices before visiting. ◆Araiyu◆ 【Address】2-8-7 Honjo Sumida 130-0004 【Access】10 minutes walking from “Honjo Azuma-bashi” station off the Toei Asakusa line 【Entrance fee】Adults (12+) 470 yen (* As of November, 2019) 【Hours】15:30 to 24:00 【Telephone No】03-3622-0740 【Tripadvisor】Araiyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066459-d8008153-Reviews-Araiyu-Sumida_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 0:40
A Futuristic Bicycle Parking Area in Front of Kyoto Station! A Look at the Latest Japanese Technology Making Contributions Towards Maintaining the Beautiful Scenery of Kyoto!
Life & Business News- 369 plays
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Kyoto Station's Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Area This video, titled "Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Opened in Front of Kyoto Station" (京都駅前に機械式地下駐輪場がオープン) was released by SankeiNews. The first automated underground bicycle parking lot in Kyoto made big news when it was opened on February 11th, 2015 at the East and West Hachijou Entrance to Kyoto station. This is a video showing footage of the automated storage and retrieval of a bicycle from inside the underground parking lot that was made available to the press upon opening. It's a sight that one would normally never be able to see and well worth the watch! More About Kyoto Station's Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Source :YouTube screenshot The underground parking lot has a 12 meter deep cylindrical design and the footage of the automated storage of the bikes underground is truly amazing! You can take a look at this from 0:06 in the video. One of these underground parking lots (called Eco-cycles) can store approximately 200 bicycles. The way it works is that you place your bike into an elevator-type booth, simply push a button and the bicycle will automatically be stored away in the underground parking lot. You can see this in the opening scenes of the video. When you would like to retrieve your bicycle, all you have to do is swipe your designated IC card and your bike should arrive through the elevator-style booth in approximately 13 seconds. This can be seen at 0:17 in the video. As you can see in the video, the front wheel of the bicycle is held by a machine, which allows the machine to move the bicycle to the correct location. It's truly amazing to watch the machine at work! Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Underground Parking Lots Source :YouTube screenshot It can no doubt be said that the new underground bicycle parking lot in Kyoto is very convenient, but it's not without its disadvantages. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this system. First of all, one of the advantages of the underground parking lot is that, being indoors, there is less risk of one's bicycle being damaged by rain or possibly being stolen compared to if it were parked outdoors. Another advantage is that since the bicycles are neatly stored away, the iconic scenery of the streets of Kyoto can be easily maintained. However, one of the disadvantages of such a system is the development cost. The cost to build one of these parking lots is approximately 160,000,000 yen (roughly 1.5 million US dollars) with the overall construction cost coming to approximately 426,600,000 yen (roughly 4 million US dollars), far higher than a regular outdoor bicycle parking lot. It is hardly a sum than can be covered by usage charge alone. For this reason, it's unlikely that this kind of underground parking area will be adopted by many local governments without good reason for it. Furthermore, the lack of information on running performance, maintenance costs and the fact that the parking lot is not equipped to handle non-standard bicycles are all problems that still need to be dealt with. Kyoto Station Automated Underground Bicycle Parking Lot Usage Fee Photo:Bicycle parking area For those who wish to use the new underground parking lot, you'll need to enter a fixed-term contract, which currently costs 2700 yen per month (as of Jan 2020). It is also possible to pay for parking per day at a cost of 150 yen; however, the parking lot can often be full so it's best to search for alternative parking options beforehand. Those wishing to enter a fixed term contract need to ensure that their bicycle meets the required standards for the automatic parking lot. You must know your bicycle's length, width, height and position of the front and/or rear basket, tire size, bike weight, and position of gears and possibly several other measurements. Extra precautions must be taken for bikes which have unique or special designs, such as road bikes, mountain bikes, and more. Summary of Kyoto's Automated Underground Parking Lot What 'd you think of Kyoto's new underground bicycle parking lot? Kyoto station's south entrance has long been troubled with the unauthorized parking of bicycles. It is hoped that the completion of this new underground parking lot will bring and end to this problem and help contribute towards maintaining the beautiful scenery of Kyoto. Videos of bicycles being sucked up by the automated machinery of Kyoto's underground parking lot have attracted a lot of attention on social media, so much so that many tourists are visiting Kyoto for the sole purpose of seeing this unusual parking lot! The development of this automated parking lot in the futuristic city of Kyoto is sure to have a profound impact on the rest of the world. 【Official Website】Automatic Underground Bicycle Parking Lot introduction|KYOTO PARKING NAVI https://kyotopublic.or.jp/bikepark/ -
Video article 5:09
Photographs of Japan From the Late Edo Period to Meiji Period Japan!
