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【Easy Japanese】What Is Setsubun? An Introduction to the Bean-Throwing Tradition of Japan + 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan!(【やさしい日本語】節分とは?日本の豆をまく伝統の紹介と日本のおすすめ節分会3選!)
Setsubun, a Japanese Tradition: Video Introduction
This video, titled "Setsubun Trivia - Why Soybeans? What Are the Meanings of Mamemaki and Ehomaki?" (節分の豆知識 ~なぜ大豆?豆まき・恵方巻の意味とは?~), was uploaded by "Tokai Voices Channel" (東海ヴォイスちゃんねる).
今回は、『東海ヴォイスちゃんねる』さん制作の『節分の豆知識 ~なぜ大豆?豆まき・恵方巻の意味とは?~』という動画を紹介します。
What is Setsubun? The Meaning of the Japanese Tradition
Setsubun is a Japanese tradition to celebrate the changing of the seasons.
The word Setsubun (節分) means "division of the seasons."
In modern Japan, Setsubun is often held on February 3rd, the day before "Risshun" (立春), or the first day of spring.
The History of Setsubun
The history of Setsubun goes back more than a thousand years.
As Setsubun means "division of the seasons," it wasn't always just once a year.
Setsubun used to take place between the changing of each of Japan's four seasons.
Furthermore, the western calendar only started being used relatively recently in Japan, and Setsubun was actually held on different days in the past.
The day before the first day of spring is called Setsubun, and in the past, Setsubun had the same meaning as New Year's Eve today, as it marked the transition to a new year.
Setsubun – Bean Throwing & Oni
In the past, people believed that illnesses and disasters at the change of seasons were brought in by demons (oni), so events began to be held to ward off evil spirits.
Starting from the Muromachi Period, people began to perform "mamemaki," which involved throwing soybeans to banish demons.
The reason why beans were used is because the word bean (豆, mame) and "Extermination of evil" (魔滅, mame) are pronounced the same in Japanese, and soybeans were thought to have spiritual power.
Mamemaki (bean-throwing) is held to drive away oni (demons/evil spirits) and to pray that the new year will be free from illness and disasters and bring good fortune.
Mamemaki is done with roasted beans, which are said to ward off evil spirits.
[Video] 0:09 - Soybeans and Mamemaki
【動画】0:09~ 大豆・豆まき
Foods Eaten During Setsubun
There are 2 common foods eaten during Setsubun that are said to bring good luck.
The first is the same soybeans used for mamemaki.
It's said that if you eat your age + 1 in soybeans you will avoid sickness and stay in good health.
Be sure to use the leftover beans you didn't throw.
The second food is ehomaki.
Ehomaki is a thick sushi roll filled with a variety of tasty ingredients.
When eating ehomaki, one is supposed to face in this year's lucky direction and sit quietly until they've finished eating.
The "lucky direction" is said to be where the god of good luck resides, and this changes every year.
Additionally, ehomaki is supposed to be eaten whole and not cut.
Not cutting the ehomaki symbolizes "not severing ties" and is said to bring good luck.
When making ehomaki, it's common to use 7 ingredients to symbolize the "seven lucky gods" from Japanese mythology.
The reason a sushi roll was chosen was to "wrap the good luck inside."
[Video] 0:55 - Soybeans and Ehomaki on Setsubun
【動画】0:55~ 節分の大豆と恵方巻き
[Video] 1:12 - Lucky Directions and Ehomaki Ingredients
【動画】1:12~ 恵方と恵方巻きの具材
Setsubun 2024 – 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan
2024年の節分 日本のおすすめ節分イベント3選
Sensoji Temple - Tokyo
浅草寺 東京都
Sensoji Temple was the first temple in Edo (Present-day Tokyo) to hold Setsubun celebrations on a large scale.
Today, the main event consists of a mamemaki event where the chief priests scatter beans from atop a stage.
At Sensoji Temple, rather than "Oni wa Soto, Fuku wa Uchi" (鬼は外福は内, Demons out luck in), they chant "Senju Banzai Fuku wa Uchi" (千秋万歳福は内), which roughly means "Luck for forever and a thousand years!"
In addition to the mamemaki event, there is also "Shichi Fukujin no Mai" (七福神の舞, Dance of the Seven Lucky Gods), and mamemaki performed by entertainers associated with Asakusa.
【Event Period】Feb. 3
Yasaka Shrine - Kyoto
八坂神社 京都府
The Setsubun event at Yasaka Shrine features dance performances and mamemaki by Maiko (apprenctice geisha) from the hanamachi districts of Kyoto.
Also, if you buy fukumame (lucky beans), a fukubiki (lottery ticket) with no empty lot is included, and you can participate in a drawing.
Prizes include TVs and other luxury prizes, as well as daily necessities.
【Event Period】Feb. 2 - Feb. 3
Sumiyoshi Taisha - Osaka
住吉大社 大阪府
At Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, a ceremony called Tsuina Hoshashiki is held by the members of Ogasawara-ryu, a school of archery and horseback archery.
Tsuina is a ceremony to drive away evil spirits.
"Houshashiki," in which the archer draws his bow on a large target made to look like an oni, is performed in front of a large audience.
In addition, zenzai (oshiruko) will be served by staff of an unlucky year and other related people.
【Event Period】Feb. 3
※Event dates and times current as of January 15, 2024.
Please check the official websites for up-to-date information.
Summary of Setsubun, a Traditional Japanese Event
That concludes our introduction to Setsubun, a traditional Japanese event.
If you're in Japan for Setsubun, we recommend visiting one of the exciting events that happen across the country.
For those not in Japan, you can still have fun with mamemaki and making and eating ehomaki!
When eating the ehomaki, be sure to sit quietly and face the lucky direction for the year!
This year's lucky direction is slightly east of east-northeast!
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