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This video, titled "[Hiking] Coffee From a Spring - A Walk in the Woods and a Quiet Time" (【ハイキング】湧き水でコーヒー - 森林散策と静かな時間), was released by "Morinone Channel" (モリノネチャンネル).

Wouldn't it be wonderful to make coffee from a clean spring in the mountains and take in the magnificent scenery?
The Oike Spring Group in Yufu City, Oita Prefecture, introduced in the video, is an area at the source of the Aso River.
The rainfall on Mt. Kurodake is filtered underground over a long period of time to produce clean spring water.
It's very comfortable and cool even in summer as it is located 850 meters above sea level.
Sitting under a tree, boiling water from the spring with a portable stove, and drinking coffee will refresh your body and mind.

Enjoy a Cup of Pure Bliss in the Great Outdoors! Enjoy an Out-of-the-Ordinary Experience With Coffee Brewed From the Spring Water of Oike Spring in Oita Prefecture
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