Japan's Hot and Humid Summers

Summer in Japan is hot and humid. When camping in Japan, it's essential to take measures against both the heat and insects. In this article, we'll introduce some recommended items to protect against the heat and keep insects away so you can enjoy an exciting summer camping trip in Japan.

Video Introduction

Image of women being bit by mosquitoes
Photo:Women being bitten by bugs

This video, titled "12 Recommended Items to Protect Against Heat and Insects When Summer Camping" (夏キャンプの暑さ対策・虫除け対策に買って良かったおすすめアイテム12選をご紹介), was uploaded by "Camp Lab" (キャンプ研究所).

When camping in summer, preventing insect bites and heat stroke is crucial to enjoying a safe camping trip. There are many dangerous insects in Japan, and it's important to take all possible precautions. In addition, many people succumb to heat stroke and other health problems in Japan's hot and humid summers.

If you take proper measures to protect yourself from insects and heat, you can avoid dangerous situations, so be sure to keep reading so you can be prepared.

6 Tips to Keep Bugs Away When Summer Camping in Japan

The first item introduces is the "Fuji Nishiki Power Forest Incense," an insect repellant item that forestry professionals also recommend. As this is professional-grade, the thickness and size are quite different from those for general use. You can see how they're used in the video.
[Video] 0:57 - 1. Fuji Nishiki Power Forest Incense Mosquito Repellent

The next item is bug spray. We recommend a skin-friendly, DEET-free insect repellent that is safe for children to use. The video recommends commercial insect repellent sprays, as homemade sprays made with ingredients such as peppermint don't last as long.
[Video] 2:04 - 2. Insect Repellent

DEET has long been used in insect repellents in Japan, but more and more parents are avoiding it when it comes to their children because of its side effects that can cause skin problems.
It's also important to avoid exposing skin to insect bites as much as possible when summer camping. Leggings and pants that cover the skin are especially important to protect against bites.
[Video] 2:58 - 3. Leggings

Next, the "Yabu Mosquito Barrier" is a type of spray that is sprayed on the grass around your tent to create a barrier effect.
[Video] 3:29 - 4. Yabu Mosquito Barrier

In addition, insect repelling LED lanterns are a recommended nighttime insect repellant.
[Video] 4:11- 5. Insect repelling LED lantern

Taking advantage of the nature of insects to be attracted to ultraviolet rays, placing a lantern with built-in UV a slight distance from your camp prevents insects from being attracted to your campsite.

Poison Remover is a useful first aid item for treating venomous insect stings. The syringe-like container allows pinpoint suction of the sting.
[Video] 5:06 - 6. Poison Remover

6 Heat Protection Essentials for Summer Camping in Japan

Image of a portable fan
Photo:A portable fan

The following items are recommended for protection against the heat when summer camping.
Portable fans have clips and can be attached to car handles or tables and can also be used as stand-alone fans.
[Video] 6:03 - 1. Portable electric fan

Quick-drying, antibacterial, deodorizing, super-cheap sports shirts. Sports shirts are great for summer camping as you'll likely be hot and sweat throughout the day.
[Video] 7:00 - 2. Sports shirts

Cooling spray is a spray for clothing. It's an excellent product that allows you to feel a cool sensation just by spraying it on your clothes.
[Video] 7:23 - 3. Cooling spray

Gatsby Facial Paper with strong menthol is an item that gives you a cool and refreshing feeling just by wiping your skin with it, and it's cost-effective, too!
[Video] 7:39 - 4. Gatsby Facial Paper

Cooling towels are wetted and used as is. If you don't have a cooling towel, you can use a regular towel.
[Video] 8:15 - 5. Cooling towel

A cooling face gaiter is an amazingly useful product that makes you feel cooler just by putting it on your face.
[Video] 8:40 - 6. Cooling face gaiter

Summary of Summer Camping in Japan

Image of a woman enjoying solo camping
Photo:A woman enjoying solo camping

This article introduced useful goods recommended for summer camping to protect against heat and insects.

Japan's rainy season can feel hotter than you might think, so make sure you have the right heat protection gear, and be careful of heat stroke.

Also, by taking all possible measures against insects, you'll be able to prevent unexpected accidents. We hope the information in this article will be of use during your next summer camping trip.

If you want to camp in an area that's as cool as possible in the summer, it's important to choose the right campground. For the most part, campgrounds at higher elevations tend to be cooler.
Also, here are some campgrounds that are considered relatively cool even in Japan's hot summers.
・Ontake Natural Recreational Forest Kurumijima Campground (Gifu)
・Togakushi Campground (Nagano)
・MUJI Minami-Norikura Camping Ground (Gifu)
・MUJI Campground Campania Tsumagoi (Gunma)
・Kyukamura Tsumagoi Kazawa Camping Ground (Gunma)

That being said, with summer temperatures getting hotter and hotter each year, even at cooler campgrounds, you musn't let your guard down. Be prepared for the heat and insects, and enjoy your summer camping experience.

Written By
Last Updated : May. 19, 2022
鈴木 正孝(Masataka Suzuki)
A writer born and raised in Asakusa, Tokyo who loves traveling and novels
[Summer Camping] 12 Camping Essentials to Beat the Heat and Protect Against Insects! Safety Precautions for Japan's Hot Summers and Cool Campgrounds!
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