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This video, titled "[Speed Correction + Color Correction] Life in Japan in 1919 Revisited in Color" (【速度修正 + カラー補正】カラー化映像でよみがえる1919年の日本の生活), was released by "Pearbook."
This video uses a special technology to colorize old Japanese black and white films using AI. The video shows Japan in 1919, the Taisho period.
In addition to scenes of Japanese people wearing kimono, the film also shows scenes of markets and interactions with the Ainu people at that time.

It also includes images of tourist destinations that are still popular today, such as Matsushima, Hakodate, and Nikko.
The ability to see in color what Japan was like more than 100 years ago, before imaging technology was developed, is quite a groundbreaking development!

Using AI Technology, a Film Taken in Japan Over 100 Years Ago Is Brought Back To Life in Color! Check Out This Rare Video of Japanese Life and Sights in the Taisho Period!
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