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Movie introduction of autumn leaves at Enko-ji Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

This video, titled "[4K] 2021 Autumn Leaves and Suikinkutsu at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto" (【4K】2021圓光寺の紅葉と水琴窟 Autumn leaves of Kyoto Enkoji Temple), was uploaded by "fuppomadoka1962." Enjoy the 4K video that will have you feeling like you're actually walking through the garden of Enkoji Temple, and experience the autumn leaves dancing in the light to the faint sound of a suikinkutsu.

Highlights of Enkoji Temple in Northern Kyoto

Image of autumn leaves at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto
Photo:Autumn leaves at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto

The reason for the overwhelmingly beautiful autumn leaves at Enkoji Temple is its location. Located in the northern part of Kyoto City, Enkoji Temple is characterized by colorful autumn leaves every year due to the extreme temperature differences between the four seasons.

The highlight of Enkoji Temple's autumn foliage is the garden Jugyu no Niwa (十牛の庭, lit. "The Garden of Ten Oxen"), where visitors can view the leaves from various vantage points.
[Video] 0:50 - The Beautiful Garden Jugyu no Niwa
[Video] 1:30 - Jugyu no Niwa Seen From the Exhibit Hall

Image of the chozubachi at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto
Photo:The chozubachi at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto
A suikinkutsu is a Japanese garden ornament that makes a lovely sound. The suikinkutsu in the garden of Enkoji Temple is made of a wide-rimmed chozubachi (手水鉢, water bowl), a shape not seen anywhere else, and has been cherished by hobbyists as the "Enkoji style" since ancient times. The vivid autumn leaves on the surface of the water sway in the wind, making it a popular scene for photographers and instagrammers. After snapping some photos of the beautiful autumn leaves, visitors can enjoy listening to the sound of the suikinkutsu. The sound of water dripping into the hollow of the pot, which is embedded in the ground, is similar to the sound of a koto (the Japanese harp), and it resonates in the hearts of those who hear it.
[Video] 3:30 - The Faint Sound of the Suikinkutsu

The history of Enkoji Temple dates back to 1601, when the famous warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu built Enkoji Temple in Fushimi and turned it into a school to promote education and learning in Japan. The temple also exhibits some of the oldest wooden typefaces in Japan (an Important Cultural Property), and has a history tracing back to the origins of printing in Japan. From the hilltop of the Toshogu Shrine on top of the mountain, visitors can enjoy the view of Arashiyama and Kitayama, and at dusk, the golden hour envelops the whole area, offering a spectacular view that changes with every passing moment.

Enkoji Temple is also home to a bamboo forest path, which is said to have been frequented by Maruyama Okyo, a Japanese painter active in Kyoto during Japan's Edo period (1603-1868 AD). His painting "Bamboo in Wind and Rain" (an Important Cultural Property) is also on display at the temple.

Reservations and When to View the Autumn Leaves at Enkoji Temple

Image of autumn leaves at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto
Photo:Autumn leaves at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto

In recent years, special viewing of autumn leaves at Enkoji Temple has been reserved for a designated date and time to avoid congestion.For reservations and details regarding reservation start times, viewing periods, times, and viewing fees, please check the advance reservation page on the official website.

The best time to view the autumn leaves is usually from mid-November to early December, although times may vary slightly due to climate change and temperature fluctuations over the past few years.

The Jizo statues, which can be seen as soon as you enter Jugyu no Niwa, are also popular. During the autumn foliage season, the Jizo statues standing on a carpet of autumn leaves is great for taking photos and attracts many instagrammers.
"Early morning viewing" is popular among people who want to avoid crowds during the peak season of autumn leaves, which can be visited before normal viewing hours on certain days when autumn leaves are at their best.In 2023, only the first 40 people applied.If you want to enjoy the autumn leaves in a quiet time from eight o'clock in the morning, please check the official website in advance next year.

Autumn Foliage Spots Around Enkoji Temple in Northern Kyoto

Image of autumn leaves at Shisendo, Kyoto
Photo:Autumn leaves at Shisendo, Kyoto

The area around Enkoji Temple, in northern Kyoto, is home to many places for enjoying the autumn leaves, as well as popular tourist attractions. Many visitors to Enkoji Temple visit Shisendo, another Buddhist temple, where they are able to escape from their frantic daily lives and enjoy a moment of tranquility. At Sanzenin Temple, a representative temple of Ohara, visitors can enjoy a spectacular collaboration between the green mosses and crimson maple leaves. In addition, Manjuin Temple, the Kibune Foliage Lantern Festival (貴船もみじ灯篭, Kibune Momiji Toro), and Hosen'in Temple have gained popularity in recent years as spots where visitors can enjoy the illuminated autumn leaves.

Summary of Autumn Leaves at Enkoji Temple, Kyoto

The northern Kyoto area, where Enkoji Temple is located, is famous for its autumn leaves, which attract many tourists from both Japan and other countries during the autumn foliage season. The crowds are part of the fun of a sightseeing trip for many people, but for those looking to avoid the crowds and enjoy the autumn leaves in peace, we recommend waking early and getting to the temple at the earliest possible time.

As they say, your trip starts from the moment you start planning, so don't forget to look up information in advance to enjoy the popular autumn foliage season in Kyoto. We hope you enjoyed experiencing some of the beauty of Kyoto in autumn and get the chance to experience it firsthand!

◆Enkoji Temple◆
【Address】13, Ichijojikotani-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-city, 606-8147, Japan
【Admission Fee】Adults ¥500, Junior high and high school students ¥400, Elementary School students ¥300
A 10-minute walk from the Ichijoji Sagari-Matsu (一乗寺下り松) bus stop
A 15-minute walk from Ichijoji Station on the Eizan Electric Railway's Eizan Line

【Official Website】Zuiganzan Enkouji Temple

【TripAdvisor】Enkoji Temple

Written By
Last Updated : Nov. 17, 2022
I'm an upcyclist living on the tip of the Boso Peninsula.
4K video of the autumn leaves swaying in the wind at Engo-ji Temple in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, a temple associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu! Includes the time of autumn foliage, highlights, and nearby sightseeing spots.
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