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Autumn color video introduction of "Koankyo Onsen" in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture

This video, titled "JG☆☆☆8K HDR Akita Oyasu Onsen Gorge in Autumn," shows footage of Oyasu Gorge, a spectacular place to enjoy the autumn colors in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture.

Oyasukyo Daifunto, located within Kurikoma Quasi-National Park (栗駒国定公園, Kurikoma Kokuteikoen), is a scenic spot that provides beautiful seasonal scenery.
Coming into sight at 0:14 in the video, is a breathtaking scene of the fiery autumnal foliage.
During the peak of the autumn foliage, there are events that light up the area, and so many tourists visit, filling up the nearby parking lots.

Enjoy the entrancing scenery and the mystical views of hot springs shown in the video.

Oyasukyo Onsen, Akita

Image of Akita Prefecture・Oyasu Gorge
Photo:Akita Prefecture・Oyasu Gorge

Oyasukyo Onsen, which offers a spectacular view of steam rising from the gorge, is a popular tourist spot in the Tohoku region.
has a long history and prospered as a therapeutic bath in the Edo period (1603-1868).
It takes about 50 minutes to get to by bus from Yuzawa Station on the Ou Main Line by use of the local Ugo Transport Bus.

At 2:20 in the video, you can hear the sound of the hot springs bubbling up from the Minase River (皆瀬川, Minasegawa).
Oyasu Gorge Geyser (小安峡大噴湯, Oyasukyo Daifunto), where boiling water and steam are ejected, is the most famous hot spring in the Oyasu Gorge area.
There is a promenade around the 60-meter-high V-shaped valley in Oyasu Gorge, where you can enjoy hiking while admiring the autumn colors.

You can also see the beautiful red and yellow mountains in this video.
Be sure to step out of the hot spring town and visit Fudo Falls (不動滝, Fudotaki) and Yakushi Falls (薬師滝, Yakushitaki) as well.

Where to Stay at Oyasukyo Onsen

Image of hot springs
Photo:Hot springs

If you're looking for a great way to spend your time, try staying at one of the inns or hotels at Oyasukyo Onsen, Akita, when the autumn leaves are about.
Hotels such as Motoyu Kurabu, where you can enjoy excellent food and relaxing hot springs, and the warm and inviting Oyado Yamanosuna, are perfect for those looking to make their trip special.

Ryokan Tarobee, Hotel Matsubakan, Abe Ryokan, Komakusa, and Yadoya Sanpei are all popular Japanese ryokan in the area.
Oyasukyo Onsen is a sodium-chloride, sulfuric acid, alkaline hot spring.
There are many inns and hotels in the vicinity where you can take a day trip to the hot spring.

The day after your stay, you may want to venture out and check out Ishinomaki Seafood Market (石巻海の市, Ishinomaki Uminoichi) and other popular tourist destinations after a good night’s sleep.
Tourist Center (観光物産館, Kankobussankan), Oyasu Gorge Icicles (小安峡大つらら, Oyasukyo Daitsurara), Tokotonyama Campsite, Kawarayu Bridge (河原湯橋, Kawarayuhashi), Mt. Magusa (秣岳, Magusadake), Oyasu Gobansho Remains (小安御番所跡, Oyasu Gobanshoato), and Kijiyama Plateau (木地山高原, Kijiyamakogen) are some of the many popular sightseeing spots nearby.

If you're interested in Japan's public baths, try visiting Oyasukyo Onsen. You can enjoy the beautiful autumnal foliage here as well.

Summary of Oyasu Gorge

Image of Akita Prefecture・Oyasu Gorge
Photo:Akita Prefecture・Oyasu Gorge

Oyasukyo Onsen in Akita Prefecture, is a popular out-of-the-way place with breathtaking scenery and colorful autumn leaves.
Check out the beautiful autumnal foliage at 0:14 in the video.

You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Japan first, and get into the mood for traveling!

【Official Website】Kurikoma Quasi-National Park – Miyagi Prefecture

【Official Website】Oyasukyo Onsen, Minase, Yuzaka City, Akita Prefecture

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
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