Video article 9:18
Try Your Hand at Making the Delicious Soba Noodles Loved by the Japanese! This Video Will Teach You How to Make a Delicious Meal and You'll Be an Expert at Making Soba!
Food & Drink- 30 plays
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日本の人気グルメ「蕎麦」の打ち方紹介動画について こちらの動画は「蔵の粉屋 大西製粉」が公開した「そば打ちの方法 おいしいそばが打てるコツ」です。 日本のおいしいものは何かと聞かれたら何をイメージするでしょうか? 和食・日本料理と一口に言っても、挙げ出したらキリがありません。 動画で紹介されている「そば」は日本を代表する料理。 日本のグルメを楽しみたい方や蕎麦打ちに興味があるという方は是非最後までご覧ください。 「そば打ちの方法 おいしいそばが打てるコツ」は一体どのような動画なのか 約10分程度の動画の中に蕎麦打ちの手順を分かりやすくまとめているので、おいしいそばを打ちたい初心者の方は動画をチェックしつつ、蕎麦打ちを行ってみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の中でいくつかチェックしておきたいポイントが存在します。 実際に蕎麦打ち(蕎麦作り)を行う際、 ・そばのレシピ ・そば粉とつなぎ粉の混ぜ方 ・水回しを行う際のコツ ・そば玉の練り方 ・そばの伸ばし方 ・そばの切り方 を押さえておくことをおすすめします。 蕎麦打ちの中で知っておきたいもの 調理のコツを抑えておくことが大事。そばには、4つの“たて”が存在することをご存知でしょうか? 蕎麦打ちを行う上で知っておきたい4つの“たて”を押さえているかどうかは大きなポイントとなります。 そばの4つのたては ・獲りたて ・挽きたて ・打ちたて ・茹でたて です。 そばは劣化が早いため、できる限り早く打てるかどうかが重要になってきます。 蕎麦打ち紹介まとめ 和食の世界は奥が深く、多くの料理人が和食を極めようと日々努力しています。 日本を訪れるグルメの方は和食の世界を思う存分堪能していただきたいです。 今回紹介したそばも数ある人気の和食の一つで、食べ方も「ざる蕎麦」「つけ蕎麦」「かけ蕎麦」など人それぞれの好みに合った食べ方で楽しめます。 「そば打ちの方法 おいしいそばが打てるコツ」は和食の奥深さを知るのにもってこいの動画です。 -
Video article 2:31
Shintomi Town - A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyushu's Miyazaki Prefecture Where You Can Enjoy Nature and Gourmet Food in Abundance! There Are so Many Attractive Spots Waiting for You!
Travel Local PR- 40 plays
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Introduction of the video where you can enjoy the charm of Shintomi Town in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "PR video of Shintomi, Miyazaki Prefecture by Regional Trading Company Koyu Foundation" (宮崎県新富町PR動画 by 地域商社「こゆ財団」), was released by "Regional Trading Company Koyu Foundation" (地域商社こゆ財団). Shintomi, Miyazaki, located in Japan's Kyushu region, is a small town belonging to the Koyu District of central Miyazaki Prefecture, about 30 minutes from Miyazaki Airport by car, with a population of about 17,000. It is just one of the agricultural areas that represent the Miyazaki Plains. It has a vast agricultural land area of about 460 Tokyo Domes, and is famous as a region where various agricultural products, such as rice, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and kumquats are harvested throughout the year. The rich coastline is also a spawning ground for loggerhead turtles due to its beauty. Id addition, strawberries, which can be seen at 0:27 in the video, as well as melons and lychees, shown at 0:58, are also famous desserts that are produced in the area. The History of Shintomi, Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot On March 31, 1959, the villages Tomita and Nitta of Miyazaki's Koyu District merged to form Shintomi Town. In the Shintomi area, which has been located at the mouth of the Hitotsuse River since ancient times, there are many archaeological sites that mark the history of taiko drums. It is a historical place where you can trace the history of Japan through ruins and relics dating back approximately 12,000 years ago. Popular Sightseeing Spots in Shintomi, Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot 1. JA Koyu Agricultural and Livestock Products Direct Sales Office, Lupin With the motto of safety, security, and absolute freshness, you can buy local vegetables, fruits, and beef, pork, and chicken. Although business hours are short, you can buy a lot of fresh ingredients for low prices here. 2. Tondahama Coast The Tondahama Coast has a magnificent view of the beautiful sandy beach facing the Pacific Ocean that extends for about 5 km. It is one of the leading spawning grounds for loggerhead turtles in Japan, and the parent turtles come to spawn around Golden Week. Members of the Wildlife Study Group also do research here. The hatching season for the turtles is from late July to October. 