Video article 1:42
Enjoy the Relaxing Sand Hot Springs of Ibusuki, Kagoshima. Relax and Unwind With the Rich Natural Environment and Delicious Food of Kyushu!
Local PR Travel- 53 plays
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自然の景色や温泉を楽しめる「鹿児島県指宿市」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「指宿市観光課」が公開した「鹿児島県指宿市観光PR動画 Ibusuki Tourism Promotion Movie」です。 「日本の温泉で体をリフレッシュしたい!」 「気持ちのいい温泉がある場所に旅行したいな」 このように、良質な温泉地を観光したい方におすすめの動画です。 温泉を中心に鹿児島県指宿市(いぶすき)の観光スポットを紹介しています。 世界でも珍しい砂むし温泉など、興味深いスポットお楽しみください。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の情報 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は、温泉が好きな西郷隆盛がたびたび訪れていた場所として有名。 温泉以外にも景色の綺麗なスポットやおいしいグルメもあり、疲れを癒やしたいときにおすすめの場所です。 指宿市を訪れる際には、九州旅客鉄道が運行している特急列車の「指宿の玉手箱」に乗るのがおすすめ。 薩摩半島に伝わる竜宮伝説をテーマにした列車で、白黒の大胆な配色が特徴です。 乗り心地のいいソファーシートに座ることができるので、快適な旅になるでしょう。 指宿の玉手箱で、鹿児島の美しい景色を鑑賞しながら行く旅は最高です! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は温泉がおすすめ! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は、さまざまな温泉スポットがあります。 たまて箱温泉は指宿市に観光する際には必ず寄りたい場所。 海の見える露天風呂は鹿児島の雄大な景色を楽しむことができます。 薩摩富士と呼ばれている開聞岳の景勝を眺めながら、温泉にゆったり浸かる。 とてもぜいたくな時間を過ごせますよ。 また、珍しい砂蒸し風呂も「山川砂むし温泉 砂湯里」で体験できます。 体中の血行がよくなりデトックス効果が抜群です。 動画でも指宿市の温泉を紹介しているので、ぜひご覧ください! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市には、すばらしい景観を楽しめる場所がたくさんあります。 JR日本最南端の駅として知られる西大山駅は、鹿児島の雄大な景色をご覧になることができます。 西大山駅の正面には開聞岳がそびえ立っており、絶好のインスタ映えスポット。 指宿市には他にも、縁結びの島として有名な知林ヶ島や、竜宮伝説発祥の地の長崎鼻、フラワーパークかごしま、池田湖、魚見岳など景色を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 日本の観光地である「鹿児島県指宿市」の紹介記事のまとめ 自然と温泉を楽しめる鹿児島県指宿市。 心身を癒やす観光地として指宿市を訪れるのはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 19:15
The Grandeur of Nature on Tokunoshima in the Amami Islands! Kagoshima Prefecture's World-Class Tourist Attractions Are a Tropical Paradise That Should Be on Your List of Places to See!
Local PR- 71 plays
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鹿児島県奄美市エリアの絶景をご紹介! こちらの「徳之島観光「島たび」(ロングバージョン)」は、鹿児島県の南に位置する奄美群島の一つである徳之島の絶景が堪能出来る動画となっています。 雄大な自然の景色が特徴の徳之島。 日本の自然を思う存分に堪能できる絶景観光スポットとなっています。 また、日本の歴史や文化を知ることが出来る建造物も数多くあり、島唄、美味しいご当地グルメ等、見どころが目白押しです。 今回はそんな日本の鹿児島県奄美群島の一つである徳之島について、詳しく紹介をしていきます。 徳之島には珍しい動植物が沢山! 奄美群島の中でも二番目に大きいとされる徳之島は、『東洋のガラパゴス』と言われるほどに数多くの貴重な動植物を有しています。 森の中には、徳之島固有種でもあるアマミノクロウサギが、海には最大の野生動物とされるザトウクジラや日本一と言えるくらい多くのウミガメが生息していたりと、本州では中々お目にかかれないような動物が多く生息しており、中には絶滅危惧種の生物もいます。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の観光名所! 奄美群島・徳之島周辺の観光スポットは、いずれも自然が織りなす美しい絶景が魅力。 インスタ映えする景色には事欠きません。 現在の天皇陛下が皇太子時代に訪れたことが由来で、動画2:48に紹介されている畦プリンスビーチ、動画4:25で紹介されている樹齢300年以上のソテツで構成された金見崎ソテツトンネル、動画5:03で紹介されている釣りやダイビングの地として有名なトンバラ岩、徳之島の魅力溢れる断崖絶壁の地である犬の門蓋など、多くの観光スポットが存在します。 