History- 957 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "Photos from 19th century Japan," was released by "shibumihungary." These are photos of Japan in the 19th century collected by Shibumi dojo in Hungary. In Japan, the 19th century covers the period from the late Edo period to the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period. The people of this time period may seem distant to those of us living today. However, looking at the photos in the video, we can feel the people of the 19th century in a vivid and real way. The hair style and clothes of the Japanese people of that time are very different from what we see today. Their clothing is really cool, and has attracted national and international attention. -
Video article 4:46
Meet the Japanese Man Helping to Clear Mines in Cambodia! In This Video, Shigeru Takagi Talks About His Experience Participating in Peace-Keeping Activities in Cambodia, a Country That Suffers Even Now as a Result of a Civil War
Celebrities Life & Business- 120 plays
- YouTube
Shigeru Takagi, the Japanese Man Helping to Clear Mines in Cambodia This video, titled "Shigeru Takagi Helps Clear Land Mines in Cambodia" (カンボジアで地雷除去する高木茂さん), introduces Shigeru Takagi, a Japanese man taking part in Peace-Keeping Operations (PKO) in Cambodia. Shigeru Takagi was previously enrolled in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF). While serving in the JGSDF, he requested to participate in peace-keeping operations but unfortunately denied permission to do so. After retiring, he was invited by his previous boss to work for the Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS). He currently works clearing mines in a village in Cambodia near the border of Thailand. You can see the current mine situation in Cambodia and listen to Shigeru Takagi in an interview in this video. Cambodia - A Country Covered in Land Mines Left Over From the Civil War Photo:Unexploded ordnance Even now, Cambodia suffers as a result of the civil war. In the late 1900's, around 2 million people were killed in Cambodia during Pol Pot's totalitarian regime. Currently, there are thought to be approximately 7-10 million former Soviet Union and Chinese land mines buried across the country. Even now, after the war has ended, children are unable to play freely outside, as the mines pose a huge risk to their safety. From 1:13 in the video, you can see children studying in an elementary school surrounded by land mines. Shigeru Takagi has helped remove land mines from places where people are at risk of being injured. He plans to continue removing land mines in the hope of eventually clearing Cambodia of mines completely. Shigeru Takagi Teaches Cambodian Citizens How to Safely Remove Mines Source :YouTube screenshot From 2:02 in the video, you can see women wearing heavy safety clothing and helmets (weighing approximately 10 kg) searching for land mines in the scorching 35℃ weather. After a land mine is found, the area is taped off for safety and the mine is detonated. You can see an explosion at 2:32 in the video. As you can see from 2:45 in the video, Shigeru Takagi not only participates in mine-clearing activities but also teaches how to safely remove buried land mines. He currently teaches courses for Cambodian citizens and explains things, such as the differences between anti-tank land mines and anti-personnel land mines. Shigeru Takagi talks of the importance of not only removing the mines but also of working with the government to support people who have been injured by the mines. He also expresses that he hopes the number of mine-clearing vehicles and devices will increase, in order to speed up the mine-clearing process. Summary of Shigeru Takagi, the Japanese Man Helping Clear Mines in Cambodia Source :YouTube screenshot This video was created by Kyodo News. It features Shigeru Takagi who is currently participating in mine-clearing activities in Cambodia. At the end of the video, Shigeru Takagi expresses his gratitude for being given the chance to participate in this huge project and says he has no regrets about joining. We hope through this video you learned more about the current land mine situation in Cambodia and about one Japanese man's efforts to bring peace to the country. The Japan Mine Action Service is currently still looking for more volunteers. If you were moved by the information in this article and would like to contribute towards mine clearance in Cambodia, consider supporting the Japan Mine Action Service! 【Official Website】Non-Profit Organization Japan Mine Action Service https://en.jmas-ngo.jp/?doing_wp_cron=1595986947.6080920696258544921875