This video, titled "Staying in a One Man Tent and Going Big-Game Fishing in the Small Boat I Bought With My Part Time Job!" (アルバイトして買った小舟で大物釣りして一人用テントに泊まったよ!), was released by "CartopboaterNORA."

Solo camping is becoming more and more popular in Japan, where people are enjoying the outdoors on their own.
It's very exciting to load up your car with handy camping gear and head out to a secluded spot.

In this video, they used a small boat to go fishing and caught a monster!
Nothing beats cooking your own food in the great outdoors.
They set up their tent in the small boat they used, so they didn't have to worry about it being windy.
If you want to spend your holidays with a sense of fulfillment, why not try some camping?

Solo Camping in the Great Outdoors Is Where It's at! Cooking Your Own Catch and Enjoying an Open Air Bath!
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