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Video introduction of "Jindaiji" in Chofu City, Tokyo

This video, titled "Tokyo Jindai-Ji - 深大寺 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful."
Jindaiji Temple in Chofu, Tokyo is one of the oldest temples in Tokyo, second only to Sensoji Temple.

Stroll around the elegant grounds as you search for goshuin stamps and try out the local delicacies.
Enjoy the soothing atmosphere of Jindaiji Temple through the video!

What Is the Jindaiji Temple? A Look at the Temple's History

Image of Jindaiji, Chofu, Tokyo
Photo:Jindaiji, Chofu, Tokyo

The temple’s name is derived from Jinja-Daio (深沙大王), the Buddhist water god who protected the Chinese monk Xuanzang (玄奘三蔵) as he travelled to Tianzhu (天竺) in search of Buddhist scriptures.
During the year 733, (the Nara Period), Jindaiji Temple was founded by Manku Shonin (満功上人) as a temple of the Hosso sect.
In 859, during the Heian Period (794-1185), the temple was converted to the Tendai sect.
Following that, 800 years later in 1646 and again in 1865 during Edo Period, the temple was twice devastated by fires.
The current main hall was reconstructed during the Taisho Period (1912-1926).

Next to Jindaiji Temple, you'll find the Jindai Botanical Gardens.
The gardens were once formally part of the temple grounds.
The temple's principal object of worship is the figure of the Amida Buddha (Amitabha) placed in the main hall.
Other sacred items are enshrined in the temple as well.
These include the copper seated statue of the Gautama Buddha (銅造釈迦如来倚像) designated a National Treasure, the Bonsho (梵鐘, temple bell) designated an Important Cultural Property, and the 12-armed Goddess of Mercy, Kannon (Avalokiteshvara) (十二支観世音).

Must-See Events at Jindaiji Temple!

Image of the Daruma Doll Market
Photo:Daruma Doll Market

The Jindaiji Daruma Doll Market is one of Japan’s three large daruma doll markets.
There is a "Booth of Enlightenment" (開眼所) where you can have special Sanskrit characters painted on your daruma's eyes.

Other festivals include the Ganzan Daishi Festival (厄除元三大師大祭), the Jindaiji Hozuki Festival (深大寺鬼燈まつり), the Jindaiji Soba Festival (そば守観音供養祭), and the Pet Memorial Service (動物大法要).

Recommended Tourist Spots and Food Near Jindaiji Temple

Image of Jindaiji and Kitaro Chaya, Chofu, Tokyo
Photo:Jindaiji and Kitaro Chaya, Chofu, Tokyo

Chofu, where Jindaiji Temple is located, is where the manga artist Shigeru Mizuki lived more than half of his life.
At Jindaiji Temple, you can find Yokai Café Kitaro Chaya (鬼太郎茶屋), a yokai map of Japan, and even a yokai gallery.
As seen from 0:13 in the video, the front of the café features Kitaro and Mouse Man, two characters who appear in the anime and manga "GeGeGe no Kitaro."

As seen from 2:16 in the video, Jindaiji Temple is famous for its soba, with many soba shops on the temple grounds.
Besides that, visitors can also try their hand at making pottery at the Jindaiji Kiln (深大寺窯).
You can also visit the beautiful Fudo Falls (不動の滝) and walk along the deck.
Nearby are more areas that are fun to explore, such as the Jindai Botanical Gardens, Yumori no Sato Onsen (湯守の里), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (国立天文台), as well as Chofu Airport (調布飛行場).

Summary of Jindaiji Temple

Image of cherry blossoms and the cityscape of Chofu, Jindaiji
Photo:Cherry blossoms and the cityscape of Chofu, Jindaiji

Jindaiji Temple is an area full of greenery, where you can relax even in the heart of the city.
If you've fallen in love with the atmosphere through the video, definitely make a trip down to Jindaiji Temple!

◆Jindaiji Temple Facilities Overview◆
【Address】5-15-1 Jindaiji-moto-machi, Chofu, Tokyo
【Access】A 25-minute walk from Chofu Station on the Keio Line (京王線調布駅), or a 1-minute walk from the Jindaiji bus-stop
【Hours】9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
【Parking】Available in the Jindai Botanical Gardens
【Telephone No】042-486-5511

【Official Website】Jindaiji Temple Homepage【Ganzan Daishi Festival】Chofu, Tokyo

【Tripadvisor】Jindaiji Temple

Written By
Last Updated : May. 6, 2021
坂崎 なお(Nao Sakazaki)
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There Are an Infinite Number of Ways To Enjoy Yourself at the Ancient Jindaiji Temple in Chofu, Tokyo! In This Relaxing Environment, You May Even Be Greeted by Gegege no Kitaro!
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