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This video, titled "[Kyoto Gourmet] Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Top Restaurant! a Michelin-Starred, Top-Quality Meat Experience in Gion Shijo, Kyoto! Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi Miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57" (【京都グルメ】肉割烹の日本最高峰「にくの匠三芳」京都祇園四条でミシュラン1つ星の極上の肉体験!Niku Kappo Nikunotakumi miyoshi ウニ王子チャンネル#57). It was released by "Uni Prince Channel" ( ウニ王子チャンネル).

This video introduces Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, a famous restaurant in Kyoto which was awarded a Michelin star in the Kyoto Guide.
They use only the finest quality meat and best cuts, making it a place worthy of its stars.
You can taste some of the most delicious meat dishes you can imagine here, so we recommend checking it out at least once!

In this video, you'll see Nikunotakumi Miyoshi, one of Japan's best restaurants.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Nikunotakumi Miyoshi - Japan's Finest Kappo Restaurant! A Glimpse at Some of the Finest Dishes Japan Has to Offer!
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