特に動画6:23で紹介をされているメガネ岩や動画14:13で紹介されている樹齢300年にもなるガジュマルは、その特徴的な見た目からインスタ映えスポットとして注目を集めています。 見るだけでは終わらない鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力! 日本でも屈指の観光名所である鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島ですが、勿論見るだけでは終わりません。 まずは動画10:55で紹介されている島レストラン「ヤドゥリ」で徳之島のご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つのも悪く無いでしょう。 その後は、夜行貝のペンダントを実際に作ることが出来る「夜行貝ブルーシェル」で伝統工芸を、三味線教室で伝統文化を体験するのもおすすめです。 これらの他にも、時期によってはトライアスロンやサーフィン等のマリンスポーツ、キャンプも楽しむことが出来るので、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島を余すところなく堪能しましょう。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力紹介まとめ 貴重な動植物を多く残す、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島について紹介をさせて頂きました。 綺麗な自然ならではの景色と生物、そして全国でも希少な闘牛など、動画でたっぷりと堪能出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 見るだけでなく体験もして楽しむことが出来る鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島。 ぜひ動画とこの記事を参考に、観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:37
Spend a Relaxing Time in Kamakura, Kanagawa. One of the Most Popular Tourist Spots in the Kanto Region, Kamakura Has Natural Landscapes, History, Culture, and Food to Give You a Satisfying Trip!
Local PR- 23 plays
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神奈川県鎌倉市のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「鎌倉市公式チャンネル」が公開した「鎌倉市プロモーション動画」です。 こちらの動画は神奈川県鎌倉市のイメージを掴むのにうってつけの動画です。 日本の文化や神奈川県鎌倉市の街並みを知るのにチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:26より江ノ電、0:34よりサーフィンを楽しんでいる人、1:27より鎌倉市の恵まれた気候により育まれた野菜の数々とたくさんの名物や文化についてご覧になることができます。 他にも動画の1:48でご覧になれる人力車もポイント。 日本の文化を楽しむためにも神奈川県を観光する際は人力車に一度乗って観光するのも良いかもしれません。 神奈川県鎌倉市とは 鎌倉市は神奈川県にある市で日本有数の観光地の1つ。 1252年に造立が開始された高徳院にある鎌倉大仏や、神奈川県鎌倉市の象徴とも言われている鶴岡八幡宮など魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 神奈川県を訪れるなら鎌倉市は選択肢に入れておきたいところです。 神奈川県鎌倉市を観光する際のポイント 神奈川県鎌倉市を訪れる際、いくつかポイントが存在します。 是非参考にしていただけると幸いです。 鎌倉市を楽しむポイントは ・インスタ映えする景色を撮る ・鎌倉ハイキングコース ・鎌倉小町通り の計3つが挙げられます。 ・神奈川県鎌倉市でインスタ映えする景色を撮る 神奈川県鎌倉市にはインスタ映えする絶景が数多く存在します。 報国寺(竹寺)と呼ばれる寺の竹林や、人気漫画バスケットボール漫画「スラムダンク」の聖地として知られている鎌倉高校駅前の踏み切りなどが挙げられます。 ・鎌倉ハイキングコース 神奈川県鎌倉市には天園ハイキングコースや祇園山ハイキングコースといったハイキングコースがあります。 神奈川県鎌倉市で自然に触れたい方は観光プランに入れることをおすすめします。 ・鎌倉小町通り 鎌倉小町通りは土産物屋や飲食店が多く並んでおり、グルメを楽しみたい方ならチェックしたい場所。 魅力的な雑貨もあるので、お土産を購入してはいかがでしょうか? 大仏やアジサイと神奈川県鎌倉市の文化をモチーフにした商品がいくつも発売されています。 神奈川県鎌倉市紹介まとめ 日本にはさまざまな文化が根付いており、神奈川県をはじめ日本各地を訪れた際は各地の文化や歴史などに触れてください。 今回の動画は神奈川県鎌倉市の文化や街並みをイメージするのにうってつけです。 神奈川県鎌倉市周辺のエリアに興味がある方は一度ご覧ください。 -
Video article 2:22
Experience a Work Vacation in Tokushima Prefecture! the Luxury of Working While Vacationing in the Great Outdoors!
