Video article 5:37
Beigoma - The Traditional Japanese Spinning Top Loved by Children and Adults Alike! Become a Beigoma Master With the Help of This Video!
Things to Do- 1.23K plays
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Beigoma - Traditional Japanese Tops! This video, titled "[Beigoma- 1. Tie it 2. Wind it 3. Hold it 4. Let it rip! - Tokyo Beigoma]" (「ベーゴマの、1.ヒモの作り方、2.ヒモの巻き方、3.持ち方、4.投げ入れ方 | 東京ベーゴマ」), is created by "Tokyo Beigoma" (東京ベーゴマ). The video is an introduction to Beigoma for beginners. This video clearly explains how to play with Beigoma and also teaches basic techniques for spinning Beigoma that are often difficult for beginners. After watching the video, you'll be on your way to becoming a Beigoma master in no time! If you're a total beginner, don't worry, this video has you covered! Traditional Japanese Beigoma Photo:Beigoma showdown Koma are ancient Japanese toys said to have originated in Heian period (794-1185) Kyoto when people played by spinning shells with string. Beigoma is a kind of Koma (Japanese spinning top) made of cast metal. It was a popular toy among kids from the Taisho period (1912-1926) to Japan's economic boom. To play Beigoma, you make a playing board by stretching a thick fabric sheet partially over a bucket or a barrel, and players spin their Beigoma onto the surface and have them bang against one another. Although Beigoma is an old toy, there have been many more people playing with Beigoma, Menko (an old Japanese card game), and other old-fashioned toys, due to a revived interest in old‐fashioned goods. Also, there are "new" Beigoma based toys such as Beyblade (ベイブレード) and Beigoma Spin Heat (ベイゴマスピンヒート), which are very popular among kids and sold at toy stores and online. Beigoma competitions are also becoming popular. The smartphone app "Beigoma Stadium" (ベイゴマスタジアム) is popular among adults as well. There are various types of Beigoma. Pecha (ペチャ) is the thinnest Beigoma and is harder to control but quite strong. Pe-oh (ぺ王) is the most difficult to control but is the most powerful. Chu-daka (中高) is short but easy to spin. Maruroku (丸六) is the best for beginners. Kakuroku (角六) is easy to spin and is also quite strong. Taka-oh (高王) is about 1.5 times the size of Maruroku, and Bay (バイ) is easy to spin and lasts a long time. Beigoma players also modify their Beigoma and make their own original versions. How to Play Beigoma Source :YouTube screenshot Now we'll introduce how to play Beigoma. First, make a string to wrap around the Beigoma (video 0:07). Tie the string and make a few knots. Next up is the winding process. There are several ways to wind the string, such as Onnamaki (女巻き), Otokomaki (男巻き), and Jujimaki (十字巻き). In this video, we'll learn Onnamaki. (~2:14). First, make sure the tip of the Beigoma sits between the knots on the string. From here, press and hold the end of the string onto the Beigoma with your thumb, and wind the string around the beigoma while keeping the pointed tip of the Beigoma between the knots. Next, wrap the string counterclockwise around knots while holding the string tightly with your fingers to prevent it from unraveling. Wrap it slowly in a circle, and your done! Next we'll learn how to hold the Beigoma. Hold it with your thumb and index finger, and wrap the rest of the string around your pinky and grab ahold of it. (~3:34) Source :YouTube screenshot Finally, let your Beigoma rip! (~4:11) Make sure not to throw it at an angle when launching it onto the playing board. Place your right foot close to the board, making sure to launch the Beigoma on the board, and as soon as you launch it, pull the string tightly. Summary of Traditional Japanese Beigoma Photo:Beigoma Did you enjoy learning about Beigoma? The video gives simple instructions on how to play with Beigoma, so even if you've never done it before, don't be shy! You'll be able to throw some awesome Beigoma in no time! If you're interested in traditional Japanese toys, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 6:36
Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture, a Place Where the Tradition and Culture Are Palpable. a Variety of Popular Sightseeing Spots in the Town Are Introduced in Just Six and a Half Minutes!
