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This video, titled "メジャーリーグの球場にて和楽器でアメリカ国歌を演奏。AUNJ「National Anthem」Fenway park 2014-Japan Traditional-," was released by "AUN J CLASSIC ORCHESTRA."

On April 9, 2014, a group of performers showed up at a ballpark for the opening of the Major League Baseball game between the Red Sox and Rangers, dressed in black kimono with Japanese musical instruments in hand.
That group was the AUN J CLASSIC ORCHESTRA.
Their motto is "Music knows no borders, but it does have a nationality," and they are performing to share the beauty of Japanese musical instruments with the world.

At Major League Baseball games, before the game starts, the stadiums sing the star spangled banner together. However, this time, instead of the usual arrangement, it was played on traditional Japanese instruments for the first time ever.
Listen to the graceful sound of the American National Anthem played on traditional Japanese instruments.

Performing the American National Anthem on a Traditional Japanese Musical Instrument! A Performance That Even a Packed MLB Stadium Crowd Was Impressed By!
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