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Jonangu Shrine’s Historical Ritual- Yutate Kagura

This video is called "Kyoto Event Boiling Water Ritual at Jōnangū Shrine (Yutate Kagura)," and was made by Discover Kyoto. It introduces Kyoto Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura.

Yutate Kagura also called Yu Kagura, is a traditional Japanese event that has been passed down for many generations.
This video shows the Yutate Kagura event held at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine.
Enjoy the historical event at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine, that has been passed down for many generations.

What Is Jonangu Shrine?

Image of Jonangu Shrine
Photo:Jonangu Shrine

Jonangu Shrine is located in the Fushimi Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region.
The shrine is said to answer prayers related to removing bad luck arising from ill-fated directions. It is a popular shrine within Kyoto's 5 Shrine Pilgrimage.

The shrine was originally built to protect the nation and the new capital city when the capital was moved to Kyoto in the Heian Period.
Many tourists visit here for Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of the year) and Setsubun. Many of the visitors visit the shrine to pray and receive a blessing from the chief priest as well as to obtain a red seal stamp or amulets.
Within the shrine, there is a Japanese garden. The garden area is famous as a bloom location for plums, cherry blossoms, and camellia. In spring, the shrine holds the "Weeping Plums and Camellia Festival" (しだれ梅と椿まつり, Shidareume to Tsubaki Matsuri).

Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura Ritual

Yutate Kagura, also called Shimotsuki Kagura, is a sacred event held throughout Japan. The event is held at shrines such as Shirahata Shrine in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, Tarumi Shrine in Marugame City, Kagawa, Seimei Shrine in the Jokyo Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, and Kasuga Shrine in Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region.
It also inspired some of the story of director Miyazaki Hayao's popular anime film "Spirited Away."

The Yutate Kagura event held in January every year at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine starts with the performance "Miko Mai." The dance is a purification ritual typically performed by 4 miko (shrine maidens), using fans and Kagura bells on the prayer stage.
The performance is shown from 0:38 in the video.

After the dance, a large pot of boiling water is prepared in the main building of Jonangu Shrine (1:06). The sacred boiling water is then splashed over the audience by Miko shrine maidens using a lucky bamboo branch called ‘Fukusasa.’
The water is said to remove ill spirits and protect you from illnesses and calamities.
After the ritual, blessed bamboo leaves are given to the tourists.
You can see this from 2:16 in the video.

Summary of Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura

There are many historical festivals throughout the year in Kyoto, including Yutate Kagura shown in the video.
The solemn Yutate Kagura is performed by Jonangu Shrine’s priests and Miko maidens, and it is a very interesting event where you can physically feel real Japanese culture and religion.
If you're interested in seeing the traditional Japanese ritual Yutate Kagura, be sure to visit Jonangu Shrine in Kyoto.

◆Jonangu Shrine◆
【Address】7 Nakajima Tobarikyu Town, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto
【Access】Kintetsu:15 minutes walk from Takeda subway station
【Admission】Adults 600 yen(※as of December 2019)
【Telephone No.】075-623-0846

【Official Website】Jonangu Shrine | A Shrine in the south of Kyoto, where you can pray for protection from bad luck and traffic safety. The garden is famous for its flowers and fall colors.

【Tripadviser】Jonangu Shrine

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
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