3. Shintomi Library A beautiful library with many books, which happens to be one of the leading tourist spots in Shintomi Town. There is also a café inside the library, so it's perfect for taking a break to relax while traveling around Miyazaki. Shintomi Town's Brand Pork Photo:Pork, loin Miyazaki Brand Pork is a famous gourmet food that Shintomi, Miyazaki is proud of. It has also won the Miyazaki Prefecture Meat and Livestock Fair three times in two consecutive years, and was selected as one of the Top 100 in the Kingdom of Cuisine, and won the Grand Prix at the Kyushu Agricultural Future Awards. It is a pork brand produced only by producers who have cleared the standards for safe and secure delivery in Miyazaki Prefecture, and is a pork that guarantees a safe, secure taste and quality like Marumi Pork. Consider giving it a try when you visit Miyazaki Prefecture! Hometown Tax for Shintomi, Miyazaki Photo:Sweet Potato, Red Haruka For those living in Japan, by paying your taxes to Shintomi, Miyazaki Prefecture, you can get a luxurious return worth more than the amount you paid in taxes. Muskmelons and Wakadori chicken breast from Miyazaki, as well as the prided eggs produced by Koyu Chicken Farm (児湯養鶏) are especially popular. Other products include Beniharuka, which are ideal for baked sweet potatoes, and ripe mangoes, and lychees. Summary of Shintomi, Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot We hope that through this article introducing Shintomi, Miyazaki, a place abundant in nature and delicious gourmet food, you're interesting in visiting! It's a tourist destination that is deeply connected to the history of Japan, and you can also enjoy the historical scenery of Japan through things like archaeological sites and relics. Eat delicious food, see beautiful views, and experience the history of Japan. Consider visiting Shintomi, Miyazaki during your next trip to Japan! 【Official Website】Shintomi, Miyazaki Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.town.shintomi.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shintomi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121571-Shintomi_cho_Koyu_gun_Miyazaki_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 5:38
Check out the Kuwana Suigo Fireworks Festival in Mie Prefecture, a traditional fireworks display that has been going on for over 80 years, in this video! The approximately 10,000 fireworks launched from the banks of the Ibigawa River are a highlight of the festival!
Festivals & Events- 195 plays
- YouTube
三重県桑名水郷花火大会紹介動画について こちらの動画は「hiramu55bocaboca」が公開した「【4K】2015 桑名水郷花火大会 NTN超特大仕掛 第1部~第3部通しバージョン」です。 日本の行事や文化に興味を持っている方が多いと思います。 夏の風物詩として知られている花火。 日本各地で花火大会が行われ、多くの方を魅了します。 数ある中で人気の花火大会が三重県桑名市で開催されている桑名水郷花火大会。 花火の美しさを思い切り堪能できる動画 こちらの動画では2015年に三重県桑名市で行われた桑名水郷花火大会の模様が収められています。 4K動画は迫力十分で花火が見せる美しさを堪能できます。 花火の美しさを思い切り堪能できる動画 こちらの動画では2015年に三重県桑名市で行われた桑名水郷花火大会の模様が収められています。 4K動画は迫力十分で花火が見せる美しさを堪能できます。 桑名水郷花火大会について 桑名水郷花火大会は1934年に三重県桑名市でスタートしたイベント。 戦時中に一時中断した経緯はあるものの、現在まで職人たちの手により、受け継がれています。 スターマインや水中スターマイン、仕掛け花火とバラエティに富んだ花火が楽しめます。 毎年、約1万発の花火を1時間半程かけて打ち上げ、訪れた人々を楽しませる魅力的なイベントです。 東海地区最大級の二尺玉が約20発打ち上がるのは桑名水郷花火大会における目玉。 揖斐川(いびかわ)の中州でたくさんの花火が打ち上げられます。揖斐川は木曽三川(きそさんせん)の1つで三重県観光を行う際は一度行ってみてはいかがでしょうか? 有料のスペースが用意されるなど、毎年規模が拡大しているのが特徴的です。 屋台では数多くの食べ物が販売されています。 有料のスペースで花火を見る際はチケットを早めに購入しておきたいところ。 売り切れに注意しないといけません。 三重県桑名市って一体どんなところ? 桑名市は三重県の北部に位置します。 桑の木があった場所、魏志倭人伝(ぎしわじんでん)の鬼奴(きな)国から来ているなど、由来はさまざま。 ダリアやコスモスなどの花が咲き誇る「なばなの里」は三重県で有名な観光スポット。 世界的に評価されているイルミネーションが楽しめます。 近くには遊園地「ナガシマスパーランド」があるので、興味のある方は訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? また、三重県には長い歴史を持つ伊勢神宮や伊賀忍者で有名な伊賀市といった名所もスケジュールを立てる際に押さえておきたいところ。 三重県桑名水郷花火大会紹介まとめ 桑名水郷花火大会をはじめ、三重県には魅力的なものが数多く存在します。 これを機に日本を観光したい、三重県の観光スポットを満喫したいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 4:25
Chindon'ya - The Flashy Advertisement in Japan Catching Everyone's Eyes! Is the Traditional Japanese Culture That's Fun To See and Enjoyable To Listen To Back and Booming Again??
