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Video introduction of "Shuriken Dojo Shinjuku Ninja Karakuri Yashiki" in Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

The video “Ninja Trick House, Shinjuku(手裏剣道場 新宿 忍者からくり屋敷)” was created by “Ninja Trick House in Tokyo”. The Ninja Trick house, where you can throw shuriken and experience becoming a ninja, is located in Kabukicho.

You can release stress by listening to the shuriken fly through the air and strike their targets.
The facility can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
This article is going to introduce you to Tokyo's Ninja Trick House.

What is Tokyo's “Ninja Trick House”

“Ninja Trick House in Tokyo: Experience the Mystical World of the NINJA” is owned by Legacy Co., Ltd. It is a place where you can experience shuriken throwing and learn ninja sword techniques.
You can take your children along or even go as a date.

You can enjoy experiences such as touching and drawing replicas of Japanese swords, wooden swords and a ninja swords.
It is not something you can experience in many other places.
You can check some of that footage out from 0:20 in the video.
Searching for trick walls and mechanisms of the ninja house is fun as well.
Give it a try if you're curious.

As you can see from 0:12, the entrance to the Ninja Trick House has red torii gates leading up to its entrance. It feels like you're stepping into another world.

During the ninja experience, the first thing they do is show a video that explains ninja.
After the video, some ninja enter the room, explain the weapons and tools, and the ninja training begins!
You can practice shuriken throwing and swordsmanship at the training range.
It is an indoor attraction with a guide, so you can participate without worry.

The main attraction, shuriken throwing, is shown from 0:49 in the video.
The facility has a Japanese tatami style room that helps make the experience feel authentic!
Find out what type of ninja you are, and what school of ninja you belong to as well!

Information about Tokyo's Ninja Trick House

Image of Shinjuku Station East Exit at Dusk
Photo:Shinjuku Station East Exit at Dusk

The Ninja Trick House is about an 8 minute walk from JR Shinjuku station east exit, and a 5 minute walk from Seibu Shinjuku line, Shinjuku Station.
As of April, 2020, The admission fee is 1,500 JPY (~$14.00 USD) per person and free for children under 3 years old. The experience itself lasts about 30 to 45 minutes.
There is restricted entry when crowded, so we recommend booking ahead of time.

The Ninja Trick House has a great reputation, and is very popular among visitors to Japan.
The Ninja Trick House also received first prize in TOKYO100; a project by Trip Advisor and the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation.
Tokyo's top 100 attractions are shown in the rankings, and there are sites that give coupons as well, so be sure to check it out if you are interested.

The world famous "Ninja"

Image of Ninja

Ninja existed during the Muromachi period (1336 to 1573) and Edo period (1603 to 1868) in Japan. Their specialty was in intelligence, infiltration tactics, subversion, conspiracy and assassination.
Ninja are known all over the world thanks to manga, anime, movies and games.
One of the first things that comes to mind for many people when they hear "Japan", is actually ninja.

In Japan, you can experience ninja at the VR Ninja Dojo in Kanda, Tokyo, Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura in Tochigi, the Samurai Museum in Shinjuku and Izakaya Ninja Yashiki in Asakusa.


The video “Ninja Trick House, Shinjuku”, created by “Ninja Trick House in Tokyo” introduces a facility where you can experience ninja in Shinjuku's Kabukicho.

We highly recommend visiting here, as there is no other place where you can experience throwing shuriken and swordsmanship at such a level of authenticity.

◆NINJA TRICK HOUSE: Experience the Mystical World of the NINJA◆
【Address】 Daiichi Wako Building 4F, 2-28-13 Kabukicho, Shinjuku, Tokyo.
【Access】 8 minute walk from JR Shinjuku east exit. 5 minute walk from Seibu Shinjuku station.
【Entrance fee】1,500 yen. Free for under 3 years old. (April 2020)
【Closures】Every Tuesday and Wednesday
【Telephone No】 03-6457-3337

【Official Website】Ninja Trick House in Tokyo

【Tripadvisor】Ninja Trick House In Tokyo
Ninja Trick House, Tokyo

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
鈴木 正孝(Masataka Suzuki)
A writer born and raised in Asakusa, Tokyo who loves traveling and novels
Become a Ninja in Kabukicho! Shinjuku’s “Ninja Trick House” in Tokyo; Located on the Busiest Shopping District in the East!
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