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This video, titled "[4K] [airplane video] Airport Scenery in Japan|Airport of Japan BGV" ([4k] [飛行機 動画] 日本の空港情景 Airport of japan BGV), was released by "Fairport."

This video shows the seasonal scenery of 9 of Japan's airports.
Airports are not just a place to board an airplane, but they are also popular as sightseeing spots because of their beautiful scenery.
Narita International Airport and Itami Airport, which are introduced in the video, are especially popular for their beautiful night views, and we recommend checking them out.

This video introduces 9 of Japan's beautiful airports, so give it a watch if you have time!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Airports Aren't Just a Place to Get on a Plane! Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery During Your Travels!
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