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Video introduction of activities in Kiso Town, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture

If you're interested in enjoying fun activities in Nagano prefecture, we highly recommend you check out this video!
This video, titled "Tons of Fun in Nagano Prefecture! Kiso Edition" (信州でアクティビティを楽しもう!~木曽 編~), created by "Shinshu Furusato Wari Channel" (信州ふるさと割チャンネル), introduces various activities in the Kiso area.

Kiso in Nagano prefecture is gaining popularity as a spot to enjoy various outdoor activities, such as canoeing at the beautiful, yet not-well known, Ontake lake (御岳湖), or taking part in a yoga classes at Mt. Ontake (御嶽山).

There's plenty of fun activities for you to try in Kiso, all packed into this short 3 minute long video!
Make sure you get the most out of your trip to Nagano prefecture by trying out some of the activities featured in this video!

Activities to Try Out at Mt. Ontake

Kiso is a beautiful town in Nagano prefecture, surrounded by nature and situated at the foot of Mt. Ontake.
Mt. Ontake is popular among mountain climbers, and thanks to the Ontake Ropeway (御岳ロープウェイ) beginners can also enjoy the scenery from the top of the mountain.
It's the perfect spot to take photos. Don't forget to share them on your Instagram!
You can take a look at the scenery from 1:51 in the video.

There are several mountain retreats situated halfway up the mountain for those who wish to stay overnight.
There are many fun tours and activities to take part in as well, including lunch and yoga on the mountain.

For those who wish to be one with nature, we highly recommend taking part in one of the outdoor yoga classes.
At 2:21 in the video, you can see students practicing yoga on top of Mt. Ontake under the beautiful blue sky.
It provides a great opportunity to refresh both your body and mind.

Lake Activities in Kiso, Nagano

At the foot of Mt. Ontake lies Ontake lake and Lake Shizenko (自然湖).
In the village of Otaki (王滝), you can take part in the "Ontake Adventure Shizenko Nature Canoe Tour" (おんたけアドベンチャー自然湖ネイチャーカヌーツアー), and at Ontake lake you can try out "Ontake Lake Canoe Touring" (おんたけ湖カヌーツーリング).

Even if you're a complete beginner, you can still take part in the canoe tours as there will be instructors to guide you along the way.
Canoeing amidst the beautiful scenery of Nagano prefecture is an experience that you can't afford to miss!
You can take a look at the canoe tours from 0:13 in the video.
As you can tell from the video, the view of Kiso from the canoe is really something special!

There are many tours and activities to enjoy in the beautiful town of Kiso!

Summary of Kiso, Nagano

The town of Kiso suffered a lot of damage due to the eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014.
However the town is recovering and the number of tourists is increasing every year.
There are now many facilities where you can enjoy activities such as those featured in this video.

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and take a look at the beautiful scenery Kiso has to offer.
After watching the video, you're sure to want to take a trip to Kiso and experience it all for yourself!

Written By
Last Updated : May. 16, 2021
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
Interested in Japanese culture and traditions! I'll be introducing lovely scenery to you!
Experience the great outdoors in Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture! Refresh your mind and body with canoeing and mountain yoga in the forests of Shinshu, a green-filled region in Nagano Prefecture!
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