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This video, released by "ramenwalker," is titled "Machiya [Tanpopo Ramen] Cooking Highlights! A Bowl of Delicious Chicken Flavor Made With an Original Method [Ramen Walker TV Episode #228]" (町屋『らーめん タンポポ』調理シーンから見どころ満載!オリジナル製法で作られる、鶏の旨味溢れる一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #228】).

This video introduces "Tanpopo Ramen," a hidden gem of a ramen shop that has no media exposure.
Their popular menu item is "Tori Mamire," which is a combination of chicken skin soup, whole chicken soup, and chicken paste, which gives it a refreshing, clean taste.
The menma (bamboo shoots) are also very distinctive, and the ramen shop offers a new taste that you won't find at any other shop.

In this video, the chef talks about the menu at Tanpopo Ramen, so if you're interested, please check it out.

Tanpopo Ramen - A Famous Restaurant in Arakawa, Tokyo! A Look at The Hidden Gem of a Ramen Shop With No Media Coverage!
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