Local PR Things to Do- 30 plays
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徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションに興味がありませんか? こちらの動画は 「徳島県チャンネル」が公開した「徳島県にし阿波地域プロモーション動画~Nishi-Awa, ideal Workation area in Japan~」です。 ワーケーションとは「ワーク(仕事・勤務)」と「バケーション(休暇)」を組み合わせた造語で、「仕事とバケーションを一緒にする」 という意味です。 旅行先やリゾート地でバカンスを楽しみながら働きたい!と考えている人には徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションはおすすめです。 徳島県にし阿波ってどんなところ? にし阿波は徳島県の北西部に位置し、美馬市、三好市、つるぎ町、東みよし町をエリアとする観光圏域です。 その8割以上を北部の阿讃山脈や南部の四国山地の森林が占め、中央部には日本三大暴れ川の1つとして数えられ四国三郎の異名を持つ吉野川が西から東へ流れています。 四季折々の表情を見せる美しい自然環境を有する地域として、にし阿波ではその自然を生かしたアクティビティ体験を行うことができます。 森林では山登りやトレッキング、河川では急流を利用したラフティングが特に人気です。 にし阿波ではグルメも歴史観光も欠かせません。 にし阿波にはそば米雑炊、でこまわし、ひらら焼きといった郷土料理があります。 これらは祖谷地方の水はけの良い急峻な斜面で栽培されたジャガイモやソバ、吉野川や祖谷川などで取った川魚等を利用したものです。 徳島県にし阿波のワーケーションで地域・国際交流 徳島県にし阿波は全国の13観光圏とともに滞在プログラムの誘致に取り組んでいます。 にし阿波にITサテライトオフィスを開設し、IT企業などがテレワークでのワーケーションを実践しています。 コワーキングスペースとして日本家屋をリノベーションしたオフィススペースがあり、Wi-Fi、プリンター、プロジェクターとスクリーンなどが利用できます。 そして、一部の施設では宿泊設備スペースも完備。 地域の人々との交流を楽しみながら新しいワークスタイルに挑戦するなら、にし阿波はベストな選択といえるでしょう。 オフィススペースの様子は、こちらの動画の0:14から紹介されています。 実際にコワーキングスペースで働く人たちの姿もご覧になることもできます。 徳島県にし阿波のワーケーション紹介まとめ 日本有数の美しい自然に恵まれているにし阿波のある徳島県は、東京から飛行機で2時間、大阪からは車で3時間の距離にあります。 地域の人々との交流、歴史ある街並み、伝統文化との触れ合いが、人生においての貴重な経験と何事にも代えがたい感動を与えてくれるに違いありません。 徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションに興味があるなら今すぐ行動に移すことをおすすめします。 -
Video article 3:34
Kusarigamajutsu - Learn About the Japanese Martial Art Used by Ninja and Samurai!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 495 plays
- YouTube
The Ancient Japanese Martial Art - Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu This video, titled "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," was created by "bushinjuku." It's an introductory video of "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," a traditional Japanese martial art that involves wielding dual "kusarigama," a chain and sickle weapon with a metal weight attached to the end of the chain. The footage of the techniques, which require a combination of spirit, skill, and strong physique, is truly captivating. In this article, we'll introduce the origins and history behind the ancient Japanese martial art Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu. About Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu was developed as a way for peasants to protect themselves using a sickle and chain as they could not carry swords. Nowadays, you can learn how the sickle and chain would have been used as a weapon by watching demonstrations performed by Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu practitioners. You can watch a typical demonstration in this video from 0:13. The martial art is gaining huge popularity worldwide. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is a martial art in which the practitioner utilizes a dual sickle-and-chain to take down an opponent. A heavy weight is attached to the end of the chain which aids in attacking and defending against an enemy. You can see how this is used from 0:58 in the video. The weight at the end of the chain can also be used to disarm an opponent. You can see how this is done at 1:46 in the video. From 3:10, you can also watch footage of the weight being used to smash plant pots from a distance, something that requires great skill and technique. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is steadily gaining popularity, and as well as demonstrations like the one in the video, there are also Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu competitions and mixed style competitions with Kendo practitioners being held. The Origin and History of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu started as a form of self-defense, after that Ju-jitsu developed as a form of unarmed combat and following that, Kendo (a form of fencing with Japanese swords). Near the end of the Edo Period (1853-1868 AD) it was still a well-kept clan secret, with varying schools or styles (such as Otomeryu) only being passed down to other clan members. The Shinmen Nito Shinkage Ryu school (opened by Shinmen Bensuke) derived from a two-sword fighting style called Niten Ichi Ryu passed down by Miyamoto Musashi. By the time the third generation master Matsumura Yoshitaka appeared, the "Shinmen" part of the name had ceased to be used. Currently the fifth generation master Shimamura Shu passes down the ancient practice of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu through his training. He is based in the city of Kochi, in Kochi Prefecture . Summary of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art The video "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," created by "bushinjuku," shows masters of the ancient martial art demonstrating a variety of techniques. The popularity of Japanese ninja and samurai has brought about a rise in the number of people overseas undertaking Japanese martial arts training such as Ju-jitsu, Kendo, and Karate to name just a few. There has also been an increase in the number of foreigners making visits to Japan to receive further training in the homeland of their martial art. The techniques performed in this video, which require a high level of skill and are the result of many years of training, are nothing short of impressive. This video is a must-watch for all Japanese martial arts fans! 【Official Website】Nihonkobudoukoukai, Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu http://www.nihonkobudokyoukai.org/martialarts/077/ -
Video article 5:23
The best fireworks display in Japan chosen by pyrotechnicians! Video of "Shinmei's Fireworks" in Nishiyashiro-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture! The highly artistic and colorful lights that decorate the jet-black night sky are breathtaking!