Local PR- 22 plays
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栃木県益子町エリアの魅力をご紹介! この記事では、「栃木県益子町 観光プロモーション映像/日本語版」という動画を元に、栃木県益子町について紹介いたします! 日本の文化を色濃く残している栃木県益子町は、見て体験して日本の文化を知ることが出来ます。 今回はそんな栃木県益子町について、動画と共にご覧ください。 日本の文化を堪能するまち歩き! 栃木県益子町は別名『陶芸の街』とも呼ばれています。 動画0:11でも紹介をされているメインストリート『城内坂』は、日下田藍染工房を始めとした陶芸や民藝等を売っているショップやギャラリーが並んでいるので、観光する際には立ち寄ってみてはいかがでしょう。 他にも、動画1:08の、日本国宝として有名な『濱田庄司』が最初に購入した古民家『旧濱田邸』や、数多くの有名な陶芸が展示されている益子陶芸美術館、動画1:46で紹介されている数多くの作品が作られてきた『登り釜』などは、ぜひ押さえておきたい観光スポットです。 春と秋の人気イベントである陶器市も開催をされるので、ぜひ日時を合わせて観光をすることをおすすめします。 グルメと体験で栃木県益子町を楽しむ! 動画2:10で紹介をされている通り、栃木県益子町には多くのパン屋や蕎麦屋があります。 こだわりグルメを楽しみながらの食べ歩きもよいでしょう。 酒造りが盛んなこともあり、酒造見学をすることも出来ます。 「陶芸の街」益子町では陶芸教室が数多く開かれています。 ろくろや手びねり、絵付け等の益子焼を実際に体験してみてください。 四季によって色んな楽しみ方も出来る栃木県益子町。 例えば夏なら沢山のひまわりで、秋ならコスモスを背景に記念撮影をすればインスタ映えすること間違いなしでしょう。 いちご狩りぶどう狩りや楽しめるので、ぜひ観光の際には検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 栃木県益子町魅力紹介まとめ ここまで紹介させて頂いた場所の他にも、歴史的建造物が数多く存在します。 動画3:30でも紹介をされている西明寺は、珍しい笑い閻魔が飾られている面白いスポットです。 日本の古き良き文化が多く残る栃木県芳賀郡の益子町。 ぜひ現地を訪ねて観光してみてください! -
Video article 3:55
An Introduction to the Traditional Summer Festivals of Minami Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture. Fireworks, Taiko Drums, Portable Shrines, Bon Dances... This Japanese Summer Tradition Is Full of Smiling Faces!
Local PR- 85 plays
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新潟県南魚沼市の人気夏祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「南魚沼市観光協会」が公開した「南魚沼市観光PR動画【夏まつり】/ Japan's Must-See Destination: Niigata Minamiuonuma【SUMMER FESTIVAL】」です。 「夏は日本のお祭りをたくさん体験したい!」 日本の伝統的なお祭りや花火大会など、たくさん夏祭りに参加したいと思っている方は多いのではないでしょうか? そのような方に、新潟県の南魚沼市で体験できる夏祭りを紹介いたします。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である南魚沼市の人気の夏祭りや、少し変わった夏祭りなどの情報を紹介します。 南魚沼市で開催されている夏祭りを紹介している動画も是非ご覧ください。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の伝統的な夏祭り 日本の観光地である南魚沼市には、盆踊りや、神輿、獅子舞、御囃子といった伝統的な行事を楽しめる祭りが多くあります。 塩沢まつりは南魚沼市を代表する夏祭りです。 踊り屋台や樽神輿、神楽、よさこい踊りといった、さまざまなイベントが開催されており、大人から子どもまで楽しめる祭り。 南魚沼市兼続公まつりも、南魚沼市で人気のある夏祭りです。 美しい伝統芸能が特徴の夏祭りで、たくさんの人が訪れます。 直江兼続と姫の恋物語を謳った民謡でおどる「お六流し」はとても人気のイベント。 樽みこしや、和太鼓の迫力のある演奏も聞くことができ、とても盛り上がります。 日本の伝統的な行事を楽しめる夏祭りは、どれもおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の絶景の花火大会 南魚沼市で開催される花火大会もすばらしい景勝を楽しめるのでおすすめです。 しおざわ夏祭り花火大会は、地域密着型の人気の花火大会です。 花火の打ち上げ数はそこまで多くはないですが、花火の打ち上げ場所の近くで鑑賞することができ、目の前で大迫力の花火を体感できます。 また、地元の人は自宅で見る方が多いのであまり混まないのも特徴。 ゆったり美しい花火を鑑賞したい人には特におすすめの花火大会です。 他にも南魚沼市地域最大級の花火大会である南魚沼市兼続公まつり大煙火大会もおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市のちょっと変わった夏祭り 新潟県の南魚沼市にはちょっと変わった夏祭りもあります。 鮎やアトラクションを楽しめる、鮎まるかじり祭りです。 鮎まるかじり祭りは鮎を焼く広い施設があり、炭火焼きのおいしい鮎を焼いてくれます。 その鮎を河川敷で食べることができ、美しい景色とおいしい鮎を同時に楽しみ、贅沢な時間を体験できます。 南魚沼市の夏祭りの紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、南魚沼市の魅力あふれるさまざまな夏祭りを紹介しており、日本の祭り好きには必見の動画。 さまざまな夏祭りを体験できる南魚沼市。 気になる祭りがあったら、ぜひ参加してみましょう! -
Video article 5:14
Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture Was Once a Port Town That Supported the Food Culture of the People of Edo. Even Today, Choshi, Which Was a Favorite Among Ukiyo-E Artists, Still Attracts Many People
Local PR- 30 plays
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千葉県銚子市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「千葉県銚子市」が公開した「【銚子市PR動画】日出ずる街 銚子 -Here Comes The Sun-【Choshi City】」です。 千葉県銚子市にはさまざまな魅力がつまり、日本を観光するなら是非チェックしてください。 千葉県銚子市紹介動画の見どころ 動画の1:33からは日本酒の製造過程をご覧になることができます。 2:20からは銚子市名物のひ志おと呼ばれる味噌のような見た目と醤油に近い風味を持ち合わせた調味料が。 動画の2:37からご覧になれる銚子電鉄で鉄道の旅を楽しんでみてはいかがですか。 千葉県銚子市とは 銚子市は千葉県に存在している日本の港町の1つ。 しらすをはじめ、さまざまな海鮮物が楽しめます。 千葉県銚子市紹介まとめ 千葉県銚子市には魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 日本へ観光の際には是非訪れたいスポットです。 -