Traditional Culture- 63 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Chindon'ya - Advertisements Full of Energy This video, titled "Chindon'ya - A Walking Advertisement in the City -," was released by "Japan Video Topics - Japanese." A Chindon'ya is a marching band type advertisement performed while walking around. They attract attention by dressing in unique, colorful Japanese-style costumes and playing a musical instrument called a "chindon drum." It's a type of Japanese advertising business referred to as "walking advertisements." The "Chin" in Chindon'ya represents the sound of a bell while "Don" represents the sound of drumming, and the melody of the saxophone and clarinet, as well as improvisational advertisement messages, makes for a unique performance that's fun to see and hear and attracts the people who are walking about in the city. In this article, we'll introduce Japan's Chindon'ya. The History of Japan's Chindon'ya Source :YouTube screenshot The first Chindon'ya came about in the middle of the 19th century (1845). At the height of the postwar period (1950), more than 2,000 people were active in Chindon'ya nationwide, but since then this number has been on the decline and currently only around 50 people are active in Chindon'ya today. However, in recent years, the charm of Chindon'ya's communication through live performance has been seen as refreshing and it has been regaining popularity. The Chindon'ya Performance in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The main purpose of a Chindon'ya is to attract customers to the areas and stores designated by the client by walking around the city in unique costumes and doing taiko drum performances and more. In addition to that, they help promote products by giving out fliers, etc. with special deals on them. The general composition of a Chindon'ya is 3 to 5 people, with a chindon taiko drummer, a bandsman, and a "Goros" (Large Taiko) at the center, to which the flag holder and person handing out fliers are added. In addition to advertisement messages and musical performances, they also perform skits, and the charm and strength of Chindon'ya is that the band will change how it advertises based on the client's wishes. The Flashiest Advertisement in Japan!? The Charm of Chindon'ya Source :YouTube screenshot The charm of Chindon'ya is that it can deliver the client's message directly and receive the honest feelings of the people who hear it. The smiles received for their performance, as well as the smiles they get from communicating with the audience, all make their work more rewarding. At 1:19 in the video, you can see an interview with a couple who became captivated by the charm of the Chindon'ya and quit their jobs to become Chindon'ya artists. It's very interesting so be sure to check it out. Even if it is the same advertisement, the impression and meaning from the Chindon'ya is different than that of paper media. That's the advantage of the Chindon'ya. At 2:24 in the video, a shop that asked a Chindon'ya to advertise is shown, and the Chindon'ya says that it's "A wonderful encounter that happens once in a lifetime." Summary of Japan's Chindon'ya, the Flashiest Advertisement in Japan! Source :YouTube screenshot Chindon'ya are constantly refining their music, advertisement messages, and performances to attract as many people as possible. The number of active Chindon'ya performers has decreased immensely, but lately more and more people are coming to understand the refreshing appeal of direct marketing and the demand for Chindon'ya is increasing. The roots of Chindon'ya trace back to the candy seller "Amekatsu," which existed in the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). In order to attract more customers they started Chindon'ya performances. There are many things that change with time, but the excitement of Chindon'ya is one thing that has remained the same over the years. Be sure to check out the video to see the Chindon'ya performance; it's something you won't find often even if you actively search for it. -
Video article 6:30
Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai - A Tofu Specialty Store in Minato, Tokyo. Enjoy Delicious Food and a Beautiful Japanese Garden in the Middle of the City!
