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This video is titled "The Completed Sanwa Repair Dock" (三和ドック、修繕船用大型ドック用大型ドック完成). It was released by "Nikkan News" (日刊工業ビデオニュース).

The video shows the massive Sanwa Dock, that will be used specifically for repairing ships.
This is a large-scale project with a total investment of more than 10 billion yen, and the completion of this large dock has made it possible to repair as many as 300 vessels per year.
Sanwa Dock is a shipyard that focuses on repairing rather than building, so the project is expected to generate more profit than the investment.

The video shows just how massive the Sanwa Dock is, so be sure to take a look if you're interested!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 16, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
The Massive Sanwa Repair Dock Is Finally Complete! Take a Look at the Massive Dock That You Cant Even Begin to Imagine the Size Of!
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