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This video, titled "Drone Footage|Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture|Genbikei Gorge" (ドローン撮影 岩手県一関市 厳美渓), was released by "Iwate Drone Movies" (岩手ドローンムービー).

This video introduces Genbikei Gorge, which has been designated a place of scenic beauty and a natural monument.
Genbikei Gorge in Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture is the name of a section of ravine in the Iwai River and has long been a popular scenic spot.
It is said that Date Masamune, a famous military commander in the Warring States period of Japan, would have praised the valley, and many tourists visit the valley to feel the history of Japan.

In this video, you can see the overwhelming grandeur of nature in Genbikei Gorge from the sky, so be sure to check it out.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Genbikei Gorge, a Historically Famous Valley in the Midst of Nature! Feel the Excitement in a Land Full of Natural Beauty!
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