Food & Drink- 48 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of "Tokyo Shiba Tofu Restaurant Kai", a tofu specialty restaurant in Minato-ku, Tokyo This video, titled "[Japanese Cuisine] Tofuya Ukai (【和食】とうふ屋うかい Touhuya Ukai), was released by "美味しんブログ Delicious blog." Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai, shown in the video, is a tofu specialty store with a marvelous garden in Tokyo Tower located in Tokyo's Minato Ward. It's rare to find a tofu specialty store; however, their charm is their delicious food and gardens and also the surrounding scenery unique to the city. The Japanese dishes pair well with sake, and it's a place that we highly recommend checking out if you have the chance. Now, let's take a look at Tofuya Ukai! The Tofuya Ukai Monthly Course Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows the monthly course at Tofuya Ukai, so we'll be introducing it to you here. ① Appetizer The 1st item on the course, which can be seen from 2:27 in the video, is abalone and somen (thin noodles), a Japanese lantern filled with bayberry, seared pressed sushi, and shrimp karasumi. It's a luxurious menu from the get-go! ② Specialty Age-Dengaku The 2nd item on the course, seen from 3:03 in the video, is the famous age-dengaku, a type of deep fried tofu. It can be enjoyed even more by eating it with the finely cut white leeks that come with it. ③ Minced Shrimp Dumplings The 3rd item on the course, which can be seen from 3:26 in the video is a minced shrimp dumpling. Don't let its appearance deceive you as this dish is bursting with flavor. Source :YouTube screenshot ④ Kamo Eggplant with Sesame Sauce The 4th item on the course, seen from 3:35 in the video, is Kamo eggplant with sesame sauce. The eggplant with sesame sauce has a simple appearance but is made from carefully selected ingredients and has a powerful taste that makes it not the least bit inferior to other dishes. ⑤ Specialty Tosui Tofu The 5th item on the course, seen from 4:09 in the video, is the famous specialty Tosui Tofu. Once you try this tofu, you'll never be satisfied with any other tofu. ⑥ Special Selection Charcoal Grilled Wagyu Beef The 6th item on the course, seen from 4:17 in the video, is the special selection charcoal grilled wagyu beef that has been luxuriously grilled over charcoal. The delicious charcoal grilled wagyu beef pairs unexpectedly well with wasabi. ⑦ Ayu Rice The 7th item on the course, seen from 5:17 in the video, is, ayu rice, in which ayu (sweetfish) has been expertly cooked in rice. The set of simple but delicious ayu rice and miso soup warms and heals the body from the core. ⑧ Fig The 8th item on the course, seen from 5:38 in the video, is the dessert item, fig. You can eat one after the other, with the figs having a strong sweet taste. This monthly course is ¥14,200 including tax. Summary of Tofuya Ukai Photo:Teppanyaki meat In this article we introduced "Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai." Not only can you enjoy course meals at this tofu specialty restaurant, but you can also buy souvenirs as well. Be sure to check them out when you visit if you're looking for gifts for friends and family. Many of the items have a rustic Japanese atmosphere about them. The kaiseki cuisine centered on the tofu of the well-known restaurant Tofuya Ukai is packed with flavors that represent the spirit of Washoku. The menu is also quite extensive, and all seats are non-smoking with private rooms available for reservation. That being said, you can feel at ease even when coming with children. In addition to the Tokyo Shiba branch introduced in the video, "Tofuya Ukai" also includes Kawasaki's "Tofuya Ukai Saginuma Branch" and Tokyo Hachioji's "Tofuya Ukai Owada Branch." The Ukai Group includes Ukai Toriyama, Ukai Chikutei, Ginza kappou ukai, “Roppongi kappou ukai, Roppongi Ukai-tei, Hachioji Ukai-tei, Ginza Ukai-tei, Omotesando Ukai-tei, Yokahama Ukai-tei, Azamino Ukai-tei, Grill Ukai Marunouchi Branch, and Le Poulet Brasserie Ukai, with many restaurants being operated in the outskirts of Tokyo. Consider checking these out as well Tofuya Ukai offers hospitality in all its forms, from the food, to the Sukiya-style architecture that retains a chic Edo feel, to the garden that changes its appearance in each of Japan's beautiful four seasons. If you're thinking of traveling to Tokyo, consider making reservations! ◆Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai|Restaurant Overview◆ 【Address】4-4-13 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 【Directions】 A 5-minute walk from the Akabanebashi Exit of Toei Oedo Line Akabanebashi Station A 9-minute walk from the #1 Exit of Tokyo Metro Hibiya line Kamiyacho Station A 7-minute walk from the A4 Exit of Toei Mita Line Shiba Koen Station A 20-minute walk from the North Exit of JR Hamamatsucho Station 【Hours】 Weekdays 11:45 - 15:00, 17:00 - 19:30 Saturday・Sunday・Holidays 11:00 - 19:30 【Telephone】03-3436-1028 【Official Website】Tokyo・Shiba Koen Tofu Kaiseki Cuisine "Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai" https://www.ukai.co.jp/english/shiba/ 【Yelp】Tokyo Shiba Tofuya Ukai https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E6%9D%B1%E4%BA%AC-%E8%8A%9D-%E3%81%A8%E3%81%86%E3%81%B5%E5%B1%8B%E3%81%86%E3%81%8B%E3%81%84-%E6%B8%AF%E5%8C%BA?osq=Tofuya+Ukai -
Video article 2:32
The Great Buddha of Ushiku, Standing at 120 Meters Tall in Ushiku, Ibaraki and Recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, Is the Largest Buddha in Japan. The Interior Is Also a Fantastical Space!
