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Ise Jingu Shrine, Ise City, Mie Prefecture, Japan Video Introduction

This video, titled "【伊勢神宮】 SOUL of JAPAN ISE-JINGU" was uploaded by "ISE-JINGU Official Channel" (伊勢神宮 公式チャンネル (ISE-JINGU)). It introduces Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region.

Ise Jingu Shrine is one of Japan's major tourist destinations and has ancient roots. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on!

About Ise Jingu Shrine - A Popular Tourist Destination in Mie Prefecture

Image of Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu Shrine・Toyouke Daijingu
Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu Shrine・Toyouke Daijingu

In 2016, the 42nd G7 Summit was held in Shima, Mie.

Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie is a highly popular tourist destination not only for Japanese tourist, but also for tourists from abroad.
It is called "Oise-san" or "Dai-jingu-san" and officially called "Jingu."
There are 125 shrines, including Inner Shrine where Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined as the ancestral deity of the Imperial family, and the Outer Shrine where Toyouke no Omikami is enshrined as the god of food, clothing, shelter, and industry, and they are collectively referred to as "Jingu."

The video introduces attractive spots at Ise Jingu Shrine for around 5 minutes.
"Toyouke Daijingu" is shown from 0:45, "Shikinen Sengu," where a lot of historical materials are displayed, is shown from 1:24 and the inner shrine is shown from 1:54.
The murmur of the Isuzu River (五十鈴川) at the entrance of Ise Jingu and the spiritual atmosphere is very soothing.

The History of Ise Jingu Shrine

Image of Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu shrine approach
Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu shrine approach

The inner shrine has a history of about 2,000 years and outer shrine about 1500 years.

Originally, Amaterasu Omikami was enshrined in Nara, but was moved around the country in search of a more suitable location and finally settled in Ise, Mie.
Because of its long history, historical figures such as Taira no Kiyomori, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and Oda Nobunaga have also visited the temple.

Worshipping From the Outer Shrine To the Inner Shrine

Image of Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu outer shrine・Tsukiyomi-no-miya entrance
Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu outer shrine・Tsukiyomi-no-miya entrance

When you pray at Ise Jingu Shrine, you have to worship from the outer shrine and then the inner shrine.
This is because Toyouke no Omikami, the deity of the outer shrine, is the god of food for Amaterasu no Mikami, the deity of the inner shrine, and it was customary to offer food to her before visiting the inner shrine, and it is still customary to visit the shrines in that order.

Enjoy Tourist Sites Around Ise Jingu!

Image of Mie Prefecture, Shiroko Station・Suzuka City Billboard
Photo:Mie Prefecture, Shiroko Station・Suzuka City Billboard

There are many tourist sites in the city, such as Suzuka Circuit, Nagashima Spa Land and Shima Spain Village (志摩スペイン村).

Because of this, the number of tourists continued to break a records for the third year in a row and in 2018, at a total of 42.6 million tourists.
Out of 42.6 million people, Ise Jingu was visited by more than 8 million tourists, solidifying Ise Jingu as a major tourist destination in Mie Prefecture.

Summary of Ise Jingu Shrine

Image of Ise Jingu Shrine, Mie Prefecture
Photo:Ise Jingu Shrine, Mie Prefecture

The video introduces Ise Jingu Shrine, a tourist destination in Mie Prefecture.

Ise Jingu Shrine is a sightseeing spot with a very spiritual and solemn atmosphere.
You can feel the solemnity just by watching the video.
Be sure to visit Ise Jingu Shrine when you travel to Mie Prefecture!

◆Ise Jingu Shrine|General Information◆
【Address】1 Ujitachi, Ise, Mie 516-0023
【Access】Access to the outer shrine is a 5-minute walk from Iseshi Station. The inner shrine is about a 30-minute walk from Isuzugawa Station
【Admission Fee】Free
【Hours】5am to 6pm
【Closures】No holidays

【Official Website】Ise Jingu Shrine

【Tripadvisor】Ise Jingu Shrine

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 28, 2022
鈴木 正孝(Masataka Suzuki)
A writer born and raised in Asakusa, Tokyo who loves traveling and novels
Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, has a long history of 2,000 years. One of the most popular tourist spots in Japan is a sacred power spot that you should visit at least once in your lifetime!
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