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This video, titled "#15 Shuzo Kishida (Quintessence)" (#15_岸田周三(Quintessence)), was released by "Palais de Z - The Future of Deliciousness" (パレ・ド・Z〜おいしさの未来〜).

This video introduces Shuzo Kishida, the owner-chef of Quintessence, a restaurant that was awarded 1st place among the three Michelin stars restaurants of Tokyo in 2020.
One of the characteristics of Chef Shuzo Kishida is that he does not create recipes, and he believes in continuous growth.
He has a belief in his ingredients, and in the way he goes to the market to find what he is satisfied with, you can sense the splendor of his sincere approach to cooking.

In this video, you'll learn about Chef Shuzo Kishida's career and his passion for cooking!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Quintessence, a Very Famous Japanese Restaurant That Was Awarded Three Stars by Michelin Tokyo 2020! A Look at Chef Shuzo Kishida's Passion for Cooking!
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