Art & Architecture- 91 plays
- YouTube
茨城県の絶景である牛久大仏が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの「【絶景茨城】牛久大仏 [4K]茨城県牛久市|VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN」は、茨城県の牛久大仏の絶景を4Kで堪能出来る動画です。 日本で最大の立像である牛久大仏の迫力は必見です! 牛久大仏の歴史と文化について! 牛久大仏は、日本の茨城県牛久市の浄土庭園内に、1983年から1992年の9年の年月をかけて建造されました。 動画の0:35で紹介されている通り、茨城県は浄土真宗の宗祖として知られる親鸞(しんらん)聖人のゆかりの地ということから、牛久大仏が建造されました。 全高120m(仏高100m,台座20m)の青銅製大仏で、立像としては日本最大です。 ブロンズ立像としては世界一とされており、ギネスブックにも登録をされています。 その迫力はインスタ映え間違い無いでしょう。 牛久大仏の内部と周辺の名所 日本最大の大きさを誇る牛久大仏は、見た目のインパクトに目が行きがちになりますが、牛久大仏の内部に入ることもできます。 頭頂部には避雷針と航空障害灯があり、更には胎内が5層で分けられており、ここではそれぞれの層について紹介をします。 光の世界 1Fは、人の煩悩を表すとされている不思議な空間。 薄暗い空間の真ん中に一筋の光が降り注いでいる様は幻想的で不思議な印象を受けます 念仏の間・知恩報徳の世界 2Fは、和の雰囲気をたっぷり感じることが出来る空間となっており、お正月の時期になれば、念仏の間にて書初め体験も出来ます。 同じフロアには、別に約77席も写経席が用意されています。 料金はかかりますが、こちらでは写経体験も出来るので、お立ち寄りの際はぜひ訪ねてみるとよいでしょう。 蓮華蔵世界 3Fは、圧巻の約3,400体の胎内仏に囲まれた金色の世界が広がる空間となっています。 毎日朝と夕方には読経が響き渡り、他のフロアとは一風変わった雰囲気を放っています。 霊鷲山の間・展望台 4Fと5Fには、霊鷲山の間・展望台があります。 霊鷲山の間には、仏舎利(釈尊の遺骨)が安置されています。 また釈尊の生誕、入滅のパネル等が展示され、歴史について知ることが出来ます。 そして、牛久大仏には、展望台も設置されており、茨城県の景色を余すことなく見渡すことが出来ます。 スカイツリーや富士山も見ることが出来る、日本屈指の展望台としても知られています。 その他にも牛久大仏のある広大な浄土庭園内には、動物と触れ合える小動物公園やお花畑があり、食事処では茨城県のグルメをたっぷり堪能することが出来ます。 牛久大仏の観光の紹介まとめ こちらの「絶景茨城】牛久大仏 [4K]茨城県牛久市|VIST IBARAKI,JAPAN」では、牛久大仏の魅力を余すことなく堪能出来る動画となっています。 その見た目の迫力は勿論のこと、内部の充実さも目を見張るものがあり、観光スポットとしてはまさに日本屈指のものとなっています。 牛久大仏の他にも、周辺にある小動物公園や仲見世等も茨城県の観光スポットとして有名なので、茨城県に来た際には、立ち寄って見てはいかがでしょうか。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事を参考に、牛久大仏への観光を一考して下さると、幸いです。 -
Video article 3:06
Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture Is Famous for Its Spectacular View of the Beautiful Seto Inland Sea, Where Much of Japan's Traditional Culture Remains. Introducing the Fascinating Festivals That Are Rooted in the History and Daily Life of the Area!
