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Video Introduction of "Monet's Pond," a popular tourist attraction in Seki City, Gifu Prefecture

This video is titled "[4K Ultra HD] Monet's Pond - The pond, such as Monet paintings (Shot on RED EPIC)([ 4K Ultra HD ] モネの池 The pond,such as Monet paintings (Shot on RED EPIC))".
Many of you may be surprised by the beauty of it.

This video introduces Monet's pond, a popular tourist destination in Seki (関市, Seki shi), Gifu Prefecture, in Japan's Tokai Region.
The beautiful spring in Gifu Prefecture is said to be visited by many tourists from both Tokyo and Osaka.
It can be enjoyed in the video and images in this article.
A variety of colorful water lilies can be seen in the spring, including yellow water lilies and more in just a 3-minute video.

What Is Monet's Pond?

Image of Gold carp
Photo:Gold carp

Monet's pond is an officially unnamed pond about the size of a tennis court, formed from the spring water around Nemichi Shrine (根道神社, Nemichi jinja) in the mountains.
It was popularized through TV programs and word of mouth as the real life version of "Water Lilies" by the famous French painter Claude Monet.

The beautiful Monet's Pond, has colored carp (錦鯉, Nishikigoi) swimming through its transparent waters and is great for taking Instagram photos.
There are koi whose head patterns look like heart symbols in the pond, as well as gold carp for good luck.

The History of Monet's Pond

In 1999, the nearby flower seedling producers weeded and some carp were brought in by locals.

It's purpose was not sightseeing, so it was mere chance that such natural beauty came to be.
Golden Week in 2016 even attracted 3,000 tourists per day!

Highlights and Recommended Seasons for Visiting Monet's Pond

Image of Monet's Pond
Photo:Monet's Pond

The best time to visit Monet's Pond to experience its full beauty is during the fall when you can enjoy the magnificent view of the autumn leaves reflecting off the pond's surface.
This can be seen from 1:10 in the video.
We also recommend going in early May when the spring greenery is fresh or in the winter to see the beautiful snowscape.

As the appearance will change considerably depending on the weather, we recommend avoiding rainy days and going at night.
Access to Monet's pond is about 35 minutes from the Mino IC on the Tokai Hokuriku Expressway.
You can also go to Gifu Prefecture through a sightseeing bus tour around Monet's pond and other surrounding areas.

Sightseeing at Monet's Pond

Image of Grilled sweetfish
Photo:Grilled sweetfish

Around Monet's Pond you'll find shops selling the famous "chimaki" (a dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaf), so be sure to give it a try if you get the chance!
We also recommend trying the specialty eel or sweetfish (ayu cuisine) lunch in Seki.

When visiting Monet's pond, you can visit the Gifu Prefecture Hundred Year Park, Kasuga Shrine, Asakurayama Promenade, Kifune Shrine, Kaore Valley, Takaga Valley, Seki Blacksmithing Tradition Museum, Koka Shrine, Horado Enku Memorial Hall, Roadside Station "Rusten Hola Do," and more.
The Itadori Hydrangea Festival is held in early summer in Seki, so be sure to visit Flower Park Itatori when the hydrangeas are at their best.

Summary of Monet's Pond

This time, we introduced a 4K video of Monet's Pond, a pond as beautiful as beautiful as an impressionist painting.
Monet's Pond is perfect for those who want to enjoy the charming scenic beauty of nature, as well as photography lovers.

Book a hotel in Seki and set out on a sightseeing trip to enjoy the amazing views in the area.
If you like the artistic scenery of Monet's Pond, we recommend visiting Monet's Garden in Kitagawa, Kochi Prefecture.

The landscape of Monet's Pond changes depending on the weather.
We recommend that you check the weather forecast on the day you plan your sightseeing trip so that you aren't disappointed because you weren't able to see it at its most beautiful.

◆Monet's Pond◆
【Address】〒501-2901 1643-17 Itadori Kamigase, Seki City, Gifu Prefecture
【Access】About 35 minutes from Tokai Hokuriku Expressway Mino IC
【Average time spent here】1-2 hours 【Parking】Available. Up to 200 standard vehicles
【Telephone No】0581-57-2111
【Admission fee】None
【Notes】Feeding the fish is prohibited
The transparency of the pond changes depending on the weather.

【Tripadvisor】Monet's Pond

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
Interested in Japanese culture and traditions! I'll be introducing lovely scenery to you!
This clarity and beauty is CG! At Monet's Pond, a very popular tourist spot in Seki City, Gifu Prefecture, a beautiful, colorful scene like a painting spread out before my eyes!
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