Video article 2:26
Murmuring Rivers and Other Sounds of Nature Flow Quietly Through Ojiya City in Niigata Prefecture. Enjoy a Luxurious and Relaxing Time in a Place Surrounded by Nature
Local PR- 43 plays
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新潟県小千谷市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「小千谷観光協会」が公開した「新潟県小千谷市観光PR 映像」です。 日本で美味しいお米を作っていることで知られている新潟県。 新潟県で観光する予定があるなら、小千谷市(おぢやし)は一度チェックしておきたいところ。 今回は新潟県小千谷市の魅力がたっぷり詰まったPR動画を紹介します。 新潟県小千谷市ってどんなスポット? 小千谷市は新潟県中越地方西部に位置しており、自然に恵まれた場所です。 1年を通して魅力的なイベントを楽しめるのはもちろん、インスタ映えする景色を撮影できる山本山高原や美しい錦鯉が堪能できる小千谷市錦鯉の里など魅力的なスポットがいくつもあります。 新潟県小千谷市紹介動画の見どころ 新潟県小千谷市のグルメや文化、美しい景観、豊かな自然をこの動画でチェックして、新潟県小千谷市観光のプランを立ててみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:23よりご覧になれる小千谷織物工房「織之座」は織物のギャラリー。 機織りを体験できるので、新潟県小千谷市の観光ルートに入れるかどうか一度検討してはいかがでしょうか? 動画の1:13からは小千谷闘牛場が紹介されています。 小千谷闘牛場見守り岩や小千谷市立東山小学校の角突き牛2代目牛太郎をご覧になって、闘牛場のイメージを膨らませてみてはいかがですか。 小千谷煙火興業は新潟県で花火を作っている企業。 新潟県だけでなく、全国各地の花火大会を支えている企業です。 木像の仏様が微笑んでいるのが特徴的な小栗山木喰観音堂。 仏像などに興味のある方は小千谷市周辺のエリアを旅行する際に一度訪れてみると良いでしょう。 新潟県小千谷市のおすすめグルメ 新潟県小千谷市の名物グルメにへぎそばが挙げられます。 食感の良さとなめらかなのど越しが特徴的なそばです。 新潟県小千谷市の気になるイベント 国指定重要無形民俗文化財に指定されている牛の角突きは5~11月にかけて毎月開催されています。 秋には片貝まつりが開催され、世界最大級の打ち上げ花火が楽しめます。 新潟県小千谷市紹介まとめ こんなにも魅力たっぷりの新潟県小千谷市。 一度は訪れたい観光スポットのひとつではないでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:12
The City of Iida in Nagano Prefecture Retains the Original Landscape of a Japanese Mountain Village. The Town Is a Popular Tourist Spot Where You Can Catch a Glimpse of Japanese Culture
Local PR- 112 plays
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長野県飯田市を紹介したプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「飯田市HP公開動画」が公開した「懐かしい心のふるさと 遠山郷 飯田市プロモーション映像(長野県飯田市)」です。 日本の観光スポットと聞いて一体どこをイメージするでしょうか? 人気の観光スポットからインスタ映えする穴場スポットなど人それぞれです。 今回は動画と共に長野県飯田市を紹介します。 長野県飯田市の魅力がたっぷり詰まった動画の見どころ 長野県飯田市にある遠山郷(とおやまごう)で開催されているイベントをはじめ、名物料理、景観などを紹介した動画になっています。 動画内で紹介されている長野県飯田市の観光スポットは次になります。 ・霜月祭 ・サンマのそばだんご ・下栗の里 ・遠山ジンギス ・遠山温泉郷かぐらの湯 ・龍淵寺観音霊水 ・旧木沢小学校木造校舎 ・遠山森林鉄道 ・旧秋葉街道 遠山郷ってどんな場所? 遠山郷は長野県最南端の秘湯があることで知られており、山や渓谷に囲まれています。 動画内に登場した下栗の里は日本の里100選に選ばれているスポットです。 インスタ映えする景色を撮影したい方は一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 長野県飯田市・遠山郷のイベント 毎年10月の第4日曜日に峠の国盗り綱引き合戦が開催されます。 長野県飯田市と静岡県浜松市の商工会青年部が対戦し、勝った方が1m県境を相手方に移動できるというものです。 動画でも紹介されている霜月祭も遠山郷に行く際はチェックしたいイベント。 自然界の全てが生まれ清まることを願ったお祭りで、多くの方が参加しています。 長野県飯田市の観光スポット紹介まとめ 長野県飯田市には魅力的な観光スポットがたくさんあります。 こちらの動画をご覧になって長野県飯田市に興味を持たれた方は是非実際に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 6:24
Aska Cambridge - The Secrets Behind the Track and Field Star's Strength! A Video Interview With the Olympic Medalist Reveals His Passion and Goals
Sports- 216 plays
- YouTube
An Interview With Aska Cambridge "Aska Cambridge_ Sports Information(ケンブリッジ飛鳥さん_Sports Information(世田谷区スポーツのしおり))" created by the “Setagaya Sports Promotion Foundation,” is an interview video with Aska Cambridge- a Japanese track and field sprinter. You can watch how the top athletes, who have competed in and shown good results at international and national tournaments, feel about track and field. This article introduces silver medalist Aska Cambridge. Be sure to follow along with the video! Who is Aska Cambridge? Source :YouTube screenshot Aska Cambridge is a track and field sprinter affiliated with the Nike track and field club. In 2016, he ran 4 × 100 metres relay and won a silver medal at the 2016 Olympic Game in Rio de Janeiro. Since