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Video introduction of natural scenery of Mt. Kushigatayama in Minami-Alps City, Yamanashi Prefecture

This video, titled "Minami-Alps UNESCO Eco Park|Mt. Kushigata Promotion|Minami Alps City" (南アルプスユネスコエコパーク 櫛形山プロモーション【南アルプス市】), was released by "Minami Alps UNESCO Eco Park Mt. Kushigata."
The video introduces the "Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve on Mt. Kushigata" in Yamanashi Prefecture.

The Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve covers a vast area, around both Mt. Kushigata, as shown in the video, as well as a vast area from Shizuoka Prefecture (静岡県) to Yamanashi (山梨県) and Nagano Prefectures (長野県, Nagano-Ken).
As you can see from 0:37 in the video, you can sometimes see Japanese Serow (Capricornis crispus) and other wildlife in the primeval forest of the 3,000 meter peaks.

The Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve in Minami-Alps City

The Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve (called a "UNESCO Eco Park" in Japanese) aims to preserve and harmonize ecosystems and is a part of the UNESCO MAB (Man and the Biosphere) project initiated by the Natural Sciences Sector.
The Minami-Alps City area was registered as a Biosphere Reserve in 2014 in recognition of its history and culture of protecting and coexisting with its rich natural environment.

More About Mt. Kushigata, a Popular Site in the Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve in Minami-Alps City

Image of Mt. Kushigata, Yamanashi Prefecture
Photo:Mt. Kushigata, Yamanashi Prefecture

Mt. Kushigata is the vanguard of the Akaishi Mountain Range (赤石山脈, Akaishi-Sanmyaku) in Yamanashi Prefecture, and is located on the west side of Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fuji-San) and the Kofu Basin (甲府盆地, Kofu-Bonchi).
It was named for its appearance similar to the shape of a Japanese comb (櫛形, kushigata, lit. "comb shape").
Mt. Kushigata, which has an elevation of 2,052 meters, has been selected as one of the top 200 mountains of Japan.

The top ridge of Mt. Kushigata in Minami-Alps City has a series of peaks, such as Mt. Karamatsu (唐松岳), Mt. Hadaka (裸山), Okusenju (奥仙重), and Mt. Kita (北岳).
The hiking course from the trailhead at Miharashi-daira and other locations is popular for its beautiful forest trails covered in nature.
At the foot of Mt. Kushigata, there's a wetland called Ayame Daira where you can enjoy a beautiful natural landscape with clusters of iris flowers.
This can be seen at 1:11 in the video.
There are many other seasonal flowers along the hiking routes and trekking trails. so be sure to take a camera!

The Natural Landscapes of Mt. Kushigata in Minami-Alps City

Image of Lake Inagashira
Photo:Lake Inagashira

Other attractions in the Minami-Alps City area include Midai-minami Park, the snow valley at Ōkanbasawa, the prefectural forest Lake Minami-Inagako (南伊奈ヶ湖), and Inagako Eco Park (エコパ伊奈ヶ湖, Ecopa Inagako).

Also, be sure to stop by Nakagomi Orchard and the hot spring "Yamanami no Yu."
Some events and tours are held at each location, so you should check for information in advance.

Summary of Mt. Kushigata in Minami-Alps City

As shown in the video, the Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve has a mystical and spectacular natural view.
Before you head out to the nature-rich Minami-Alps City, be sure to look up information about weather, trailhead locations, route details, parking information, and more.

Written By
Last Updated : Oct. 13, 2021
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
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Enjoy the Magnificent Natural Scenery in Minami-Alps City at the Minami-Alps Biosphere Reserve! Learn All About Yamanashi Prefecture's Mysterious Mt. Kushigata, and Nearby Tourist Information!
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