Festivals & Events- 245 plays
- YouTube
Video introduction of "Shinmei no hanabi" fireworks display in Nishiyashiro-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture This video, titled "[4K] The No. 1 Fireworks Display in Japan, as Selected by Pyrotechnicians - Shinmei Fireworks 2019 Grand Finale - (shot on BMPCC4K)" ([4K] 花火師が選ぶ日本一の花火大会 神明の花火 2019 グランドフィナーレ - Shinmei Fireworks 2019 Grand Finale - (shot on BMPCC4K)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." About the Shinmei Fireworks Festival Photo:The Shinmei Fireworks Festival grounds near the Fuefuki River The Ichikawamisato Furusato Summer Festival, known as 'Shinmei Fireworks,' the largest of its kind in Yamanashi Prefecture, is a fireworks display with rich tradition and history. The video provides an authentic view of the grand finale for the 31st Shinmei Fireworks Festival in 2019. Held on the banks of the Fuefuki River in Ichikawamisato, Yamanashi, in Japan's Koshin'etsu Region, a total of 20,000 colorful fireworks, including massive mortars, colored the night sky. Originally, the Shinmei Fireworks Event was held as an annual event, with tours organized to enjoy the Shinmei Fireworks Festival while staying at a nearby hotel, and tickets for the paid spectator seating area sold out. The best fireworks display in Japan! When is "Shinmei no Hanabi 2024" in Yamanashi Prefecture? Due to the new coronavirus, the 32nd event was cancelled, and the 33rd event was held with shortened hours and no audience, with a surprise live-streaming by the organizing committee. The 34th event was held with an audience for the first time in three years. The schedule for the Shinmei Fireworks in 2024 is as follows. 【The 36th Shinmei Fireworks】 Date: Wednesday, August 7, 7:15 p.m. Location: Fuefukigawa riverside, downstream of Sangun Bridge, Ichikawa Sango, Nishiyashiro-gun, Yamanashi The History of the Shinmei Fireworks Festival Photo:A statue of Takeda Shingen, Yamanashi, Japan The origin of the Shinmei Fireworks Festival dates back to Japan's Warring States Period, when the famous warlord Takeda Shingen sent up smoke signals in battle. It is said that the exact location where the Shinmei Fireworks Festival originated is a shrine dedicated to Jinzaemon, who introduced paper-making techniques to the people during Japan's Heian period (794-1185), thereby enriching the lives of the people. The town also prospered as a washi (traditional Japanese paper) production center, and 'Ichikawa Washi' became an essential part of fireworks making. During the Edo period (1603-1867), Ichikawa Hanabi was one of the three most famous fireworks in Japan, and the town became known for its fireworks because of this. Art Created by Japan's Best Pyrotechnicians It's said that about half of the fireworks makers in Yamanashi Prefecture were located in Ichikawa, and there was a time when about 10% of the households in the town were involved in making fireworks. Local pyrotechnicians are in charge of launching fireworks in the town dubbed 'Fireworks Town.' Saikienka Honten and Marugoh, which have won awards throughout Japan, will create a spectacular fireworks show with music and colorful fireworks. The Shinmei Fireworks Festival is a spectacular display of fireworks, which are greatly affected by the weather, wind, and wind direction, but are so artistically and beautifully presented here. A Moving Performance of Music and Colorful Fireworks Photo:The Shinmei Fireworks Festival, Yamanashi, Japan The exquisite programming of the starmine by MARUGOH Fireworks, which delivered a knockout sensation in the grand finale, was a showstopper, with many people being blown away by the awesome display. The rainbow-colored fireworks moved to the music as if they were living creatures, making it feel like watching a musical. While vivid colors are mainstream for Japanese fireworks, pastel colors such as pale light blue and lemon yellow gracefully danced in the jet-black night sky. Summary of the Shinmei Fireworks Festival The Shinmei Fireworks Festival, one of Japan's representative fireworks shows, is a fireworks display filled with the passion of pyrotechnicians, which continues to evolve. In this video, you can feel the passion of the pyrotechnicians' souls while watching a fireworks show that can be enjoyed even via video. You'll feel like you've went to a fireworks show yourself after watching the video! 【TripAdvisor】The Shinmei Fireworks Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121175-d10019707-Reviews-Shimmei_Fireworks-Ichikawamisato_cho_Nishiyatsushiro_gun_Yamanashi_Prefecture_K.html -
Video article 4:19
Nangu Taisha Shrine, Located in Gifu Prefecture's Fuwa District, Has a Long, Rich History! Drop by the Shrine To Receive Good Fortune With Money!
