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This video, titled "I stayed in the most expensive room on the sleeper train and it was too good to be true! Sunrise Seto/ Izumo: Tokyo Station to Himeji Station|What's sleeping trains in Japan like?" (寝台列車の一番高い個室に泊まったら最高すぎた【サンライズ瀬戸・出雲:東京駅→姫路駅】|What's sleeping trains in Japan like?(Tokyo→Himeji)), was released by "Kugaくが。[旧:がりれお]."

"Sunrise Seto" is a sleeper train that connects Tokyo to Takamatsu and Izumo City.
"Sunrise Seto" is the only night train in Japan that runs daily.

There are five types of sleeping car rates: single deluxe, sunrise twin, single twin, single, and solo.

The video shows what it's like to stay in the "Single Deluxe," the premium room with only six rooms available in total, for the most luxurious journey.
The "Single Deluxe" rooms are equipped with a large bed, a washbasin and a desk, so you can relax and enjoy your journey in comfort.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Stay in a Single Deluxe Room on the
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