then, he has become one of the top athletes in Japan. His full name is Aska Antonio Cambridge. He is 180 cm (5'11") tall and weighs 76 kg. His nationality is Japanese. He has a Jamaican father and Japanese mother. He was born in Jamaica and came to Osaka when he was two years old. He played soccer when he was an elementary school student but switched to track and field at the recommendation of his club supervisor. He went to Tokyo High School and holds the record for the 100m in 10 seconds. He entered the Department of Physical Education, College of Humanities and Sciences at Nihon University. He was injured during the Kanto intercollegiate competition in 2014, but he still managed good results and won the championship many times. Photo:Track field At the Rio Olympics, he ran the 4 × 100 metres relay as an anchor for Japan with “Ryota Yamagata, Shota Iizuka and Yoshihide Kiryu” and won a silver medal. He made a new record in Asia and left good results. At London World Championships 2017, he also ran in 4 x 100 relay finals. His personal best is 10.08 for 100 meters and 20.62 for 200 meters. If you noticed, he is also quite handsome, making him popular with women, similar to Sani Brown, another track and field sprinter. He currently appears in TV commercials for "UHA Gummy Supplements." The Interview With Aska Cambridge Source :YouTube screenshot Be sure to watch his interview in the video. In it, he discusses his decision to go professional. You can see this at 2:38 in the video. He decided to go pro after competing with world class athletes at the 2016 Rio Olympics. He also talks about his commitment as a professional from 3:46. He says that he eats healthy, stays well-rested, enjoys healthy lifestyle habits and relaxes regularly. He also explains his transition from soccer player to track and field athlete, why he continues track and field, and the happiest and hardest things about competing, as well as his overall attraction to sports and his goals. Summary Source :YouTube screenshot The video “Aska Cambridge_ Sports Information” created by “Setagaya Sports Promotion Foundation,” is an interview video with 2016 Rio Olympic silver medalist Aska Cambridge. We recommend this video to people who like sports and want to hear more about Japan's top athletes, their goals, thoughts, and dedication to their sport. If you want to know more about Aska Cambridge, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 1:09
Weathering with You – Winner of "Best Animated Picture" at the 2019 Hochi Film Awards. A Look at the Popular Movie that Brought Tears to the Eyes of Audiences All Over the World!
News Festivals & Events- 36 plays
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Weathering with You - Best Animated Picture This video, titled "44th Hochi Film Award|Best Animated Feature|"Weathering with You," by Makoto Shinkai" (新海誠監督 第44回報知映画賞 アニメ作品賞「天気の子」), was produced by "Sports Hochi." It shows the 44th Hochi Film Award Ceremony and the acceptance speech by Makoto Shinkai. The movie "Weathering with You," won the Hochi Film Award in 2019. This article will introduce "Weathering with You," alongside the video. Weathering With You - Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture Source :YouTube screenshot The 2019 blockbuster "Weathering with You" received the Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture. As you can see from 0:10 in the video, director Makoto Shinkai was interviewed at the