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Kamogawa Oyama Senmaida" in Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, a one-day trip from Tokyo, video introduction

This video, titled "Chiba Hiratsuka terraced rice field - 棚田 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful."
Have you ever seen a terraced rice field?
Many people think that you have to go to Niigata or other places in Japan's Tohoku region to see terraced rice fields.
The video introduces the beautiful terraced rice fields of Kamogawa, Chiba a place easily accessible from Tokyo.
Let's take a look at some of Japan's beautiful landscapes in the video!

The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields

Image of the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture
Photo:The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture

The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, featured in the video, is famous for being the closest terraced rice field to Tokyo.
The area is 3.2 hectares, with more than 375 paddies extending across the hillside.
Even today, many rice paddies are used for farming and this scenery can be said to be a classic Japanese landscape.

Because of its proximity to Tokyo, Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields has introduced an "owner system" as a place for urban farmers to experience agriculture, and it has even been featured in the news.
In addition to rice cultivation, they've also built an observation area and an observation floor, and hold events, such as "Tanada no Akari," a light up event utilizing 10,000 LED candles.
The event attracts many tourists.
The beautiful scene of a sunrise created between the paddies at 0:31 is something that not even a high-quality video can do justice to.

The Terraced Rice Fields Found All Over Japan

Image of rice fields and mountains in rural Japan
Photo:Rice fields and mountains in rural Japan

Many of Japan’s rice fields are built on an inclination.
This has the advantage of allowing for easy water control and improved rice production.
One drawback, however, is that these are stair-stepped on steep slopes with land that is difficult to drain due to narrow cultivation units, and there are many places with no successors.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has designated 100 of the 134 terraced rice fields across Japan as the "Top 100 Terraced Rice Fields of Japan" in order to maintain the terraced rice fields and stimulate tourism in those areas.

Although the word "terraced rice paddies" is used to describe the fields, the shape and characteristics of each paddy differs from place to place, so traveling across Japan to explore the different scenery of each area can make for a fun road trip!
Many of these places have reputations for their Instagrammable and photogenic scenery as well.

Famous Places to visit on Chiba Prefecture's Boso Peninsula

Image of walruses at Kamogawa Sea World, Chiba Prefecture
Photo:Walruses at Kamogawa Sea World, Chiba Prefecture

The Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, is home to the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields.
It can be easily accessed from Tokyo by JR limited express trains, express buses, and the Tokyo Bay Aqualine.
On Boso Peninsula, many tourists visit Kamogawa Sea World, Mother Farm, and go swimming during the summer.
In addition to the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Boso Peninsula has many other sightseeing spots that make it an excellent travel destination.

Summary of the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields

Image of the Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture
Photo:Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields, Chiba Prefecture

We hope the beautiful scenery of the rice fields in the video provided a relaxing atmosphere.
There are many terraced rice fields that can be found across Japan, so be sure to do some research before your trip to find one that you can visit!
If you live in Japan you can also use the “owner system” to become the owner of a beautiful rice field and grow your own rice!

【Tripadvisor】The Oyama Senmaida Terraced Rice Fields

Written By
Last Updated : Nov. 14, 2021
岩本 晃弘 (aki)
I'm a writer living in rural Japan who loves travel and food
Japan's Traditional Terraced Rice Fields. A Look at the Beautiful Terraced Paddies of Hiratsuka, Chiba!
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