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This video, titled "2020/06/11 Miyakejima Diving|Okubo Beach" (2020/06/11 三宅島ダイビング 大久保浜), was released by snapperdive.

Miyakejima is located in the Izu Islands.
It's a volcanic island, so the unique scenery created by lava is a sight to behold.
Okubo beach (大久保浜) is one of the most popular diving spots on Miyakejima.
The standard course is to enter the ocean from the gravel beach and proceed along the coral mountains.
Castanopsis, flatfish, and eels live in the sand.

Lovely fish such as snappers, which are known to change sex, can be observed on the rocks.
Enjoy this diving spot with diverse species of life!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
The Topography of Okubo Beach Created by a Volcanic Island! Explore Popular Diving Spots on Miyakejima Island in the Izu Islands!
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