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This video, titled "KENDAMA JAPAN No.1 Shigeki Hiroshi [Japan's Ten-Time Kendama Champion, Hiroshi Shigeki]" (KENDAMA JAPAN No.1 Shigeki Hiroshi【けん玉日本一10度制覇 しげきひろし】), was released by "Shigeki Hiroshi" (しげきひろし).

Hiroshi Shigeki, is a kendama master who has won the number one kendama title in Japan 10 times.
He started playing kendama at the age of 10 and has won over 50 kendama tournaments and set a world record at the Kendama Conference.
The video shows a number of awesome tricks, so be sure to give it a watch!

The Amazing Feats of a Kendama God! The 10-Time Kendama Champion in Japan Shows off His Amazing Skills in a Ninja-Like Costume!
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