Local PR- 64 plays
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広島県三原市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では、「【広島県三原市 観光PR動画】「浮城は知っとる -祭り- 編」Full Version」という4K動画を紹介します。 伝統的な祭りが多く開催される瀬戸内の城下町『広島県三原市』について紹介しているこの動画。 中でも代表的な三原やっさ祭りは必見です! 伝統あふれる三原市の魅力を動画と共に楽しんでください。 三原市で行われている日本の伝統的な祭りについて まずは冒頭でもお話しした三原市で行われている、伝統的な三原の4大祭りについて紹介をしていきます。 三原の4大祭りその1「三原やっさ祭り」 毛利元就の三男としても有名な戦国武将『小早川隆景』が三原城を築いたことを祝う為に行われたのが起源のお祭りで、動画では0:17で紹介されています。 地元の踊り手達による盆踊りとは違う三原市の伝統文化『やっさ踊り』と共に、三味線、笛、御囃子を奏でながらJR三原駅前を練り歩きます。 やっさ祭りは毎年8月に三日間かけて行われ、最終日には『やっさ花火フェスタ』も開催されます。 ぜひ観光の際は合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか。 三原の4大祭りその2「神明祭(しんめいさい)」 1:55で紹介されている神明祭は、室町時代から始まったとされます。 伊勢神宮をまつる三原市伝統のお祭りです。 500店以上の露店が並び、活気あふれる神明祭。 その中でも特筆すべきは巨大だるまです。 三原神明市では別名だるま市とも呼ばれるほど、だるま文化が根付いていて、神明祭では巨大なだるまを見ることが出来ます。 三原の4大祭りその3「三原浮城まつり」 浮城とも呼ばれる三原城をテーマとしたイベントで、早川甲冑部隊の旧城下練り歩きや和太鼓演奏は、感動の一言。 日本文化の象徴でもある甲冑に身を包んだ男達が練り歩く『甲冑武者行列』は圧巻です! 動画1:35でも見ることが出来ますが、ぜひ一度間近で見て頂きたい日本の伝統的なお祭りの一つです。 三原の4大祭りその4「三原さつき祭り」 市花である『さつきの花』をテーマとして開催されるお祭りで、さつきの花が咲き誇っている宮浦公園や三原市芸術文化センターポポロを会場としています。 子供も楽しめるような出店や展示、そして体験コーナーがあり、ステージではやっさ太鼓やフラダンスなど大人が楽しめる催しももりだくさん。 是非ご家族で楽しんでほしいお祭りです。 広島県三原市の魅力紹介まとめ 島々が織りなす多島美の美しさが名高い瀬戸内の城下町、広島県三原市について紹介をさせて頂きました。 上記の4大祭りの他にも、久井稲荷神社で開催される『御福開祭・はだか祭り』に三原園で行われる『もみじ祭り』等、多くのお祭りが存在します。 春夏秋冬、日本の四季折々で祭りを楽しむことが出来る広島県三原市を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 1:39
A Classic Japanese Food Staple! Making Fresh Squid! if You Follow the Recipe You Can Create a Dish You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
Food & Drink- 26 plays
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烏賊(いか)の活造り紹介動画について こちらの動画は「さばけるチャンネル」が公開した「烏賊(いか)の活造り - Build a squid -|日本さばけるプロジェクト」です。 海外で注目されている和食グルメのなかでもお寿司や海鮮の活造りに注目が集まっています。 生で食べるのを躊躇していた外国人の方も、近年では活造りを堪能する人も多いです。 そんな活造りの中でも、透明な身で味わい深い、「烏賊(いか)」について取り上げます。「いか」はタンパクながらも、非常に奥深い味の魚介です。 新鮮な「いか」を食すかを考えたとき、自分で捌くのが一番ではないでしょうか。そこで今回は「いか」の捌き方や和食グルメ文化について考えていきましょう。 和食グルメ文化としての「いか」活造り 職人技が光る「烏賊(いか)」の活造りの調理法はとてもシンプルですが、巧みなスゴ技に誰しもが思わず見惚れるほど! 地方では「烏賊(いか)」の踊り食いなるものがあり、和食グルメとしての歴史は浅く、最近になって日本では一時的なブームとなっています。 熱海や函館、呼子町などの旅館で、新鮮な捌き立ての「いか」活造りを提供していますが、食べようとすると動くことから、踊り食いと呼ばれるようになりました。 新しい和食グルメとして海外でも注目されています。 ぜひ新鮮な「烏賊(いか)」を手に入れて、自分で捌いて、和食グルメ文化を堪能してみるのも良いでしょう。 作り方は動画でチェックできます。職人による熟練した神業が必要ですが、何でも慣れが必要です。新鮮なお刺身を食べたい人は挑戦してみてくださいね。 烏賊(いか)の活造り紹介まとめ 和食定番のグルメ「烏賊(いか)」の活造りについて紹介しました。 神業とも思える捌き方は、熟練の技が必要です。 ぜひ、動画を見ながらチャレンジして、すばらしい和食グルメ文化を堪能してくださいね。 自宅やアウトドアなどで、和食グルメ「烏賊(いか)」の活造りを堪能しましょう。 -
Video article 3:47
Wakanoura in Wakayama Prefecture Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots in Japan and Has Even Been Selected As a Japan Heritage! Be Amazed by the Natural Scenery That Even the Greatest Figures in Japanese History Have Written About!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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Introducing the Charm of Wakanoura in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "Wakayama City Japan Heritage PR Video 'Wakanoura, a Treasure Trove of Spectacular Views,'" was released by "Wakayama City Official Channel" (和歌山市公式チャンネル). Wakanoura is a place with magnificent views and is a general term for scenic places located in the southwestern part of Wakayama City in the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. It is a nationally designated scenic spot known for its spectacular views, applied for jointly by Wakayama Prefecture and Kainan City. It was registered with the Agency for Cultural Affairs as a Japanese asset in 2017. The official name is Wakanoura, but since it can be read as "Wakaura" in Kanji, local residents sometimes call it "Wakaura." In this article, we'll introduce Wakanoura alongside the video. Origin of the Name of Wakanoura Photo:Tamatsushima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture Wakanoura (和歌の浦) was originally spelled "若の浦" (same pronunciation, but different kanji), and when Emperor Shomu came on