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This video, titled "Egg Fried Rice - Famous Restaurant Style in Japan" (ずっと見てられるチャーハン専門店の鍋振り 華麗な職人技!), was released by "Sushi Bomber TV The Frontline of Cooking" (Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線).

In this video, the chefs can be seen cooking some delicious fried rice right before your eyes.
Fried rice is a dish that is made by frying pre-cooked rice with various ingredients in oil in a pan.
Once you try it, you'll realize it's not as hard as you thought, but the more you learn about it, the more you'll understand the depth of the process, and how much work can actually go into making a perfect batch of delicious fried rice.

In this video, you can see how a professional cooks fried rice with incredible speed, so if you like cooking or just enjoy food, give it a watch!

This Is How Fried Rice Is Cooked in Japan! Check Out the Amazing Skills of These Chefs as They Create Delicious Dishes!
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