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Introducing Okinawa's First Makishi Public Market!

This video, titled "Naha City First Makishi Public Market 1|Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture" (那覇市第一牧志公設市場 1 沖縄県那覇市), was released by "satobo3104." It's a scenic video showing "Meat Market Avenue" (肉市場通り) in the First Makishi Public Market, in Naha City, Okinawa.

The First Makishi Public Market originated as a black market after World War II.
The market, with its various streets lined with numerous stalls, is a long-beloved area of Naha City.
Even now, the market is known as the "kitchen of Okinawa," as this is where visitors can find all kinds of Okinawan ingredients.
The market is popular with both locals and tourists.

Recommended Items at the First Makishi Public Market

Image of knobsnout parrotfish at the First Makishi Public Market
Photo:Knobsnout parrotfish at the First Makishi Public Market

When you think of Okinawa, seafood is something that's sure to come to mind.
Besides seafood such as prawns, clams, and sea grapes, the market also offers a variety of deep sea and tropical fish, with species such as rare types of groupers, blowfish, parrotfish, and more.
From 3:56 in the video, you can see the rows and rows of fresh seafood in the market.

In addition, meats from pork to Okinawan beef are available as well.
Some specialties include pig's feet, pork ribs and pig face skin.
The lineup of ingredients also includes all sorts of fruits and vegetables, such as bitter gourds, scallions, sponge cucumbers, and pineapples.
Okinawan-style shima tofu, kamaboko fish cakes, preserved items, condiments, and alcohol are available as well.
At this market, you can truly experience the depths of Okinawan culinary culture.
In the video, you can view this wide spread of offerings.

Restaurants in the First Makishi Public Market

Image of sashimi at the First Makishi Public Market
Photo:Sashimi at the First Makishi Public Market

In the market, customers can barter with vendors for prices.
Furthermore, there are also "mochiage" (持ち上げ) systems where you buy ingredients on the first floor and have them prepared as a delicious meal on the second floor.
Of course, on the streets with regular restaurants, you can have your fill of local dishes as well.
From light breakfasts to huge servings of seafood rice bowls, there's a wide variety of delicious food available. Definitely check it out!

Sightseeing in the First Makishi Public Market

Image of the First Makishi Public Market, Okinawa
Photo:The First Makishi Public Market, Okinawa

The entrance of the First Makishi Public Market is right next to Kokusai Dori (国際通り, lit. "International Avenue").
However, due to the aging of the market buildings, demolition work is in progress on the main street of the market.
As of October 2020, the market has been temporarily moved to a separate location, but business is continuing as normal. Renovations are expected to be completed in 2022.

If you're planning a visit to the market, be sure to check out the Okinawa souvenir shop, Okinawa-ya (おきなわ屋), Owl Adventure Park (ふくろうの楽園), Ryukyu Studio ChuraBijin (琉装スタジオ ちゅら美人) to try on Ryukyuan traditional clothing, and Okinawan Art Experience Birafu (沖縄アート体験 美ら風).

Summary of the First Makishi Public Market

Image of the First Makishi Public Market, Okinawa
Photo:The First Makishi Public Market, Okinawa

Many visitors to Okinawa wonder where to taste local dishes and purchase Okinawan ingredients as souvenirs.
As shown in the video, the First Makishi Public Market has absolutely everything you need.
If you’re planning a visit to Okinawa, definitely check out the First Makishi Public Market!

◆First Makishi Public Market Overview◆
【Address】2-7-10 Matsuo, 2-7-10, Naha City, Okinawa 900-0014
【Access】A 9-minute walk from Makishi Station off the Yui Rail Line
【Closures】The fourth Sunday of every month (excluding December)

【Official Website】 Public Market|Naha City First Makishi Public Market Union

【Tripadvisor】First Makishi Public Market

Written By
Last Updated : Dec. 5, 2021
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
Interested in Japanese culture and traditions! I'll be introducing lovely scenery to you!
The First Makishi Public Market Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy Delicious Okinawan Seafood and Find Unique Souvenirs! Being That It's the Largest Market in Okinawa, You Can Find Rare and Unusual Products Here as Well!
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