Art & Architecture- 125 plays
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Video Introduction of "Nangu Taisha" in Fuwa-gun, Gifu Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "【美濃国一宮】南宮大社 - Nangu Taisha Shrine in GIFU, JAPAN -," was created by "channel WASABI." Nangu Taisha Shrine is a shrine with a long history, located in Gifu Prefecture's Fuwa District, in the Tokai region of Japan. The locals affectionately call the shrine "Nangu-san" (なんぐうさん). There are 18 archaeological remnants of buildings from the Edo Period within the grounds and these are designated as Important Cultural Properties. Nangu Taisha Shrine is also known as "Tsubaki Taisha Shrine" as camellias burst into bloom in spring (椿, tsubaki = camellia). The various varieties of camellias are stunningly beautiful, so you should definitely take a look. The shrine is a tourist destination near the ancient battlefield of Sekigahara. In this article, we'll use the video as a guide to introduce the shrine. What is Nangu Taisha Shrine? Photo:Nangu Taisha Shrine, Gifu Prefecture Nangu Taisha Shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Nangu in western Gifu prefecture. It's said that the shrine was named "Nangu" due to it being "a palace located in the south of the capital" (南宮, Nangu - lit. "Southern Palace"). The shrine's enshrined deity is "Kanayamahiko-no-kami" (金山彦命), the god of mining. Therefore, from the past and even in the modern era, Nangu Taisha Shrine has been the main shrine of the mining and metal industry nationwide. Furthermore, "Kanayamahiko-no-kami" is also known for being the elder brother of Amaterasu Omikami (天照大神) of Ise Jingu Shrine (伊勢神宮). As Nangu Taisha Shrine's enshrined deity is the god of mining, the shrine is believed to bring good fortune and victory, making it a popular place of worship for those preparing for entrance exams or praying for success. It's also famous as a place to pray for safe child delivery. The history of Nangu Taisha Shrine Photo:Nangu Taisha Shrine, Gifu Prefecture According to the shrine’s written history, it was built during the time of Emperor Sujin. In the mid Heian Period, the shrine is listed in the Engishiki Jinmyocho (延喜式神名帳, register of shrines in Japan) as "Minonokuni Fuwa-gun Nakayama Kanayamahiko Jinja" (美濃国不破郡 仲山金山彦神社), alongside other famous shrines. The shrine was also known as "Minonokuni Ichinomiya" (美濃国一宮) at one point. In April 1501, a fire broke out, leading to the main hall and the priests' quarters being burnt down. Reconstruction was carried out by the shrine's guardian Toki Masafusa (土岐政房), and was completed in 1511. In 1600, the shrine was once again destroyed by fire in the Battle of Sekigahara and was rebuilt by Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1642. A valuable record of the shrine exists, which lists the costs and various other details regarding the rebuilding of the shrine. This record has been designated as an Important Cultural Property. Highlights of Nangu Taisha Shrine Photo:Nangu Taisha Shrine, Gifu Prefecture ① Harae Dokoro (祓所) From 0:29 in the video, you can see the harae dokoro at Nangu Shrine. This is an important place where you purify yourself before entering the shrine. ② Tower Gate (楼門) The tower gate of Nangu Taisha Shrine can be seen at 0:42 in the video. This is also designated an Important Cultural Property. ③ Ishiwa Bridge (石輪橋) Ishiwa Bridge can be seen at 0:59 in the video. It is a magnificent stone bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge itself is off-limits to the public, but feel free to look around and take pictures. ④ Kobuden (高舞殿) Kobuden can be seen at 1:26 in the video. This aesthetically pleasing spot is also designated as an Important Cultural Property. ⑤ Hall of Worship (拝殿) The hall of worship can be seen at 2:02 of the video. The hall is a place for exorcisms and prayers, and where worshippers can make offerings. Nangu Taisha Shrine is a beautiful shrine painted in stunning vermillion. Why not make a visit to the shrine? Summary of this introduction to the Nangu Taisha Shrine Photo:Nangu Taisha Shrine, Gifu Prefecture The shrine is famous for being a spiritual spot, and for bringing good fortune, leading to many worshippers visiting every day. Visitors often buy a koban-shaped charm for economic fortune, one of the three types of shuin, or a shuincho (book for keeping temple seals) with beautiful designs, such as Nangu Taisha Shrine's tower gate or the sacred white camellia tree as souvenirs. In addition, Nangu Taisha Shrine is also the only place where you can see the five swords designated as Important Cultural Properties in Japan. In that sense, the shrine is a place where you can truly experience the rich history of Japan. Parking is also available. Be sure to check the transportation available before making your way over to Nangu Taisha Shrine! 【Tripadvisor】Nangu Taisha Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121188-d7068531-Reviews-Nangu_Shrine-Tarui_cho_Fuwa_gun_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 10:07
Amatsu amaguri” is made with a lot of time and effort by craftsmen. Don't miss the video of the production process made by skilled craftsmen at a popular amatsu amaguri store in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture!
