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Byodoin Phoenix Hall” and ‘Ujigami Shrine’ Video Introduction in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture

This video, titled "Tabinohoshi (Uji World Heritage Site Tour|Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine) Uji, Japan vol.23" (旅の星 Tabinohoshi 「宇治~世界遺産めぐり 平等院鳳凰堂と宇治上神社」 Uji, Japan vol.23), was released by "Journeys Throughout Japan 旅の星 Tabinohoshi."

When you hear the words "tourist sites in Japan," what comes to mind?
Kyoto is a popular destination for many tourists, including domestic travelers as well.
There are a number of attractive destinations in Kyoto, such as Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall, Ujigami Shrine, The Golden Pavilion (金閣寺), and Kiyomizu-dera (清水寺).

If you're coming to Kyoto or wish to learn more about Japan, be sure to check out this video as it features Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine.

Highlight's of Ujigami Shrine and Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall

In the video, Monshou Kamii, the Chief Priest of Byodoin Temple, talks about the City of Uji (宇治市), Kyoto (京都府) in an easy-to-understand manner.

You can see the main gate of Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall from 0:28 and the building of Byodoin Temple Phoenix Hall from 0:42 in the video.
Starting at 1:46, you can see the inside of Byodoin Museum Hoshokan.

A Look at Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall, a World Heritage Site

Image of Phoenix Hall, Kyoto Prefectural Government, Hyoudoin
Photo:Byodoin Temple’s Phoenix Hall, Kyoto

Did you know that Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is actually displayed on the Japanese 10 yen coin?
The Phoenix of Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is also depicted on the back of the Japanese 10,000 yen bill.

Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is officially called "Amida-do Hall," and was built in 1053.
Access to Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is a 10-minute walk from JR Uji Station and a short walk from the nearest station.
There is unfortunately no parking.
In the fall, both the temple and the autumn foliage are illuminated, so you can enjoy even more beautiful scenery.
We highly recommend seeing it when it's lit up if possible.
Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is also known as one of Kyoto's leading power spots.
When you visit Uji, Kyoto, you can also purchase goshuin (御朱印, temple seals) for friends and family when you visit.
They make great gifts!

You can even have your wedding ceremony at Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall.
Having your first moment as a married couple in the presence of the Amida Buddha (Amitabha) is sure to make it extra special.

A Look at Ujigami Shrine

Image of Torii of Ujigami Shrine, Kyoto
Photo:A torii gate at Ujigami Shrine, Kyoto

Ujigami Shrine is a shrine in Kyoto, and can be seen at 3:34 in the video.
The Honden (inner sanctuary) is well known as the oldest shrine architecture in Japan.
It is known as the setting for "Sawarabi," one of the "Uji-jujo" (Ten Quires of Uji) from The Tale of Genji.
You can see "Sawarabi-no-michi" (Sawarabi street) from 3:40 in the video. When you visit Kyoto during your tour of Japan, be sure to check it out!

Ujigami Shrine is said to be a place where prayers for academic success are fulfilled, and is popular among many people as a power spot in Kyoto.
It's perfect for students and those in academia.

Tips for Visiting Kyoto

Image of the Hall of Worship at Ujigami Shrine, Kyoto
Photo:The Hall of Worship at Ujigami Shrine, Kyoto

When you visit Uji in Kyoto, there are many places like Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine that you can visit.
In order to make full use of your time, we recommend thoroughly researching and planning routes and travel times before visiting.

Summary of Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine

Uji, Kyoto has many tourist destinations including Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine introduced in the video.
If you're looking to fully enjoy a trip to Japan, consider stopping by the ancient capital, Kyoto!
There are other historic temples besides Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine as well.

We hope this article has inspired you to explore Kyoto!

【Official Website】World Heritage Site Byodoin Temple

【Tripadvisor】Byodoin Temple

【Tripadvisor】Ujikami-Jinja Shrine

Written By
Last Updated : Oct. 22, 2022
鈴木 正孝(Masataka Suzuki)
A writer born and raised in Asakusa, Tokyo who loves traveling and novels
Byodoin Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine, both World Heritage sites in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, are venerable Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples that attract people from all over the world. The beautiful scenery that gives you a sense of Japan's history is intoxicating.
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