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This video, titled "[Recipe] Japanese Traditional Sushi "Ehomaki" #8," was released by "Gucci Fufuu's 'What Are We Eating Today?'" (ぐっち夫婦の今日なにたべよう?).

This is a recipe for a variety of seaweed rolls with a mix of ingredients including tuna, salmon, and eggs.
It's under 5 minutes long, so if you're feeling like making sushi at home, you should definitely give this video a try!

It features Japanese and English notes to make each step of the process easier to understand.
The preparation process is also easy to understand.
It also shows how to serve it at 4:20, so if you're learning how to serve food, consider checking it out!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
For Those Looking to Make Great Sushi at Home! A Brightly Colored Seaweed Roll Recipe!
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