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This video, titled "How Master Sushi Chef Keiji Nakazawa Built the Ultimate Sushi Team — Omakase," was released by Eater.

This video introduces sushi chef Keiji Nakazawa's "Sushi Sho" at the Ritz-Carlton Residences in Waikiki, Hawaii.
Mr. Nakazawa used to be a renowned sushi chef in Tokyo, but now he is taking on the challenge of serving Edo-mae sushi in Hawaii while using local fish.

In the dignified atmosphere of the restaurant, the video shows the chefs working diligently to serve delicious local fish.
Mr. Nakazawa says that the most important things are body, mind, and spirit.
The only item on the menu is a carefully selected omakase course. Once you watch the video, you'll want to visit and taste it for yourself!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Keiji Nakazawa, Known as an Edo-Mae Sushi Chef From Japan, Has Opened the Hot New Sushi Sho in Waikiki, Hawaii! In This Video, Keiji Nakazawa Talks About the Spirit of Artisanship and the Importance of Sushi!
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