an imperial visit, Yamabe no Akahito, who accompanied him, wrote in the 919th poem of the Manyoshu Vol.6, "When the tide rolls in at Wakanoura, the mud flats disappear, and the cranes cross to where the reeds grow, all the while singing." Also, according to the Shoku Nihongi, the area was called "Wakanohama" (弱浜), but it is also stated that Emperor Shomu changed it to "Akanoura" (明光浦) because of the beauty of the landscape in the sun. Spectacular Sightseeing Locations in Wakanoura Photo:Tamatsushima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture 1. Wakanoura Wakanoura, seen from 0:31 in the video, is a scenic spot surrounding Wakanoura Bay in Saikazaki, which centers around the tidal flats that spread out at the mouth of the Waka River and has Kumano Kodo's Fujishirozaka to its south, and the Kii Channel to its west. The beauty of the scenery has been recited in many poems since ancient times, and it has become a place where many cultural arts are nurtured. It was also loved by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and successive feudal lords of Kishu. During the Nara period (710-794 AD), Emperor Shomu was impressed by the scenery changing every moment due to the ebb and flow of the tide, and it's also a famous fact that he ordered the landscape to be preserved for a long time. The sandbar that stretches across the tidal flat of Wakanoura, separating it from the outside world, is called "Katao Nami" after a famous Waka poem. 2. Tamatsushima Shrine In the video from 1:37, you can see Tamatsushima Shrine on Tamatsushima, which sits facing the tidal flats of Waka. The god of Waka is enshrined here and is the object of people's worship. 3. Imoseyama Imoseyama is the first of the six rocky mountains that line Tamatsushima, and can be seen from 1:50 in the video. Yorinobu Tokugawa, the first feudal lord of the Kishu clan, built his legacy on it and built Sandankyo Bridge and Kankaikaku and opened them to the public Photo:Wakanoura Temmangu Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture 4. Wakanoura Tenmangu Shrine Wakanoura Temmangu Shrine, sits atop Mt. Tenjin, which is the innermost part of the cove, and can be seen from 2:12 in the video. Mbr< It enshrines the god of literature as the guardian of Wakanoura. 5. Kishu Toshogu Shrine Next to Temmangu sits Kishu Toshogu Shrine, which enshrines the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu, the father of Tokugawa Yorinobu. This can be seen at 2:26 in the video. Kishu Toshogu Shrine holds a Waka festival every year on the second Sunday of May, which you can see from 2:46 in the video. It is a distinguished festival with a history dating back approximately 400 years. 6. Takanosu / Saikazaki You can see a view that displays both ruggedness and beauty. It changes with the ebb and flow of the tide, and you'll be able to enjoy a constantly changing view. Summary of Wakanoura in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Sunset at Wakanoura, Wakayama Prefecture Wakanoura has majestic and beautiful natural scenery that has also been selected as a Japan Heritage. Many Japanese people and foreign travelers come to visit this place, as it is also a well-known sightseeing location outside of Japan. be sure to book a hotel or ryokan (Japanese inn) when planning your sightseeing or trip. We recommend staying for 1 to 3 days and exploring the area at a leisurely pace. There are hot springs, cafes, and other facilities around the area where you can rest, and also spots where you can enjoy a variety of activities, so you can enjoy sightseeing in whichever way suits you best. 【Official Website】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.wakayama.wakayama.com/shisetsu/simadoguchi/1005300.html 【Official Website】Wakayama City Tourist Association https://www.mysecretwakayama.com/ -
Video article 4:18