Food & Drink- 144 plays
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Video Introduction of Amazuki Chestnut Production Process at a Popular Amazuki Chestnut Shop in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture This video, titled "Making the Best Sweet Chestnut "AMAGURI" at Kyoto! Japanese Street food, Craftsmanship, Gourmet!," was created by "DELI BALI." This video introduces the sweet chestnut store "Hayashi Monshodo" (林万昌堂) which has been in business since 1874. Hayashi Monshodo is located at the entrance to Shinkyogoku (新京極) in central Kyoto (京都府, kyoutofu). As you can see in the video, a huge amount of chestnuts are roasted here every day. Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts have become a famous soul food of Kyoto. Enjoy watching learning more about Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts in the video. More About Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts Photo:Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are made from chestnuts of the Chinese Chestnut tree (シナグリ, shinaguri) (scientific name Castanea mollissima), a deciduous tree native to China. Since the astringent bark is not attached to the edible part with tannin like the Japanese chestnut, it's easy to peel off the roasted part with one's hands or utensils. Li Jinzhang (李金章) and Kunijiro Kuki (九鬼国次郎) opened Japan's first sweet chestnut store "Kanemasuya" on November 3rd, 1910 in Asakusa's Nakamise Shopping Street (浅草の仲見世). Chinese chestnuts were originally only grown in China, however, selectively bred species, which differ from the original Chinese variety, are now being grown in both Kochi Prefecture (高知県, kouchiken) and Gifu prefecture (岐阜県, gifuken). These chestnuts are highly disease resistant, much like the Japanese chestnut, and hybrids are currently being created with American and European species to improve their resistance to disease and pests. How Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts Are Made Photo:Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts The process for making Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts is as follows. 1. Roasting From 0:28 in the video, you can see a huge amount of chestnuts being roasted together. They are mixed constantly with river pebbles until they become soft. The river pebbles are great conductors of heat which helps maintain the plumpness of the chestnuts throughout roasting. 2. Sorting From 0:56 in the video, you can see the chestnuts being sorted. Poor quality chestnuts are removed and discarded. This is all done by hand and requires a lot of knowledge and experience to know what to look for. The chestnuts are roasted carefully, with roasting time and methods being adjusted as needed. Once the chestnuts are fully roasted, mizuame is added. The sugar caramelizes producing a beautiful aroma. 3. Inspection From 3:53 in the video, you can see the chestnuts being checked to see how much longer they need to be cooked. The fully roasted chestnuts are separated from the hot river pebbles using a sieve. 4. Sorting From 6:00 in the video, you can see the fully roasted chestnuts being sorted. Small or poor quality chestnuts are removed during this stage. 5. Brushing From 6:38 in the video, you can see the chestnuts being brushed. This process produces a glossy finish. Once this process is complete, the chestnuts are ready to be packaged and sold. 6. Completion From 7:47 in the video, you can see the chestnuts as they're packaged and then lined up in the store ready to be sold. Summary of Hayashi Manshodo's Tianjin Sweet Chesnuts Photo:Shelled sweet chestnuts Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are fun to peel and delicious to eat! We hope you enjoyed watching the video and learning more about how Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are made! Tianjin Sweet Chestnuts are higher in calories than Japanese chestnuts, high in fiber, and very filling, making them a very popular snack. If you are interested in trying these sweet, freshly baked chestnuts, they can also be purchased online, so be sure to check out Hayashi Manshodo's website! 【Official Website】Hayashi Manshodo - A Long Established Chestnut Shop https://www.hayashi-mansyodo.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:05
An Encounter With the Specially Protected Rock Ptarmigan While Mountain Climbing! A Look at the Ecology of the Endangered Species and Where You Can Find It!