award ceremony, and went on to say that he wanted to create a film that would take audiences to a world full of different types of entertainment. The voice actor, Daigo Kotarou, who voiced protagonist Morishima Hodaka, and voice actor, Mori Nanana, who voiced heroine Hina Amano, also visited to congratulate him. The 2019 Hochi Film Award nominees for Best Picture included "Listen to the Universe," " Tonde Saitama," "Confidence Man JP-Romance", and "Kingdom", etc. Weathering with You Source :YouTube screenshot Weathering with You, which won the Hochi Film Award for Best Animated Picture, is a feature-length animated film about the weather. The slogan for the movie was "This is a story about the secrets of the world that only her and I know." This is the 7th film directed by Makoto Shinkai, the first in three years since his previous film "Your Name." Weathering with You is the story of how the protagonist Hodaka, who ran away from his home on an isolated island, to Tokyo, where he meets Hina, a girl who can clear the skies with her prayers, and together, they choose how to live. The film was shown on 448 screens at 359 theaters, one of the largest screenings in history. It also broke the record for first day screening attendance. In the first three days after the screening, it recorded an attendance of 1.15 million people and grossed 1.6 billion yen at the box office, surpassing Shinkai's previous work "Your Name." By April 2020, the film had earned 14 billion at the box office, making it the 12th highest-grossing film of all time. It was also released in 140 countries and territories overseas, and was the number one film at the box office in its first week in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has become a popular work all over the world. The music was composed by RADWIMPS as in the previous work. There are 5 songs, including "Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?," "We'll Be Alright," "Grand Escape feat. Toko Miura," "Celebration feat. Toko Miura," "Voices of the wind" and the ending theme. Popular actors Shun Oguri and Tsubasa Honda also provided the voices of the characters in the film. It has become a very popular work due to the beautiful images and music. Summary of Weathering with You Source :YouTube screenshot Published by "Sports Hochi," "44th Hochi Film Award|Best Animated Feature|"Weathering with You" gives a look at the animated picture "Weathering with You," by Makoto Shinkai, and also shows an interview with the famed director, where he talks about his films and his thoughts on his works. We recommend the video to both those who have already seen Weathering with You and those who have plans to see it in the future! As of May 2020, Weathering with You is also available on DVD. Be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Movie "Weathering with You" Official Site (JP) https://tenkinoko.com/ -
Video article 2:15
Learn About Japanese Public Bath Culture and Avoid Embarrassment!
Life & Business- 2.9K plays
