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Video introduction of "Hakone Shrine" in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture

This video, titled “Hakone Shrine” (箱根神社), was uploaded by k_sada.
It introduces Hakone Shrine, located on the shore of Lake Ashinoko in Hakone, Kanagawa.

Hakone Shrine is a popular power spot that can be easily accessed from Japan’s Kanto region.
The video covers every corner of Hakone shrine and is a must-see for anyone traveling to Hakone.
Be sure to check it out and maybe a little luck will rub off on you as well!

A Look at the Charms of Hakone Shrine

Image of Hakone Shrine's main shrine approach, Kanagawa Prefecture
Photo:Hakone Shrine's main shrine approach, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hakone Shrine is famous as one of the most powerful power spots in Japan's Kanto region, and is said to improve one's luck for success, as well as bless people with economic fortune, wish fulfillment, success in marriage, love, and health.

The main approach to the shrine, the fifth torii gate, Shinmon gate, the kagura hall, and the ceremony hall, all of which can be seen from 0:20 in the video, are also places we recommend stopping by when visiting Hakone Shrine.
Popular spots that you won't want to pass up are Anzu-sugi (a cedar tree to pray for safe childbirth), Soga Shrine, the fourth torii gate, the Kagura Repository, the lake-bottom tree, the Ebisu Shrine, and the torii of peace.

The History of Hakone Shrine and When It Was Built

Image of Ryujinsui at Kuzuryu Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture
Photo:Ryujinsui at Kuzuryu Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hakone Shrine has a long history, and it is even mentioned in books from the Kamakura Period (~1185-1333 AD).
Many warlords have visited and worshipped in Hakone.

In particular, Minamoto no Yoritomo is said to have worshipped at Hakone Shrine.
It was burned down once by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but the shrine’s main building was rebuilt by Tokugawa Ieyasu.
A new shrine, which can be seen at 3:03 in the video, was built at Kuzuryu Shrine and many people still come to visit it today.

Popular Tourist Spots Near Hakone Shrine

Image of a sightseeing ship on Lake Ashinoko, Kanagawa Prefecture
Photo:A sightseeing ship on Lake Ashinoko, Kanagawa Prefecture

In addition to the shrines, Hakone has many other tourist spots in the neighborhood.
From Shinjuku, the Odakyu Line runs to Hakone-Yumoto, and the Odakyu Romancecar is a very popular train.
It takes about 85 minutes to reach Hakone-Yumoto from Shinjuku.

On weekends, many people enjoy the sightseeing boats on Lake Ashinoko and the hot springs where you can relax.
In addition to the tourist attractions, we also recommend visiting festivals, such as the Hakone Shrine Setsubun Festival and the Kosui Festival.
Hakone Shrine, Hakone Motomiya Shrine, and Kuzuryu Shrine are known as Hakone Sanja Mairi (箱根三社参り, Hakone Three Shrine Visit), and many people visit all three shrines.
We also recommend picking up a shuin stamp and buying omamori charms for good luck and for souvenirs.
Hakone, with its high elevation, has many viewpoints from which you can see Suruga Bay, the Izu Peninsula, Sagami Bay, and the Shonan coast when the weather is favorable.

Summary of Hakone Shrine

Image of Hakone Shrine's torii gate
Photo:Hakone Shrine's torii gate

This video introduced Hakone Shrine in Hakone, Kanagawa.
Hakone Shrine is easily accessible thanks to its parking lot and good transportation.

A leisurely walk around Hakone Shrine will help you relax and get your daily exercise in.
Of course, don't forget to take pictures of the beautiful scenery, as Hakone Shrine is quite Instagram-worthy!

【Tripadvisor】Hakone Shrine / Kuzuryu Shrine

Written By
Last Updated : Dec. 10, 2021
岩本 晃弘 (aki)
I'm a writer living in rural Japan who loves travel and food
Hakone Shrine in Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture is one of the leading power spots in the Kanto region! Introducing the highlights of the popular tourist spots in the area where many people come to seek good fortune!
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