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Video article 4:16
Sakura - Enjoy Japanese Folk Music on a Koto Beneath the Cherry Blossoms
Traditional CultureEntertainment & Music- 912 plays
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Video article 4:20
The Shinobue - See the Traditional Japanese Instrument Played by Kazuya Sato. Its Graceful Sound Has Been Loved by the People of Japan Since the Heian Period
Traditional Culture- 850 plays
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Video article 6:44
Ki&Ki - A Female Shamisen Duo Performing Modern Arrangements of Traditional Japanese Music. Watch as They Perform "Tsugaru Jongara Bushi," a Popular Japanese Folk Song!
Traditional CultureEntertainment & Music- 693 plays
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Video article 2:09
A Collaboration Between the Theme Song of Sailor Moon, an Anime That Captured the Hearts of Girls Around the World, and Japanese Traditional Arts!
Traditional Culture- 83 plays
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Video article 10:19
The Awesome Sosaku Eisa Dance of Ryukyu Budan Shoryu Matsuri Daiko! Feel the Charm of Okinawa With This Powerful Dance That Implements the Traditional Martial Arts of Okinawa!
Traditional CultureEntertainment & Music- 1.07K plays
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Video article 3:56
The "Nunobashi Kyokeikai" in Tateyama, Nakashinagawa-gun, Toyama Prefecture, is a traditional ceremony full of historical flavor. The solemn and splendid appearance of the performers, dressed in white, respects the ancient traditions of Japan.
Traditional Culture- 225 plays
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Video article 31:18
Experience the World of the Gods During the Traditional Arts Performance "Iwami Kagura Orochi", Held in Shimane Prefecture! Don't Miss the Exciting Rampage of the Colorful Giant "Orochi" on Stage!
Traditional CultureEntertainment & Music- 142 plays
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Video article 1:53
Feel the Spirit of Japan With the Beautiful Prayer "Kagura," at Ise Shrine in Ise, Mie Prefecture! Introducing Highlights of Popular Sightseeing Spots That You Won't Want to Miss When Visiting Ise-Shima!
Traditional CultureHistory- 549 plays
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Video article 14:26
Feel the History of Japan in Kyoto Jidai Matsuri. One of the Three Major Festivals in Kyoto, This Historical Parade Attracts More Than 61,000 People!
Festivals & Events- 60 plays
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Performing the American National Anthem on a Traditional Japanese Musical Instrument! A Performance That Even a Packed MLB Stadium Crowd Was Impressed By!
This video, titled "メジャーリーグの球場にて和楽器でアメリカ国歌を演奏。AUNJ「National Anthem」Fenway park 2014-Japan Traditional-," was released by "AUN J CLASSIC ORCHESTRA."
On April 9, 2014, a group of performers showed up at a ballpark for the opening of the Major League Baseball game between the Red Sox and Rangers, dressed in black kimono with Japanese musical instruments in hand.
That group was the AUN J CLASSIC ORCHESTRA.
Their motto is "Music knows no borders, but it does have a nationality," and they are performing to share the beauty of Japanese musical instruments with the world.
At Major League Baseball games, before the game starts, the stadiums sing the star spangled banner together. However, this time, instead of the usual arrangement, it was played on traditional Japanese instruments for the first time ever.
Listen to the graceful sound of the American National Anthem played on traditional Japanese instruments.
Video article 1:42
'Dou' or 'The Way' – Learn About Traditional Japanese Cultures and Understand the Spirit of Harmony in Japan Through Ancient Japanese Cultures Like Kendo and Archery!
Traditional Culture- 2.67K plays
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Video article 2:10
How to Put on a Yukata for Men! A Must for Any Guy Looking To Wear a Yukata During Summer in Japan!
Traditional Culture Life & Business- 1.27K plays
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Video article 2:47
You'll Be Amazed at How Fast This Swordsman Draws His Katana! You'll Have Been Cut Down Before You Even See His Hands Move! Check out the Overwhelming Speed of Battojutsu in This Video!
Traditional Culture Sports- 602 plays
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Video article 3:35
Namahage Sedo Festival – A Unique Festival in Akita Prefecture! These Namahage, Messengers of the Mountain Gods, Pray for Bountiful Harvests and Health!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events Travel- 228 plays
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Video article 4:16
Sakura - Enjoy Japanese Folk Music on a Koto Beneath the Cherry Blossoms
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music- 912 plays
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Video article 1:56
【Easy Japanese】What Is Setsubun? An Introduction to the Bean-Throwing Tradition of Japan + 3 Recommended Setsubun Festivals in Japan!(【やさしい日本語】節分とは?日本の豆をまく伝統の紹介と日本のおすすめ節分会3選!)
Traditional Culture Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 482 plays
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Video article 4:23
The Combination of Traditional Japanese Culture, Fireworks, and Cutting Edge Technology Create a Fireworks Show Full Of Colors, Shapes, and Amazing Performances!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 69 plays
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Video article 6:44
Ki&Ki - A Female Shamisen Duo Performing Modern Arrangements of Traditional Japanese Music. Watch as They Perform "Tsugaru Jongara Bushi," a Popular Japanese Folk Song!
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music- 693 plays
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Video article 3:10
The Urasenke School of Tea Has Detailed Rules on Not Only How To Drink Tea, but Also on How To Take Sweets! Experience the Hospitality of Japan's Ancient Tea Ceremony!
Traditional Culture- 1.12K plays
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Video article 4:20
The Shinobue - See the Traditional Japanese Instrument Played by Kazuya Sato. Its Graceful Sound Has Been Loved by the People of Japan Since the Heian Period
Traditional Culture- 850 plays
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Video article 4:45
What is the best time and place to see the Suigo Shihoroi Iris Festival in Shihoroi City, Ibaraki Prefecture? Brides in white kimono riding on a traditional "Yomeiri Boat" are as beautiful as irises!
Traditional Culture History Festivals & Events- 231 plays
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Video article 3:13
Agehama-style salt manufacturing is a salt-making method that has been used for 500 years in Noto, Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.Designated as a national Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset, this time-consuming and labor-intensive process produces delicious salt!
Traditional Culture- 263 plays
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