Living Things Nature- 431 plays
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The Rock Ptarmigan - An Endangered Species This video, titled "Endangered Species|Rock Ptarmigan|A Precious Encounter Whilst Mountain Climbing|Special Edition (4k)" (絶滅危惧種 雷鳥 登山で出会った貴重なニホンライチョウ動画 特集 【4K】), was created by "Yamacchi channel" (やまっちchannel). It contains footage of the rock ptarmigan, a protected species in Japan, as well as the Crested ibis and Red-crowned crane. Due to the effects of global warming, the number of rock ptarmigan in Japan has dwindled to around 1,500 and it is now recognized as an endangered species. This video contains a compilation of footage of the adorable rock ptarmigan, which was spotted whilst mountain climbing. In this article, we'll introduce the rock ptarmigan, an endangered species! More About the Rock Ptarmigan, an Endangered Species Photo:Tateyama ptarmigan Said to have survived the ice age, the rock ptarmigan is now an endangered species belonging to the order Galliformes, family Phasianidae and genus Lagopus (キジ目キジ科ライチョウ属, kijimokukijikaraichouzoku). The subspecies of rock ptarmigan which inhabits Japan is a very adorable and friendly bird, making it a favorite among mountain climbers. It has a characteristic call that sounds similar to that of a frog. From 0:14 in the video you can see the rock ptarmigan at Mt. Senjo (仙丈ヶ岳, senjogatake), and at Mt. Tsubakuro (燕岳, tsubakurodake) from 1:38, Mt. Chogatake (蝶ヶ岳, chougatake) from 2:09, and Mt. Jonen (常念岳, jounendake) at 2:04. Rock ptarmigan chicks average 6 cm in height. A fully grown adult rock ptarmigan measures 37 cm in height and weighs approximately 400-600g. They lay their eggs in early summer from the beginning to the middle of June. The color of their feathers also changes depending on the season. In summer, their feathers are a dark brown color, and in winter they change to a snowy white. Furthermore, the rock ptarmigan is a symbol of Toyama Prefecture (富山県 toyamaken), Nagano Prefecture (長野県, naganoken) and Gifu Prefecture (岐阜県, gifuken). Photo:Northern Alps The rock ptarmigan lives in a harsh environment at an altitude of 2,400 m. In the warmer summer months they live in the alpine zone, moving to the subalpine zone in the cooler winter months. In 1980, there were an estimated 3,000-4,000 rock ptarmigans living in Japan. However that number has dropped to around 1,500. The effects of global warming are considered to have been the direct cause of this decrease in numbers. It is thought that the decrease in creeping pine (ハイマツ, haimatsu) numbers, a main food source for the rock ptarmigan, due to global warming is one of the main causes of the decline in rock ptarmigan numbers. Several measures are being taken in order to conserve the rock ptarmigan, such as protecting the species from predators and breeding in zoos. Incidentally, rock ptarmigans have been kept in Ueno zoo (上野動物園, uenodoubutsuen) since 2019. The Habitat of the Endangered Rock Ptarmigan Photo:Tateyama mountain range and a ptarmigan There are 6 genera and 17 species of rock ptarmigan found across the world. They can be found in North America, the coast of the Arctic Ocean in Eurasia, Europe, and the alpine zone in Asia. In Japan, they inhabit the central area of Honshu (Japan's main island) (本州中部地方, honshuuchuubuchihou). In this video, you can see footage of the rock ptarmigan spotted whilst climbing Mt. Senjo, Mt. Chogatake, Mt. Tsubakuro and Mt. Jonen. Snacks shaped like rock ptarmigan are sold in Nagano prefecture, the home of the Northern Alps. A similar bird, the Hazel grouse (エゾライチョウ, ezoraichou), of the genus Tetrastes (エゾライチョウ属, ezoraichouzoku), inhabits Hokkaido (北海道), Japan's northernmost Island. Summary of the Endangered Rock Ptarmigan Source :YouTube screenshot This video "Endangered Species|Rock Ptarmigan|a Precious Encounter Whilst Mountain Climbing|Special Edition (4k)," created by "Yamacchi channel" (やまっちchannel), contains footage of the rock ptarmigan, an endangered species. We highly recommend the video to animal lovers as it has footage of the rock ptarmigan from different places all over Japan! This video of the adorable rock ptarmigan is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! -
Video article 2:17
“Tezuma (手妻)”, or “Wazuma (和妻)”, Is Japan’s Unique Form of Performance Magic, Originating From the Edo Period! Experience a New Style of Magic, Imbued With the Beauty of Japanese Aesthetics!