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Japan's Public Baths This video, titled "Boys Stepping Into a Public Bath for the First Time. Cow Soap Commercial 'My First Trip To a Sento Bathhouse'" (銭湯、そのレトロ空間に初めて足を踏み入れた少年たちは…?牛乳石鹸CM「はじめての銭湯」篇), was released by "moviecollectionjp." Public baths, or "銭湯" (sento) in Japanese, are one of many Japanese cultures. There are many people who know the word "sento" but have never actually been to one. As the number of sento open for business decreases year after year, the opportunity to actually visit a sento for a bath is dwindling. To promote "Good Bath Day" on November 26, this video introduces the charms of Japan's sento. If you're interested in Japanese traditional culture, be sure to give it a watch! November 26, Good Bath Day Source :YouTube screenshot This video will help you learn how to enter a sento and what to be mindful about. If you're thinking about going to a sento in Japan, this video is a good place to start. In public places, such as sento, people are expected to behave in a respectful manner. Japanese and English subtitles are displayed at key points, so overseas travelers can easily understand what's happening. Learn How to Enjoy Japan's Sento in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot When you enter the bathhouse, the first thing you need to do is put your shoes in a locker, as shown at 0:19 in the video. Be sure not to lose the key! After paying the clerk, it's time for a bath! From 0:47 in the video, you can see children washing their bodies. At sento, it's good manners to wash your body before soaking in the baths. From 0:59 in the video, you can see adults and children helping to wash one another's backs, which is another charm of Japan's sento culture. It’s also important to follow proper etiquette, such as not entering the baths with a towel, and not diving into the water. After you've enjoyed your time at the bathhouse, there are certain manners to follow when getting out of the baths, such as putting away any buckets, etc. you used and wiping your body off properly. You can see a massage chair at 1:50 in the video. You can use these after a bath to revitalize your body. The video ends with the children bidding farewell to the woman at the booth. It's important to maintain good manners with people, not only in Japan's sento but when using other public facilities as well. So What Kind of Place Are Japan's Sento Exactly? Photo:A cypress bath and bucket at a sento Sento are public bathhouses in Japan. They are also called furoya (風呂屋) or yuya (湯屋) in Japanese. At sento, a boiler is used to boil a large amount of water, and tall exhaust chimneys are often a feature of a sento. Some public bathhouses use hot springs, and one of the best ways to enjoy visiting public bathhouses in Japan is to learn about the different types of spring water they use. Another appeal of Japan's sento is that you can enjoy a variety of baths, including cold water baths, denkiburo (baths with a slight electric current), waterfall baths, jet baths, medicinal baths, open-air baths, saunas, ganban'yoku, and more. Large scale public bathhouses are called "Super Sento" and often offer meals and other services. Another feature of public bathhouses is that the walls are generally decorated with special paintings and tiles. When you visit Japan, be sure to take a relaxing soak while enjoying the beautiful decorations of the bathhouse. The Roots and History of Japan's Sento Photo:Sento It is said that sento originate from the time when Buddhism was introduced to Japan. The reason sento were built was for monks to cleanse their bodies. Bathhouses were set up in temples and were popular not only among monks, but also among the impoverished. Summary of Japan's Traditional Sento Photo:Sento equipment Japanese culture is very profound, and sento are no exception. Before you actually visit a sento, be sure to check out this video to learn the manners and rules of Japan's public bathhouses first. By doing so, you're sure to have a wonderful time at Japan's public baths! -
