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A Karumeyaki Demonstration!

This video shows karumeyaki being made at a stall near the Japan Mint in Osaka Prefecture.

Karumeyaki, also known as karuyaki, etc., is a traditional Japanese snack that looks like a large, puffy disk.
From 1:10 in the video, you can see the vendor add granulated sugar and watch it swell.

The taste you'll notice is caramelized sugar with a slightly charred taste and a macaron-like texture.
You don't see karumeyaki stalls very often, but you can find demonstrations at festival and fair stalls, so if you see one, be sure to give it a taste!

Written By
Last Updated : Jun. 12, 2020
新井 美紀(Miki Arai)
I mainly write articles about food. I've been a writer for three years.
A Karumeyaki Demonstration Worthy of Applause! The Popular Candy Sold at Festivals and Street Vendors Is Fun to Watch and Makes a Great Snack!
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