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This video, titled "[Peony Daikon] Artisanal Vegetables|Mukimono|How It's Made" (【牡丹華大根】 細工野菜 むきもの 作り方), was released by "Japanese Food Craft Channel" (和食の技術チャンネル).

Beautiful mukimono vegetables are sometimes served on Japanese plates.
This video shows you how to make peony flower daikon radish.
Other ingredients such as carrots, pumpkins and potatoes are also used for decoration.
In addition to the flower and bird-shaped peonies, there are also peonies representing the four seasons and congratulatory peonies, which are so beautiful you'd never get bored looking at them.
In the course of their training, Japanese chefs learn how to properly peel vegetables and even learn how to carve them.
Just one piece of mukimono can make a dish look gorgeous.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
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