Video article 4:52
Saito Jotaro's Latest Kimono Designs Fascinate the World! A Commitment To Kimono That Even the World-Famous Artist Lady Gaga Delighted In!
Traditional Culture- 150 plays
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The Long History of the Japanese Kimono This video, titled "Kimono inspired by the ‘street’, Jotaro Saito | V&A" was created by "Victoria and Albert Museum." The kimono is an important part of Japanese culture. The knowledge and techniques required to create beautiful kimono have been passed down for centuries. Have you ever heard of Jotaro Saito? The video will introduce the kimono designer, whose work is famous both inside and outside of Japan. In the article, we'll provide supplementary information about Jotaro Saito. If you're interested in traditional Japanese culture, we highly recommend checking out the video! Introducing Jotaro Saito Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, Jotaro Saito talks about how his kimonos are made. There are English subtitles available for those who don't speak Japanese. Jotaro Saito was born in Kyoto in 1961. His family owns a well-established dyeing store that has been in business for over 80 years. He was brought up in an environment surrounded by kimono. In the interview, Jotaro Saito talks about how his kimono are designed to bring out a woman's sexiness. He also explains that "street" is the main source of inspiration for his designs from 0:46 in the video. From 2:56 in the video, Jotaro Saito touches on the manufacturing process and areas of specialization, such as embroidery, that make up the design of his kimonos. You can also take a look at how the designs are hand-drawn onto the kimono in the video. It's a very informative video for anyone wanting to learn more about the kimono-making process and how kimono patterns are created. More About the Famous Kimono Designer Jotaro Saito Source :YouTube screenshot Jotaro Saito is a kimono designer who was born in Kyoto prefecture. His grandfather, Saizaburo Saito (斉藤才三郎) was a dye artist and his father, Sansai Saito (斉藤三才), a kimono designer. At the young age of 27, Jotaro debuted as a kimono designer and began creating modern kimono to fit the lives of people today. His kimono designs are based on the Yuzen dyeing method (友禅) which he learned from his father. This method of dyeing is combined with special weaving techniques to create truly unique kimono designs. Jotaro Saito is also famous for his interior design work in buildings such as the Ritz-Carlton Kyoto (ザ・リッツ・カールトン京都) and the Grand Prince Hotel Shin Takanawa (グランドプリンスホテル新高輪). He also runs his own café called JOTARO SAITO in Ginza (銀座). Make sure to stop by during your trip to Japan and have a look at some of the Jotaro Saito goods for sale! Jotaro Saito's work is being recognized worldwide and his kimonos have been featured in Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo and he has even had the opportunity to create outfits for Lady Gaga. Learn More About Japanese Culture! Source :YouTube screenshot Jotaro Saito is a world-renown kimono designer. For those interested in traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimono, furisode and yukata, we highly recommend taking a look at some of Jotaro Saito's beautiful kimono in the video!