Traditional Culture- 204 plays
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Introducing Tezuma/Wazuma This video, titled "Taijyu Fujiyama / 藤山大樹 江戸から続く日本伝統マジック「手妻・和妻」の継承者~," was created by "Taijyu Fujiyama." The video shows a magic show performed by the famed tezuma magician Taiju Fujiyama. Come and immerse yourself in this world of Japanese culture and history. What Is Japan’s Traditional Magic, Wazuma? Source :YouTube screenshot The Wazuma/Tezuma introduced in this video, is a traditional magic unique to Japan, involving a combination of acting, music, costumes, and a story. "Wazuma" is the general term used for all Japanese-style magic tricks. The term “shinadama (品玉)” is used as well. In contrast to wazuma, Western-style performance magic is also known as "yozuma" (洋妻). The word “tezuma” originates from the phrase "手を稲妻の様に素早く動かす" (te wo inazuma no yo ni subayaku ugokasu, "to move one's hands as fast as lightning"). "wazuma" has a long history, first appearing in 1715 in the Shinsen Gijutsu, (神仙戯術), Japan’s oldest book of magic. The book contains descriptions of techniques such as “how to make a bottle gourd move on its own” and “how to make an artificial fish swim in water.” Significant wazuma magic tricks include "Dance of the Butterflies" (胡蝶の舞, kocho no mai), "Egg and Sleeve" (袖玉子, sode tamago), "Hyoko" (ヒョコ, hyoko), "Bowl and Sphere" (お椀と玉, owan to tama), "Entwined Paper" (連理の紙, renri no kami), "Bathtub Escape" (釜抜け術, kama-nuke-jutsu), "Fan and Egg" (扇子玉子, sensu tamago), "Paper Udon" (紙うどん, kami udon), "Tengu Hiding Beans" (天狗の豆隠し, tengu no mame-kakushi), "Absent Pillar" (柱抜き, hashira-nuki), "Water Art" (水芸, mizu-gei), "Horse-Swallowing Illusion" (呑馬術, donbajutsu), and more. From 0:37 in the video, you can see some of these tricks. The tools and props used in the performances, such as Japanese umbrellas and folding fans, are further representations of Japanese culture. This traditional performance magic has long been beloved in Japan. On 24th May, 1997, wazuma was designated an Intangible Cultural Property by the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs. Who Is the Magician Taiju Fujiyama? Source :YouTube screenshot Taiju Fujiyama is one of the few remaining practitioners of wazuma. After graduating from university in 2010, he became an apprentice of Fujiyama Shintaro, and thus began the journey to becoming a wazuma practitioner. His master Fujiyama Shintaro is renowned in the world of wazuma, having thrice received the Media Arts Festival Award from the Agency of Cultural Affairs. After working hard practicing under his master and polishing his skills, Taiju Fujiyama became the Asian Magic Champion in 2014, then achieved 5th place at the world tournament FISM in 2015. Following that, Fujiyama ventured worldwide, holding stunning performances in America, London, Italy, Mexico, China, Korea and more. Now, he has performed in more than 20 cities in over 10 countries. In 2018, he performed a magic trick involving seven changes on the American television program "FoolUs." The video of his performance has surpassed more than 13 million views. Preserving the Unique Japanese Culture of Wazuma in the Present Day Source :YouTube screenshot Wazuma was first created during the Edo period, and developed into Japan’s unique form of performance magic. However, today, there are very few performers left who are able to perform authentic wazuma while maintaining the balance of movements, dance elements, and ancient customs. Although it is a tremendously difficult challenge to protect this intangible art form, wazuma successors like Taiju Fujiyama aim to convey the beauty of this traditional Japanese art to the entire world. Summary of Tezuma and Wazuma Source :YouTube screenshot Tezuma/Wazuma is a unique form of performance magic blending both traditional performing arts with magic tricks. This style is based on the Japanese concept of beauty as form, making it quite different from Western magic. Why not give this new style of magic a try, and experience one of Japan’s long-beloved traditions? 【Official Homepage】「wazuma・tezuma」Fujimura Taiju Official Site ~Japan’s Traditional Magic from the Edo Period~ http://www.japanesemagic.jp/eng.html