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Video Introduction of Kadonowaki Suspension Bridge in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture

This video, titled "Kadowaki Suspension Bridge – Shizuoka – Full HD" (Kadowaki Suspension Bridge - Shizuoka - 門脇吊橋 - Full HD), was created by "TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the Kadowaki suspension bridge, located in Ito, Shizuoka in the Tokai region of Japan.

Popular tourist destinations, such as Atami hot springs and Izu Plateau, can also be found in eastern Shizuoka prefecture.
Many tourists visit the Izu area and spend time at one of the many resort hotels to enjoy the various tourist attractions, cafes and hot springs.
In this article we'll introduce the Kadowaki suspension bridge, a popular tourist destination in the Izu area.

The Kadowaki Suspension Bridge!

Image of Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge
Photo:Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge

As you can see from 6:20 in the video, the Kadowaki suspension bridge hangs from two cliff faces making it a thrilling experience to cross!
You can also enjoy a stunning view of Kaiyo Park from the bridge and the surrounding area.

The Jogasaki Coast (城ヶ崎海岸, jougasakikaigan) was formed from the lava of an eruption which took place over 4,000 years ago at Mt. Omuro (大室山, oomuroyama), one of the volcanos in the Izu-Tobu volcano range (伊豆東部火山郡, izutoubukazangun).
The corrosion caused by the lava created a sea cave known as "Hanshiro otoshi" (半四郎落し).
The Kadowaki suspension bridge, which hangs between this sea cave and Kadowaki cape, is 48 meters in length and 23 meters high.
The Kadowaki suspension bridge is also referred to as the Jogasaki suspension bridge, as it hangs above the Jogasaki Coast in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park (富士箱根伊豆国立公園, fujihakoneizukokuritsukouen).

Other Tourist Spots Around Kadowaki Suspension Bridge

Image of Izu-Jogasaki・Kadowaki Lighthouse
Photo:Izu-Jogasaki・Kadowaki Lighthouse

You can enjoy a view of Kadowaki lighthouse (門脇灯台, kadowakitoudai), built in 1995, Mt. Amagi (天城連山, amagirenzan), and the islands of the Izu Peninsula (伊豆七島, izushichitou) from the Kadowaki suspension bridge.

There is a walking course nearby called "Jogasaki Pikkunikaru Course." It's popular with dog-walkers and hikers.
A variety of fish can be caught at the nearby Futo Harbour (富戸漁港, futogyokou) and Uomigoya (魚見小屋, uomigoya).
We highly recommend trying some fresh seafood dishes at the nearby restaurant Boranaya (ぼら納屋) as well!

There is another bridge with a great view in the Jogasaki Coastal area, called the Hashidate Suspension Bridge (橋立吊橋, hashidatetsuribashi).
If you're visiting the area, we recommend crossing both bridges.
If you have time to spare, we also highly recommend visiting other popular tourist spots, such as Renchakuji temple (蓮着寺) and Manaita Iwa (俎岩).

Summary of the Kadowaki Suspension Bridge

Image of Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge
Photo:Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge

In this video, we introduced the thrilling Kadowaki suspension bridge, hanging between two cliffs!

As you can see from 5:23 in the video, the scenery of the flora by the seaside of the Kadowaki suspension bridge area can be enjoyed all year round.
If you're taking a trip to Izu in Shizuoka prefecture, be sure to stop by the Kadowaki suspension bridge!

◆Kadowaki Suspension Bridge General Information◆
【Address】Futo 842-65, Ito city, Shizuoka prefecture
【Access】A 50 minute bus ride from Ito station (伊東駅, itoueki)
【Parking】Available. The first 15 minutes are free, after that it's 500 yen/day
【Average time spent here】30-60 minutes

【Tripadvisor】Kadowaki suspension bridge

Written By
Last Updated : Oct. 17, 2022
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
Interested in Japanese culture and traditions! I'll be introducing lovely scenery to you!
An exciting experience of crossing the thrilling Kadowaki Suspension Bridge over a precipitous cliff! Enthralled by the beautiful natural scenery of the Izu area in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture!
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