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This video, titled "Alpha JX VS TOTO C200 SW2044 Washlet Bidet Toilet Seat Comparison |," was released by BidetKing.

The Alpha JX and TOTO C200 are two pillars of the Bidet Seats.
Alpha JX is the most trusted by BidetKing users.
And the TOTO C200 is manufactured by industry giant TOTO and is one of the most popular bidet seats in the country.

In this video, two affordable, yet top-quality bidet seats are compared to see which one is better.
The Alpha, known for its low-profile design, sturdy lids, and LED nightlights, or the TOTO, with its superior low-profile design and functionality, which one is better?

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
A Comparison of the Alpha JX and TOTO C200 SW2044 Washlet Bidet Toilet Seats
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