Kikonai, Hokkaido Is Full of Beautiful Scenery, Delicious Food, and Popular Sightseeing Destinations! This Charming Town Is Definitely Something To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 51 plays
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Kikonai - The Town Known as the Entrance To the North This video, titled "Tradition and Innovation in Kikonai - Kikonai Digest" (木古内町の伝統と革新 ~木古内ダイジェスト~), was created by "Kikonai Station|Shinkansen Sightseeing Station Master Kiko" (木古内駅新幹線観光駅長キーコ). Hokkaido is always bustling with tourists. When it comes to popular travel destinations in Japan, for many people, Hokkaido comes to mind. Facing a mountainous area lined with southern Hokkaido cedars and the frigid Tsugaru Strait (津軽海峡, tsugaru kaikyo), the town of Kikonai in Hokkaido, with a population of about 4,400, is called the first station of the north. When visiting Hokkaido via shinkansen, you'll either pass or get off at Kikonai Station (木古内町駅, kikonai-cho eki). In this article, we'll introduce the town of Kikonai alongside the video. A Look at the Charm of Kikonai Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, Keiko, the official mascot of Kikonai, introduces the charm of her town in just 4 minutes! If you're interested in learning more about Kikonai, be sure to check out the video. From 0:22 in the video, you can see the vast amounts of snow, set against the backdrop of Samegawa Shrine (佐女川神社, samegawa jinja). Looking at the beautiful winter scenery will make you feel as if you’re right there in Hokkaido. From 0:55 in the video, the Kanchu-Misogi Festival (寒中みそぎ祭り, kancho misogi matsuri), a Shinto tradition, is introduced. The festival is held at Samegawa Shrine. Every day and night, cold water ablutions are performed in order to purify oneself and pray for a good catch and a bountiful harvest for the year. The festival dates back more than 180 years. The Kanrin Maru (咸臨丸), a capital ship built during the formation of the navy at the end of the Edo Period, can be seen from 1:32 in the video. After its completion in 1857, the ship was used for supply missions. The Kanrin Maru ran aground off Cape Saraki, and is now on display at the Cape Saraki Dutch Tulip Park (サラキ岬オランダチューリップ公園). As the national flower of the Netherlands, the tulips burst into bloom around the Kanrin Maru. The Hokkaido Shinkansen, which opened in 2016, is one of the means of access to Kikonai, and can be seen at 2:16 in the video. Additionally, from 2:37, the South Hokkaido Railway is introduced. Its nostalgic appearance captures the hearts of many. From 2:55 in the video, you can see delicious seafood! The seared scallop rice bowl is mouthwateringly delicious. In addition, the popular Hakodate Wagyu Beef is another must-try in Kikonai. Roadside station Misogi no Sato Kikonai (みそぎの郷きこない) can be seen from 3:27 in the video. Here, you can enjoy a variety of delicious snacks, such as croquettes made with Hakodate Wagyu Beef. The roadside station is also a good place for souvenirs. Summary of Kikonai, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot As introduced in this article, Kikonai is a place where you can enjoy both history and delicious food. It's definitely a place you should consider adding to your itinerary when visiting Hokkaido. Don't miss other sightseeing spots, such as the Kikonai Local History Museum "Ikarinkan" (いかりん館), which introduces the history of the town, as well as Kikonai Onsen Notoya, where you can relax in the hotsprings after a long day of traveling. There are many ways to enjoy Kikonai, from taking pictures of Instagram-worthy scenery to learning more about Japanese history! Come discover what this amazing town has to offer! 【Official Homepage】Kikonai, Hokkaido http://www.town.kikonai.hokkaido.jp/language.html 【Tripadvisor】Kikonai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120305-Kikonai_cho_Kamiiso_gun_Hokkaido-Vacations.html